[hello readers. I have yet another themed OC story for you. This one may take a back seat to my others but I wanted to get this one out there. Enjoy!]

"Patient 6240, Name Flippy. Admitted today by his peers in Happy Tree Town. Their reasons; several accounts of violent psychotic episodes. Flippy has been diagnosed with severe PTSD. He is currently taking medication but the effects seem minimal. Where do you want to house him" explained a blue ferret.

Sitting in a straight jacket and bound to a restraint chair was a green bear clad in military fatigues. His eyes appeared dull, lazy, tired. His expression was one of despair. His eyes locked onto the warden without even a hint of protest. Despite that the bear wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Well, I've been checking his previous records. Guess the folks in Happy Tree Town have finally had enough of him. Given his record we're going to keep him in a high security cell. Send him to E wing, I'll send out his schedule in a few hours" said the silver mountain goat warden.

"Very well sir. Umm… there is another one waiting just outside, shall I send them in now?" asked the Ferret orderly.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken this one is from Tree Town as well, heh, looks like they're cleaning house over there" said the Warden.

The orderly exited the room with Flippy in tow. After he left another orderly entered the room. This one a yellow echidna and in his custody was a green squirrel with candy plastered all over his face.

"Patient 6241, name Nutty. Admitted today by the people of Happy Tree Town. Their reasons; he is a menace. His psychotic actions have on more than one occasion have caused senseless injury and death" said the orderly.

"So they really are cleaning house over there. Looks like they're trying to ship out anyone who can be labeled as insane. Well his records indicate that he is not particularly violent. He has gotten aggressive at points but doesn't seem to be a killer. Send him to B wing" ordered the warden.

The echidna left the room with Nutty.

The ferret had begun bringing Flippy to his cell. The complex was large, probably the largest in the country. As the two passed through the blocks scenery changed drastically. Each one seemed designed for the one who it was intended for. Flippy began to wonder what his would be like. After so many years of fighting his condition Flippy had grown tired. The medication affected him less and less as time went on and now it didn't seem to do anything. His despondent eyes stared through the glass of a room. On the inside he could see a grey rabbit playing ping pong in what looked like a child's play room. It is in a cell near here that Nutty was dropped off. Flippy had wished he had such a state of mania to be happy here but he was sane, sane at one moment and psychotic the next. Only half of him belonged here, the other half belonged back in tree town with the one he loved, and the friends he had made. After a walk which seemed like an eternity the two had finally stopped. It was a hallway with thickly walled cells. The hall was guarded with a regiment of armed guards, this was the place.

The Ferret had brought the chair in front of a door and swiped a card. Guards assembled around the cell as the Ferret released the restraints and the straight jacket. The bear stood up and glanced back at them with sorrowful eyes as he sauntered into his cell.

[yep, short introduction. As you may have guessed I'm doing a psychopath exclusive. I am taking OC's that have mental conditions in the category of insane. Not all of them need to be violent of course. Here's the form you must fill out to have them admitted.






Mental condition:

Reason for being admitted:

Anything else you want to tell me about them:

There we go. Submit, sit back, and get ready for the insanity.]