Star-Rose Lover: NOOOOO! YUGIOH 5DS IS OVER! *sobs*

Jack: Why are you so upset? It actually ended better than you thought it would.

Star-Rose Lover: I know was so sad! I was fine up until the end where they all went their seperate ways, and then I broke down crying. I haven't been that upset in a long time...

Jack: Sissy.

Star-Rose Lover: Hey, I don't want to hear it. You would be too if you literally was addicted to the show.

Jack: You're addicted to the show?

Star-Rose Lover: Well, not really. I mean, I liked it a LOT though. I thought about it all the time, especially Yusei and Akiza...haha YAY!

Crow: ...Are you on crack or something?

Star-Rose Lover: Haha, no! I'm just happy! Didn't you see Yusei and Akiza at the end?

Crow: Well yeah but-

Star-Rose Lover: But nothing! They like each other! And I KNOW they kissed off screen, I've seen that happen before!

Crow: Whatever you say...*mutters* wierdo...

Star-Rose Lover: Hey! I'm not a weirdie, k? But anyways, I think I am mostly happy because that I know they will all meet again someday...

Jack: How do you know?

Star-Rose Lover: *sighs* Just a feeling. Well now that my rant is done, lets get on with chapter 7 shall we?

Akiza couldn't move. It was almost like she was paralyzed, unable to move a single body part. And to make things worse, her head throbbed. It hurt so much that she couldn't even think straight as to where she was or how she got there. The only thing that Akiza could possibly take notice of was the darkness that surrounded her and...well, something that quite intrigued her.

There was a screen like thing in front of her that made it hard to look anywhere else but it because it obscured her vision. And inside that screen was not only her, but the others as well. There was these two doctors that she didn't recognize too, but they didn't really consern her. All she knew was that she was acting really wierd in this screen-like thing.

She acted like she had no idea who her friends were, and even made Leo cry because of it. Though her head screamed in protest, she used every bit of her will power to try and urge this obviously fake her to go and comfort him, but it was to no avail.

Then Yusei told Crow and Jack to take them home, and he talked to her about who she was and even said that her name was beautiful when the fake her claimed it was scary.

Did she detect a small blush on Yusei Fudo's cheeks when he said that? Never had she seen Yuesi blush. Maybe it was just her imagination...

Then out of nowhere, a sharp pain struck her skull. If she wasn't paralyzed she would have put her hands to her head and screamed in agony it hurt so much. But she just couldn't move...

And just like how the sharp pain had appeared, a sinister laughter appeared as well. Akiza knew that laugh from anywhere...

And just like that Sayer stood in front of her, smirking, replacing himself with the wide screen. To tell the truth Akiza liked the screen better.

Sayer's smirk disappeared and was replaced with a frown. "I heard that you know..." he muttered.

'How? Did he just read my thoughts-'

"Yes, Akiza I read your thoughts. You can't speak at all, right? I know you haven't noticed that yet until I just now told you, but at least you know that you can't move," Sayer smiled big like a Chesire cat. "You are momentarily paralyzed as of right now. You can't move unless I give you the ok."

And as if to show what he was talking about, he lifted his pointer finger up, causing Akiza to go up with it. "See? You are under my command, just like the old days..."

"NO!" Akiza screamed inside her head, causing Sayer to take a step back. "I...I am not your puppet anymore. Yusei saved me from you and...and he will do it again."

"Really?" Sayer smirked. "Then where is your little knight in shining armor? Definently not here that's for sure."

"But the screen...he was in the screen-"

"That was the real world, Akiza. Right now you are isolated in your head, locked, unable to get out and unable to even try," Sayer snickered. "Just as I had said earlier, you are once again under my command, and you will do whatever I want you to do. In both worlds actually..." Sayer's snicker turned again into his sinister laugh.

'So what you are saying is...that you have control of me in both worlds...overall you have utter and complete control over what I do...even hurting my-"

"Friends. Yes, even if I wanted to I can make you hurt one of your precious friends. And you can't stop one can stop me!" Sayer laughed again manically. "I will do what I wanted to do so many months ago! I will create my Psychic Army, with the Black Rose Witch as its cause, and its leader!" Sayer chackled.

Akiza blinked, everything making sense to her now. Sayer was using her body in the real world to start up a psychic army, pretending that she had no memory. And all she do was sit back and watch...

At the thought Akiza struggled, but again it was to no avail. Sayer just watched her, amused.

Finally Akiza gave up, letting out a scream of frustration in her head. Sayer smiled and said, "No one will hear you, Akiza. You are...alone."

As soon as Sayer uttered the word alone Akiza found herself in the dark room with no Sayer around, but something worse. Several screens decorated the dark and eerie room, all showing her friends. Even her parents were in one of them. And they looked like...they were in pain.

And then she saw something in one of the screens that frightened her the most.

It was her, yet it was such defiled version of her. She was the Black Rose Witch again, terrifying anything and everything that got in her way. Laughing, enjoying her time. And then Akiza saw her friends.

They were bloody and broken, looking up at her with something she had never seen before in their eyes. Hate, fright, anger, everything that they never promised to look upon her as.

Leo and Luna held on to each other, tears rolling off their cheeks, calling her a monster and a witch. Crow did no different, except he was holding the dead orphan kids he loved and cared for as he cried mournfully, calling her a monster and a witch as well. Akiza felt her heart cringe at the sight.

Then she saw Jack. Jack was holding a girl with some weird glasses, who Akiza thought was Carly, but yet she was too broken to really tell. And that was the first time she had ever seen Jack Atlas cry. Though he didn't utter a sound, his eyes toldit all. He hated her.

Then she saw Yusei. Akiza held back a gasp of fright as him. He was holding his bloodied arm, and was glaring at her with absolute hatred. And then he said something that broke her heart in two. "I believed you...I thought had really...changed...I couldn't have been" 'Don't say it,' Akiza pleaded. 'Please don't-' "You monster," Yusei finished up, glaring at her. "You are really a monster. You were right about that."

Akiza never felt such a terrible pain in her heart. Yusei...the man she loved...just called her a monster.

All of the sudden Akiza could move, and she sat up ever so slowly. Tears flowed out of her eyes though she didn't make a sound. She bent over herself, clutching her now shaking form. Yusei...hated her. He...called her a monster. She was truly...all alone.

Star-Rose Lover: Wow I really made that sad, didn't I? Please know that the words in italics are Akiza's mind and if not its the real world with Yusei and the others.

Akiza:...I hate you.

Star-Rose Lover: *sigh* Yeah I know, you told me that a million times already. -.-

Akiza: Why are you torturing me!

Star-Rose Lover: Because you're easy to.

Akiza: Thats the best excuse you got? Why can't you torture Yusei?

Yusei: Hey now...

Star-Rose Lover: Well first off, you're really easy because you've had a bad past and had a hard time dealing with it considering you had no friends. Yusei, on the other hand, sounds like he didn't really have a good past either since he lived in the Sattelite, but yet he had friends around him making him less vulernable. Though I will probalby torture Yusei sometime later on in my other stories, you Akiza are easier since I am just a beginning writer. Also, I like damsel in distress kind of stories in which the knight in shining armor comes and rescues her. Haha, never get tired of those. ^-^

Yusei: Hey um, which story will I get tortured in?

Star-Rose Lover: Probalby the story after the one I am coming up with right now. Hehe, I gpt plans for you too...*thinking deviously*

Yusei: Oh boy...

Star-Rose Lover: Speaking of which, I still have my poll up on which story to do next! I would really like it if you would please take a vote on it because I really need to start getting idea on it. So far only 5 people have voted. So far, its going like this:

Crashed: 3

And You Are?: 1

Swallow My Pride: 1

Returned: 0

So if you would please, vote so I can start getting an idea of what will happen. Please and thank you!

Luna and Leo: Please review as well!