I do not own Alice in Wonderland.

Don't most people have more than one dream? Ah yes, but you are not most people. You are Alice. Absolutely Alice for the rest of your life. And what a life it has been.

The Kingsley family are rich, very rich, and world trading has never been so profitable an industry. Mr. Kingsley, doing the modern thing and taking his wife's name, has been dead these past seven years, and you have always managed to keep a smile on that aging face of yours. You are still so curious, I doubt you have ever not been.

Soon, so soon though, you shall be Alice no more, as your family gather around your blue bedsheets one last time to hold witness to a fantastical thing. Your gray hair fades to blonde, your skin smooths to porcelain and your old bones grow strong. You never did lose that muchness, and yet now it swells until you become too much for the world to hold.

This world, that is.

A great blue butterfly descendeth upon us, his wings like the ocean, his voice a harsh lullabye. He cradles you and lifts you up, Alice, taking you away.

Mama, where is grandmother going?

To Wonderland, where else?