Hi this is my first plum fanfic. I don't own anything

I am a huge Ranger Fan and can't really stand

Joe Morelli don't ask why cause I just can't.

Lula and Grandma M rock. I love the merry men

they are awesome! And Stephanie well I just

wish I was Stephanie!

Lula's POV

I know she's in there her cars in the lot and she wouldn't be walking cause the white girl hates any form of exercise.

I dug in my purse and pulled out the lock picking kit Tank had given me for Christmas. He had taught me how to pick locks

I was good too. "White gurl here I come, you best not be dead or I will freak. You know I hate finding dead people," I mumbled. I was in.

The kitchen and living area were empty except for Rex. So I ventured into the bedroom slowly. There was my white Cracker.

"Whit girl why you not at work? We has lots of idiots to catch today. I said placing my hands on my hips

"What happened to your face!" I said when I saw the bruise. I figured my Best friend had just fell down the stairs or ran into something again. I wasn't ready for what Steph said next, but it was enough to piss me off and nobody wants to be doing that. I have been known to pull my gun out or sit on someone when I am mad.

"I ended things with Joe last night, Lula I told him I was in love with Ranger." My white girl said.

"What, no way gurl good for you." I said feeling proud of my white cracker.

"Yeah, well Joe didn't think so, he hit me" she said.

"Say what! Oh no Hugh ugh aint no stupid little white boy be hitting my best friend. Lula aint putting up with that shit."

Don't do anything stupid Lula we both know you hate jail and that's where you go when you do stupid thing."

"Oh I aint doing nothing stupid I just going to kill me a white boy's all. plenty more stupid Little white boys where he come from aint no one going to miss him." I said as anger continued to boil up inside of me. "Besides I can get Batman to help, he wont be to happy when he see's ya face."

"Lula this aint just any white boy, this is Joe, the cop, and you cant tell Ranger."

"I cant lie to Batman, me and him are tight since I been dating my Tankie, he even says more than hi to me now I cant jeopardize that" I said my voice raising. "Now white girl, get up get a shower and get ready for work, I'll see you there" I said. Then I did something for the first time since we had been friends. I bent down and kissed Stephanie on the cheek.

"It's going to be ok white gurl, Batman loves you he just scared to admit it." With that I left leaving Stephanie there to get her self put together for the day.

Once I was back inside my Ford Mustang another Gift from my man I pulled my cell out.

"Yo! you know what to do." I did know what to do so when the beep came I started talking.

"Ya Batman its me Lula. why the hell don't you answer the phone? look I need you to met me at officer shit heads house preferably before I kill him I don't mind doing time for assault but I don't want to be in for life. I figured you'd probably want the honors of killing him and if you don't show up in time to save him you wont get the honors," I said and hung up.

Damn Batman why he always got to be out of reach.