Altair opened his mouth, but jumped instead, when a loud "thunk" came from the roof. There was a curse from overhead as Desmond scrambled to his knees and lifted the slingshot to the opening, taking careful aim and firing. It missed, but it worked well enough that Ezio jumped down and fired again, hitting the edge of the hole. Desmond barked out a laugh as he heard Altair get ready with the gun and fire. The cupcake smashed into the door, and he watched it slide slowly to the floor, leaving a trail of bright yellow icing. Ezio was moving about near the door, his eyes scrutinizing the little fortress. The newest assassin grinned.

"I built it Ezio-proof!" he said with a cheeky grin.

"Yes, but I block your escape, and your ammunition cannot last forever."

Altair was peering from one of the holes. "But neither can yours, and we will wait."

Another cupcake went whizzing out, half of it hitting Ezio's thigh and smearing a bright blue trail across the side of his robes. He growled and fired one in retaliation. Desmond yelped and jerked, falling onto his butt, bright green icing all over his left eye and cheekbone and part of a yellow cupcake stuck to his face. Desmond growled and wiped the cake away, his hoodie now with a bright green smudge all over his sleeve.

Altair fired again, missing and hitting the floor, leaving a large streak of red icing and moist cake on the stones. A smear of bright red could be seen on Ezio's foot.

"That was a terrible shot. Are you sure—"

"Hush, novice. I know what I'm doing."

Desmond frowned. He wasn't entirely sure this would be exciting. He'd have to make sure they didn't end in a boring stalemate: this was too much fun. And if he got really hungry, he could always eat the ammunition as Altair suggested.

He watched Ezio moving, getting closer little by little. He risked a glance at Altair, who seemed to be holding his breath, as quiet as death as he crouched by another opening, waiting and watching. He turned back to his opening and half-jumped out of his skin when another cupcake went narrowly whizzing by Ezio to create—yet another—trail of icing and cake all over the stones in front of the door. He gave Altair an odd look. There must have been a reason he keep narrowly missing their enemy. Altair never bothered to look back at him, and he frowned but went back to his watch. He had two shots of the six cupcakes left. He needed more, again.

But he wouldn't be reaching the door anytime soon, he was sure of it. He resigned to thinking carefully. After several minutes of the intense quiet, a harebrained idea came to him. And if his last one worked, hopefully, he thought luck would be on his side again. He grabbed the six-cupped tray Shaun had given Altair to carry his ammunition. With one readied in his grip and the wrist rocket folded into his pantline, he leapt up, knocking the door on the top off and lobbed the cupcake as hard as he could at Ezio and leapt over the table in front of him, rushing to the door.

Unfortunately, he remembered the icing on the floor too late and saw himself going to meet the floor. The cupcake tray clattered to the ground as he caught himself over it and rolled with the momentum, releasing a loud "oomph" when Ezio landed on top of him.

He hardly noticed that Altair ran past both of them, Ezio now with a cupcake in hand and planting it solidly on his collarbone, grinding the icing into his shirt, and damn if that didn't feel gross. He groped blindly about and finally landed on his last cupcake as they wrestled on the floor. Desmond brought his hand up and almost cheered in triumph when he got Ezio square in the jaw with the purple and white treat.

After a few seconds more of grappling about, he managed to shove Ezio off and get to his feet, taking off without a second glance. Halfway down the hall, he yelped, and his hands flew to cover his ass as he felt a cupcake smack him solidly on the butt of his jeans. Desmond glanced over his shoulder to see Ezio chasing after him with a smug smirk and one more—ruined—cupcake left from the tray. He looked straight ahead again and rounded the corner, his feet lifting off with his momentum, but he couldn't stop running.

He was chased down several narrow hallways as he rushed toward Shaun's door. Shaun's room was his safe haven—although it always had been, especially at night and sleeping with him to chase the nightmares away—and he knew he'd be able to reload if he could just reach it. And then he could get Ezio.

When his hands touched the door, he yanked it open and stepped inside. Altair was there, hand outstretched as if he was just about to leave. Desmond watched his eyes flicker down to the bright blue—probably permanent—stain on his hoodie and undershirt. He yelped when he felt Ezio crashed into him, and he found that Altair's chest was much more preferable to land on than stone when he fell. He heard Altair groan, and Desmond wriggled out, sticking a hand out and slamming it onto the ground to get up, only to feel the familiar ooze of frosting, bright orange frosting particularly.

He grimaced and flexed his fingers once before rising. Ezio was all ready on his feet, brushing himself off. He offered a hand to Altair, who stood and surveyed the number of cupcakes he landed on. Desmond looked at Shaun, Leonardo, and Malik, who each looked torn between anger and worry.

"Do not worry. No papers are ruined."

He heard all three sigh in relief. Desmond wiped his hand on his jeans, grimacing at the feel of the icing all over his hand.

"Uh… Hey, Shaun. Looks like I need more cupcakes."

He looked toward the British man and grinned sheepishly.

"You'll be as right as rain in no time, Desmond. Just give me a second."

Altair placed a hand on Desmond's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "I will wait back at base."

He grinned and nodded, giving him a thumbs-up. He watched as Shaun and Leonardo each went about filling up the two trays, and he almost laughed at the care they were taking to pick out an assortment of colors. As he waited, he reached over and snagged a bright pink cupcake, peeling the paper off and taking a bite.

"Fattie," he heard Rebecca say, and he frowned.

"You shouldn't eat too many of those Desmond, you'll break your diet."

He heard Malik scoff. "Because it's done him so much more help than a harder training schedule. Novices."

"But he's already lost a considerable amount of weight!" Leonardo exclaimed, walking over and lifting up Desmond's shirt to reveal his well-muscled stomach.

He turned bright red at the compliment and tried to tug his shirt back down. Leonardo laughed and finished gathering the cupcakes. Once he swallowed, he stuck his tongue out. "I can't really risk going to the kitchen right now since I'm in a war, so that salad'll have to wait."

Shaun handed him the tray, studying him. Desmond grinned and turned to walk out with Ezio. He sputtered when he heard Shaun say, "Yes, he's remarkably dashing now with all those muscles."

As he closed the door behind him, he glanced at the cupcake in his hand. With a wicked grin, he brought it down on Ezio's head, getting that bright pink icing all over in his hair, and Desmond couldn't help but laugh maniacally as he ran down the hall to his base.

As he entered the room, he froze. Altair himself was standing in the middle of the base, trying his damnedest not to look frightened. He was standing in the middle of the base, holding the door against his back to roof the base once Desmond had jumped in. And in between him and Altair stood Lucy, a pissed off, irritated Lucy. He could hear Ezio almost screech to a halt when he saw the woman standing there.

"And what the Hell happened here?"

There was silence, complete and utter silence. None of them wanted to speak.

"I hope you're planning on cleaning this mess up."

And sure enough, Malik thought as he helped clean up a little, Shaun was right: he really did enjoy watching Altair clean up the mess with his white robes stained as if a rainbow had vomited all over him.

Bahaha! Another one is complete! Pfffffft. Maybe I need to get a life, instead of filling all these prompts on LJ. All rightie then, I'm off to fill my next one.