This is my first fanfic! Hope you guys will enjoy it. There are probably many mistakes here. (I never got a chance to re-read it) I'll fix it up a bit when I have time.

The beginning is during the past. All my italicized words would be either a flashback, a scene of a past/memory etc., or long self thoughts.

Please enjoy!~

The wind blows gently causing the branches of the surrounding trees to sway. A leaf broke off and flew in circular motions toward the star infested sky. It dances across many houses and people, till it lands on a young boy's lap. This boy then looks at the leaf with eyes that reek of surprise. The leaf is shape as a heart. After a moment of brain storming, he grabs hold of the leaf and runs into his home. He passes many servants and chiefs, but stops in front of large sliding doors which were guarded swordsmen, one on each side.

"Young master, why are you here, in such an hour of the night?" the left swordsman said.

"I would like to speak to my father please," the boy replied.

"Aha ha," the right swordsman chuckled, "I'm sure he would love to speak to his son." He slides open the door for the boy and gestures him to go in.

"Thank you, sir," the young boy smiles.

The swordsman nods as his sign of thanks. The boy walks in to see his father writing in a book. On each of his side there lie mountains of books and papers. His father sure is a busy man, but no matter what he is doing, he will always take time off to make his attention completely focus on his son. The man looks up and sees his son walking towards him. He puts his book and brush down.

"Not sleeping yet I see," he chuckles lightly, "what do you need of me, my son?"

"Father, sorry to interrupt you…"

"No, no! I was about to take a break anyway, so what interesting news do you have to share?"

The boy runs over to his father and sits on his lap. He takes out the leaf that was lying inside his sleeve.

"Father, its shape of a hear-"

"GAHHHHH!" the scream cuts the boy's sentence.

The large sliding doors broke down and a man wearing black from head to toe steps in. The door has knock down the candles that lie on each corner of the room. The flame then spreads, surrounding them. His blade is covered in blood and continues to drip from the tip as he steps closer to them. The boy's father quickly throws the boy under the table. The boy just sits silently because of the fear of the man and the safety of his father.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" the boy's father draws out his sword and points at the masked man.

The man did not answer and quickly attacks. The boy's father only blocks few of the blades attack until death struck upon him. The masked man's blade slices the boy's father causing him to scream in pain. The blood splatters across the room and reaches to the boy's view. The boy whimpers and tears runs down his cheeks like waterfalls. The masked man hears him and walks towards the table. He slowly bends his head down to look for any signs of witnesses.

"Master, I created a fire surrounding the castle and each your men had already caught every room on fire. No one should be able to escape," another man with a mask and black clothes said, "We better escape soon before the fire increases."

The killer looks up at his servant and nods. They quickly runs out of them room, completely forgetting about the whimper.

"Whoever was there will burn in ashes anyway," the killer thought as he ran pass the burning corpses that flood the hallways.

The boy's tears fall from his face and causes ripples in his father's pool of blood. He realizes that he must escape in order to survive and grieving for his father will do him no good. He takes his father's sword and swung it at the walls of his burning home. He had created an opening to the outside world. Quickly, he runs through it before that part of the building collapses. As he ran through, part of his yukata caught on fire. This frightens the child more; he was too worried to realize that he was walking into a steep hill. He then falls, rolling down and splashes into a pond below. The boy gets up with no more tears to cry and looks down at the leaf he is still holding. The edges were worth out from his fall and half of it was burnt within the fire. Just a moment ago, he is the happiest child on earth and now his is left with nothing. No home, no family, and no more love that exists inside his tiny heart. He swears to his father that he will avenge him. His eyes shine with the color of blood.

"Master, we have a problem. One of my men in charge of killing the lord's son failed his mission. He claims that the boy was not in his room, sir," the masked man's servant said.

"It doesn't matter. There is no way his could have escaped this burning hell," the masked man replied. He walks away from the fire and into the forest that is close by.

"In order to fulfill my destiny of becoming the Lord of the Mibu, I had to kill. I'm sorry, Kyo. You have to die because you were the only heir. It is your own fault for having such rotten luck to be the son of him," he whispers as his eyes roam the star infested sky.

The wind blows gently causing the branches of the surrounding trees to sway. A leaf broke off and flew in circular motions toward the star infested sky. It dances across many houses and people, till it lands into the fire of the burning castle.

Sixteen years after:

"Yuya, you must not go outside! It is dangerous. There have been many reports claiming that a murder is on the loose! There have been rumors claiming that the murder is the son of a lord who died of a tragic fire. They say that he made a deal with the devil himself and became a demon that kills anyone within his path to collect their souls to resurrect his dead father!" a young woman with long raven hair said.

"Don't be silly, Sakuya! If anything happens I'll shoot them with my gun!" the blonde girl takes a gun from under her yukata and aims it to an invisible target in front of her, "No demon scares me!"

"That is not what a mistress should do! How are you going to find a husband that way? You are already at the age of sixteen and should be wedded!"

"Psh, I don't want to be a lady just for looks. If a man wants me, he has to defeat me first! A man that cannot protect his own wife is useless!"

Sakuya gives out a long sigh and she adds, "No man can take you down, Yuya. He has to be a demon in order to!"

"Then a demon I must wed!" Yuya cheers. She runs into the garden just outside of the castle. She continues running ahead that leads to a forest.

"Yuya, wait! You were supposed to meet with your fiancé today during lunch! There is no way I can make up an excuse today; he will kill me!"

"Don't worry, Sakuya! I'll come back before noon!" and she runs off without turning back again.

"I will kill this demon and bring his head to my father to prove to him that I'm strong enough to travel by myself!"

Her golden hair flows behind her as she runs pass many trees and bushes. Her eyes reflect the color of jade and skin of snow. Many men had asked for her hand in marriage, but so far she rejected all of them. About 95% of the men had changed their minds once they found out she was a very violent woman. They did not want a dominant wife and all they desire was a beautiful doll that sits there, waiting for their commands. Yuya hates to stand still. She believes that no man that she will ever wed is dominant over her unless they are worthy, so she builds a requirement for all her fiancés. She hates perverted men who just want a beautiful wife. Any man that can defeat her is eligible to be a candidate. So far, none had passed.

Yuya suddenly stops as she smells the metallic blood scent. She slowly walks towards it and at the corner of her eyes she sees a pool of blood. There is a dead body that was freshly sliced and on its left side is his murder whose blade is dripping with its red liquid.

The killer gave off an immense terrifying aura. He holds the blade up to his face and licks the warm fluid that completely covers it. While his arms were flexed, Yuya can see every defined muscle within his flesh. The man had dark long hair with a glint of red. His body frame reeks of man; strong build, wide shoulders, and sharp edges. She couldn't make out how his face looks like from her distance, so she went closer to have a better look.

The man senses that he was being watched and lets the "little bunny" run a little before he strikes. Once Yuya was in ten meters with his radius, he disappears in front of her eyes. She blinks a couple of times and reaches under her yukata to get a hold of the handle of her gun. She hunches a bit as her body forms into a striking position.

"Where are you? Come out of hiding…" Yuya thinks to herself.

Suddenly, a warm hand appeared on top on her hand that held the gun; it tightens, restricting the movement within that hand. Her heart skips a beat due to the fact of the sudden movement that surprised her. Since the hand that held the gun was secured, she quickly lifts her yukata and takes out two thin daggers and strikes whoever was bold enough to reach under YUYA's yukata. A strong hand, quicker than hers, knocks the two daggers out of her grasp and secures both of her hands with only a single hand behind her back. Yuya winces as the grip tighten, but the other hand still remains on her right thigh. Then a blade meets her neck and she shivers from the ice cold blade.

"Ohh look what I've caught! My, my isn't this a wretched bunny"

"Wha- "Yuya says as she turns around to meet her enemy.

It was that man who had caused that corpse to bleed his life out. Her emerald eyes meet his bloody ones. Yuya weakens as if electricity is running throughout her body. She does not know why but this man was strong enough to weaken her with one glance. The man's features were not necessarily soft; he had strong and hard edges. His skin was rough and tan which made Yuya know that this man was no joke. His scent gave off a strong immense fragrance of blood. Yuya knows by now that this is a man who has no mercy on anyone; not even a "little bunny."

"L-Let go of me you perv! Watch where your h-hands are!" she stuttered. Yuya never encounter a being that she could not handle. This was the first time she ever felt fear in situations like this. This was the first time she felt as if she were being played. She struggled in his grasp for awhile longer. Then he finally responds.

"Oh?" he mocked; he takes the gun out of its holder and brought it close to her face. "Did you think this could kill me?" Then his laughter roars throughout the forest, startling the animals. He bends close to her hear and whispered, "Don't be so full of yourself," he crushes the gun in his hand and throws the clump of metal out of her sight.

"S-Shut up! Do you know who are you t-talking to? I am the daughter of-,"

"Do YOU know WHO you are talking to?" Yuya stops breathing for awhile and slowly faces her enemy. Now that he asked her the question, she finally realized that all his features matched the descriptions of the wanted man… or should it be… demon.

"D-demon eyes… K-k-,"

"You are not worthy of pronouncing my name by your pathetic tongue," he cuts her off.

Yuya's eyes widens and told herself," he is going to kill me! I never would have thought the demon was this strong. I never felt so humiliated in my life!" After she thought to herself, her mind repeats the word "humiliated" over and over again. Mistress of a grand family… no PRINCESS Yuya will never forgive herself of lowering herself to ANYONE. Her pride grew; she was not going to let this demon play with her. Not even if it costs her life.

"Did you not hear me the first time?" Kyo blinks at her rhetorical question. "I said LET GO OF ME."

The blade slices a thin mark on her neck and her blood slowly drips from the wound. Kyo bends down to the trap of her neck; he takes his wet muscle from his mouth and licks upon the wound. Her skin was soft and her blood was sweet, he thought. He knew that this woman was healthy which meant that she came from a wealthy family. "I could make use of her," he decides as a flawless smirk appears on his thin lips. Yuya can feel his warm tongue tickle her fair skin that brought the hairs of her back to stand. She could not think at the moment even after he had stop tasting her. His warm saliva still lingers on her skin which brought electricity to flow throughout her body once again. Where he had touch her started to burn. Yuya begins to feel heated and her breathing became heavier. Her cheeks changes from white to pink as blood rushes to her face. Her body felt weaker than before.

"W-what's happening to m-me?" she questions as her eyes begins to drupe.

"I thought you wanted me to let you go… Are you still sure about that?" Kyo's smirk became even wider with confidence. ".. . Or do you want me to continue?"

"Wha- What did you do to me? Why is it s-so w-warm… all of a sudden," she fell forward. Her body lays hanging from her arms that are secured by Kyo. His free hand reaches under her yukata again and smoothes her thigh.

"I didn't do anything," he smirks once again, "you are merely responding to my touch."

"N-no… way!"

"Oh? Could it be that you are aroused by me…?"

His mocking tone snaps Yuya back her mental state and glares at him. Kyo was slightly surprised she could be so stubborn. "A virgin," he thought to himself, "this will be fun." He releases her; once Yuya's wrists can finally feel the blood rushing back to her pale flesh, she picks up her daggers and strikes straight towards his face. She hated his smirk; it mocked her, but for some insane reason, she thinks, in the deepest part of her mind, that it was sexy. He laughs and dodges to the side to her pathetic attempt. He swings his sword vertically at her and cuts the daggers into perfect haves. Yuya closes her eyes as she meets her death strike, but it never came. A silent breeze blew as her eyes are still tightly shut. Strangely, she felt colder than usual, actually naked to be exact.

"Heh. You're quite small. That's no fun," he shrugged.

Yuya quickly opens her eyes and saw her exposed naked body giving this demon a show. She screamed in a high pitch tone as her grabs the haves of the yukata to her chest, trying to cover as much as possible. Kyo sticks a finger in his left hear and scrunch his eyes brows. "What are you embarrassed about? There is nothing there. Instead of running into trouble all the time, you should concentrate more on developing on becoming a woman," he shrugged.

"You, Y-you PERVERT! How dare you see my naked body! Now no man will ever want to wed me for sure!" she screamed as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes.

"Eh? Who would want that? I feel sorry for a man that will CHOOSE you. Nothing to grab hold of." Yuya blushes red as a tomato. How dare he insult her after viewing her heavenly body; this was the first time a male had lay eyes on her pure anatomy. He looked at her as the blood rushes to the near surface of her skin, making her pale form into the color of an apple. He approaches her and kneels before her "dying of shame and embarrassment" form.

"Don't worry," he smirks.

She looks up at him like a lost child. THE Kyo was going to comfort her?

"You won't be able to wed a man anyway. You belong to me now. Congratulations, dog face. You have been upgraded from a worthless being into my slave," he added.

Yuya's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Slave? Who decided on that?

"N-NO!" she stands up, still clutching the materials over her chest, "I have to return home! My… f-f-fianc-"she cuts herself off. "This will kill me," she thought. "My fiancé will be looking for me! You better watch it. He is a very well known samurai that can probably kick your ass." Probably a very nice ass she added in the back of her mind and she mentally smacks herself for it. His lips return to his legendary smirk.

"That would be interesting… A good fight is just what I've been craving for." Yuya's eyes widen at his statement. This man is definitely insane. "You are worth more than I thought. Good job, slave. You are better at your job than you think. You already know one of my favorite hobbies," he added. He lifts her up with one arm and throws her onto his broad shoulder. She hits his shoulder pad and felt the icy metal touch her breasts. She screams at him to release her at once; she even throws her feet and arms all over the place, but he would only laugh and reminded her that she was naked as a baby bunny. She flushes red at his comment and started to feel insure. What if someone spots her? She would bring shame on her family name and be known as a prostitute/slave for the rest of her life. So, she decided to stop struggling and covers her face. At least that will give her a better chance at protecting her family's name and herself from shame.

"Sakuya…I'm sorry, but I won't be returning anytime soon. My strength is not strong enough to defeat this devil… PLEASE find me! I do not wish to be with this man any longer! His is the worst man I ever met in my entire sixteen years of life. He claims that I have a flat chest (clearly I'm not!) and calls me ugly! How rude! I am probably the most beautiful woman he will ever see! Not only that but he makes me his slave… I can't fight him… please rescue me soon! I don't want to destroy my pride any longer! SAVE ME FROM DEMON EYES KYO!

How did you guys like it so far? I promise that next chapter will be AMAZING :)! (Much longer too :D)

See yah fellow readers!

PLEASE SUPPORT ME! I lose interest in things fast, so please help support me to finish this fanfic!

Thank you! ^O^