Hi, I'm back, sorry for this wait and anymore waits in the future. Sorry folks, but this ain't a Mikey/Kagome, and if she were being paired with one of the TMNT characters, I would've put as much on the description, good guess though. But it just shows that Mikey and Kags are going to have a close friendship. I own nothing, please enjoy.




Mikey announced his return with a yell of "I'M HO-OOOME!"

Mikey's brothers rolled their eyes at him. He was so immature.

Mikey plopped down next to Raphael, who had been seated on the sofa, channel surfing. Mikey didn't bother to hide his smug smile before his next announcement.

"I know something you don't know, I know something you don't know!" Michelangelo claimed in a sing-song voice.

"Is it something we want to know?" Raphael snorted.

"Yes, seeing as you guys were jerkwads earlier." Mikey persisted.

"Mikey, what are you talking about?" Leonardo asked, sounding resigned.

"Uh, hello? Kagome, that friend of Dan and Keno's that we were introduced to, told us that she used to time travel, you guys said she was a liar." Mikey reminded them, wondering if his brothers were that hopeless.

"Because she is?" snorted Raphael, not looking up from the TV.

"Um, no she isn't." Mikey said with an eye roll.

"And what makes you think that, Michelangelo?" asked Leo in a patronizing tone.

"Oh, I don't know, Leonardo, maybe because she is, literally, a legend, and she proved that she was who I thought she was." Mikey said exasperatedly.

"Judging by what I have heard so far, am I to assume you were correct in your suspicions?" Master Splinter, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, unnoticed by his sons, spoke up finally. He loved all four of his sons, but sometimes they could be such bakas, and not necessarily all at the same time. He had been extremely pleased at Michelangelo's streak of independence, since he was, by far the...well, lazy was a bit harsh, but Michelangelo wasn't always as motivated to take action. He seemed to prefer allowing things to play out on their own before deciding to interfere, though he normally followed his brother's lead.

"Oh yeah!" Michelangelo crowed triumphantly. "Irrefutable proof." He noticed the odd looks he was getting. "Word of the calendar."

"Good for you my son, and did she accept your apology?"

"Yep, and she likes me."

"I see." Splinter turned to his three remaining sons and, without warning- SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"Ow!" they cried out, nursing the lumps on their heads, delivered by Master Splinter.

"I expect you three to approach this young lady tomorrow night, and to aplologize for your behavior. If you still do not understand this young woman's situation, perhaps," Splinter motioned to a small pile of scrolls placed on the kitchend table, "you should consider catching up on your reading." With that final statement, Splinter returned to his room, leaving three confused and one smug turtle in his wake.

"Well, you heard Master Splinter, get reading." Michelangelo said cheerfully, leaving his still confused brothers to the scrolls.

The nest morning, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo were still confused. They had read the scrolls about the Sacred Jewel, the priestess, and Inuyasha, but that didn't tell them much. Finally, they gave up and asked Mikey what he knew.

The turtle in question snorted at them. "Did you guys talk to the villagers at all? Apparently, the reason they were all so good at fighting is because their village used to be some kind of training ground for demon exterminators. Mitsu's family had been in charge for centuries. Mitsu's ancestor, Kohaku had been a demon slayer, and had apparently known Kagome. Mitsu said she didn't know her name though, because everytime the story, it was eventually forgotten."

"You're kidding. About the demons, that is." Donatello said amazed. "I mean, demons don't even exist!" Donny noticed all of his brothers staring at him with dead-pan expressions. "What?"

"Of course demons don't exist." Mikey said sarcastically. "Just like scepters that can travel through time don't exist."

"Or immortal businessmen, stone generals, and monsters from other dimensions don't exist." Leo continued for Mikey, in the same tone of voice.

"Just like we don't exist." Raphael finished off.

"Uh, right." Donny admitted sheepishly.

Mikey and Raph snorted at their genius brother's idiocy.

"Y'know, that monk guy, though, Miroku, was apparently a huge pervert, according to Kags." Mikey commented, pointing at the illustrated monk. His brother's stared at him, incredulous, to which Mikey said, "Seriously, Kags told me!"

"Kags?" Raph quietly questioned.

"Isn't that some kind of sacrilige?" Donny asked, looking weirded out.

"I asked the same thing, but he was a monk, not priest, so apparently it's not that big a deal." Mikey answered.

"You don't think she has, uh, first hand experience with the pervy monk?" Raph asked, sounding more than a little disturbed. The brothers shuddered at that thought.

"Maybe we should ask her?" Mikey asked casually. "I nominate Raph!"

"Seconded." Donatello agreed.

"So, what happened to the monk?" Leonardo asked, hoping to divert Raphael from pounding their brothers.

"Um, he probably married Sango, the demon-slayer. Kags said they were in love, even if he did hit on other girls."

"The demon-slayer? So he hit on girls but he was, y'know..." Raphael trailed off, not wanting to broach the topic of sexuality with his brothers, 'cuz God knew that was weird.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I already said he was in love with Sango." Mikey didn't understand what Raph was talking about.

"Well, two guys.." Raph really wished his brother wasn't so stupid.

"What? Sango was a chick so what are you talking about?" Mikey yelped. "What made you think she was a he?"

"Well," Donatello began, lifting up a scroll to examine and fighting the urge to laugh at his brothers' dialogue, "the pictures of the demon-slayer are pretty masculine."

"What? Let me see that!" Mikey demanded, snatching the scroll from Donny. He stared at the image of the slim, yet definitely male, demon slayer. "This can't be right!" Mikey argued, Kagome hadn't said anything about Sango being a guy, what she'd said had indicated that Sango was a girl.

"Okay, lets just finish reading, and we'll ask Kagome about all the little details later." Leo decided in his leaderly voice. The remaining three nodded in agreement.

"So, where is it that you guys are taking me, exactly?" Kagome asked Keno and Dan dryly. She had certainly been surprised when they'd shown up at her door at 9 A.M., asking her to go on a 'field trip' with them. "Have some sympathy for the poor blind girl here."

"We're visiting the guys." Keno said cheerfully.

"By 'the guys,' we mean the Turtles." Dan added quickly.


Kagome could hear the subway cars and she could smell (although she tried to ignore it) sewage. Her cane tapped at concrete. Then, Kagome became aware of another sound- heavy metal music. Bet any money that that's Raphael-kun's music. The music became louder and closer, and the sounds of the trains dimmed somewhat, as did the sewage scent, being replaced with the scents of stone, sweat, and air fresheners- a regular bachelor pad.

"He-eey! Look who it is!" Kagome heard Mikey crow as she and the two boys entered. Kagome sensed Mikey quickly approaching her and the boys. He easily bumped Keno out of the way with and his shell, elicitiing a 'Hey!' from the pizza delivery boy, slipping his arm around Kagome's shoulders. "Well, Miss Higurashi, welcome to the humble abode of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, step right this way."

"Why do I get the feeling we just lost our jobs?" Kagome heard Dan say quietly to Keno.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to stick with being a delivery boy." Keno sighed with mock sorrow. Kagome chuckled at their antics, wondering if they knew she had heard, or if they were just goofing off.

"Be descriptive, Mikey-kun, I want to remember where everything is." Kagome instructed the orange-clad turtle.

"Yes ma'am. But-uh, my bro's and I were looking at some scrolls and pictures of your group, and the demon-slayer, Sango, looked pretty masculine..."

"I don't know anything about that, but I can assure you that Sango was definitely female."

"Oh! Cool, that clears that up. Hey, guys, the pictures were wrong, Sango was a chick!" Mikey hollered to all present.

"Hey, Mikey-kun, I'm already blind, I don't need to be deaf as well!" Kagome hollered into the orange clad turtle's ear.

"Ow, yes, I get you." Mikey said, rubbing the side she'd yelled into.

"Michelangelo, are you being impolite to itako-sama?" came the voice of an older man. When Kagome turned in the direction of the voice, she was a bit surprised to see the shape what seemed to be a giant rat.

"Oh, no, Mikey-kun has been a complete gentleman." Kagome defended her friend, aiming a smile at the rat. "And I don't know about being an itako, since, for one thing, I am not wed to a kami."

"If Michelangelo is being a perfect gentleman, as you say, then perhaps he can properly introduce us?" the rat suggested, turning towards Mikey.

"Uh, Kags, this is Master Splinter. Master Splinter, this is Kagome Higurashi."

Kagome smiled in the direction of the rat- Splinter- before bowing to him in greeting. "It's nice to meet you, Splinter-san."

"You as well, Higurashi-san." Splinter returned the bow, before turning to Mikey. "Well, Michelangelo? Weren't you going to give our guest a tour?"

Kagome was given the full tour, with assurances that they were guys, therefore, they never rearranged furniture. She had been impressed at Donny's lab/office, given the amount of technology there. Kagome had been amused at the skate ramp. Although, Kagome, along with Splinter, Dan, Donatello, and, naturally, Leo, had all been less than amused when Mikey had taken her on his skateboard and given her a ride on the ramp. After that little fiasco, Splinter had taken over her tour, leaving Mikey to be punished by his two more responsible brothers.

After the tour, Kagome was given a seat in front of the T.V. and Splinter more or less shoved Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael in front of her, and standing in a row they had all stated, "Gomenasai."

Kagome stared for a moment at them before she burst out laughing. "It's-it's okay. Y-you're for-forgiven." she managed to wheeze out between her giggles. "God, Splinter-san, I'm sure they're immature, but did you have to march them out like children? That's just mean."

"Yo, boys, what goin' on?" called a man's voice. Turning in the direction of the man's voice, Kagome was able to see the man's blue outline. He was tall and built, that much she could tell. "Whoa, who's the new girl?"

"Hey, Case, this is Mikey's new girlfriend, Kags." Raph introduced, to the outrage of several others in the den.

Kagome glared in Raph's direction, wishing he hadn't conveniently stepped out of the range of her cane. As if reading her thoughts, Splinter pressed a book (a phonebook if she had to guess), which she promptly threw at Raphael's head.

"YEOW! Will you stop hitting me?" snapped Raph, rubbing his new lump.

"Will you stop being a jerk?" Kagome countered sarcastically.

"Uh..." Casey said, no doubt wondering what the hell was going on.

"Casey Jones, meet Kagome Higurashi, new to the fair city of New York, former Japanese schoolgirl, and time traveling priestess of legend. Kagome Higurashi, meet Casey Jones, native New Yorker, former pro-hockey player, and now a hockey-mask wearing vigilante." Michelangelo introduced them dramatically.

"Mushi-mushi." Kagome waved at the guy.

"Yo." Casey gave her a two-fingered salute. "Hey, you guys care if I hang here for a bit? April's a bit pissed at me."

"What'd you do now, Casey?" Donny asked, sounding amused.

"I have no idea!"Casey threw his arms up.

Dan laughed slightly. "Hey, Kagome, why don't you take mercy on the poor guy?" he asked his friend.

"Casey, what is the date today?" Kagome asked the man patiently.

"June 8th." Casey answered promptly.

"When is April's birthday?" Kagome asked patiently.

"April 14th."

"When is your guys' anniversary?"

Casey went quiet for a moment. "OH CRAP!" he turned and bolted from the den.

"You're welcome!" Kagome called after him, crossing her arms in satisfaction before turning back to the boys plus Splinter. "And that, gentlemen, is why I'm useful to have around."

Kagome ended up spending the entire day in the den, mostly listening to old 'war stories' of how the boys had taken down crime syndicates, busted up punks, Foot ninjas, and other New York nasties.

When Keno and Dan decided to escort her home, Splinter watched as their new young friend left with a smile on his face. He knew they would be seeing more of that young lady, and he also knew, through years of experienced intuition, that something was coming and Kagome would be a big part of it.

"She's nice." Leo commented.

"Yeah, real nice." grumbled the still pouting Raphael.

"Well, maybe if you'd stop antagonizing her..." Donny trailed off.

"Aw, shut up." Raph grumbled, moving to continue his beating up the punching bag.

Meanwhile, Michelangelo grinned smugly at his brothers. "Well?"

"Well, what?" Leo asked.

"Oh, you know what."

"Alright, alright. You were right, we were wrong. And because of that, we now have one more human friend. Are you happy now?" Donny laughed.

"Yep. But maybe you guys should listen to me more often. I mean, I was right about this, who knows how many more things I'm right about?" Mikey suggested grinning.

"Yeah, right." Leo laughed.

"Yeah, listening to you that much? We'd probably be needing Splinter to bail us out of whatever mess you got us into." Donny agreed, grinning at his brother's expense.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Mikey objected.

"I find myself agreeing with your brother's sentiments." Splinter called from behind his newspaper.

"Aw, come on!"

At last! I have done it! I have finished a chapter, after almost a year! Please forgive me for such long spaces between updates, and I hoped you enjoyed this! Please review :)