So this is my first story, and i hadn't written anything, but now i have.

I don't own Sherlock obviously. Reviews would be awesome, but thank you for even just reading, i really appreciate it :)

If there are any you guys want extended, please let me know, and I'll given them a go!

#1: Story.

Whilst John Watson was told his life story, seated in the back of a taxi, with a man he'd just met; he couldn't help but wonder if Sherlock could teach him to do that.

#2: Illness.

"I'm sick John."

"I'll make you some soup"

"I don't want soup."

Which was how Mrs. Hudson came to find Sherlock curled up on the sofa, his head in John's lap, both of them snoozing, their hands linked together in a near desperate hold.

#3: Assumptions.

When Molly Hooper first saw Sherlock Holmes, she assumed he was straight, but after seeing him with John, she's not so sure.

#4: Emotion.

Mycroft Holmes had never considered himself to be a particularly emotional man. But the seeing the bodies of Sherlock and John, wrapped around each other in the destroyed swimming pool was not something even he could ignore.

#5: Guilt.

Sherlock feels guilty. Because he knows that Moriarty is only hurting John in this way, because he's the only one Sherlock really cares for. And he can't help but think, it would be so much easier to let John go, than to see him suffer this way.

#6: Music.

John has never complained about Sherlock's violin. Although he more often plays off key notes, and screeching wails, when he plays a tune, it truly is the most beautiful thing John's ever heard.

#7: Rejection.

Sgt Donovon was once rejected by Holmes. But she understands now. When she sees them together.

#8: Side.

John has never once considered leaving Sherlock's side. Not even when he was kidnapped by Moriarty, had bombs strapped to his body and was left in a closed swimming pool. Not even then.

#9: Jumper.

John watches Sherlock for a long time as he moves around lab, before deciding that he is in fact wearing a sweater of his.

"You don't mind do you" Sherlock says.

"Not at all." And he doesn't because when John wears it again, he hopes it will smell like Sherlock.

#10: Christmas.

When John arrived home from the surgery, to an apartment full of lights and tinsel, and a triumphant Sherlock standing in the middle of it all, he was truly speechless.

"I thought you hated Christmas?"

"I do, but you don't."