Thanks to everyone's reviews! I'm so glad people are liking my story.


"What my little brother is trying to say," Osprey butts in. "Is that we are new to being brothers and being part of the brotherhood of the birds."

Magpie gives a derisive snort. "Brotherhood of the birds, really?"

Osprey gives him a gentle shove. "It sounds cool and you know it, Pie."

"Don't call me Pie!"

Robin's head goes back into his hands as Osprey and Magpie start flinging insults at each other. Superboy seems confused and Wally's eyes keep darting between the two as they volley back and forth.

"M'gann, I think we should have dinner," Kaldur's voice is the same as always, as if two arguing teens is no big deal. M'gann squeaks, she completely forgotten. It's an easy thing, however, to float over the kebobs, tzatziki, dishes, and flatware and set them in the middle of the island. It is an interesting change of events when Superboy is the first to dig in, while Wally seems oblivious to the food.

Osprey and Magpie are still sniping at each other, Artemis butts in, "would you two just shut up and eat?"

They stare at her, shocked. Meekly they start digging in. Robin chuckles.

The rest of dinner passed quietly, which was a bit of a relief.

After dinner everyone piled their plates in the sink and then headed for the training room. Robin was about to do the same when she smiles at him. "It's your turn to do dishes Robin."

He grimaces, "really?"

She nods. Then Osprey pipes up, "don't worry little bird we'll help you."

While M'gann thinks the nickname is totally adorable she was hoping they wouldn't say that, she was hoping to see how they'd interact with everyone without their little brother around.

Robin waves them off, "nah. I got it covered. Thanks though."

M'gann gives them her biggest smile, "I can show you to the training room if you'd like?"

Osprey grins. "That would be wonderful."

She starts to float away and a moment later their footsteps follow.

"Well this will definitely be a change of pace for us won't it Mag? Who knows you might actually win a match or two."

"You're obviously forgetting that I've beaten you quite a lot."

M'gann is about to stop and turn around, when Osprey, completely out of the sky, says "race you to the room."

Then he's off like a bullet from a gun and there is silence for a moment. Magpie growls something that she's sure would make Batman blush and then he's running too. She flies faster to see what they're doing. Osprey's at the entrance to the training room when Magpie catches him. Or at least his jacket. M'gann watches, slightly amazed, as Osprey slips out of the jacket and turns it into a hand flip.

Magpie raises an eyebrow. "Showoff."


Sorry it's a bit short. Don't know when part three will be done since my mind apparently wants to work more on the other two stories in this series (or at least more on Broken Wing).

Also, any and all messups concerning adages/ sayings are completely on purpose.