A/N: Thanks for all the reviews/faves/alerts! They have been very encouraging, and I now feel confident enough to try a full-length Hilson fanfic- as soon as inspiration strikes. :) Thanks you, everyone!

Here's the last stage.


"Wilson loved you, House," Cuddy says.

House whispers, brokenly, "It doesn't matter. He's gone where I can't follow- I'm never going to get him back."

Cuddy bites her lip. "House... You'll laugh at me, but if you love him, you still have him."

Before this, House would have laughed. But he's not the same person anymore.

House closes his eyes, thinking about the man he loves so much.

Finally, he decides not to jump- the first, and last, gift he's ever given to the selfless Wilson.

"I love you," House whispers, looking skyward.

He climbs off the railing.

"Goodbye, Wilson."