Starbuck and Apollo

You couldn't have one without the other.

The first time they met each other, Kara was engaged to Zak; Lee's younger brother. They had dinner at Kara's apartment; Zak got really drunk and passed out on the couch. Lee and Kara were both drunk and they both started to kiss the other. Without realizing what they were doing, Lee raised Kara onto the end of the dining table without breaking the kiss. They had started to frak before stumbling off to the couches and falling asleep. They woke up the next morning remembering nothing of the night before.

The next time they saw each other was at Zak's funeral. They were both grieving over their brother, best friend and fiancée. Lee comforted Kara that night.

The next time they saw each other, they were Starbuck and Apollo. Kara was in the brig for striking a superior officer and Lee had just arrived on Galactica for the decommissioning service. He walked into the brig to see Starbuck doing pushups.

After the Cylon attack on the 12 colony's they became CAG and D-CAG. They had a teasing relationship. They looked out for one another.

Kara met Sam and ended up getting married to him. Lee and Dee got together and got married. This caused their relationship to turn bad. They fought and argued all the time.

A 'friendly' boxing match got them to remember how they were best friends. They cheated with each other for awhile afterwards. Kara died and Lee resigned from Galactica and became a politician.

When Kara came back from the dead, Lee and Sam were the only ones that believed she wasn't a Cylon.

When they arrived on Earth, Kara left, Just disappearing in front of Lee. Leaving him all alone in the lush, green meadow, worrying about his father.

When this all happens again maybe they will finally get together.