AN: Hello Everyone I'm back with Death and Strawberry chapter 15, and sorry for the longest waiting, I was having a writing block for the past few days and deiced to take a break… So sorry… I'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter were there will be.. Ahem… Lemon scene, since I'm in the mood to make some lemon scene for the couple! *wink wink* XD


Title: Death and Strawberry

Pairing: Aizichi (Aizen x Ichigo)

Rated: M For Smut, lemon and Mpreg!

Genre: Drama, humor, smut and ETC...

Author: Kor-chan

Summary: Ichigo meet a handsome stranger in 'Las Noches' who happen to be the night club owner they went as he felt in love with the men as they continue their relationship in secret still Ichigo felt pregnant with them man's child he so called a lover, and 'what if' said man was more than what he expected him to be?

Warning: Mpreg, a bit of Character OCC's. Don't like Mpreg fan fic then don't read.

PS: Please go easy on me! I'm not an English girl! And this is my first time writing a Aizichi (Aizen x Ichigo) story so please, please, please go easy on me and please read and review and tell me what you all think of this story, kay?

Well then shall we get on with the story?


Chapter 15: My Underworld home and wedding bell

As Ichigo walked with Sosuke in the underworld tunnel like cave? He couldn't help but to felt a bit of afraid, afraid of what he will see once they get there. He closed his eyes tightly and gripped tightly too at Sosuke's sleeve, Sosuke noticed this and looked down beside him to see Ichigo looking a bit of uneasy. He blink his eyes then turn his head behind him as he heard everyone thought and also heard Grimmjow chuckling in his head as Sosuke glare at him, Grimmjow stopped grinning and turn away. Sosuke went back and rub his arms around Ichigo's shoulder to calm down the worried teen.

Ichigo claimed down a bit when he felt his fiancé arms and sighed in relief as he looked up at the older male. Sosuke looked down at him with a comforting smile as Ichigo couldn't help but to blush and turn away as they continue walking toward the tunnel like in the underworld still they made it.

Ichigo couldn't help but to stare in awe at his surrounding, the sky was a total blackness with red cloud and red moon that was mocking at him, he even saw some demon dragon flying above the sky, the land was a complete of white and gray color the trees where color black with no leave on it, the weather down here in the underworld were cold, like it was winter time, he shiver and bearded his face on Sosuke's shoulder who chuckle at him softly and slightly as he heard the younger teen groaned and glared at up at him, Sosuke just continue to smile at Ichigo while putting his arms around the younger teen tin shoulder who had a discomfort look on his face.

Ichigo wasn't stupid, he could sense others underworld creature were around there, hiding in the far distance in the shadow while eyeing them like a hawk, he could heard their thought, saying that the young teen with their lord were cute, some of them where even thinking pervert things about him which made him blush as he felt his older fiancé grip at him slightly, he could even scent the older male, irrigated and pissed aura and could also felt the other with them where trying to keep their distance from coming near their boss while said boss where pissed off.

Lucky Gin had the got to ask and teased his older cousin which made everyone to face palm at him. "Aww.. Why the pissed-off-look, Sou-chan?.. Worried about yer berry-head, Sou-chan?" Gin teased everyone around them paled as both Grimmichi and Ulquiorra where backing away ten feet from Gin who were not afraid of what will Aizen do to him for pissing him off. Aizen turn around to glance at Gin with a pissed off look that looked scary right now, even Ichigo were feeling a bit comfortable when he felt and scented his older fiancé scary aura.

"S-Sou… D-Don't!..." Ichigo said as Sosuke blink his eyes and his scary aura had faded away and looked down at his young lovers who were giving him his puppy-dog-eyes. He sighed and deiced to just lets it go and ignore Gin who pouted, everyone sighed in relief as they continue to follow their King and Ichigo.

3 weeks later in the underworld.

It been 3 week that Ichigo had been living in the underworld along with his fiancé Sosuke, their wedding was just up ahead on August 20. He was a bit worried and excited at the same time, he was worried about the whole meeting with the rest of the noble in their wedding and was also worried on what they think of him as their new queen, but he was also excited about the whole ordeal, but he wasn't excited to wear a wedding gown.

Apparently Sosuke had someone managed in coaxing him in wearing a wedding gown in their wedding day despite his prostate, saying something like it a traditional things in the underworld, still Grimmjow did snorted when he heard what Ichigo said one day and had told the young teen that there was no such a thing such as a traditional wedding in the underworld and that Sosuke was just teasing and made it up and told that the great 'Aizen-sama' had a feisty for his soon-to-be-wife in a sexy lovely wedding gown.

Ichigo was beyond shocked by it and was about to go up and had and argument with the older male still Grimmjow said something smartass about that no matter how many times he'll going to refuse and complain and even argue with their King? Sosuke would never going to change his mind and will always get what he want even if it means putting his fiancé in anything girly or kinky cloth, which made the young teen in furious and blushing in embarrassment which amused the brunette to no end.

Unohana his mother-in-law had grown a linking to him and were also insist on him to wear a wedding gown in their wedding day. He sighed as he looked up at the red sky, he was still trying to get used to living here in the underworld, he continue to stare at the view in front of him in his and Sosuke's bedroom balcony and saw Raven flying just outside the yard, a smile grace on his face, it been week that Raven had lived with them and the little black demon dragon had finally learn how to fly on its own, he remember just who funny Ulquiorra were teaching Raven on how to fly by his and Sosuke request.

everyone were very amused at to how Ulquiorra teach Raven to fly on its own, since he saw one time on the back yard garden and saw Ulquiorra in his demon form, well more of his vampire-demon form, that had black furs wings, a white horns, both his hand and feet were with black claw, and a black tail almost making him look like a human bat, which could offend seen as a true from of a vampire when they are in their original form, his eyes had those small slit-shaped pupils similar to a cat's then his human eyes that was only a plain green eyes, He even has those teal lines that descend from his eyes, making it appear as if he is crying.

He continue to watch Ulquiorra teach Raven how to fly with the most stoic and bored look on his face, Grimmjow and the rest of the male demon shook their hand and said the line of: 'This is boring!' While the female where squealing saying that is cute seeing Ulquiorra teaching a baby Demon dragon and so on. But all in all Ichigo was proud that his pet Raven was a fast learner to teach.

He continue to think and daydream about his staying here in the underworld that he didn't notice Sosuke came in from behind him, he only had noticed that the older male was there when he felt Sosuke's wrapped his arms around his baby bump, he had grown a baby bump each weeks, Unohana had mention that a pregnant underworld creature where easy to gain a baby bump within just a few days, Ichigo's baby bump was a bit big almost mistaking him as a 8 week old pregnant when he was only in his 3 week of pregnancy.

"Good morning, darling," Sosuke husky voice whisper in Ichigo's ears as the boy blushed and turn his head and was about to ask a question when Sosuke kissed him, Ichigo was mid surprise by his older fiancé sudden act as Sosuke deepened their kiss as Ichigo moaned to their passionate kiss closing his eyes while feel his beloved fiancé tongue went in his mouth and began to coax as he fought back but ended up letting Sosuke do as he pleased.

When they broke the kiss, Ichigo open his eyes and saw his older lover looked at him with a soft smile before leading in to kiss the young teen again on the lips. "Hm.." Ichigo moaned as they broke the kiss again. "What with you all of the sudden?" Ichigo asked. Sosuke just smiled at him and lead his head on his small lovers shoulder and said. "You weren't in the bed when I woke up and deiced to look for you and found you here… What are you doing up early in the morning, Ichigo?" Sosuke asked. Ichigo looked away from his lover and went to stare at the sky as the moon was still up their shinny in it all glory of reddish glow.

He couldn't help but to wonder. "Nothing…. Just feel like waking up…" Ichigo said as he added. "Hey… Souke… Why is that… Here in the underworld that… There's no sun?" He asked as he turns and looked up at the older male who just stared at him with sharp emotionless eyes before going to stare at the sky.

"Well… Nobody here knows the reason why… As to why there's no sun here in the underworld… Neither way is doesn't matter… And beside.. If there is a Sun here in the underworld?.. Then the Vampire race would die burning in the heat of the sun… So I guess you could say it also probably that reason as to why there's no sun in here… And beside other underworld creature is sensitive through sun, like for example the werewolf race and some other demon creature that had no eyes but had the sense of smelling and earing." Sosuke said.

"Hmm… Oh… And why isn't there any clear blue sky like the human world?.. I mean here in the underworld sometime the sky could be all reddish or orange, black and reddish and blue but no, clear blue sky?.. And not to mention you can't tell if neither is early in the morning or in not since both the sky at 6-7am and in the afternoon are neither reddish or orange sky.. And at night time it would be neither pure black or navy blue sky.. And with no stars…" Ichigo said.

Sosuke couldn't help but to chuckle at his curiosity young lover. 'Staying in the human world is really is a bad influence on new born underworld creature..' Sosuke thought. "I guess this is the true nature of the underworld, the 'What-is-look-like-to-be-in-the-underworld' worlds." Sosuke said. Ichigo sighed. "I guess so… So.. Can you tell me about these underworld demons that don't have eyes and some of the vampire that looks like a pure monster instead of the like likes Ulquiorra?" Ichigo asked.

"Those creature like those are the original and first and true from of the underworld creature before the new evolution come in the form of half-human and underworld like then so on still it end with the underworld looking like a human being, they only different is that they can transform themselves in their demon form and had more supernatural power instead of a normal being… And did you know that those human who are born of having a supernatural are 1/5 part of the underworld? The only different is they are more part of human the underworld and the only things that made them special to the human world is that they have super human power that mostly came from their ancestors bloodline of the demon realm world that been left forgotten that they were once part of us.." Sosuke said as he added.

"Beside human creature like those who had supernatural power are quite rare to find in the human world and others underworld creature found them interesting, some taking a linking and want them as their mate or so… this is also the reason as to why some of your underworld offend goes to the human world and make some troublesome chaos… And the reason some of us would know if they a human creature have this ability is because of their scent.. We can easily tell if they are or not through by smelling their scent.." Sosuke said.

"Wow… You sure know a lot about stuff, Souske.." Ichigo said as he giggles slightly. Sosuke just smiled at Ichigo. "Well now… Why don't we have some breakfast and discuses about your news school schedule and the wedding? While having breakfast?" Sosuke asked as Ichigo nodded his head in agreement and went to have some breakfast with his fiancé.

Then next mouth their wedding day finally come as Ichigo was in his room, looking all nervous, excited and worried at the sometimes, though he keeps frowning and groan whenever he sees himself in the mirror and saw himself in his black wedding gown, he offend asked his fiancé as to why his wedding gown was black and his fiancé answer him something like: 'Because black is better than white… And besides wearing white is forbidden here, since white means purity and holiness and all the others things that human could possible means about the dentition about white!' Sosuke said.

Apparently Grimmjow just open his big fat mouth and told Ichigo that their King hated the white color for some reason is why he doesn't want him wearing a white wedding gown in their wedding day. Soon it was time for him to go and be there as he walked the hallway of the church walking hand in hand with his father as his father took him closer to where the groom was, he couldn't help but to stare in awe as to how handsome his soon-to-be-husband in a few more hours or minute, wearing the most elegant black tuxedo, his two step-brother where beside him, Jin Kairya was at his left side while Ginjo Kugo was in his right side, Sosuke had a smile grace on his face as Ichigo walked toward him.

He could even felt that everyone were eyeing and staring at him as he walk toward his soon-to-be husband as Sosuke took his hand as the two went toward the priest.

(AN: I'm gonna skips the whole priest speech and get it on to the part where they will say the 'I do' XD).

"Do you King Sosuke accept Kurosaki Ichigo as your lovely wife and queen still death to us part?" The priest said. "I do." Sosuke said not brothering to at the priest and keep looking at his ever so beautiful Ichigo in front of him as they both holding hand and that Ichigo was blushing the whole time. The priest took a deep breath and turns to look at ichigo and said. "And do you Kurosaki Ichigo take Great King Aizen Sosuke as your beloved King and husband still death do us part?" The priest said. "Yes I do." Ichigo said.

The priest close the book in his hand and said his final word. "Then I now pronoun you husband and wife, King and Queen of the Hueco Mundo, you may now Kiss your bride Aizen-sama." The priest said as the two began to share their most passionate kiss as everyone claps their hand for their King and their future Queen.

After the wedding was the part, Both Ichigo and Sosuke received a lot of congratulation from their guest and even some also congratulation Aizen as becoming a father soon, after the part the two newlywed come went to their honeymoon and had a lot of lovemaking still dawn.


Me: Short! Sorry… And sorry for the longest update.. I was having a writing block for the couple of days, lucky it didn't last a mouth!.. Well hope you all like this chapter? And please review! :D

Gin: Bye-bye everyone and give her a review, still the next chapter everyone! ;3