An: Hello! Everyone! I'm back with a new story of Aizichi! Hope everyone will like this. This one won't be a humor or comedy but a serious and dramatic story full of drama ahead! :/ but still an mpreg fanfic. :D And I would also like to say thank you to JoyArzu who willing to editing this story for me. ^_^

PS: I'm planning to make the Grimmichi mermaid style soon, and the Byaichi mpreg that I promised. I'm willing to make that one, just having a problem with what the story plot should be. I mean I'm having a lot of a bunny plot idea for the Byaichi and Grimmichi mermaid style that keeps popping up in my head that I'm having a second thought about it. :/

And one more thing. You guys might be confused as to why I chose the title 'Death and Strawberry' for this story? You will all fine out soon in a later chapter as to why I chose that title for this story. :P


Title: Death and Strawberry

Pairing: Aizichi (Aizen x Ichigo)

Rated: M For Smut, lemon and Mpreg!

Genre: Drama, humor, smut and ETC...

Author: Kor-chan

Summary: Ichigo meet a handsome stranger in 'Las Noches' who happen to be the night club owner they went as he felt in love with the men as they continue their relationship in secret still Ichigo felt pregnant with them man's child he so called a lover, and 'what if' said man was more than what he expected him to be?

Warning: Mpreg, a bit of Character OCC's. Don't like Mpreg fan fic then don't read.

PS: Please go easy on me! I'm not an English girl! And this is my first time writing a Aizichi (Aizen x Ichigo) story so please, please, please go easy on me and please read and review and tell me what you all think of this story, kay?

Well then shall we get on with the story?


Chapter 1: The prologue!

In the middle of the night in a street of Karakura, an orange haired teen walked down the street along with a few of his friends, as they talked and laughed with each other, they stepped towards a building, Las Noches, the very well known and richest night club in all of Karakura.

One of his friends, Rukia Kuchiki, had informed them about this night club and had dragged and forced them to go—Well, Ichigo was the only one forced and dragged into coming along since the rest of his friends were willing to go and see this new Night Club that she had so willingly suggested that they try hanging out for the night, since tomorrow was back to school.

"Yo! We're here guys!" Rukia called as she waved her hand at them. They sighed and strolled towards her. As Rukia came to the front gate of Las Noches a giant bouncer named Yammy stood, looking down at her. Rukia walked up to him and showed the ticket to Yammy who nodded his head and open the door for her. Las Noches wouldn't let anyone in unless you have a VIP access ticket, Rukia waved her hand to Ichigo and the others. As soon as they stepped inside they saw that the place was immensely large.

The building was far bigger on the inside than on the outside. The night club had a huge dance floor, a DJ playing the song of the night and Renji nodded his head to the beat of the music. "So what do you guys wanna do first?" Rukia questioned.

"I'm going to check out the food!" Shuhei said.

"I'm gonna go get me some ladies!" Keigo exclaimed as he took off with Mizuro. Renji had already taken off and onto the dance floor. Even Tatsuki and Orihime went elsewhere leaving Rukia and Ichigo left alone standing. Ichigo groaned.

"Well, I'm off to the dance floor with Renji!" Rukia stated as her orange haired friend rolled his eyes at her. He stepped towards the bar and sat down while watching his friends have fun on the dance floor.

A deep voice behind Ichigo asked, "Would you like a drink, young man?" He turned around and witnessed a tall browned shoulder-length man with blue-grey eyes and had a faded goatee wearing a neat black suit with red tie, begin to pour a drink on into an empty glass and hand it to Ichigo.

"Uh... Thanks, but no thanks… I'm not thirsty," Ichigo politely responded.

"Suit yourself… Um…" the tall bartender trailed off.

"Ichigo… The name's Ichigo." Ichigo slightly chuckled.

"Ah, I'm Stark, Coyote Stark..." the bartender explained as he began to serve another customer. He stepped further into the bar as he served them their drinks. Ichigo glanced over the man who was working here. Stark was handsome, like a model, tall and a well-built body. A blush graced his face as he looked away. Every one of Ichigo's friends already knew that he was gay. Meaning he liked other men.

"Uh… so… How long have you been working here at Las Noches?" Ichigo asked.

"Um… almost forever?" Stark joked, at which Ichigo chuckled his deep and soothing baritone laughter. "What about you?"

"Ah… Well, my friend dragged me—I mean us to have some fun before school starts tomorrow." Ichigo answered hesitantly.

"Oh and how old are you?" Stark asked.

"Fifteen… fifteen and a half going on sixteen… why?" Ichigo tilted his head slightly.

"Oh, nothing..." Stark replied. Ichigo shrugged. "Here… Why not drink this... It not a wine I assure you." Stark offered a small smile. Stark wasn't as stupid as to give a minor an alcohol drink so Ichigo thanked him and drank from the cup Stark had presented him with. Ichigo blinked, it had been a punch drink that Stark had given to him as he continued to watch his friends having fun.

Ichigo was raised by his uncle, Kisuke, and his wife, Yoruichi. His mother had died a long time ago, he didn't even remember as to how his mother had died. He only remembered waking up and seeing his mother dead, bleeding beside him on the living room floor.

Ichigo never did get over the death of his mother even a year later. He did remember a deep, baritone voice that calmed him in his dream or memory. It was really warm and made him feel safe. He even remembered the man's warm embrace when he had seen his mother's dead body lying there on the living room floor. The man came and rushed towards him to calm down the frightening child, but what made him frown and disappointed was he didn't remember anything on as to what that man looked like ever since then. All he could remember was that deep baritone voice that soothed him. He once even thought that, that man might have been his father who had left him right after his mother's death for unknown reasons.

Unknown to Ichigo, a man above him was eyeing him, quizzically as he drank from his glass. The man's menacing eyes glance never left Ichigo's figure beneath him in the bar with Stark serving him a drink. The gaze's owner had hair slick back with a single strand hanging in his face as a smirk graced his lips at the sight of Ichigo. His eyes suddenly turned red with hunger at the sight of the orange haired teen. The boy was most certainly mouth watering.


Me: Wahh! Tell me if you guys like this story yea?

Ichigo: WHAT THE HECK? NOT ANOTHER ONE! DAMN YOU! *strangle kor-chan again*

Gin: *sweatdrop at Ichigo then shakes head.* Well, this was somewhat a nice starts I think?

Me: Ya think?

Gin: *nods head* Yea, I think!

Me: *Grin a little* Thanks! And tell me what you all think of this chapter if you guy like it or not or do you guys want me to make a better more idea for the prologue of this story so that I can make a better one and replace it with the better idea? Well? Tell me all in your review.

PS: I won't update any next chapter without any review from you all! :P so review and tell me what you all think of this story kay?

Gin: Well then, bai-bai for now guys, review so that she can update the next chapter after she'll done with the Breathe of Life's next chapter, kay?