Okay guys, here's chapter three! I'm sorry it took so long and I'm sorry to say that most of them are going to take this long before I get them out. Thanks for all the awesome reviews, though, You people are awesome! I hope you enjoy this chapter because it was a pain writing it.

Also let me apologize now because I did not look over this story! As soon as I finished I did a few corrections, and that's all, so expect alot of mistakes! sorry but I'm lazy :)

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon! If I did...I'd be pretty damn awesome...


Ash watched as the waves crashed into the boats bottom, spraying the air with small drops of salty water. He looked through the crystal clear water, seeing the small water pokemon swimming gracefully through the water. He returned his gaze up ahead of him watching the distant island grow in size every few minutes. He smiled as he felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his stomach, and a body pressing up against his back.

"Hey their handsome." Ash felt her body shake as she giggled. He quickly span around and wrapped his arms around the blonde goddess. He sighed contently leaning his chin on top of her soft golden hair. After a few moments they finally broke apart. Ash finally got a good look at the beauty in front him. She wasn't dressed in her normal black suit but instead wearing a black tank top, and a light blue pair of jeans. This was one of the rare times that Ash had actually seen Cynthia wearing something other than her formal suit.

"Can you believe it Cynthia, we are almost to the Unova region." Ash couldn't help the childish grin the spread across his face. Cynthia giggled to herself as the smile reminded her of a child going to an amusement park.

"Your going to love it their, Ash, they have so many pokemon their, almost all of them their, will be completely new to you." Ash nodded and turned back around looking back towards the once small island, that had become a huge continent. They only had a few more minutes until they finally reached their destination. "I even have a friend who live's in umbrella town, that will let us stay the night their."

Cynthia moved up and wrapped her arm around Ash's, before gently laying her head on his shoulder. Ash looked down at her and smiled, before turning his body around, to hold her in his arms again. Slowly moving his head down, as their lips connected, they started battling each other with their tongues. Minutes passed before they were finally forced apart from each other. Cynthia sighed in content and rested her head on Ash's chest, with the welcoming feeling of complete safety washing over her.

Ash rested his chin on her head, and looked around the boat. Noticing that almost all the males on the boat were staring at the two of them in awe. Some who were more brave than others, or probably more stupid, overcame the fact that Ash was a Champion, sending a glare at him. Others were looking at Cynthia. Ash recognized the look almost instantly. He saw the same look almost every time he was with Cynthia, and he hated it. They were staring at her lustfully, like she was just some tool for their own pleasures, and not and actual person. He retaliated with a glare, that if looks could kill, would kill the men the second his eyes looked in their direction. Most of them coward away at the fearsome glare, all but one.

A large buff man, who toward above Ash by a foot. The man had a shaved head and was only wearing loose shorts, showing off his overly muscled chest.

"The Sinnoh champion shouldn't be with a small boy like this. She deserves a real man." The big man said. His rough voice bringing the smell of rotten food. Cynthia lifted her head off ash's chest and sent a glare at the oversized man. She was about to say something but Ash beat it to her.

"Back off, man, before I do something that I might regret later" Ash said in a low voice. The big man took a step back in surprise, not expecting the such a cold voice, before quickly regaining his composure.

"Yeah, and what can a small boy like do to a man like me." Ash looked into the man's eyes feeling rage consume him as his he found the man's eye's similar to the one's that had almost destroyed his life. His lips twitched as he struggled to keep his emotions in control.

The struggle inside Ash's head didn't go unnoticed by Cynthia. This wasn't like the Ash she knew. He was always the nice, carefree type of guy. She had never seen him actually struggle to keep his emotions in check, except the one time he talked to me about... her. 'But what could have triggered that memory though?' Ash's cold voice returned her back to what was taking place in front of her.

"If you stick around you might find out, but I suggest that you leave before you regret it, now leave" Ash said through gritted teeth, not noticing the crowds of people who started appearing around the three of them. Noticing the man wasn't planning on leaving, Ash moved Cynthia slightly behind him, but his eyes never leaving the others man's eye's. "Cynthia, stay behind me while I teach this man that women aren't objects, for his own amusement."

The man's eye's filled completely with rage, and clenched his teeth in anger. Pulling his big, meaty, hand up clenched in a fist, bringing it straight tor wards Ash's face. Ash simply smirked before pulling up his own hand up, quickly spreading the aura through his body to his hand, stopping the blow completely. He started squeezing the man's hand, the aura now pouring out of his skin. The large man fell down to his knees, screaming in agony, as he felt the bones in his hand start to crack.

Cynthia eyes widen as she watched the scene in front of her play out. She could sense the aura moving throughout Ash's body, as easily as she saw it leaking out of his skin. Having a Lucario herself, gave her the ability to sense, even use aura. When she told Ash about this he even offered to teach her how to control it.


Cynthia watched as her Lucario fought against her own Garchomp. After a series of blows from both powerful pokemon, she finally called them back to rest. They both nodded before Garchomp broke down laying on floor breathing heavily. Lucario moved towards her master before sending out it's aura to Cynthia to communicate.

"I am sorry, master, I will try harder next time" Cynthia heard Lucario's voice echo through her head. She looked down at her pokemon who had it's head hung down in disgrace. No matter how hard Lucario tried, it simply couldn't best Cynthia's Garchomp.

"It's okay Lucario" She said putting a finger on the jackals chin lifting its head up slightly. "Like I said last time, as long as you give it all, you don't have to worry about anything, okay. Also can you stop calling me your master, I rather be your friend, Lucario"

The pokemon simply nodded and walked off to sit by Garchomp. Cynthia sighed before turning back to her other pokemon, who were still battling it out against each other.

"Your Lucario is looking good, Cynthia" She smiled as she heard the all to familiar voice. She turned around confirming the body with the voice. The Kanto champion stood in leaning against the wall of the entrance to the stadium. She could feel the blood rush through her body to her face, when she saw the dreamy golden brown eyes she had been dreaming about for so long.

' Enough of that Cynthia' Her voice echoed through her head 'You know that something between you and Ash will never work. Both of you have the duty of Champions' Cynthia let out a small sigh.

"Thank you, Ash" She said after a while "She really is strong, but she always beats herself up because she can't defeat Garchomp"

Ash laughed, catching Cynthia completely off guard.

"I guess it's the same thing with all Lucario's, mine also has that problem, I bet you have a hard time getting them to stop calling you 'Master', right?" Cynthia giggled and nodded. Ash brought his hand down to a pokeball that hung loosely on his belt before throwing it revealing a Lucario of his own.

The pokemon quickly eye 'd it's surroundings before moving closer to Ash. Sending out its aura it connected to both Ash's, and Cynthia's minds. "Master, what is it that you need of me" Ash sighed at being called master again. Suddenly a thought raced through Cynthia's mind.

"Ash, when you caught Lucario, were you suddenly able to sense the aura around people?"

Ash brought his attention away from his Lucario, up to the beautiful champion standing before him. "Actually no, I was always able to use the aura. I didn't know about it until I found myself at the Tree of Begging, where a Lucario said that I had the same aura as Sir Aaron, an Aura guardian. Although it did become easier for me to control it after I had caught Lucario. A man named Riley, taught me how to control the aura." As if to prove his point he held his hand out forming a small light blue ball, floating just above his hand."

Cynthia was completely intrigued by the small floating ball. She moved up closer to it, her eye's never leaving the orb. Ash watched her with great interest, it reminded him of a small child, who had just gotten a new toy, but had no idea what it was. He closed his hand making the small orb disappear. Cynthia blinked a couple of times before feeling her face turn red, in embarrassment.

She quickly turned away "I-I'm sorry, it's just that I have never seen anything like that before."

"Cynthia, why did you ask if I could use the aura after I caught Lucario, can you?"

Cynthia shook her head "No I don't really have any control over it but after I caught Lucario I could sense it." Ash smiled and looked down at his Lucario.

"Lucario, can you check if Cynthia will be able to learn how to control the aura?" The small blue jackal nodded, before making it's way across to Cynthia. He held out it's hands calling the aura through it's body. Cynthia shivered as she felt the aura make it's way through out her body.

Lucario turned it's head back towards it's master. "Yes, her body will be able completely control the aura. Her aura is quite similar to yours, my master." Ash grinned and nodded to the jackal, calling it back to it's pokeball.

"So Cynthia, do you want to learn how to control the power of the aura." Cynthia could only nod. Ash's smile widen "Great let us begin..."

End of Flashback

"Now leave us before I actually do something that I do regret"

Ash's cold voice brought Cynthia back to reality. She looked quickly glanced around, the big man was still on his knees tears streaming down his face as he looked at his deformed hand. The crowds of people all had worried, and fear in their eyes. Ash had his back facing tor wards her.

The man quickly scrambled to his feet before running off to the opposite end of the boat. Ash sighed "Okay people, shows over"

At the sound of Ash's voice the crowd dispersed to their own little groups, whispering about what had just taken place. Ash turned to Cynthia, about to apologize, instead finding the lips of goddess pressed against his. Ash's eye's widen before closing them and started to kiss back.

He felt her tongue anxiously rubbing against his lips, demanding that they open. Ash had no choice but to open his mouth allowing her complete entrance. Their tongues danced around each other for what seemed like minutes. Finally the need of air finally drove the two apart, leaving both heavily breathing. Cynthia rested her forehead on Ash's before smirking slightly.

"Thank you my hero, for protecting me." Her voice laced with humor.

"You are welcome, my fair lady, I was only doing the right thing. The man saw you as nothing but an object of pleasure, hopefully now he will be treating women with respect."

Cynthia giggled, before connecting her mouth with his, beginning their exotic dance, once again.

Umbrella town -Dock- (Half an hour later)

Ash could only watch in amazement as he saw all the new type of pokemon. Almost every where he looked was a pokemon, with it's trainer that he had never seen before, Mixed in with some that were from the other regions. Cynthia couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter every time she saw Ash's face contorted with excitement.

"How can I not be exited! New pokemon that I have never seen before! I can't believe I didn't come here sooner!" He said seeing Cynthia's laughter. He grabbed Cynthia's hand leading her out into the town. He smiled as he realized that the town was just a little bit bigger than Pallet Town.

All around were small buildings, most completely made out of salty Ocean air blew through the town. The warm cloudless sky, made it perfect to go swimming. Kids were running around up and down the side of the beach. Some were in the water having a splashing against each other. It seemed like a Tropical paradise.

Ash spotted, Behind the town was a small hill, on top of it laid a huge building. It seemed like a giant, standing over the small town. Following Ash's gaze Cynthia decided to speak up.

"The Riches live up their. The man who own's that building is probably the most wealthy man in the Unova region. He has this fascination with artifacts from the ruins and would pay thousands to buy them from people."

"Sounds like something you would do if you had that kind of money" Ash said. Cynthia giggled before smacking his chest, with her free hand.

"Ow, you know it's true" He said laughing earning him another slap to the chest, making him laugh even more. He pulled her closer to him before asking "okay, now that were here, you mention earlier that your friend will have a place for us to stay right?"

Cynthia nodded "Yes, she lives near the beach, I actually called her before hand letting her know that we are coming. She's actually not their right now, but she said that their was an spare key underneath the plant pot and that we are welcomed to stay their for the night."

"Okay, sounds great, lead the way my love" Ash said causing Cynthia to smile, and blush a little. She pulled him through the streets as they continued their simple conversations about the town, and places Cynthia wanted Ash to see.

Cynthia and Ash both couldn't help this warm, fuzzy, feeling that they were getting. They have never been able to go walking around town without the Media, and fans, swarming in on them like fly's.

Being out here with only themselves, no media, no fans, no elite four, no pressure from being champion, it gave them a sense of being a normal couple. Something both had long since gave up on. Although being Champion had it's perks, it also had it's downside, and finally after years of being crushed by the pressure of champions, they could feel normal. Even if it was only for a short while.

Umbrella town -Cynthia's friends house-

Ash pushed open the door and walked into the small house. He smiled to himself when he realized that the house, was about the same size as his home in Pallet. Their was a small living room, set with one long couch and a smaller one perpendicular to it. On each side of them were to small tables with their very own lamp. Mounted on the wall was a small flat screen. Pikachu immediate jumped off it's trainers shoulder exploring the new territory.

Ash immediately dropped his things and jumped onto the couch, laying down getting relaxed. He looked up and smiled as he saw Cynthia set her things down and walk towards him. He watched as she slowly lowered her self over him, her body melting into his. He couldn't help but stare into that single gray eye getting lost in them.

Cynthia couldn't help but let her single eye wonder down from Ash's brown one's falling down to his lips. She slowly wet her lips with her tongue as she remembered the unbelievable sensation she got every time their lips met. She allowed her head to move closer until Ash finally closed the little gap between them as their lips finally met.

His tongue gently made it's way, before expertly opening Cynthia's for entrance. Cynthia couldn't help but let the small moan escape from her throat. She felt Ash smile against her lips, as he heard the slight moan, before deepening the dizzying kiss.

Who knows how long before the two finally pulled back from the lack of air, leaving both panting for breath. Cynthia laid her forehead against looking into those wonderful eye's of his getting lost in them.

"We need to do this a lot more often" Ash whispered, as his arms wrapped around her pulling her even closer onto him, while Cynthia let her head rest onto his chest, listing to his beating heart.

He felt Cynthia nod into his chest. "That would be something I wouldn't mind doing" They stayed connected together for a while before Cynthia finally lifted her head off his chest "Ash, that man on the boat, I know you were protecting me, but I have never seen you lose your cool before, except when you talk about..." She stopped as she felt Ash's hand tighten on her a little.

Ash stared back into Cynthia's lone gray, finding comfort and strength in them. "That man, on the boat, he reminded me of the man that ruined my life" He couldn't help but let the tear fall down his cheek.

Cynthia quickly wiped off the tear that was trailing down his cheek before pulling him into her tightly. She knew that this was a difficult subject for Ash, feeling his arm's wrap around her and holding her tighter.

-Flashback- Ash's Age: 15

Ash couldn't wipe off the huge grind that was glued to his face. He felt like he could take on the world alone. He had just one his first championship in Sinnoh. He had recently left off from Pewter city after saying his goodbye's with Brock. It was just him and his faithful yellow companion laying on his shoulder, it's chest pumped up in pride of winning the championship for it's trainer.

Ash was only twenty minutes away from the town as he came up on a tall hill. He smiled as he could see the little town in the distance. "I'm Home!" he screamed into the air to know one in particular before rushing down the road in a full sprint.

It only took a few seconds before Ash notice that something wasn't right. Their was a huge trail of gray smoke floating up into the sky. A few seconds later, he found the one thing that could remove the huge smile from his face. The smoke had been caused by a fire on an house. Even from a distance he could tell, that it was his home that the fire was set a blaze on.

"No! MOM!" Ash screamed at the top of his lungs as he sprinted faster than ever the rest of the way to his burning home. When he finally reached his house, he screamed for his mom even more. Ash knew that she had been in the house, she was expecting him home today. She wouldn't have left the house.

Tears streamed down Ash's face as he finally decided to do the stupidest thing he has ever done. He rushed into the burning house, in the small chance of finding his mom. He rushed into the living finding that nothing was in their expect the burning furniture, and part of the ceiling that had collapsed in, before he had gotten their. He rushed into the his mom's room to find her entire bed on set on fire. In the middle of the bed was his mom's unmoving, burnt body.

Ash screamed for his mom again...Their was no response from the body. The fire had set all around the bed and their wasn't a single thing Ash could do to help his mom. A million thoughts rushing through his head, his mind telling him that she would want her only son to live, and to become great was the last of the thoughts.

He made his choice and rand out of the burning house and falling on the floor in front of the house. Tears still running down his face. When he finally pulled his gaze away from the burning fire, he found he wasn't alone. Their was a tall man that a small smirk on his face as he watched Ash's tears fall down dripping off his chin.

The man was dressed in a orange suite, and had his hand in one of the pockets. He had short greasy hair and his eyes. His eyes almost made Ash stop breathing on the spot, as he stared into the small black eyes. His eye's showed no compassion, only hate, like he could only care for himself, and didn't care for any others.

His smirk grew even more as he stared at the small teenage boy that looked like he was about to collapse from exhaustion.

"Sorry kid" the mans voice said, holding no remorse. "Maybe this will teach you to not interfere with our plans"

"Why!" Ash screamed "She didn't have anything to do with this!"

The man grinned and shrugged before turning to walk away. "Even I have orders to follow, kid"

Those were the last words Ash heard before, darkness consumed him as he passed out from exhaustion.

Okay! Thanks for reading guy and as always PLEASE review! I love to hear your thoughts and any constructive criticism will help me a whole lot!

Also yes I know that aura probably doesn't work that way, but in this fiction it does!

If you have any suggestions on what Ash and Cynthia should do while in Unova feel free to tell me, It will help me alot. Again thanks for reading!