Jim and Kate walked down the corridor of the hospital toward the small chapel. Esposito was waiting outside to escort Martha to her seat and Ryan opened the door to let Alexis and Lanie enter. The doors were then held open for Jim and Katie as she gasped.

The chapel had been transformed with flowers, and candles. Soft music was playing from a CD player she spotted in the corner. Then, everything stopped once she caught Rick's eye. She felt like she was floating as she made her way down the aisle. Her father kissed her cheek as she took Rick's hand.

The ceremony itself was short and intimate. Unlike his other weddings, this was the time he was marrying the love of his life. For better or worse (honestly, what could be worse than quarantine), in sickness and in health (they had both suffered some ill effects of the poison), they were in it together.

As Rick slipped the band onto her finger, he looked into her eyes and whispered, "I love you." No other words were needed as they committed their lives to one another.

The chaplain pronounced them husband and wife and they kissed. Their friends and families congratulated them with hugs and well wishes. As they left the chapel, they were led down the hallway to their favorite outdoor spot.

The hospital staff surprised them with some snacks, a small cake to cut, and cupcakes for everyone else. There was a small area for dancing under the trees. Everyone posed for pictures and talked. Rick and Kate talked about their experiences being under quarantine and the boys talked about the cases they had been working on. Martha and Jim were enjoying each other's company as well as they took to the dance floor.

The snacks were eaten, the cake had been cut, and the sun was setting. Rick and Kate were slow dancing under the tree and talking quietly.

"I love you Mrs. Castle."

"I love you too, Mr. Castle."

"This has been the best day of my life, Kate."

"How about I make it the best night of your life too, Rick."

They kissed softly, and he took her in his arms. When the song was over, she took his hand and they walked to say goodbye to all their guests.

Everyone was gone, and they retreated to their room. Kate giggled when she saw that the room had been decorated with fresh flowers and candles. Their two beds had been replaced with one king size bed with a gorgeous green comforter. Rick saw that there was an envelope on the pillow, and picked it up. Opening it, the card inside read:

Dear Kate and Writer-boy,

Congratulations you two. We're so glad you finally got it together. We hope to see you soon on the outside. Enjoy your night. We love you.

Lanie, Javier, and Kevin

Rick pulled Kate into his arms and lowered his lips to hers. Soon, they were united in love, as husband and wife. No one could tear them apart.

The hospital parking lot was relatively empty, since it was the night shift. Lanie had changed from her bridesmaid dress and was walking across the parking lot when she heard someone call her name. She turned around to find Dr. Pomatter walking in her direction. She placed the bags in her car, and met him halfway.

"Hello, Jim. It's been a long time."

"Yes it has, Dr. Parrish. I hope you're doing well."

"I am, and I have to say I'm not the only one. Rick and Kate sure are happy, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are. I'm glad I could be of assistance."

"Me too, Jim. Let's just make sure that no one ever finds out that they were never actually contagious. Kate would murder me herself if she found out what we did."

Lanie then handed him a small envelope, and he looked inside. It was filled with $100 bills.

"That should cover the inconvenience of destroying the blood samples and falsifying medical records."

"This is very generous of you. Thank you Dr. Parrish."

"Goodnight, Jim."

They separated and went to their own cars. The mission was complete. Kate and Rick were together and that wasn't going to change. Lanie smiled to herself as she drove away.