*Top Gear Theme Music*

"Hello! Hello anndddd Welcome!" Jeremy Clarkson leaned on the podium of the Top Gear studio, a sea of joyous anonymous faces around him.

Jeremy was a grey-haired, barrel-chested man of fifty-five with the air of a retired prize-fighter about him. He stood before a large covered tripod board, it's contains hidden by a white sheet. As his raised his hands, the applause died down.

"-To another Top Gear Special!" He was met with a round of applause again.

Jeremy was a popular television host in the UK; his success came from this very job presenting Top Gear with his co-hosts, Richard Hammond and James May. He was very much what today would describe as the stereotypical image of a man his age; poor health, very opinionated and often controversial. It's been theorised this is what made him such a popular host, as the world changes around him Jeremy ignores it and continues on in intentional ignorance of it. A man out of time, Jeremy Clarkson is the living nostalgia of the average 1930's man.

And that's exactly what we all love about him.

"Tonight," Jeremy begins in his South London accent, "Me, James and Richard face one of our toughest challenges yet. Abandoned in the middle of the ocean, we are left with nothing but the bare essentials and three cars of our own choice to navigate our way across, what is most probably the most dangerous places, of all time."

"'What island is it?' I hear you ask. Antarctica? Everest? Liverpool?"

Jeremy paused at the crowd's laughter.

"I'm afraid the answer, is much worse."

He turned and tugged the sheet off the tripod.

Printed on the board was an aerial photograph of a large triangular island. The island was printed in inverted colours; each colour signifying a different degree of elevation, the measures next to the image translated the size of being roughly twenty by fifteen miles.

In other words, far too small to be the stage of a normal Top Gear special which would normal follow the trio travelling hundreds of miles across multiple different countries. In truth, it was extremely hard to tell anything of the island other than its size and shame. However that was not the reality of the situation, for the fact that in recent years this island has been the centre of much controversy, to the point where everyone in the room immediately recognised the distorted shape printed on the board.

A gathering of gasps and whispers breezed through the crowd.

"In this, Top Gear - The Jurassic Park Special," Jeremy switched to a much more serious voice. "We travel to the south end of Isla Sorna with one objective in mind; make it to the north end in one piece."

"Pleasantly we were told we could make the journey in any car of our choice. Rather annoyingly however, they didn't tell us where we were going."

"How long until we dock?" James asked.

James May was a fifty two year old, short haired man.

He, like Jeremy, would have been much more at home in the early nineteen hundreds. The only difference however, is while Jeremy has firmly not allowed the new world to change him, James embraced it. He remembers the old world with fond memories, while fully accepting his integration to the newer one. His old fashioned attitude, his love for anything nostalgic and war-based, James is very much to be considered the more intelligent, less aggressive version of Jeremy.

And his personality matched his appearance; at first glance you could tell he would be at home reading in front of the fireplace with a Labrador at his feet. Very much the opposite situation to the one he was in now.

He was slumped on a metal bench leaning against the cabin wall, sat opposite his fellow broadcasters Jeremy and Richard. The room they were in was plain, a single lightbulb swinging back and forth with the waves. The bland expressions on their faces echoed the attitude of the room.

"Nobody knows." Richard stated coldly.

Richard was the third and final member of the Top Gear trio, and by far the most different. He mirrors Jeremy and James, but in all the wrong ways. While those two are elderly men who romanticise the past, Richard instead eagerly does all he can to fit into 'the now'. By far the most stylish and 'hip' of the group, Richard aggressively considers himself a part of the modern generation (much to the entertainment of his co-hosts). Because in fact, Richard is a forty six year old short and angry man who refuses to accept his aging, even going as far to have his teeth whitened and hair dyed. Not that he'd ever admit it, mind.

"Ah." James sighed.

There was a pause as the group contemplated.. well, nothing. In fact they just stared into space.

"Where we going again?" James asked.

"Nobody knows." Richard repeated calmly.


Another pause.

"What time is it?"

"James, we don't know."

Suddenly there was a burst of static, an electronic beep, and a new voice entered the room via intercom. The group wearily raised their heads.

"Attention Top Gear team, we are now approaching your destination. Please collect your items and prepare for docking." A feminine voice said.

"Finally." Jeremy groaned, standing up.

Jeremy stood up and yawned, stretching out his arms. It was clear they'd spent a lot of time locked up in this room; sweat had soaked through the armpits of his white pinstripe shirt. James slowly got up, supporting himself on the wall. Richard bounded up, his physicality not reflecting his miserable expression.

"Yeah come on lads. Let's get to it" Richard said, clamping his hands together.

"Oh My God." Jeremy remarked. Standing on a dock, three middle aged British men made their way off the ramp of a HMS Bulwark war ship and onto the dock of an abandoned boathouse. The building was in ruins, and heavily over grown with vines. The roof to the building had cave in in several places. Nobody dared trying to enter it. The three stopped beside a rusted pair of double doors. The three looked between each other nervously.

"Oh my god. Look at that!" James pointed off screen.

The camera turned.

The trio looked out over a volcanic terrain, overgrown with lush tropical forests. The forest was thick with conifer and monkey puzzle trees all covered in harsh impenetrable vegetation. The graphic moans of large animals could be heard from deep inside the jungle. The Sun was in the middle of the sky, hovering over a large active volcano in the centre of the island, creating a shadow big enough to hide half of the island. A light breeze swayed through the forests and hit the Top Gear presenters.

"That's amazing." Richard said crossing his arms.

The three cautiously stepped off the splintering wooden dock and onto the soft beach sand. As they moved, a furry spider emerged from under the boards and scurried off into the distance.

"Finally. A special that takes us to a place we actually want to go!" Jeremy said pointing at the tropical jungle.

In the background, the harsh sound of metal scrapping against metal caught the attention of Jeremy, Richard and James. An ancient crane from the deck of the boat swung over the side, revealing a shining grey car. The crane lowered towards the dock, and the sun reflected harsh of the shiny bonnet of the car. The car thudded down hard on the wooden deck, and the crane swung back to onto the boat.

"Ah, ah there we go!" Richard said approaching the car.

"I've been quite brave with my choice of car," Richard told the camera. "Jaguar XJ6!"

"Now, it isn't known very much that I actually used to have one of these. But this isn't just any old Jaguar, It's been specially designed by the Top Gear scientist's to go an extra ten miles an hour!" Richard told the camera, as well as his work mates.

"I admire this car and I want to say for once you haven't been an idiot." Jeremy said pointing at the car. "But the truth is you have been an idiot."

"How? It's in silver, it's got leather seats, it does two hundred miles an hour. It's beautiful!" Richard asked, slapping the bonnet of the car.

"Well how are you going to get it through there?" James asked pointing into the forest.

"Oh." Richard said, his smiled disappearing.

"Oh, hang on, hang on!" James said pointing back at the boat as the crane began to lower down another car.

"Is that yours?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes. Now, I've done this properly." James told the camera.

"After going to Bolivia, I predicted we would be going somewhere with hard and wet terrain. So I got this! A Land Rover Defender!" James remarked.

As the car got lowered down, it revealed its dark green camouflage colour. The sand lightly crunched under its wheels as it was placed much more gently on the sand. Then, the straps broke off the side, and the crane slowly returned to the deck.

"I have to admit James that was actually quite a good choice, how did you know?" Jeremy asked.

"Well they aren't going to take us to Paris or Rome where they? Which is obviously what Hammond thought." James said pointing at Richards's shiny sports car.

"Hang on; I thought that we would be having another road trip like Romania." Richard stressed.

"If we were going somewhere like that do you really thing they would keep it a secret?" James asked.

"I don't care what you say. You'll see. At the other end of the finish line the Jaguar will still be running. In fact it will probably be rescuing you and Clarkson the whole time like normal." Richard argued.

"Shut up shut up!" Jeremy yelled, pointing at the ship.

The cane returned again, this time nursing the third and final car. It was instantly recognizable what type of variant the car was. It was the car that owed its entire reputation of being the most indestructible car on the planet to Top Gear. As it landed, it was most certainly, a red Toyota Hilux.

"I have been the smartest of all men. I knew exactly what we would be doing, so I bought this!" Jeremy pointed at the car.

"The Toyota Hilux Pickup truck! A car, that we've proved from multiple challenges is the most indestructible thing to have ever existed!" Jeremy remarked.

"Well it can't cross the channel." Richard added.

"But we're not doing that, we're doing this. Whatever it is." Jeremy pointed at the forest. "And that is why I have been a genius and you two haven't."

"Hang on, why aren't I a genus? I got a Land Rover, a car literally famous for going off-road. The clue is in the name!" James argued pointing at his car.

"James it's a Land Rover Defender! It's hideous!" Jeremy said.

"Well it isn't the looks that matter. It is going to make it through there without any problems what-so-ever." James said.

"Yes and Richard's eight feet tall!" Jeremy argued.

"Hang on, I agree with James." Richard said.

"You stay out of it. You aren't going to make it off the beach never mind up those mountains." Jeremy remarked.

"Well no I'm sure roads are a thing here, and when we get on them I'll be a lot faster than the pair of you."

"Yes, but speed wont matter when you're trying to make your way through a forest. My car on the other hand, will. Which is why I have made the best choice." James said.

"No you just haven't James." Richard said.

"Why haven't I? What are you looking at?" James asked Jeremy.

Jeremy wasn't paying any attention to the argument forming between James and Richard, instead he was staring off into space.

"Guys... where exactly are we?" Jeremy asked.

As if on cue, a Chinese man in a white coat stepped into the view of the camera, and handed Jeremy a golden envelope, and then disappeared again.

"Thanks." Jeremy said. With force, Jeremy began to rip open the envelope.

"Good. What have we got to do?" Richard smiled.

"Oh my God." Jeremy said reading the letter.

"What?" Richard asked.

"Go on." James insisted.

"You can't make us do this." Jeremy looked up at the camera. "Get back on the boat."

"Why? What is it?" Richard asked.

"It can't be worse than Iraq." James pointed out.

"Oh it's much worse than Iraq." Jeremy told them.

"Well go on read it out." Richard insisted.

Jeremy took a deep breath.

"You have docked on Isla Sorna," Jeremy told them. "From where you are know you need to travel North-West until you reach the 'Site B Operations Center and Worker Village'. Once there you will await your next instructions. Don't get eaten."

"Nope! Back on the Boat! Back on the Boat!" Richard said waving his arms at the boat.

"Erm chaps, we can't." James said.

"Why?" Richard asked.

The camera turned to the boat.

The boat had pulled its ramp up, and was preparing to leave the tropical Island, as fast as possible.

The bull horn blew loudly, and slowly the boat began to move.

"No! No! Fire us, I don't care, we aren't doing this." Jeremy shouted.

Jeremy ran into the shallow water towards the boat, begging it to come back.

"Stop! Stop! Come Back! Come Back!" Jeremy yelled desperately.

Jeremy turned to the camera dramatically.

"Oh my god."

The three watched in horror was the warship disappeared into the distance.

With a look of fear plastered on their faces, they hastily scrambled about the dock, getting into the motor cars as fast as their feet could carry them. The three climbed into the driving seats of their cars and hastily put the locks on.


Jeremy looked into the camera, eyes wide with fear.

"This has to be illegal." He said with no shame.

A moment later, his radio clicked. "Hamster is that you?" James' voice said.

"No mate its Jeremy." Jeremy said.

"Right, shall we begin then?"

"Do you really want me to answer that James?"

"Right o." James stopped talking.

He turned the key in the ignition. The engine rumbled to life. He popped the four wheel drive into gear and slowly started moving towards the dense jungle. James suddenly over took him, taking the lead, breaking through the foliage. Jeremy stepped on the accelerator and the Toyota hummed forward, following the Land Rover.


In a few moments, they had left the beach behind, and were moving steadily through the dense jungle. Jeremy was deathly silent, and kept his eyes on the road. He never once looked out the window. James was roughly thrown from side to side, the Land Rover clearing a distinctive path in the forest for the two other cars. And Richard, Richard was frantically looking through the dashboard, then his side mirrors, then the back window, and then all three all over again, determined not to miss anything that could become a danger to them.


After more moments of silent driving, Jeremy turned to the camera.

"Right now we should be telling you how the drive is. As I can imagine, Captain Slow is getting thrown about by the jungle, Richards absolutely terrified that there isn't a single thing on the island he is bigger than, and me, well I just want to go home. To my wife and kids." Jeremy said.

[Inside the Land Rover]

"Now." James said. "Despite what it looks like, we have actually picked a descent group of cars. There's mine, which has no chance of getting stuck anywhere, and I can also clear a path for the other two. And then there's Jeremy, who as much as I don't want to admit it, was a brilliant choice, and he's right when he says it's indestructible. I mean, if a building collapsing on it can't kill it, I doubt a Brontosaurus can. And then there's Richards, who after we have cleared all the forest, will be able to go as fast as he can away from the big viscous killer dinosaurs who want to eat him."

Although the forest was vastly overgrown with colourful plant life, they made good progress. After a few minutes of driving, James came to a stream with muddy banks.

"Oh no, our first obstacle!" James said into the radio.

"Don't drown James; if you die we can't get around your car." Jeremy's voice said.

"What is it? I can't see anything." Richard said.

"It's a river." James told Richard.


The Land Rover started across it, then stopped. James got out, stepping over rocks in the water, walking back to the other cars. Jeremy and Richard got out of their cars, and stood on the banks of the stream. In the far distance, they heard the cries of what sounded like birds. Jeremy attempted to hide a smirk.

"It's stuck." Richard said blankly.

This drove Jeremy over the edge, and he roared out in laughter.

"Hey it's not funny! It's probably got stuck by a bolder, something'll be stuck up out the ground under it." James snapped.

"It's stuck James! It's stuck! Your Land Rover, the best choice of them all, has gotten stuck in a stream! Not a river, a stream! And now we are going to leave you here to be eaten alive by the big furious dinosaurs. Come on Richard, let's go." Jeremy said.

"Um actually we can't, Jeremy, James is parked in front of us." Richard pointed to the dead car.

Then, much closer, another bird cry floated toward them.

The group looked between each other cautiously. Then, Richard spoke up.

"I have some crow bars in my boot." He said, pointing back to his car.

"That better not be a youthanism." James said.

Jeremy and James walked cautiously back around to the boot of Richards car. Richard pulled out his keys, there was a beep, and electronic clank, and his car boot sprung open. In his boot was a verity of different objects, mostly spare petrol cans, empty glass bottles, a few photos, and finally the three spotted four crow bars.

Jeremy bent over, and picked up the longest of the metal objects out of the car. He gripped the hard and held it close. Richard took to smaller crow bars into each hand, quickly attaching them to his belt. And James was left with the feeblest looking of the lot, a small, already bent rusted crow bar. He held it close to his body, and peered through the forest, ready to defend his life. Then, there was another cry, this one so close you could touch.

"Uh-Oh. We have company." Jeremy pointed to James' car.

Stood on the bonnet of his car were half-dozen bright-green animals, standing in a group. They were the size of chickens, and they chirped animatedly. They stood upright on their hind legs, balancing with their tails straight out. When they walked, their little heads bobbed up and down in nervous jerks, exactly like a pigeon. And they made a distinctive squeaking sound, very reminiscent of a bird. They had quizzical, alert faces, and they cocked their heads when they watched the camera and strange men.

"Oh they are horrible." Richard took a step back and held his bar close.

"They are magnificent!" James said, taking a step closer.

"They just look like lizards." Jeremy said with a letdown.

The green lizards stood, watching. Several more hoped up onto the Land Rovers bonnet out of the undergrowth and nearby foliage. Soon there were a dozen of the strange lizards, watching and chattering.

"Our first dinosaurs! They are wonderful aren't they?" James asked, re-approaching his car, showing no fear at all.

"James be careful!" Jeremy warned.

James stopped beside his car, and bent down, examining the animals closely. A few of them hopped around, interested in what the strange animal that had come to see them was doing. They chipped to one another and cocked their heads at him rapidly. "It's amazing." James said, "It's almost like they aren't scared."

"Well why would they be? They probably haven't seen such long hair before. They probably think one of their nests have come to life. Hamster are you okay?" Jeremy asked.

"They are horrible! Look at them! They're like fur-less pigeons!" Richard said in disgust.

"Don't pigeons have feathers?" James asked.

"Whatever they have, we can't just stand here all day playing with them. We need to get to the Site B village, thingy." Jeremy said.

"He's right, James you get in your car and see if you can start the engine." Richard said. Jeremy and Richard returned to their cars, and climbed back in. James walked cautiously back to his door. The lizards jumped of his bonnet and followed him to the door. They all stood around his legs, chittering excitedly.

[Land Rover}

James climbed into his Land Rover and closed the doors, being careful not to trap the little creature's neck. James put his crow bar on the seat beside him and turned on the radio.

"Right-Oh chaps, are we ready to go?" He asked.

"Depends James, are you?" Richard asked him.

James turned the key to activate the engine. Nothing. He crossed his tightly and did so again. This time, the engine roared to life. James smiled brightly, and put the car into drive. He drove the Land Rover through the stream and up the slop on the far side.

"Well, our first Dinosaurs. I don't suppose you two have idea what they were?" James asked.

"Iguanas." Jeremy said.

"No idea, sorry." Richard said.