A/N: This is the fourth in a series of NCIS- Harry Potter crossovers. If you are happening upon this for the first time, you should first read…

The Mysterious Autopsy of Tom Riddle

Rule 38

Just Business

If you've read them, and are ready for the next NCIS-Auror Office joint investigation, please continue.

Andrew Dorman usually made sure his desk was neat and tidy, and he especially wanted it to be the epitome of organization today. It was not the first time the head of a Muggle Agency visited his office. He had had the Directors of MI5, MI6, the French DCPJ, the American CIA and FBI, and even the Canadian Mounties. But today was the first time he'd meet the Director of the America's Naval Criminal Investigative Service, indeed the first time an NCIS Director had called on the Auror Office.

A ministry pamphlet fluttered into his office. It had come from the visitor's desk that he could see from his window which overlooked the entire entrance hall. The memo read, The Muggle Director of NCIS is on his way up, escorted by Potter. Very good, Dorman thought.

He waved his wand one last time around his room in case any dust particles had found their way in since the last time he'd cleaned. He heard the "ding" of the lift and there was a knock on his door. "Enter," he said.

Harry Potter opened the door, his lightning scar briefly flashing as he leaned forward to admit a tall, broad shouldered man with graying hair. "Director Vance, good to meet you," said Dorman. The man chuckled. "You've got the wrong man, sir. I'm his escort." He stepped aside to let a thin black man enter. "Mr. Dorman. I'm Director Vance. This is Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He's my best agent."

"Very nice to meet you," Dorman said.

You say that now, Harry thought privately.

"Now why have you called this meeting?" asked Dorman. It had been a slow January day when Director Vance had first made an attempt to contact the magical community, which is not easy for a Muggle. It took weeks to schedule a time for a meeting.

"I want to discuss our agencies joint operations," Vance said. All business, as usual. "They're becoming more frequent. Presumably, you read the report on Ian Holladay?"

Dorman had in fact done no such thing. The Holladay case crossed jurisdiction with NCIS's murdered Navy commander and Dorman had handed the case file to NCIS without further ado. It had officially been an NCIS case and there was hardly a note of it in the Auror office's files.

"Ian Holladay's act of terrorism cost a Navy commander and a security guard at the weapons station their lives. I will freely admit that without the help from your Aurors, Potter and Weasley, the case would not have ended well. Then, just a few months later, a wizard cursed an NCIS Agent to attack a Muggle, and Hamas hired two wizards to plant a bomb on a US Ship. It was by chance that the Muggle knew an Auror and sought him out." Vance was speaking boldly now. It was clear he'd reached the point in the discussion he'd been dying to bring up.

"I propose we have a joint team," he said. "I want to assign one of my agents to work with you. When Muggles stray into your jurisdiction, he can help and when wizards stray into ours, he's just a phone call away."

Harry gave Gibbs a quizzical look, but the man gave nothing away.

Dorman considered Vance's proposition. "We could probably make allowances," he said. "Any particular agent you had in mind?"

"I was going to let you decide," Vance said. "We can create a liaison with Agents Gibbs, DiNozzo, or David." He offered files on each. Harry just stared. There was no way Gibbs would allow this. He turned to Gibbs again and was not surprised by what happened next.

"Mr. Dorman, if I may object," Gibbs said. "We had no liaison before and managed effective and efficient cooperation. If there is any need for a joint investigation, Potter and Agent David can easily contact each other. Making a massive decision like this after only two joint investigations is a shot in the-"


Right as Gibbs was about to say "dark", several things happened at once. The gunshots rang out, and Gibbs immediately rushed forward and pulled Director Vance down and used Dorman's desk for cover. Harry ducked just before a second gunshot sounded (BANG!) and pulled his wand and joined them under the desk. And what was left of Dorman's face fell into the pile of blood and brains that had splattered across the desk.

*cue NCIS theme*