"I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother Sam." the short haired man who had rescued her from the fat, balding, middle-aged ghost had said.

"And you are...?" Sam asked, fishing for an introduction.

"Lucille Winchester." She said, frowning and wondering exactly she said that.

"Oh, god. Not another one." Dean muttered before turning towards his brother.

"Sam, get dad's other journal, and find out whether she's blood or adopted." Dean said, pointing to the black Impala that was parked nearby.

"I don't know what was worse, finding out that dad was a manwhore who also made an income as a sperm donor, or that dad was adopting random kids and ditching them 'for their own safety'. I'm almost afraid to ask any girl back to my room these days." Dean muttered as Sam moved to comply.

Sam quickly found the rather thick leather-bound journal that he sought, and began leafing through it.

"Lucille...Lucille..." he muttered as he flipped pages. "Ah, here it is."

"So?" Dean asked.

"Adopted. Summer of '91. Some monster was snacking on kids at a day camp in San Francisco. Dad rescued one who had no memory of who she was. There's some notation here about behavioral problems. Dad left her at Pastor Jim's with paperwork identifying her as Lucille Winchester. Seems I've got another twin." Sam said after reading the entry.

Sam studied her more closely and frowned.

"Hey, I think I remember you." Sam said after staring at her for about a minute. "You stayed for about a week, and vanished after you set fire to the kitchen."

"The pyro?" Dean said incredulously. "We ran into the pyro?"

She had opened her mouth to say something along the lines of "I'm not a pyromaniac. I've got those urges well under control, thank you very much" when Castiel appeared.

"Dean..." Castiel said, before turning to her and looking at her oddly.

Castiel vanished, and returned about a minute later holding something that felt oddly familiar. Sam and Dean turned away with their eyes closed the instant Castiel moved to give it to her. There was a blinding flash of light, and then...

"Welcome to the army soldier," Dean said grinning once the lightshow was over. "Now go up there and go get 'em."

She and Castiel vanished.

"That was..." Sam started.

"The third time this month." Dean said. "Freaking angels."