Title:The Matchmakers

Summary: Abby and Ducky are both playing matchmaker for Tony and Gibbs. With their help will Tony and Gibbs admit how they feel for each other? And if they do can they make their relationship last forever. SLASH.

In this story there is no DADT and men/men being married is not an issue.

This story came about from Hotshow. She had a really interesting and fun idea for a story. Since she isn't a writer and liked the stories I've posted, she asked me to write it for her. I hope I did her story justice and that she likes it. I hope you all like it. Thanks for the great story line hotshow, I enjoyed writing it.

Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Cookie62 for beta reading!

Thanks for all the feedback on the earlier chapters. Hope everyone enjoys this one. Happy reading.

"You realize I can use my hands now?" Gibbs smirked.

"Then use them." Tony grinned as he looked down at Gibbs' head in his lap, holding the chip just out of reach of his mouth.

Again Gibbs tried to bite at the chip and Tony pulled it out of reach.

"That's it." Gibbs said as he caught Tony's wrist pulling the chip down to his mouth then sat up and grabbed Tony, tossing him down on the couch. Gibbs grinned as he held his hands up just above Tony's chest.

"Jethro. No. Don't." Tony's eyes were wide.

For a moment it looked as if Gibbs had decided against it, but then his hands came down and started tickling Tony.

"JETHRO!" Tony yelled through his laughter.

"That's what you get."

"PLEASE!" Tony laughed.

"Pretty please." Gibbs smirked.

Over Tony's laughter, they both heard someone clear their throat.

Gibbs looked up and Tony turned his head.

Ducky stood just inside the living room, a smile on his face.

"Hey Ducky." Tony smiled.

"Duck." Gibbs said.

"Doing well I see." Ducky smirked.

"Yeah." Gibbs said sliding off of Tony and standing beside the couch.

Tony sat up trying not to laugh.

"Thanks for stopping over Duck."

"Not a problem."

"Can I get you something to drink Ducky?" Tony asked feeling like he should be doing something.

"I'm fine thank you." Ducky paused. "No bandages."

"No. Doctor said everything looks good."

"So why am I here?" Ducky asked.

"Because Jethro is impatient."

Gibbs glared at Tony.

"You are, well at least when it comes to this." Tony grinned.

Another glare.

"Okay. I'm leaving you two alone to talk." Tony turned to Ducky. "Once he tells you what he thinks the doctor said, I'll tell you what he actually said."

Ducky chuckled and nodded.

Once Tony disappeared upstairs, Ducky stared at Gibbs.

"What?" Gibbs rolled his eyes. "Say what you need to say Duck."

"I wasn't going to say anything."

Gibbs eyed Ducky suspiciously.

"Okay I was going to say it's good to see you so happy."

Gibbs nodded. "It's good to feel that way."

"So you're impatient about something?" Ducky asked using Tony's words.

Gibbs chuckled. "No. Just the doctor said a week or two before I can go back to work."


"Dependent on you."


"He said if you check on me in a week, he'd take your suggestion under advisement."

"Ah yes." Ducky nodded. "Then I'm here so you can convince me that you will be ready for work in a week."

"No." Gibbs smiled. "I want your honest opinion in a week."

"You'll have it."

"I need your help again." Gibbs said keeping his voice low.

"Something for Tony."


"What can I do?"

"Be here tomorrow at nine. I'll explain when you get here."

Ducky nodded.

"And one other thing." Gibbs said as he went to the bookcase and pulled something down. "I wanted to give you this back."

Ducky took the case and looked at it trying not to show any reaction to the Full Metal Jacket DVD he had left for Gibbs.

"Duck." Gibbs smirked. "You can't lie to me."

"Yes well." Ducky looked away.

"Thanks Duck." Gibbs sighed. "I mean it."

"Well a little push never hurt."

Gibbs laughed. "A little push that what you and Abby call it?"

Ducky smiled. "Maybe a shove."


"You ready for this?"

"Not really but do I have a choice?"

"No." Gibbs smirked.

"I'd rather stay and just curled back up in bed with you." Tony smiled.

"Well I don't plan to go back to bed."

"Yes but if I was home I could convince you to go back to bed."

"I have no doubt you could." Gibbs smiled.

"I know. Work." Tony sighed.

"Don't want to be late. Your boss doesn't like when you're late."

"MY boss is not in this week."

"You're other boss." Gibbs smirked.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Right."

"Go." Gibbs chuckled.

Tony turned to leave and Gibbs smacked his backside.

Tony glared back at him. "Don't start."

Gibbs chuckled. "Why do you always think I'm starting something?"

"Because you usually are."

"No. You always want me to start something." Gibbs smirked.

"Maybe." Tony grinned.

"Now Go." Gibbs chuckled.

Tony paused at the door leaning against it.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Tony asked.

"Do you want me to pack your lunch?" Gibbs said sarcastically.

"Very funny." Tony made a face. "No."

Gibbs stepped closer. "Is this what I'm forgetting?"

Gibbs' hand went to Tony' face as their lips met and Gibbs tasted the sweet remnants of coffee on Tony's lips and in his mouth. Then he let his mouth slip from Tony's.

"You are such as bastard." Tony sighed.

"Yeah. So I've been told." Gibbs chuckled. "Get to work."

Tony rolled his eyes.

"It's a short week." Gibbs nodded. "Only two days then you'll have the weekend off."


Ducky arrived right at nine finding Gibbs dressed and sitting on the couch drinking coffee.


"Tony made it to work today?"

"Yeah." Gibbs nodded.

"Did he protest?"

"A little." Gibbs smirked.

"So what is this surprise I need to help you with?" Ducky asked his curiosity peaked.

"Since you like playing matchmaker so much I need you to drive me somewhere."

"Do I get to know where?" Ducky asked.

"I'll tell you on the way."


"Jethro you never cease to surprise me." Ducky said as they pulled into the driveway.

"Glad to hear I can still surprise you Duck." Gibbs said climbing out of the car.

"And just when is Tony getting this surprise of yours?" Ducky asked as he followed Jethro into the house.

"Friday night if I get everything done by then." Gibbs smiled.

"You have everything you need."

"No. I have a few more things I need to take care of."

"Why do I think lawyers are involved?" Ducky thought he knew what Gibbs was up to.

"You know how I feel about lawyers." Gibbs chuckled.

"Yes but they are a necessary evil sometimes."

"That they are." Gibbs nodded.

"You know there is no need to be worried."

"I know."

"Then why do you still look as if you have doubts." Ducky looked concerned.

"Not doubts. I just want to do this right."

Ducky smiled. "You will."


Ducky patted his shoulder. "I should get back. But if you need my assistance again-"

"I'll call."


Gibbs had been down in the basement for hours doing minor work on the boat, not pushing his hands more than he thought he should. When he heard the squeak of the steps he looked at his watch, after seven thirty.

"You turning into me?" Gibbs grinned as he looked up at Tony.

"No because you would have made me sign the mountain of paperwork that was on my desk when I walked in."

Gibbs smirked. "The sacrifice of being the boss."

"My right hand is numb." Tony sighed as he dropped down on the bottom step. "Not to mention the added stack of papers I had to sign when I made the mistake of going to autopsy."

Gibbs chuckled as he leaned back against the boat. "No cases today?"

"No." Tony ran his hands over his face. "The highlight of my day was when McGee spilled a can of pop on his keyboard and acted as if the world was coming to an end."

Gibbs shook his head. "I see. And how did that come out?"

"I told him to take yours and I requisitioned you another one."

"There's pizza in the fridge."

Tony's perked up. "Pepperoni, sausage, double cheese?"


"God I love you." Tony sighed.

"If I knew that was all it would take." Gibbs smirked.

Laughing Tony finally got up and made his way to Gibbs.

"Only one more day." Gibbs smiled as he enveloped Tony in his arms.

"It's not that bad, really." Tony sighed.

"I know."

"How are you feeling?" Tony asked as he gently caressed Gibbs' chest.


"Did you have an exciting day?"

"Ducky stopped by."

"I heard." Tony nodded.

"Other than that, the boat, read a little, that's about it." Gibbs looked serious at Tony. "I was surprised you didn't call."

"I wanted to but then I kept thinking you would think I was some crazy worry wart. Then tell me you were fine and just do my job." Tony paused. "Plus Ducky said you were fine when he was here. Do you want me to call?

Gibbs chuckled. "No. I was just surprised you didn't because I know how you are."

"Yeah." Tony smiled. "Believe me I picked up the phone like ten times today to call."

Leaning into Tony's ear Gibbs whispered, "I won't get angry or annoyed if you want to call."

Tony grinned. "Thank you."

"Now go eat." Gibbs said dropping a quick kiss on Tony.

"Are you coming up?" Tony asked pulling himself from Gibbs.

"Yeah. Give me a minute."

"Okay." Tony said as he made his way back upstairs.

Gibbs ran his hands over his face. He needed to have everything done by tomorrow when Tony got home because he was positive, he wouldn't make it keeping this surprise any longer.


The morning had been a repeat of yesterday as Tony left for work.

"Mark I need it today. You said you could have it done." Gibbs barked into the phone. "Then get it over here now."

With that Gibbs slammed the phone shut and tossed it on the couch. He ran his hands over his face. God he hated lawyers.

His phone rang out from the couch and he grabbed it looking at the caller id.

"Ran out of paperwork to sign?"

"No. I still have tons of that thanks." Tony chuckled.

"I'm fine." Gibbs said into the phone.

"Okay. Good to know."

"That is why you called." Gibbs asked.

"Yeah. And to ask you if you want me to pick up some dinner tonight. I should be out of here by six, six thirty."


"Chinese okay."

"Yeah." Gibbs

"Anything in particular you want?"

"Whatever." Gibbs sighed.

"You sure you're okay?" Tony sounded concerned.

"Fine, really." Gibbs tried to keep his voice calm.

"Okay." Tony paused. "Want me to give you a call when I'm on the way home?"



"Tony." Gibbs paused.


"I love you."

"I love you too. I'll call you on the way home."

"Sounds good." Gibbs heard the phone go dead and there was a knock at the door.

"Jethro." Mark smiled as Gibbs opened the door.

"Mark. Come in." Gibbs said stepping aside.

"I've never had you want something so quickly." Mark sighed as he sat his briefcase on the coffee table and pulled out the papers. "Here you go."

Gibbs took the papers and glanced over them. "This includes everything?"

"The house, cars, boat, the property in-"

"Good." Gibbs said flipping to the last page then laying it down on the coffee table. "Pen?"

Mark handed him a pen.

Gibbs signed the paper and handed the pen back to Mark.

"Did you bring me a copy?"

"Of course." Mark said handing another copy to Gibbs.


"Are you sure about all this?" Mark looked concerned.

"Shouldn't you ask me that before I sign?"

Mark chuckled. "I'm just checking. This is unlike you."

"It's fine." Gibbs nodded. "I appreciate you taking care of this so fast."

"Not a problem." Mark paused. "Anything else you need from me right now?"

"That was it."

"Good luck tonight."

Gibbs nodded as he walked Mark to the door.


Tony sat at his desk still confused by the phone conversation with Gibbs. He sounded agitated and nervous and it made Tony uneasy. Tony sighed, it was probably nothing. So why couldn't Tony just let it go?

"Are you okay?" Ziva asked from her desk.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"You do not look okay."

"It's fine." Tony waved her off.

"You have looked almost green since you spoke to Gibbs."

He ran his hands over his face.

"Is he okay?"

"He sounded agitated and nervous when I called." Tony thought about the conversation.

"Maybe he was busy doing something."

"Maybe." Tony looked at his watch, it was almost five.

"I am sure he is fine. You know how he is." Ziva shrugged.

"Yeah and that's what scares me." Tony sighed.


He had everything in place now all he could do was wait. The waiting is what was driving him crazy. Running his hands through his hair and over his face he looked at everything around him again. It was as perfect as he thought it should be, but then what did he really know. As much as he wanted everything to be just right there was really no way to tell. Realizing staring at it wasn't going to change anything he closed the door and left the room.

Walking into the kitchen, he poured a cup of coffee and looked at his watch, five thirty. He still had an hour before Tony would even be leaving work. The phone at his hip rang and he grabbed it without looking at the caller id.


"I just picked up dinner and I'm on the way."

"Thought you weren't leaving until six or six thirty?"

"Everything that needed to be done was done." Tony said unsure why Gibbs sounded so surprised.

"That's good." Gibbs paused. "Then see you in about twenty minutes?"

"Yeah." Tony sighed.

"You okay?" Gibbs asked.

"Are you?"

"Yeah. Why do you sound upset?"

"We'll talk we I get home." Tony said as he clicked the phone closed.

Gibbs let out a long breath. Great just what he needed. Why was Tony upset?


Tony walked through the door less than twenty minutes later.

"Hey." Gibbs smiled as he walked up and grabbed the bag of food from Tony.

"Hi." Tony smiled as he followed Gibbs into the living room.

Sitting the bag down on the coffee table Gibbs turned around and grabbed Tony, pulling him into his arms.

Tony looked surprised. "Missed me that much?"

"Yes." Gibbs nodded as he kissed Tony; it was tender and sweet, trying not to build the desire that he always felt when they kissed.

Tony shook his head as he pulled back. "Sometimes you confuse me."


"You sounded agitated and annoyed when I called earlier today and even when I called just a little bit ago." Tony sighed. "But then you greet me like this."

"I didn't mean to sound that way at all." Gibbs knew he had been feeling that way all day but he never met Tony to sense that from him.

"Everything's okay. Your hands aren't bothering you? Or your chest?"

Gibbs chuckled. "No."

"You swear?" Tony asked still looking concerned.

"Tony. I promise. Everything's fine. I feel fine." Gibbs pulled him closer.

Tony looked at him as if still trying to decide if he was telling the truth.

"Can we eat now?" Gibbs asked with a smile trying to hide his nervousness.

"Jethro what is it?" Tony sighed.

He wanted to wait till after dinner, but he was starting to realize it would be too hard.

"I have something for you."

"Okay." Tony smiled.

"I wanted to wait till after dinner but I don't think I can." Gibbs said, his eyes dancing across Tony's face.

"So are you going to give it to me?" Tony asked when Gibbs didn't move.

"Come with me." Gibbs said taking Tony's hand and pulling him towards the steps.

"It's upstairs?" Tony grinned.

"Yes and it's not that." Gibbs smirked as they made their way to the bedroom door.

Tony looked surprised when the door was closed and Gibbs stopped.

"Close your eyes."


Gibbs dropped a quick kiss on his lips. "Close them please."

Tony sighed but closed his eyes.

Opening the door, Gibbs walked Tony in, faced him towards the middle of the room and then wrapped his arms around him from behind.

"Open your eyes." Gibbs said at Tony's ear.

Tony did and his eyes went wide.

"Jethro! It's beautiful." Tony said excitedly as he slipped out of Gibbs arms and walked towards the bed.

Gibbs watched as Tony looked at the bed and touched the large carved headboard.

Then Tony looked back at Gibbs.

"This is the one I said I liked that day when we were out. Why?"

"Because I realized the other night that the other bed, although I wanted it to be our bed, really wasn't. I wanted it to be new something we share for the first time together." He smiled and walked over to Tony. "This is our bed."

The smile that spread across Tony's face made Gibbs heart stop.

"Thank you." Tony said as his hand caressed Gibbs cheek and he kissed him.

Again, Gibbs took Tony in his arms.

"And candles." Tony grinned seeing the LED candles glowing by the bedside.

Gibbs nodded.

"Does this mean we get to christen the bed tonight?" Tony said with a seductive smile.

"I hope so." Gibbs smirked. "But only after my other surprises."

"There's more?" Tony raised his eyebrow.

"Yes. Much more." Gibbs sighed. "So much more."

"I'm intrigued now." Tony smiled.

"Then follow me." Gibbs eyes beckoned to Tony as he lead him back down stairs and towards the basement.

"From the bedroom to the basement." Tony smirked. "Do I have to close my eyes?"

"No." Gibbs said as he stepped aside letting Tony stepped down into the basement first. Gibbs followed on his heels.

Tony couldn't even speak as he looked around the basement.

"How did you-" Tony's sentence stopped as he stared around. The basement had been cleaned up and flowers and candles were scattered around the entire area. The futon mattress was laid out with beautiful pale green sheets covered in rose petals. Next to it sat a bottle of champagne and a tray of chocolate covered strawberries.

Tony turned back to Gibbs who was just smiling.

"What is all this?" Tony asked completely surprised. "It's beautiful and I love it but why?"

"Because I love you and you deserve it." Gibbs said his heart beating out of his chest.

Grabbing Gibbs and pressing their bodies together Tony grinned.

"This is why you sounded so agitated today on the phone." Tony chuckled. "Because you were planning all this."

Gibbs nodded.

"I have one question." Tony stared at Gibbs. "Why buy a brand new bed then bring me down here?"

"Because you are the first person who realized how important the boat was to me and that I didn't come down here to hide from you or get away from you." Gibbs smiled. "And you wanted to be a part of it. No one had done that before."

"I love that you work on the boat and I do know how important it is to you." Tony smiled.

"But it's not as important as you." Gibbs paused. "I want you to know that."

"I do." Tony nodded.

"It still amazes me though." Gibbs smirked. "That you love that I work with my hands, and that night you were waiting for me upstairs, wanting me covered in sawdust and hard work. It was amazing."

"That was an amazing night." Tony grinned remembering how many times they had made love and then just held each other.

"I knew then how much I loved you." Gibbs smiled. "And that you were everything I could ever want. Although I knew it before that but it really hit home that night."

"So that's what it takes huh?"

"Part of it." Gibbs let his hand trace a path over Tony's face, down his jaw and to his lips. "But it's so much more."

"And the more is why we're down here." Tony smiled.

"Yeah, but not the more you are thinking about." Gibbs chuckled.

"Then what?"

"It's everything you've done this last month." Gibbs sighed. "And everything you've put up with from me."

"Jethro I know that-"

Gibbs put his finger on Tony's lips to stop him.

"You should have left or hit me, or yelled and screamed while telling me what a stupid jackass I was." Gibbs paused. "But you didn't and I love you for that. And I told you I would do everything to show you that I love you and that I have always loved you and I will till the day I die."

Tony looked slightly puzzled. "Till the day you die? That's a long time and very permanent."

"I know." Gibbs pulled a folded paper out of his back pocket and handed it to Tony.

"What is this?" Tony asked.

"Look at it." Gibbs nodded.

Tony unfolded the paper and started to read through it, his eyes went wide. "Jethro you don't need to-"

"It's not need to I want to. I want this to be our home." Gibbs smiled.

"But Jethro. I can't-"

"It's already done." Gibbs wrapped his arms around Tony's waist. "All of it. You make this house a home."

"I don't know what to say." Tony sighed.

"Say you're happy."

"I've never been happier." Tony smiled.

"And you've made me happier than I ever thought I could be." Gibbs' eyes were locked on Tony's. "I could never want for more. You've give me everything I have every wanted and more."

"I love you." Tony smiled.

"And that amazes me, scares me, excites me, and drives me crazy with desire." Gibbs pulled Tony closer. "And I never want to be without you ever."

"You won't." Tony said.

"I want to make that official." Gibbs said as he released Tony and reached into his pocket.

Tony felt his heart beating out of control, felt his breath catch in his throat as he saw the box in Gibbs' hand.

Gibbs pulled open the box, showing the gold ring to Tony.

"I love you and I want us forever." Gibbs' voice was honest and sincere even as it shook slightly. "Will you marry me?"

Tony couldn't find his voice, even as the answer formed in his mind.


Grabbing Gibbs' face with both hands Tony kissed him, it was the only way he knew to convey his feelings and answer.

"Is that supposed to be an answer?" Gibbs smiled.

"Yes." Tony finally managed to say. "Yes, Yes, Yes."

"Are you sure?" Gibbs smirked.

"Absolutely." Tony beamed.

"I love you Anthony DiNozzo." Gibbs smiled.

"I love you Leroy Jethro Gibbs." Tony grinned.

Gibbs pulled the ring out of the box and held it up.

Tony put out his hand and Gibbs slipped the ring on his finger.

Looking at the ring on his hand, Tony then looked at Gibbs.

"I can't even believe this." Tony smirked. "No wonder you were so agitated today."

Gibbs pulled Tony close. "I wanted to do everything right, wanted everything to be perfect, for you."

"It was." Tony sighed and cupped Gibbs face. "Perfect."

"Then why are we standing here." Gibbs smirked as he held Tony and pulled them both onto the bed. His body gently pressed against Tony's.

Tony laughed surprised. "You think proposing to me is going to mean I'll let you have your way with me?"

Gibbs looked at Tony puzzled. "Isn't that the way it works?"

Tony stared at him as Gibbs started to smirk.

"No, that's not how it works?" Gibbs smiled. "Guess I was mistaken."

"You are incorrigible." Tony grinned.

Gibbs caressed Tony's cheek and looked at him with such love that Tony felt his heart ache.

"I'd be happy to just hold you in my arms all night."

Tony smiled at Gibbs his hand gently brushing against Gibbs' chest.

"You are such a liar." Tony smirked.

Gibbs chuckled. "I can't help it I want you more every day."

Tony's face lost all playfulness as the desire filled his eyes and Gibbs felt his body warm against his. Moving his hand down Gibbs' chest he clawed at Gibbs' already hard cock.

"Then show me." Tony sighed. "Show me how much you want me."

Gibbs' hands pushed the bottom of Tony's shirt up. Understanding Tony raised his hands and let Gibbs remove it. His lips sank down to Tony's neck kissing, sucking and licking at the soft flesh as his hands explored the muscles of Tony's back.

Tony's hands struggled to unbutton Gibbs' shirt wanting and needing to feel Gibb's skin. Stepping back, Gibbs pulled the shirt from his body then fell back on Tony. Letting his lips stop by Tony's ear Gibbs whispered.

"Lay back."



Tony lay back staring up at the man he loved.

Gibbs shook his head.

Understanding, Tony rolled over, folding his arms under his head and looking over at Gibbs.

Gibbs placed a kiss on the small of Tony's back causing him to squirm. Gibbs kissed up Tony's spine as his hands caressed up either side.

Tony moaned arching his back up against Gibbs touch. As he reached Tony's neck Gibbs trailed kisses across Tony's shoulders letting his hands travel up and down Tony's ribcage.

"Please." Tony laughed.

Gibbs smirked knowing Tony was ticklish.

Tony tried to just enjoy the touch but his body craved more.

Gibbs grinned as his lips tasted the back of Tony's neck, his hands continued their exploration of his body.

"Now on your back." Gibbs said suddenly at Tony's ear.

Tony obeyed turning over and looking up at Gibbs.

Gibbs smiled. "So much more to explore."

And with that Gibbs' lips pressed to Tony's neck nipping the tender flesh.

"Yes." Tony moaned as his fingers knotted into a fist on the back of Gibbs' head.

Gibbs' hands swept over Tony's chest touching every peak and valley. Pulling himself from Tony's grip, Gibbs placed kisses across Tony's chest until finding his first target. There was a sharp intake of breath as Gibbs' tongue flicked across Tony's right nipple.

"Oh God." Tony groaned as the sensation shot through his body.

Another lick and Gibbs' mouth sucked at the nipple.

Tony moaned. "Jethro feels so good.

Gibbs moved to Tony's other nipple giving the same treatment, again causing Tony to moan. Gibbs' lips traveled farther down reaching Tony's belly button he licked and kissed around it.

Then Gibbs momentarily paused.

"Please don't stop." Tony sighed.

"Believe me I'm nowhere near done with you." Gibbs said as his hands released the button on the top of Tony's jeans then pressed a kiss to the newly exposed flesh.

"Jethro." Tony groaned as his body shivered.

Gibbs' eyes closed briefly causing him to pause again.

Tony smiled knowing what had caused the reaction.

"Jethro please." Tony sighed looking down at the man.

He slipped down the zipper on Tony's jeans.

"Lift your hips." Gibbs said.

Tony immediately lifted up. Gibbs smirked as he pulled Tony's jeans down off his body leaving Tony laying there naked.

Gibbs' eyes cascaded over Tony's body drinking him in.

"You are gorgeous." Gibbs sighed. Letting his hand grasp the base of Tony's cock, Gibbs' tongue flicked out across the head.

"Jethro." Tony groaned and threw his head back.

When Gibbs' lips wrapped around Tony's cock and took him in, Tony's body shook.

"God yes." Tony's body screamed out moaning with each movement of Gibbs' lips over his cock. Opening his eyes and looking down Tony almost came aroused by the image. Gibbs' mouth around his cock, his head moving up and down, it caused Tony to shake and he was afraid he would lose control.

Gibbs' hand slid up Tony's chest clawing at the flesh. Tony moaned as his hand drifted down and found Gibbs. Their fingers locked together.

Tony's hips involuntarily thrust up with each of Gibbs' downward motions.

"Jethro I can't" Tony gasped as he found it harder and harder to catch his breath. "Feels so good."

Gibbs' speed increased as he knew Tony's release was near wanting to push Tony over the edge.

"Jethro." Tony cried out as he felt the need wash over him. He thrust up as his release poured from him and into Gibbs. The world went white, then black as his body trembled and then slumped to the bed. He fought to breath, his lungs refusing to take in the air he so desperately needed.

Gibbs finally pulled himself from Tony's cock and moved back up his body. He dropped down beside him letting his hand brush across Tony's chest. Dropping his lips to Tony's neck he kissed up to his ear.

"I love the way you scream my name." Gibbs whispered. "Especially when you come."

Tony grabbed the back of Gibbs' neck pulling him down their lips almost touching.

"Now kiss me." Tony said as he crushed Gibbs lips to his. Tony's lips didn't stay there long as he let pushed Gibbs back on the bed his lips immediately traveling across Gibbs' chest as Tony straddled him.

"Tony." Gibbs moaned.

"It's my turn." Tony said as his hands clawed up Gibbs' chest.

Gibbs looked up at Tony, eyebrow raised.

"Is that so?" Gibbs smirked thrusting his hard cock up against Tony.

Tony moaned but pushed down pinning Gibbs' hips down to the bed.

"I said my turn." Tony said as he leaned forward then slid his hand down Gibbs' chest and grabbed his cock.

Gibbs moaned. "Tony."

"These need to go." Tony sighed as he tugged at Gibbs' belt, finally releasing it and then undoing the button and the zipper. He pushed forcing them down Gibbs' hips.

Gibbs used his feet to push them the rest of the way off.

Tony's hand then wrapped around Gibbs' cock stroking over its length.

"Fuck Tony." Gibbs growled grabbing Tony's hips.

"You feel so good." Tony sighed loving the feel of Gibbs' cock in his hand.

"God yes." Gibbs groaned as he clawed at Tony's ass.

"I will never get enough of you." Tony groaned. "All of you."

"I want you ever night for the rest of my life."

"You have that." Tony speed up his movements.

"Oh God." Gibbs felt the release knew it was close.

"I want you to come." Tony stare into those steel blue eyes. "Please."

"Tony." Gibbs growled as he thrust up and came. His knuckles white as he clutched at Tony.

Tony's hand continued to work over Gibbs' cock until Gibbs' whole body went limp.

"You are-" Gibbs sighed.

"What?" Tony smiled.

Gibbs grabbed Tony and gently tossed him down on the bed causing Tony to laugh.

"You are everything I want." Gibbs sighed. "And so much more."

"Good." Tony smiled as he took Gibbs' face with both hands. "Because you are exactly what I have always wanted."


"What do you want?" Gibbs asked.

At some point they had made their way upstairs into the new bed, Gibbs sitting against the headboard with Tony leaning back against him, held protectively in Gibbs' arms.

"Why is it all about me?" Tony countered.

"It's not but I've been through this before. You haven't." Gibbs paused. "I want this to be perfect for you."

"Why is that?"

Gibbs' lips brushed against Tony's ear. "Because this is the only wedding you get."

"Is that so?" Tony smirked. "I thought you were just the dry run."

Tony felt Gibbs' arms crush in around his chest.

"Kidding." Tony coughed trying to catch his breath. "Can't breathe."

Gibbs relaxed his grip slightly. "This is the one and only understood?"

"Yes." Tony paused. "Do you understand that?"

"Very funny." Gibbs chuckled. "You are the one and only."

"Good." Tony sighed as he leaned his head back against Gibbs.

Gibbs dropped a kiss to Tony's temple. "So what do you want?"

"Small, intimate, just our close friends." Tony smiled up at Gibbs.

"Okay." Gibbs nodded.

"Those are the only people that matter." Tony rubbed his hand over Gibbs arm. "And I want you in a black tux."

Gibbs chuckled. "Why is that?"

"Because you look so sexy in a black Tux."

"So are you wearing a dress?"

Tony elbowed him in the stomach. "Smart ass."

Gibbs fought the urge to laugh.

"We both wear Tux's."

"Got it." Gibbs smirked. "And where are we having this event?"

"Ducky's." Tony again turned back to look at Gibbs. "Do you think he would let us?"

Gibbs nodded with a smile. "Of course."

"Good." Tony placed a quick kiss on Gibbs lips.

"Are we each having a best man?"

"Best person." Tony nodded. "Did you have someone in mind?"



"You?" Gibbs asked.

"Abby." Tony grinned. "The two matchmakers."

"Right." Gibbs chuckled. "So who does that leave to invite?"

"Ziva, Tim, Jimmy, Franks, if you want."

"Yeah Franks, he should be there." Gibbs paused. "Fornell."

"Really?" Tony smiled.

"He's a good friend." Gibbs added.

"Your dad." Tony said not sure how that statement would go over.

"Right." Gibbs sighed. "Hadn't thought about that."

Tony turned around in Gibbs lap wanting to be able to see his face.

"I'm assuming you haven't told him or if you have you haven't told me."

Gibbs shook his head. "I haven't told him. We don't really talk about that kind of information."

"Do you want to tell him?" Tony asked a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah." Gibbs nodded. "I just-"

"You think he will have a problem with us?"

Gibbs looked completely at a lose. "I have no idea."

"I want him there." Tony sighed. "He's your family."

"I know." Gibbs smiled. "I'll work on it."

Tony nodded.

"And what about your father?"

Tony groaned. "I knew that was coming."

Gibbs grinned. "Think he'll have a problem?"

"Probably not." Tony chuckled. "He'll probably say this explains so much."

Gibbs laughed. "You think he knows."

"I think he assumes but doesn't want it confirmed so he doesn't ask." Tony smiled. "Please, my father is the consummate ladies man."

"That is true."

"I'll work on my dad while you are working on yours."

"And when is this taking place?" Gibbs asked.

"Soon." Tony smirked. "Before you can change your mind."

"Not gonna happen." Gibbs lips found Tony's neck kissing and nibbling at the flesh.

Tony moaned about to accept the desire when Gibbs stopped and looked at him.

"I want to marry you as soon as possible and not because I'm afraid of changing my mind."

Tony smiled and grabbed Gibbs face with both hands. "Next weekend."

"What?" Gibbs looked shocked. "That's like a week."

Tony nodded. "All we need is a minister, our tux's and our friends."

Gibbs smiled. "Okay."

"Really?" Tony looked as if he didn't believe Gibbs had a agreed so quickly.

"Yes." Gibbs smirked. "I told you I want to marry you as soon as possible."

Tony pressed a kiss to Gibbs lips. "Then we have a lot to do this weekend."

"Yes we do."


Saturday was suddenly becoming a blur of phone calls, computer searches, errors and trying to get a meal in there somewhere.

"We go Monday after work for the Tux fittings." Tony said as he stared at the laptop on the coffee table.

"Okay." Gibbs answered not picking his head up from the back of the couch.

"You confirmed everything with the minister?"

"Yes. He'll be where ever we tell him to be on Saturday at two."

"And Ducky?" Tony asked finally looking over and seeing Gibbs with his feet on the coffee table, his head on the back of the couch and his eyes closed.

"He should be here in a little bit."

Tony slid over closer to Gibbs on the couch, pulling a leg up and looking sideways at him.

Gibbs turned his head to the side and looked at Tony. "Yes?"

"You okay?" Tony smiled.

Gibbs nodded and smiled.

"Is this all too much for you?" Tony asked.

"No." Gibbs shook his head. "Just taking a minute to relax and thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Tony asked hesitantly.

Gibbs grabbed Tony by the middle of the shirt and pulled him closer.

"Making love to you for that first time after your my husband."

"Maybe we need a practice run." Tony smirked.

Gibbs chuckled. "As wonderful as that sounds. We have too much to do and Ducky is on his way over."

"Damn." Tony grinned as he kissed Gibbs slowly, building the intensity. Gibbs wrapped his arm around Tony's waist and had pulled him into his lap.

They both heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Tony pulled back and glanced over at Ducky standing at the threshold of the living room.

"Hi Ducky."

"Anthony." Ducky smirked.

"Hey Duck."

"I would ask if I'm interrupting but you invited me."

Tony chuckled as he climbed off of Gibbs.

"How about a drink Ducky?" Tony smiled. "I have tea."

"That would be wonderful." Ducky nodded as he stepped into the living room and sat down on the chair next to the couch.

Gibbs was smiling.

"I can only presume that your surprise yesterday evening went as planned."

"It did." Gibbs nodded.

"So is this where I pretend not to have known about it and you and Anthony tell me about your news."

Gibbs laughed. "No."

"Here Ducky." Tony said handing the tea to the man.

"Thank you."

"Did you ask him?" Tony asked as he sat down on the couch next to Gibbs.

"No. Ask away." Gibbs held up his hands.

"We'd like to have the wedding at your house."

Ducky grinned. "Of course."

"Are you sure?" Tony paused. "We'll take care of everything."

"I would love it." Ducky smiled. "And I'll help in any way I can."

"Thank you Ducky." Tony smiled

"I'm more than happy to help."

Gibbs leaned forward his elbows on his knees as he looked at Ducky.

"We've been friends a long time."

Ducky nodded. "I brag a great deal that our relationship is one of the longest you have ever had."

Gibbs chuckled. "True."

Tony grinned.

"I know you've been through a few of these with me." Gibbs paused and watched as Ducky nodded. "But this is the one that counts. The last one."

"I can see that." Ducky nodded as he glanced over at Tony who was obviously moved by Gibbs words.

"I want you to stand up with me."

Ducky was taken aback by the request then smiled.

"I would be honored my friend."

"Good." Gibbs nodded and patted Ducky's knee. "Thank you."

Tony actually felt like he could cry.

"Please it is your fault I'm in this position."

Tony broke out laughing.

"My fault?" Ducky looked shocked.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow at him.

Ducky suddenly looked guilty. "Yes, well I was merely helping the process along."

Gibbs smirked. "You did Duck, you did."


"Did you give anyone any idea what they were coming here for?" Gibbs asked.

"No." Tony said as he grabbed a couple beers from the fridge. "Just said we wanted everyone to get together."

Slipping behind Tony, Gibbs grabbed him and pulled him against his chest, his lips raining kisses on his neck.

"And what's this about?" Tony smirked as he fell into Gibbs' embrace.

"Trying to get my fill of you before everyone gets here." Gibbs said between kisses.

"You can get your fill of me once everyone leaves."

"Is that so?" Gibbs said as his hand slid down and rubbed Tony's cock.

"Jethro!" Tony tried to push Gibbs hand away. "Stop."

"That's a word I don't hear that often from you." Gibbs grinned as he let his hand drift away from Tony's cock.

"That's because I love when you stroke my cock." Tony sighed and closed his eyes.

Gibbs suddenly stopped and froze.

"What?" Tony opened his eyes and looked at the vision before him.

Abby was standing in the opening to the kitchen. One black eyebrow raised and an evil grin on her lips.

"Abby." Tony forced a smile as he ripped himself from Gibbs arms. "Hey."

"Hey yourself." She glanced at Gibbs. "Really that was so hot."

Gibbs rolled his eyes. "Abby."

"Seriously if you weren't like my dad and big brother I would totally want to-"

"ABBY!" Gibbs barked.

She grinned.

"Gibbs, Tony."

McGee's voice carried in from the other room.


"Hey." He smiled. Ziva and Palmer appearing beside him.

Ziva looked at Abby seeing the grin.

"Did we miss something?"

"No." Rang up in unison from Gibbs and Tony.

Abby laughed.

"Come on everyone sit down." Tony said trying to get everyone into the living room and to get Abby's mind off of what she had heard and seen. "Pizza is on its way."


They all laughed and talked eating the pizza and drinking beer. Tony loved this, loved that they had all become a family, and now made complete by Gibbs more active participation in the group outside of work. Although it had started because he wanted to make Tony happy, it was now something he enjoyed just as much. Sitting on the chair beside the couch, Tony was sitting against it his hand on Gibbs' knee. Gibbs' fingers playing in the small hairs at the base of Tony's neck.

Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Tony smiled at Gibbs. Gibbs nodded.

"I need to tell everyone something."

The four people went silent and looked at Tony.

Tony suddenly couldn't find the words. He wanted to say something profound something memorable.

Realizing Tony had suddenly gone mute Gibbs shook his head.

"We're getting married. We want you all there." Gibbs said.

"Yeah. That." Tony smiled.

Abby jumped up and plopped down into Gibbs' lap hugging him.

"That is so awesome!"

Gibbs chuckled as he hugged the excited girl. "Thanks Abs."

Congratulations rang up around them.

"When?" Ziva asked.

"Next Saturday." Gibbs answered

"What?" Abby looked at Gibbs shocked. "But that's not enough time to get-"

"It's small." Tony took over. "Just all of you, at Ducky's house."

"Sounds wonderful but quick." Ziva said.

"Everything is pretty much done." Tony smiled. "We took care of as much as we could today."

"You know we'll all be there." Abby grinned.

Affirmations rang up around the room.

"Thanks." Tony paused as he leaned over towards Abby. "Can I talk to you a minute?"

Abby looked concerned. "Yeah."

Gibbs pushed her off his lap and off the chair. Tony took her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

Ziva smirked at Gibbs. "You married again?"

"Yeah." Gibbs nodded. "For good."


"What's wrong?" Abby squared her shoulders. "I can take it."

Tony chuckled. "Nothing's wrong Abby."

"Then what?"

"I want you to be my best lady so to speak."

Abby's mouth opened slightly and she sighed.

"Oh my God that is so sweet." Abby clutched at her heart. "Tony of course."


Then she threw her arms around Tony's neck almost knocking him over.

"Abs, can't breathe."

"Sorry." She smiled as she kept her arms around Tony but loosened her grip.

"You can let me go." Tony smiled.

"So Bossman's got mad skills?" She grinned.

"What?" Tony looked puzzled.

"You know. What you said earlier." She smirked. "That you love the way he strok-"

Tony put his hand over her mouth. He felt the smile against his hand.


"We are so putting a lock on the door." Tony sighed as he climbed into bed.

Gibbs smirked. "Abby corner you?"

"Yes and believe me you don't want to know the question she asked me."

Gibbs chuckled. "I'm sure I already know."

Tony laid down and closed his eyes. He felt Gibbs move, then felt his chest pressing against his own.

"And what did you tell Abby about my skills?" Gibbs asked placing a kiss on Tony's chest.

"Nothing." Tony grinned.

"I don't believe you." Another kiss.

Tony chuckled. "I was a complete gentleman."

"Still don't believe you." A kiss against his throat.

Tony sighed. "I said you were okay."

"Okay." Gibbs hand drifted down to Tony's cock. "Just okay."

Tony moaned. "Maybe better than okay."

Gibbs clawed across Tony's cock.

"Jethro." Tony groaned.

"What did you really say?" Gibbs asked his lips kissing under Tony's ear.

"That I couldn't get enough of you." Tony sighed as his hands explored Gibbs back.


"That I've never wanted anyone the way I want you." Tony thrust into Gibbs hand.

"Anything else?"

"That you were insatiable."

"Sounds about right." Gibbs said as he stopped and dropped back down onto the bed.

Tony shook his head. "And that I truly understand about the second B is for bastard."

"Yes you do." Gibbs grinned.

Tony's body crashed down onto Gibbs.

"Something you want?"

"Yes and I'm going to take it."

"I won't stop you." Gibbs smirked.


Monday morning and Tony was sitting at his desk trying to tell himself the weekend hadn't disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Ziva asked.

"Tired." Tony sighed as he ran his hands over his face.

Ziva smirked. "Maybe if you slept more."

Tony glared at her innuendo. "That's not it."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Well that's only part of it."

"Ah I knew it!"

The elevator opening, caused all three agents to look up, surprised at what they saw.

Gibbs walked out of the elevator.

"Jeth-Boss." Tony said standing up.

"Here on business not work DiNozzo."

"Okay." Tony nodded as he watched Gibbs head up the steps and then disappeared towards the director's office.

"What is he doing?" McGee looked at Tony.

"I have no idea."


"He knows I'm coming." Gibbs said as he breezed by Leon's assistant and walked into the office.

"And I thought maybe being away for a month would change you." Leon sighed not having missed Gibbs storming into his office. "I see I wasn't that lucky."

"Fraid not." Gibbs smirked.

"So what is it you so urgently needed to see me about?" Leon asked leaning back in his chair.

"My team needs next weekend off, no calls, no emergencies." Gibbs continued. "I don't want even want anyone thinking their names."

Leon stared at Gibbs. "Sounds more like an order than a request."

"Take it however you want." Gibbs shrugged. "They all have plans. Plans I want them to keep."

Leon nodded. "Care to share?"

"Tony and I are getting married."

Leon tried to hide his shock, but his eyes betrayed him. He leaned forward on the desk.


Gibbs nodded.

"And this is number?"

Gibbs tipped his head and glared.

Leon shook his head and stood up walking around the desk. Leaning back against the desk he folded his arms across his chest.


"I don't know who to be more concerned for. You or him." Leon smirked.

"Yeah." Gibbs chuckled.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'll make sure your team is completely available next weekend."

Gibbs nodded.

"Anything else?"

Gibbs pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Leon.

"What's this?" Leon looked confused.

"An invitation."

"To your wedding?" He now looked shocked.

Another nod from Gibbs. "Come, don't come. Either way you're welcome if you want."

Leon raised an eyebrow. "DiNozzo softening you?"

Gibbs smirked. "Maybe."

"Um hum." Leon nodded. "And back to work the following week?"


"No honeymoon?" Leon grinned.


Leon nodded. "Anything else?"

Gibbs shook his head and headed towards the door.

"Agent Gibbs."

Gibbs paused his hand on the door.


"Yeah. Thanks." Gibbs said as he walked out the door.

Leon ran his hands over his face. Then shook his head.


"Tony." Ziva quietly barked.


She nodded towards the steps having seen Gibbs coming down them.

Tony was on his feet and heading to intercept Gibbs.

"Everything okay Boss?" Tony asked.

"Yeah." Gibbs nodded heading to the elevator and pushing the button.

The doors opened and he stepped in. Tony stood there staring at him.

"Get in." Gibbs barked.

"Right Boss." Tony said jumping into the elevator.

"And stop calling me boss. I'm not working."

Ziva and McGee heard Gibbs say as the doors closed.

Once the elevator was in motion, Gibbs flipped the stop button.

"Bos- Jethro what is it?"

"Everyone is clear for next weekend."

"O-kay." Tony drew out.

"I wanted to make sure." Gibbs said.

Tony's eyes went wide. "You told Vance and he- well you seem okay and I didn't hear gun shots…"

Gibbs rolled his eyes.

"Unless you used your knife."

"Tony!" Gibbs scowled.

"Right got it." Tony grinned.

"And I invited him."

Tony smacked the palm of his hand against his ear, and then shook his head.

"I must have water on my-." Tony looked stunned. "You invited Vance to our wedding?"



"Because it's what I needed to do."

Tony looked at Gibbs, knowing to him it seemed like the right thing to do. Vance had given Tony the time off to care for Gibbs and Gibbs respected him for that.

"Okay." Tony smiled.

"Thanks." Gibbs nodded.


The rest of the week became a blur of cases and planning for the wedding until finally it was Friday. Tony was sitting at his desk willing the clock to read 1700.

"Tony just go home." McGee rolled his eyes. "There's no case."

"No." Tony sighed as he dropped his head to his desk. "If I do Gibbs will just tell me how I'm supposed to be the leader of this team while he's away and leaving early is not an option."

"Is that so DiNozzo?"

Tony's head shot up as he heard the voice.

"Okay I know you're good but come on? You couldn't possible know to show up at this exact minute." Tony sighed looking at Gibbs.

Gibbs just stared at Tony.

"This is how it's going to be the rest of my life isn't it?" Tony smiled.

"Yeah" Gibbs smirked.

Tony grinned. "So what is this visit about?"

"I brought your overnight bag and your Tux."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Change your mind about all this?"

Gibbs chuckled. "No."

"You're staying with me tonight." Abby smiled as she came barreling into the bullpen.

"Okay." Tony said eyebrow still raised, looking confused.

"We both said we wanted to do this right." Gibbs smiled. "So you're staying with Abby tonight."

"Seriously?" Tony grinned. "You don't want to see me before the wedding?"

Gibbs nodded.

"You do this with any of your ex-wives?" Tony asked.

"No." Gibbs shook his head.

"Okay then." Tony shot up. "I'm staying with Abby tonight."

Gibbs smirked.

"Yea!" Abby said throwing her arms around Tony.

When she stepped back she looked at Gibbs and smiled.

"I'll take good care of him."

Gibbs nodded. "I know you will Abs."

"You two are so cute!" Abby grinned as she watched the two men stare at each other.

"I need to see you in your office for a minute." Tony said walking around the desk.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow. "You're calling a meeting in my office?"

"I just, I mean I wanted to-" Tony suddenly squinted his eyes and tightened his shoulders as if Gibbs was about to head slap him.

Shaking his head, Gibbs made his way toward the elevator. Tony quickly followed. They stepped into the elevator and Gibbs stopped it as soon as it started. He leaned back against the wall and looked at Tony.

"What?" Tony looked at him.

"I don't know, you called this meeting." Gibbs chuckled.

"Oh right." Tony smiled.

Gibbs shook his head. "Did you have something to say?"

"Yes. Well not really say but." Tony moved to Gibbs touching his face as he kissed him tenderly. Then smiling at him again. "I love you."

"I love you too." Gibbs said pulling Tony into his arms.

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Look at you being all touchy feely at work."

"I'm not at work." He grinned. "I'm still on leave."

"Semantics." Tony smirked then ran his hand down Gibbs thigh. "Although if you're not at work then maybe we can."

Tony's hand cupped Gibbs cock.

Gibbs smirked and grabbed Tony's hand kissing it. "I don't think so."

"Damn." Tony grinned.

"Maybe this." Gibbs pulled Tony tighter and captured his lips.

Tony was immediately transported back to the first time they kissed in bed that night. He never thought that kiss would lead to this. But they had been through so much now and he couldn't imagine not being here in this moment about to marry the man he loved.

Gibbs finally pulled back and looked at Tony. "You okay?"

Tony nodded. "More than okay."

"We need to get back before everyone gets the wrong idea." Gibbs smirked.

"They already know." Tony grinned.

"Yeah well, I'd rather not give them more fuel for the fire."

"Right." Tony went to step out of Gibbs' arms and Gibbs stopped him

"Behave tonight."

"Worried?" Tony smirked. "You know Abby's not my type?"

"That's not what I meant." Gibbs chuckled.

"And what are you going to do tonight?" Tony asked.

Gibbs leaned into Tony's ear. "Think about you."

Tony sighed. "And do what?"

"What do you think?"

"Jethro." Tony moaned. "You can't say things like that to me."

"What things?" Gibbs sighed. "That I'm going to jack off thinking about you."

Tony grabbed Gibbs' cock hard. "You save that for tomorrow night."

"Right." Gibbs nodded. "Can you let me go now?"

"Promise?" Tony said squeezing hard.

"Yeah." Gibbs groaned. "Promise."

Tony let him go.

"Damn." Gibbs sighed.

Tony stepped away and started the elevator.

"You are a bad boy." Tony narrowed his eyes. "And tomorrow night I'll show you what I do to bad boys."

Gibbs came up behind Tony wrapping his arms around his waist and whispering in his ear. "Promise."

Tony chuckled. "Yes."

"Good." Gibbs kissed his cheek just as the elevator doors opened to reveal Ziva, Tim and Abby standing in front of the elevator. All three of them grinned.

Tony grinned. "Guess you miscalculated the timing on that elevator trip."

"Yeah. A little." Gibbs sighed as he slowly released Tony.

"That is like the sweetest thing ever!" Abby sighed.

Gibbs rolled his eyes and in his best boss voice barked. "Get back to work all of you."

They all went to scatter including Tony, but Gibbs grabbed Tony by the back of the shirt.

"Not you." Gibbs said.

"I thought we were done." Tony grinned leaning back into Gibbs.

Gibbs placed a quick kiss on Tony's cheek. "Now we're done."

He let go of Tony and stepped away, Tony almost fell backwards.

"Out." Gibbs said as he pushed Tony out of the elevator and the doors closed.

Tony looked over at the three people staring at him smiling. He pulled down his jacket.

"You heard the man, back to work."

They all laughed.


"This is seriously what you do the night before your wedding?" The man smiled walking down into the basement.

Gibbs chuckled. "It's what I do every night, especially when Tony's not here."

"And when Tony's here?" The man raised an eyebrow.

Gibbs looked at him and shook his head.

"I brought the pizza if you have the booze." Fornell grinned as he stopped in front of Gibbs holding the pizza box.

"In the cooler." Gibbs nodded.

Fornell sat the pizza down on the tool bench and grabbed a beer.

Gibbs walked over opening the pizza box and grabbing a piece.

Fornell took a swig from his beer. "He's really going through with this?"

"What does that mean?" Gibbs narrowed his eyes.

"I thought he'd wise up." Fornell smirked. "But then it's DiNotzzo."

"Hey." Gibbs barked.

Fornell chuckled. "Kidding. Seriously though he does realize what a bastard you are right?"

Gibbs nodded. "Oh yeah. Believe me he knows."

"And he still wants to marry you?" Fornell shook his head. "You must really know how to fuc-."

"Come on!" Gibbs shook his head. "What the hell Tobias."

"I'm just saying." Fornell smirked.

Gibbs took a swig of his beer then grinned. "Of course I'm good."

Fornell started laughing. "Never thought I'd be having a conversation about you banging DiNozzo."

"Banging? What are you fourteen?" Gibbs chuckled.

"Making love." Fornell waxed poetically. "That better."

Gibbs rolled his eyes.

"Really Jethro." Fornell smiled. "It's good to see you happy."

Gibbs nodded. "Thanks."

"You invite Diane and Stephanie to the wedding?"

"God no." Gibbs sighed.

"Oh that would be fun though." Fornell smirked. "Would probably make them feel better."

"I don't want them to feel better."

"Right." Fornell laughed. "So who's DiNozzo staying with tonight?"


Fornell raised an eyebrow. "You think it's a good idea to leave those two unattended?"

"I'm not sure." Gibbs chuckled.

"You nervous?" Fornell asked. "Not about Abby and DiNozzo. About tomorrow."

"No." Gibbs shook his head. "For the first time before a wedding I'm not nervous at all."

"You love him that much?"

"Yeah. I do." Gibbs sighed. "He's um, everything I've ever wanted...and more."

"Wow. Never thought I'd hear you say something like that." Fornell smiled. "About anyone."

"Neither did I." Gibbs paused. "But Tony, he makes me a better person. Gets me outside my head. And throws me completely off kilter."

"Hard to do, especially with you." Fornell took another swig of his beer.

"I know but he does it."

"Hope I can find that one day." Fornell sighed.

"You will." Gibbs smiled.

Fornell shook his head. "Jesus Jethro we're turning into an Oprah show. Next will be crying and needing tissues."

"Really! Let's talk about something manly already." Gibbs ran his hands through his hair.

"The sex?"

"God, amazing." Gibbs smirked.

"That good?" Fornell's eyebrows went up.

Gibbs nodded. "This will be the first night we haven't since the first night."

"Really?" Fornell shook his head. "Impressive."

"No impressive is that it's not once a night."

"Excellent." Fornell smirked.

"I'm like some horny teenager who can't control himself."

Fornell laughed. "Are you saying that's a bad thing?"

"No." Gibbs chuckled. "But didn't think I'd feel that way again."

"Enjoy it." Fornell grinned.

"And Tony. The man is insatiable and completely untamable. It's always so raw and animalistic"

Fornell sighed. "Okay now you're just depressing me."

Gibbs laughed. "Yeah well. You'll find someone Tobias."

"God it better be soon." Fornell shook his head and swigged his beer.

Gibbs chuckled.


"So what do you think Jethro is doing?" Tony asked as he stared at the TV screen.

Then at the same time they turned to each other.

"Boat." Tony and Abby said in unison then laughed.

"You nervous?" She asked.

"No." Tony smiled. "I love him too much to be nervous."

"Ahhhh." Abby sighed and threw her arms around Tony.

He chuckled.

She pulled back and looked at him. "So what is bothering you. I can see it."

Tony grinned. "This is the first night we've been apart and haven't-You know."

"WOW! Really?" Her eyes went wide. "Go Bossman."

"I miss him." Tony smiled. "God I'm such a girl."

Abby smirked. "No you're not you're in love."

Tony put his head back on the couch. "You know he is such a different person when it's not about work."

"Most people are."

"No I mean he's so sweet, tender. I was so surprised by that." Tony sighed. "And the sex."

"Ohh tell!" She grinned. "Details!"

"No details just it's amazing. Warm, tender, gently yet uncontrollable."

"Tony." She sighed with happiness.

"Okay that's enough of that." Tony smiled. "Back to the movie."

"It's so cute you all in love, missing your man." Abby smiled.


Fornell sat up and felt his head spin. "Damn it."

"Coffee?" Gibbs smirked as he handed Fornell the mug.

Fornell glared at Gibbs. "You know I hate that you are so chipper in the morning."

"Yeah I know."

Taking a drink Fornell sighed. "Why are you not hung over?"

"Because I didn't drink six beers and numerous shots of Bourbon." Gibbs chuckled.

"I saw you drinking." Fornell said as he leaned back against the couch.

"I did just not that much."

"You didn't sneak out and meet DiNozzo did you?" Fornell smirked.

"No." Gibbs shook his head. "And you can call him Tony."

"Right." Fornell stretched his back. "You ready for this."

Gibbs nodded. "I'm getting ready here. Tony and Abby are going to Ducky's to get ready. What about you?"

Fornell smirked. "Got everything in the car. Figured you'd get me drunk and I'd have to stay here."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow.

"Don't even start with me Jethro. It's too early for your smart ass innuendoes." Fornell groaned.

"Just don't tell Tony." Gibbs chuckled. "That's all I need him thinking I want to trade him in for an older model."

"Ha, ha very funny." Fornell rolled his eyes. "I already slept with one of your wife's that as far as I want to go."


"Tony you look amazing." Abby sighed as she stood looking at Tony in his Tux.

"Thanks Abs." He smiled.

"Do you want me to go see if he's here yet?"

"No." Tony grinned. "He'll be here Abs don't worry."

She nodded. "So are you walking down together or what?"

"Gibbs will walk down first, then me."

"Are you going to cry when you see him?" Abby grinned.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Tony chuckled.

"And when he says his vows?" Abby raised an eyebrow and smirked.

Tony sighed. "Maybe."

"Then let's get this show on the road because I so want to see some tears." She grinned.


Gibbs looked out the back door surprised at how beautiful it looked. Simple but beautiful. The few chairs faced a large trellis of flowers that Tony and he would stand under. Arrangements of pink and red roses graced columns that flanked the trellis, chosen by Tony because of Gibbs having sent them to him earlier in their relationship. The path to the trellis was lines with a red walkway to match the red roses both men wore on their lapel.

Gibbs smiled as he saw Ziva, Tim, Palmer, Fornell and actually Leon already seated talking among themselves. Even Leon was laughing with the group.

"They are a motley crew."

"Yeah they are but I wouldn't trade them for the world." Gibbs smiled at the other man.

"I know." Jackson Gibbs smiled and patted his son on the shoulder.

"Thanks for coming."

"Wouldn't miss it." Jackson smirked. "I'm gonna go sit down."


Abby walked back into the library.

"We are just about ready." Abby smiled. "Are you?"

"Yeah." Tony nodded.

"I have a surprise for you." Abby grinned.

"What?" Tony looked concerned.

Abby opened the door.

Tony's eyes went wide. "Dad!"

"Anthony." He smiled.

"I thought you couldn't make it." Tony looked completely shocked.

"Well I had some business in DC."

"Right." Tony nodded.

"I'm gonna go." Abby said walking out and closing the door behind her.

"Never thought I'd see this day." Senior smirked.

"Yeah I know me marrying a man. I get it." Tony sounded annoyed.

"No. I meant you getting married period."

Tony nodded.

Senior sighed. "I want you to be happy Anthony."

"I am." Tony said with all the conviction of the love he had for Gibbs.

"I get that." Senior nodded.

"I know you have issues with Jethro but he's a good man."

"I know that." Senior paused. "And he loves you."

Tony's eyes narrowed confused as to know his father could really know that.

"Let's just say on my last visit. I knew how much he cared about you." Senior smirked.

"You don't have to like him or us together." Tony paused. "But you need to treat him with the respect he deserves. Otherwise I don't want you here."

"Understood." He said.


"I'm going to go sit down." Senior turned towards the door.

"Dad." Tony said as Senior opened the door.



Senior nodded. "Ziva out there?"

Tony shook his head. "Yeah."


Gibbs was looking out the door when he realized someone was looking at him.

"Really wasn't sure you would come." Gibbs said before turning around.

"Neither was I." Senior paused. "But you said some things when you called that made me reconsider."

Gibbs looked at Tony's father.

"You don't have to like me. I wanted you here for Tony. Not for me." Gibbs made his position clear.

"Yeah. I got that on the phone." Senior took a step closer to Gibbs.

"Something else you need to say?" Gibbs asked his eyes narrowing.

"My son loves you." Senior paused. "So don't screw that up."

"I won't believe me." Gibbs said surprised at Senior's actual show of concern.

Senior nodded and walked out into the backyard. Making his way directly to Ziva.

Gibbs chuckled. "Like father like son."


"Are you ready my dear?" Ducky smiled extending his arm to Abby.

"Yes." Abby smiled taking his arm.

The music played softly as Ducky and Abby slowly walked down across the backyard towards the front of the small group of people. They parted as they reached the trellis and turned to watch Gibbs walk out the door and make his way towards them. He reached them and turned waiting for Tony to emerge. It took only a moment for Tony to appear and make the same trip stopping next to Gibbs.

The minister smiled looking out over the people before him.

"We come here today, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! Jethro and Anthony have already made the choice to love and commit themselves to each other. Today we are merely here to share in the next step of that love. The proclamation of their love and commitment to the world. We are to be witness to this new stage, marriage that they undertake. "

Tony and Gibbs smiled at each other.

"Jethro and Anthony ask that all of you, as their family, help them in this journey. Help them remember that love is precious, that with happiness comes times of sadness, that with times of richness comes times of scarcity and that only through honesty and openness can love continue to grow. Do you all accept this role asked of you?"

The air filled with yes's.

"Jethro and Anthony please speak the vows you have prepared for each other."

Tony smiled as he looked at Gibbs, then glanced at their friends. "I have to go first because I'm going to cry like a baby."

Laughter echoed around them.

Tony took a deep breath and took Gibbs hand. "Jethro. I have loved you for so long that I can't remember a time when I didn't. You have been the one constant in my life for over ten years, back when we were only friends. And now you will be the constant in my life until death do us part. I will love you with my last breath and beyond. My heart and soul are yours." Tony was trying to hold back the tears. "I love you sawdust and all."

The people around them laughed.

"Actually the sawdust is sexy."

Gibbs chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"And I can't wait to sail away with you when the boat is done, even if it is only for a few days. Thank you for loving me and for letting me love you."

Everyone looked at Gibbs seeing him fighting back the tears

"Tony. I never believed I could love someone as much as I love you, but every day I love you more than the day before. You've brought love back into my life and made our house a home. But most of all you've make me a better man. I can never repay you for all you have given me, but I will do everything within my power to show you every day how much I love you."

Tony was crying unable to hold back anything.

"I know you love movie quotes and I was trying to rack my brain for one that seem appropriate and it took me forever. Then when I thought of one it seemed to fit but I wasn't sure." Gibbs sighed. "But here goes. Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth."

Tony smiled through the tears. "That works."

Everyone sighed and smiled.

"And I am the luckiest man on earth because you know what a bastard I can be and you still agreed to marry me."

Another round of laughter.

"I love you and I'm so grateful that you love me."

The minister smiled and Gibbs and Tony both looked at him.

"You may kiss each other."

Gibbs wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and captured his lips.

Cheers rang up around them.

"I am pleased to present Mr. Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Mr. Anthony DiNozzo-Gibbs."

Another round of cheers.


The group stood around mingling and coming up congratulating Tony and Gibbs.

Tony felt the arms slip around his waist then felt the kiss on his neck.

"Stop before my husband sees." Tony smirked.

"Too late." Gibbs chuckled pulling Tony tightly against him.

Tony looked back. "Wait you are my husband."

"Yeah." Gibbs smirked. "And I better be the only person holding you like this."

Wrapping his arms around Gibbs, Tony smiled. "The one and only."

"Think they'd notice if we disappear." Gibbs whispered in Tony's ear.

"Afraid so." Tony chuckled. "Impatient?"

"Yes." Gibbs dropped another kiss on Tony's neck. "I want to make love to my husband."

Tony sighed. "I like the sound of that."

Tony spun around in Gibbs arms.

"So do I." Gibbs grinned and let his lips touch Tony's. The fire within him quickly building.

AHHHHHHH's echoed around them.

Tony pulled back and grinned at Gibbs.

"We have an audience."

"I don't care." Gibbs smiled.

"Is that so." Tony smirked. "Then kiss me again."

"I love you." Gibbs grinned.

"I love you too." Tony grinned back. "Now shut up and kiss me."