The rain was pouring down upon Metro City, as it had done for the past few weeks. First few weeks of winter were always tough on the city, the skies turning an unfriendly grey that reflected upon the streets below making it seem so dark and lifeless that not even the night lights of the beautiful city could break through the bleakness.
M stood upon the edge of a building, over looking the city. His city, at least that's the way he saw it. Months had passed since the collapse of the abandoned observatory, since the mysterious blue man known only as Megamind had entered his life guns blazing only to vanish just as quickly.
His mind often drifted to thoughts of the man, dressed in black, shrouded in darkness just how the city was now. How shattered and broken he was in his loneliness, and his insanity. Just where had he come from? Who was he really? And how did he come to be in this fair city in the first place? It was almost impossible to find any information on the man, since it had all simply vanished.
Vanished the day the building was destroyed. M had naturally gone to investigate, unknowingly to the rest of the people in the city. In the cover of darkness the man of strength and power used his stealth, and visited the crumbled tower. He lifted the rocks of earth as if they were made of nothing, and settled them asides. It only took him fifteen minutes but searching through the steel and concrete of the observatory he found them, robots. Giant heads with vacant, dead eyes, staring at the night sky that reflected in their lifeless orbs. And he continued to find more, and more.
Numerous robots, giants, smaller ones, and glass. When he found what was left of a burned mattress it became obvious, this was where Megamind had lived. Judging by just how much he uncovered, it must have been a long time. And the weapons he found, let's just say he was glad to see they had all been destroyed. A man bent on revenge and so full of anger had backed a wave of weaponry that was beyond the scope of human understanding.
"What were you?" he asked the city, wanting, needing an answer, but knew there were none to be found. They were gone, all of them.
Clear blue eyes stared at the documents that had been delivered by the mysterious man all those months ago. They hadn't been documents back then, however. They had been glowing blue cubes, small in size, and within a package. When she had finally gotten upstairs to her apartment to unwrap it she thought it to be some prank pulled by someone, but there had been a single piece of paper pinned between half of the blocks.
Giver of life, giver of answers
It made no sense to her at all. Giver of life? What was a giver of life? So the cubes were soon left and forgotten at the bottom of her cupboard, and she continued with her life, picking up the pieces after the rock known as Megamind had shattered her perception of things.
How was it, how could it be possible that a man, hidden from the world, had his fingers in absolutely everything? The Doom Syndicate, his, and he got more than half what they earned. Yet it seemed to be by his hand they had been taken down by the same hand that controlled them. Now they were all incarcerated, under lock and guard twenty four seven. They weren't a threat, and without the heads of the groups their little 'family' had broken at the seams.
Course, crimes still happened. There were still break in, robberies, thieves... what city was without them? But M was here, and he kept tabs on everyone in some way, shape or form.
But still. Even with her being televised onto people's homes and lives every day, Roxanne felt her mind returning to those striking green eyes that had stared into her soul that night. That he had been watching her, and she'd been so blind to it. It made her shiver in fear and disgust, yet intrigue at the same time.
It had been a Sunday and she was returning home, and Carlos her door man told her that the apartment above her had experienced some water problems and it was possible she had water damage. Swearing and cursing her luck, Roxanne had returned home and felt as though she had walked into the wrong bedroom. Her cupboard had burst open and boxes, and boxes of paperwork and hard drives had tumbled out of it onto her bedroom. So big the gathering was, it had 'leaked' out onto her bed and near the door.
"What..." she whispered as she walked forward and bent down the nearest box and opened it.
It was a medical record book, written by hand, with photographs printed and stuck in with glue. What it was shocked her. A blue child, wearing nothing, photographed from the front, back, and profile. He looked no older than four. Those eyes she recognized right away, though they were not tinted with anger or hatred. They were his. "Megamind." she whispered, before looking at the name that was emblazed upon the top of every single page. "Subject Six."
He was only a number to them, and nothing more.
Roxanne began to read everything as fast as she could. Once waking up she would pull a ledger into her lap. After her showers, during breakfast. During her lunch break. After work she would sit up and read until her eyes were sore from the strain of reading, and tears that tended to flow every now and then.
He'd been subjected to so much. Physical and psychological tests each and every day. Measurements taken, blood drawn... then she reached the ledger that detailed his older years. A teenager, fearing that he was beginning to become too stressed, and their attempt of putting him to sleep like they had Subject Five, a tiny fish. She read as there were recounts of his break out, his murder of at least ten people as he attempted to flee, and for a moment she was hoping he would get away... only to read on to see he had miscalculated, and had fallen down an elevator shaft.
She threw up once she read they had removed his legs, from the knee down, as not only a medical procedure due to extreme injuries, but as punishment.
Six, Megamind, had been so tortured. To know that the Government had funded all of this, they had allowed them to test on a child as much as they did... all because he was an alien. They felt his genes, strong with regrowth and strength against diseases, could benefit humanity. There were assumptions that had been supported through the research, and it seemed as though certain aspects of the alien DNA had caused rapid regeneration of cells. Even those belonging to cancer.
It was a medical breakthrough, but was it worth doing this? To him?
Roxanne rubbed her forehead, as she looked over the boxes stacked in her bedroom. Most of them contained medical journals, even some DVD's that were simply security footage.
How many nights had she, since discovering 'Giver of Life' meant water, sat up watching the footage? That white, blinding room, illuminated green when they were night time footage. She had watched the small blue boy curl up in his bed, the large sized cranium of his supported by a few white pillows. Another tape had him sitting at a desk with a man who seemed to be known exclusively as 'School'. He taught the boy, and it was obvious he was brilliant. Yet another tape, this one of him constructing something out of metals, a radio? It was something being watched and measured, of course, to see how long it would take for him to complete the task.
She dare not touch the medical DVD's. Roxanne didn't want nightmares, and she could envision that they were exceptionally awful if the medical journals were any indication.
Lifting her head she realized it was two in the morning. Feeling not nearly as sleepy as one would expect the woman got up and walked to her window and stared out at the city as the rain continued to fall, splattering the glass. "I don't think you're dead." she whispered to a man who wasn't there. "You've come too far to give in like that... you're looking for yourself." Roxanne continued, before pressing her hand to the glass. Her breathing was so close, so harsh, that the glass began to fog around her fingertips. Withdrawing her hand, she saw her imprint was left on the glass, and she left it as it was.
A man in a simple hoodie and jeans was walking down the street. His head was tucked, chin against his chest, yet his eyes bored upwards at the woman who was walking in front of him. She was wearing the type of clothes other women glared at, those short skirts and a low cutting top, bangles on her arms and heels that made a prostitute whistle. She was carrying a bag of groceries, having obviously just done her late night shopping.
He watched her walk down the street, humming to herself as her iPod was playing some song which was so loud even he could hear it. Jarring music, the type you'd expect to hear in a club where everyone grinded against one another whilst alcohol was consumed at a deadly rate.
She didn't seem to even notice he was there, one hand carrying her groceries, the other an umbrella, as she continued her way down the street. It wasn't far until she was home, and she could relax and do as she pleased. Another long day, meant another long night of resting.
But she never reached the corner. Hands suddenly grabbed her mouth and middle. She tried to scream but her cries were muffled. Down went her bag, and umbrella, as she was dragged into an ally way and thrown down against the ground hard. Trying to get up she found herself unable to, since a weight was pressing down on her as a knife was pulled and pointed right at her throat. A harsh whisper filled the air.
"Be quiet." was all he said, before his free hand forced itself under her skirt to grasp at her underwear.
Six stood in the shadows, watching the scene play out. It wasn't pretty, but then again nothing about this city was particularly pretty now, was it? He glowered as he heard the woman scream muffled, and he was well aware that there were people near by but nobody was doing anything to help her. Couldn't they feel her fear? Couldn't they hear her pleading for him to stop? No. It seemed humans were fairly deaf when it came to the suffering of others. How he hated them, yet loved them in the same breath.
Taking a long, slow breath he began to cross the street. The rain splattered against his head and his shadow stretched and distorted in the light of the street lights that flickered in the darkness. He had a disguise on, he always had to when he was out in the city. Six didn't have to guess how the populace would respond to seeing him walk the streets in his real skin, that striking, ugly blue that stood out like a sore thumb and his enormous head. What they saw was a regular every day man, black hair, a beard and mustache, average clothes of a shirt and jeans with a black leather jacket... and dull green eyes forever lidded by black eyelids from lack of sleep.
"Shut up shut up shut up," he could hear the man now as the blade pressed into her neck, "s'not gonna be pretty. Not at all." he said.
"You're right." Six said loudly, "It's not."
The man was to his feet quicker than Six would have anticipated, and he dragged the poor woman with him by the hair at first, before spinning and putting her in front of him, as if he was going to use her dishevelled form as a shield. Six saw the anger and hatred on the man's face, and the joy he had been experiencing from the woman's pain and for the briefest of seconds he was in that white room. The lights burned his eyes, and he could hear the screaming that sometimes never stopped.
"She's not your first." Six said, sounding shocked, his calm exterior beginning to flake. The rain seemed to be avoiding him entirely now, falling around him as if he held an invisible umbrella above his body. "My God." he said.
"None of your fuckin' business!" spat the man, "Get outta here ya, ya freak or I'll cut her!"
"You would have cut her anyway." replied Six, oddly calm, though you could see his demeanor beginning to break. "I've seen your face. I know it."
"Well I never seen you so back the FUCK off!" screamed the man before all the force of a car seemingly struck him in the chest. He went flying and slammed into the wall but instead of sliding to the floor he was pinned, as if someone was holding his throat and keeping him pinned against the wall. It was getting hard to breathe, and if he could he would have grabbed at his throat, trying to remove the force he felt but was unable to do even that. He couldn't even kick his legs.
Six turned his gaze to the woman who was shaken, terrified, but still alive. "You should go." he said, and she didn't seem to have to be told twice. He heard her shakily whisper a thank you before grabbing at her shredded belongings and ran, heels clicking across the wet surface of the road as she did. Six watched her go, until he turned his attention back to the man, and bowed his head forward as he walked towards him.
His windpipe was being crushed. He could feel it, and in an attempt to scream all what came out was a weak splutter as the life left him.
"No... no, no... No... not again, No... NO." Six, suddenly stopped in his tracks and shaking hands lifted, and pressed themselves against his temples. He could feel the pressure, the madness, the anger he had worked so hard at channelling. It was like trying to hold back the tide, this man, this horrible, horrible man who had made a sport of ruining the women he found.
"Just like the doctors." whispered Megamind from the back of his head. "Just like them."
Six screamed, and as his eyes shut he felt blood suddenly splatter against his face and his chest. Hearing the splatter of blood and remains of the man hit the wall and floor made his stomach lurch, yet not enough for him to bring up what food he'd consumed that day. Six didn't need to open his eyes to know what he'd done, that he'd blown the man's head up from the inside. He'd done the wrong thing, the worst thing. That wasn't what he was trying to do, that wasn't what he had been trying to achieve at all. Why was this happening? Why was the voice of his other half speaking to him again, after all these months of silence? He had done good, he had blown up his base, he had destroyed everything that ever meant anything to him so he could save these people and yet they just kept hurting, just kept killing.
How did M stand it? How did he do this?
Slumping to his knees in the rain with the dead man's body half collapsed in front of him Six shut his eyes and started to cry.
Meanwhile, across the city, at the docks, the remains of the building that had caved in on Megamind was still cordoned off. There just weren't any funds to clear it all away, and it was simply surrounded by a tall fence which some people had already ripped holes in just for the sake of it. Beneath the rubble, which had survived the water from the destruction of the observatory, there was a half shattered dome. The glass had been made of strong stuff, since it was to protect something most valuable.
A rock happened to fall, and landed on another couple of rocks. This one insignificant moment caused a few more rocks to fall by the way side, and a small, round ball fell out from the dome of glass. It began to bounce down the concrete and steel, through the debris, to fall through the fence that had been ripped in just the right place, and rolled straight into the water.
Bobbing to the surface the round glass ball, with a small green fish inside, began to gently drift with the current, which began to carry it in towards the port.
And yet the rain still poured.