Title: Forsaken

Author: Akima The Stampede Maxwell

Date begun: April 7, 2002

Anime: *smacks forehead* Yeah right. Like you don`t know…

Pairings: no comment

Rating: NR for Knivishness, other peopleness, angsty moments

Disclaimers: Nope. Nothing owned.

***Thanks again to all of my reviewers. I love all of you people!!! You made it possible!! This is the final chapter of Forsaken.

Thank you, Slrmoon, for your review. I value your criticism since u put it in a way that did not offend me greatly. I mean…yeah I`m a little hurt but hey…what r reviews without opinions of the reader. I added the scene at the end for ya. I hope that it`s acceptable. Sorry. My endings kind of…well…I don`t know what to call it.

Chapter 21: Sayonara

-Vash`s POV-

When me and Dryden walked into town I was nearly killed by Milly. Wolfwood saved my life when he dragged her off. Millerna and Legato were a little more laid back. We all went to the bar where Millerna worked and toasted to our return. I told them about what happened and they agreed that not coming back until now was all that my brother and I could do. I suggested that we leave the two lovebirds alone.

We went back a couple of hours later when it was pretty late. The door to Meryl`s room was closed. I put my ear to the door and Millerna dragged me aside. She slapped me. She told me to mind my own business. We both ended up laughing as we cracked about what could be happening behind those doors. We were joking of course. I love my brother and I love Meryl. I hope that they will be happy from now on. I kinda felt bad though. For awhile I wanted Meryl to be with me. I made a mistake…but like I told Milly I`m happy for them.

Milly and Wolfwood…I just know that they`ll always be happy. Wolfwood wants to go back to his orphanage and Milly of course agreed to join him. Meryl was upset but she wished them the best. I told Wolfwood to not do what I wouldn`t do. He punched me. I`ve gotten hit a lot lately. Milly only smiled. Her cheeks turned red and she giggled a lot. They left just the other day on Wolfwood`s bike. I promised to go see them when I could.

Millerna continued to work at the bar until Knives and Meryl announced that they were leaving. She insisted that she go along to help Meryl with her pregnancy and raising the children. She had guts for that considering my brother really wanted Meryl to himself. Millerna really is a wonderful girl and I`m glad that she`s our friend.

Legato. I don`t really know how to go about describing how I feel about him. I still don`t trust him. I don`t think that Knives does either but he is allowing him to come along. I think that Legato would follow Knives to the ends of the earth. I think that when Fenris brought him back from the dead that something in his mind is still traces of the past when he worked for Knives. I guess that I should trust him…after all…I am a pretty trusting guy.

My first ever official partner is Dryden. He never did tell me his last name. I never asked. He said that my life sounded pretty interesting. He told me his life was getting kinda dull anyways. In the past I would have told him that being around me would mean his ultimate end but…I`m starting to realize that maybe everything is not my fault….and I need a drinking buddy. The road gets lonely without friends.

Dear Meryl…I look forward to seeing my nephews when they are born. I hope that they take after their parents. I promised her that I would find her in any way that I could. This is a promise I am keeping. She smiled and said that she was looking forward to that. She really has turned into a beautiful and caring woman. I remember when she would have bit my head off for cracking jokes around her. She calmed down a lot.

Knives…what can I say about my brother that you don`t already know? I love him to death. I always wish him the best of luck in whatever he does. Perhaps his affection for Meryl is his redemption for what he did to hurt so many others. Maybe having a family will give him the peace that he deserves. I talked to him about it and he would avoid the subject. He would start talking about intimate things that he and Meryl did. Meryl would then slap him and turn all red. I loved getting him to talk about those things. When Meryl hit him I felt strangely satisfied. It was like he seemed more happy when she did. Sometimes he would even wrestle with her on the floor, in a chair or any other place you can think of It got out of hand and I would leave them alone. We had our brotherly moments. We would talk sometimes when Meryl wasn`t hanging all over him.

Anyways…here I go into one of my rants again! I should get back to the present! Knives and Meryl are leaving today. Dryden and myself will be staying a few more days at the house then sell it to someone in town who needs it.



-Back to everyone`s POV-

FYI: This is now two monthes after Vash and Knives arrived meaning three monthes after the Fenris battle…back to the story.

Vash and Dryden waited for Knives and Meryl outside. Legato and Millerna were in town getting supplies for the journey.

"So that girl slapped you? Man, you ARE the worst womanizer!" Dryden exclaimed. Vash luaghed and scratched the back of his head. Knives stepped out. He shook his head indisgust.

"Well, brother, I guess that this is where we part ways."

"I guess so. I`m gonna miss you, bro."

"That makes one of us."

They laughed. Meryl stepped out of the house. She tilted her head and smiled.

"What`s so funny?"

Vash stopped laughing. His face went serious.


"I`ll never understand you, Vash."

"No one does." Knives added. They talked a little before Legato and Millerna showed up with the supplies and began splitting it up on the three bikes. Now it was time to say goodbye. Dryden hugged Meryl.

"Well…it was a pleasure getting to know you, Meryl. I really enjoyed the adventures that we had."

Meryl snifled.

"I`ll miss you."

Dryden turned to face Knives.

"I can`t say that I was very happy to see you the first time."


"I don`t know if we`ll ever be friends but…it was nice knowing ya in the end."

He stuck out his hand. Knives slowly reached out and shook it. Dryden grinned. Vash hugged Meryl tightly.

"I`ll miss you, Insurance Girl!"

"Not as much as I`ll miss you, Vash the Stampede!"

They laughed. Vash let go of Meryl. He grinned at his brother then embraced him. Knives growled then patted Vash`s back.

"Yeah, yeah! I`ll miss you to!...Let go!"

They all laughed. This went on until they all said their goodbyes. Meryl climbed on the bike followed by Knives. Legato and Millerna got on their bikes. Vash and Dryden stood back and waved. Meryl looked from under Knives` arm. Her face was covered in tears but there was a smile on her face.

"Goodbye!" she called.

"I`ll see you again! I`ll find you and it will be like old times! Have fun! Take care of my nephews, Knives!"

Knives extended his middle finger towards them. Meryl slapped him.

"Are you going to do that to me all the time?" he asked Meryl irritably. She giggled. She leaned her head up and kissed his cheek.

"Of course!"

Knives` face turned a light shade of red. They left with Vash and Dryden shouting goodbye from behind them. They disappeared. Vash rubbed his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Dryden asked.

"N…No way!"

"You were crying!"

"Alright! Alright! Yeah I was crying! I`ll miss them! I have no idea when I`ll see them again!"

Dryden chuckled then looked over Vash.

"Man, you need to get some descent threads!"

"And what`s wrong with this?"

"Look at it! You like a workaholic!"

Vash looked down at his long sleeved button up white shirt and brown khakis. His shoes shined in the sun.

"I guess that your right."

"You know what? You should get a nice trenchcoat."

"I had a trenchcoat."

"Get another one then. Man, you need some kind of makeover as the girls would have put it! Damn! Let`s go into town!"

"Can we stop in the bar first?"

"Now you`re speaking my language!"

They walked towards July laughing and discussing what they would do when they left. In the distance a woman with a large gun on her back watched. Her short blond hair had speckles of dirt from travelling in the desert. Her frosty blue eyes closed and she shook her head.

"What a couple of fools! It`s Fate that I should come across them like this again."

She followed the two from a distance as they entered the town of July.


A few days later…

"What are you doing just sitting here?" Meryl asked. Currently they were travelling on a sandsteamer in route to a city called Fanelia(a name from Escaflowne meaning this town is not made up). Knives was laid out on the bed. He smirked.


"You promised me that you would dance with me!"

"What`s with this whiny attitude all of a sudden? Vash told me that you used to be a little bitchy but I didn`t think that he meant REALLY bitchy!"

Meryl was having trouble containing her anger. Her past attitude when she had been travelling around with Vash was beginning to resurface. She felt more in control now but it was beginning to get on Knives` nerves.

"What`s wrong? You gonna throw a tantrum on me now? That wouldn`t be good for…"

"You know, Knives? Sometimes I just want to slap the hell out of you…and other times…"

She pounced on him catching him completely off guard. They wrestled around until Knives managed to pin her with his hands on her shoulders. He grinned down at her.

"I`m always on top."

Suddenly he fell back. Meryl somehow turned him over and got herself on top.

"And sometimes I`m on top."

She leaned down and kissed him on the cheeks. His cheeks went red.

"Hey stop it! You`re making me blush!"

"Quit whining!"

Meryl reached up a hand to slap him. He pulled her close to him. Now Meryl was blushing.

"Damn you." She muttered.

"Damn it! Can`t you ever just lie here and shut up? I`m trying to be affectionate here…or would you like me to go back to being an asshole? I wouldn`t mind really."

"Now you won`t shut up."

"We make a good pair,don`t we? We can bicker for the rest of our lives. Meryl…what will the children think?"

Meryl laughed.

"I don`t know. Hopefully they take after Vash!"

"That wimp?"

They went on for several minutes then they went silent. Knives began stroking her hair thoughtfully.

"Well…are you still going to dance with me?"

"I`m too tired. Why don`t you and I just rest here?"

"…I can live with that."

They fell asleep in eachother`s arms as the moons rose in the night sky. This was the beginning of their lives together.

***Thus ends Forsaken! I hope that everyone enjoyed it! I had fun writing it! I am pleased! (

My disclamers: The following characters are mine-Fenris, Phantom, Raven, Xeno, Odin and the lizard thingy that hurt Meryl…and soon perhaps the twins. (

I am writing other fanfics that do not involve this particular timeline. Just an FYI (
