A/N: Here is little 2-shot for you. It has potential to be more, but for now it is just some fun smut.

Warnings: PWP, yaoi, boyxboy - you get the idea, if you aren't into it - then don't read it XD

Disclaimer: I sure don't own Naruto

Naruto and Sasuke bid their friends goodbye and walked out of the diner. They apologized for leaving so early into the night, but Sasuke was tired and he was Naruto's ride. It seemed a little strange, the raven-haired boy didn't appear tired – irritable sure, but not tired. Maybe he was being more antisocial than normal and it was an unfortunate coincidence that the blond was forced to leave early.

In any event, the remaining group continued to talk and split a plate of nachos. It was closing in on ten o'clock when Kiba's phone rang. Seeing Naruto's number he accepted the call, curious to find out what the blond could want so shortly after leaving – he must have just made it home.

"Hello?" the brunet answered, he waited a moment, "Hello?"

Eyes focused on him as he stared perplexed at the cheese sauce that was slowly dripping onto the table. Sakura cocked her head, Gaara watched with indifference, Shikamaru glanced up from where his head rested on the arms he had crossed on the table.

Kiba looked to his companions, "pocket dial," he stated rather blandly and just as he began to pull the phone away he heard a voice. It was muffled, but clearly Naruto's. He closed his eyes as he listened, trying to discern what was being said.

It is funny how sometimes things just seem to come together, as if being guided by a divine hand. The microphone on most phones are decent, they pick up a good range of sound with clarity – Naruto's microphone was exceptional. It was the Einstein of microphones. When Naruto would talk you could hear a pin drop on the other side of the room. So picking up a couple voices only a few feet away was no big feat, even through the denim of his pocket.

"... doesn't mean we have to leave our friends," Naruto's voice carried easily through the phone.

"Yes it does. I've had a long week," Sasuke's voice was just a tint lower.

Kiba took a breath, preparing to holler into the phone. The idea of Naruto hearing voices emanating from his pocket amused him.

"You ever think you might be an addict?"

Kiba held his breath, his brow furrowing. The three pairs of eyes looked quizzically at the brunet.

"I haven't freebased your cum yet... so no."

"Mother fuck!" Kiba yanked the phone away from his ear.

Everybody perked up, even Shikamaru lifted his head off the table. Kiba still held the phone at a distance, staring at it with disbelieving eyes. He started to laugh uncontrollably. Tears began to run down his cheeks, trailing glistening lines over the red fang marks stained into his skin.

"Shit Kiba," Sakura was equally concerned and confused, "what is it?"

Between ragged breaths Kiba spoke, "speaker... mute."

The pink-haired girl took the phone and tapped a few buttons. She placed the device down on the table and leaned over towards it, Shikamaru and Gaara following suit. Kiba was still clenching his stomach, his cheeks hurt from being pulled tight in laughter.

"Shut up, we can't hear," Gaara smacked Kiba across the chest.

"You want anything?"

"You know what I want."

"Naruto and Sasuke?" Sakura asked. She was promptly shushed.

"That doesn't mean you are going to get it."

"Is that how its going to be tonight?"

The three shared confused glances as Kiba finally righted himself, wiping the wetness from his cheeks.

"You have to learn that you don't always get your way."


"Oh, I always get my way."


"I'm serious Sasuke... you... mmpff."



"That tickles."

"What? Here?"


"Yeah bastard."

"How about here?"

"Ha... stop... stop..."

"What about here?"

...A louder rustle...


"See Naruto, you want it too."

"Ahhh... fuck... say my name again."

All but Kiba shot back in their seats; eyes bulging, mouths agape. There was no questioning it – Naruto and Sasuke were hooking up and from the sounds of it, this was far from the first time.

"Right?" Kiba looked to his companions searching for confirmation that his reaction was appropriate.



"What the hell?"

Were the simultaneous answers. With a morbid curiosity they all leaned back over the table, tilting their heads to hear better.

"... such a slut, aren't you Naruto? You love it when I talk dirty to you... see how hard you are? Fucking slut."

"Fuck Sasuke..."

"You'd like that wouldn't you? If I pounded you right here. If I bent you over this couch and slammed my cock into you."

"Fuck yeah."

"Too bad you had to give me attitude. Huh? Now you are going to have to wait."


"Whine all you want you little whore."


"You are so fucking hard Naruto. Look at it, look at how hard your cock is. You are going to cum so hard... but not until I tell you to. You understand? ...Say it."

"I won't cum until you tell me I can."

"Good. Come here."

"Damn," Gaara whispered over more rustling, "I always thought Naruto would be a top," questioning gazes moved to him, "...not that I have ever thought about it before." Three pairs of eyes rolled before returning to the phone. It had grown quiet, the four friends held a shared breath as they waited.

"Oh God... Naruto... fuck... fucking suck it already... ahhh..."

"Ahh... ahhh... Sasuke..."

"Tsk. If you want me to eat out your ass you are gonna to have to suck my dick. If you need to moan do it around the cock in your mouth... fuck... that's better."

Indecipherable sounds continued for the next few minutes. It wasn't like the rustling of clothes, this was thicker. Given the context, it was undoubtedly the sound of sloppy lapping and sucking.

"Do you think that maybe we shouldn't be listening to this?" Sakura questioned.

"Are you kidding?" Kiba looked up at her, "this is fucking Naruto and Sasuke... I mean, its Naruto and Sasuke – fucking," he looked back down at the phone with a glare, "bastards have probably been going at it for years right under our noses."

Shikamaru shifted his gaze to the brunet, "jealous?"

Kiba shot him an icy glare and was about to retort when...

"Fuck... fuck Naruto... stop..."

"Fuck me Sasuke."

"That is what I like to hear. Say it again."

"Nnnnghh... fuck me... put your cock in me Sasuke."

"You want this in you? You want it now?"


"You sure?"

"Ahh... fuck. Yes!"

"Such a slut. Say it. Say you are a fucking cock slut."

"Oh... God... fuck Sasuke. I am... I'm a fucking slut for your cock. I want your cock in me so fucking bad."

"Damn right... fuck Naruto."

"Aaaahhhh... God Sasuke."

"So tight... how are you always so tight?"

"Fuck if I know... ahh... you shove your giant dick in me every other fucking day... ahhh."

The phone broke out in a cacophony of grunts and moans and the wet sucking and thumping of hips colliding with ass. It was all the four could do to sit back and allow their pulses to calm and cheeks to cool. Kiba checked the call long – it was going on 30 minutes and there seemed to be no sign of slowing down. Occasional curses would break through the rhythm and they would perk up only to settle again as the sounds of sex continued.

The moans turned to screams and the pace seemed to quicken. The four leaned in again, salivating with their own building lust as they listened for the impending climax.

"Sasuke... ahhh... I'm gonna... I need to..."

"No... not... ahhh... not yet."

"Please... oh, fuck... please Sasuke."

"Nnngghhh...Naruto...ahhh...since...ahh... since you asked so nice."

The sound of Naruto's pleasure-filled screams tore through the phone; even the waitress, who had been nice enough to ignore what was going on, turned to give the group a dirty look. Another, lower growl reverberated through the tiny speaker. That constant rhythm that had been slowly building for the last 10 minutes finally came to a halt. The phone was silent.


"Okay... you win. That was worth leaving early."

"Fucking told you so."

"Smug prick."

"You like my prick."

"What time is it?"

"How should I know?"

"Check my phone, its in my pants."

Kiba scrambled to pick up the device, he fumbled it several times before getting a firm grasp. He pressed the little red button about half a dozen times just to make sure the call disconnected. With wide eyes he turned to his friends and slowly a smile curled his lips up. They all exchanged the same semi-evil grins as laughter began to rumble out of each of them.

After several solid minutes of unrestrained laughter, the group was asked none to politely to leave the diner. Nearly rolling in the parking lot, they decided it would be a good idea to visit Naruto at home. They were sure he would appreciate the gesture, after all Sasuke had made him leave early and he wouldn't want to miss out on any fun the group may have without him.

A/N: So that was my intended ending, but I felt like it wasn't quite lemony enough. Chapter two contains the juiciness not present here.