A/N: This is it, we're finally at the end, after such a long time. This will be my first complete fanfic series, and perhaps my last. While there is still the epilogue story coming (which will be 3 chapters long, spanning various moments in time), I consider this the finale. It might seem like this story was short, or that it could have been more developed, and perhaps it could have. However, by this point, I've run a little out of steam, and by now I've milked all I can from the Nanohaverse. I'm not sure what will happen now, but I'll probably slowly update the other Nanoha story I have going, and then I will be done with this anime - unless of course another season comes along to spark my flame again. Anyway, I'll let you get to it; I hope this was a satisfying conclusion for you all, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.

- Kode-Dekka

"You raise me up so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up to walk on stormy seas

I am strong when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be . . . ."

- Lena Park

Lyrical Girls S

Final Chapter


I faced Teana, staring her down, holding my ground against her cold glare. My mind was in a frenzy, and I still didn't fully comprehend the situation I was in. I had something that I wanted to say to her, but only a single word came to my lips.

"Why?" She smiled a painful smile, her gaze becoming harder.

"Because you hurt Subaru, that's all."

"but I-"

"Even if you didn't mean to, even if it wasn't your fault, you still did, and I can't forgive you for it."

Flashes of yesterday came to mind; Subaru running away from the park where she caught Fate and I kissing. She liked me, and the truth hurt her, even though that wasn't my intention; in fact, besides our chance encounters, I barely paid the girl any mind, so it was something that was completely out of my hands.

But, even though I couldn't have foreseen this possibility, I still hurt Subaru in some way. Teana understood this as well, but that didn't quell her anger at all.

"You know, she really looked up to you, so much that it made me sick. I realize that her broken heart is not your fault, but still . . . when I saw her face, I couldn't stop myself from getting angry, because I . . . ." Teana rushed up to me, grabbing my collar, which surprised me. Her eyes were far more surprising though, she was on the verge of tears. "Why did it have to be you? Even though I was always looking at her, always watching over her; even though I was always there for her, why did she have to fall in love with someone like you?"

Her fingers trembled, her fists shaking as they clenched my shirt. Now I understood, the true reason that Teana was angry.

"I'm sorry." I said. I don't know what I was apologizing for, but I apologized regardless, because somewhere in my heart, I was being told to do so. "I'm sorry."

She loosened up her grip, backing away from me.

"This is the part of you I really hate. Even though I started those rumors, you're the one apologizing to me. Its so pathetic, its sickening."

"Nyahahaha, I guess I'm a little soft. Sorry."

Teana finally let go of me, and at that moment tears streamed down her face.

"I was always in love with Subaru, ever since we were kids. But she was never looking at me, even though I was the person who cared about her the most." She smiled, and let out a soft giggle. "The worst part is; when she had her heart broken, I thought for a second 'yes! Now I finally have a chance!'. I was thinking that if I comfort her, then maybe she would return my feelings. Isn't that horrible? She's my best friend, and yet I . . . . How am I supposed to face her now?"

I wanted to answer her, but something interrupted me, freezing me cold.

"Tea." Teana's eyes went wide and she turned around, finding Subaru come out from where she was hiding. The redhead gasped, panicking. She even stumbled over and fell; then she covered her face in shame. It was kind of pitiful, and it made my heart ache. The throbbing became worse as Subaru approached her friend, carrying a very sad expression on her face. She reached for Teana, but was rejected.

"Please, don't look at me, I, I . . . ."

"Tea." Subaru said her name again, a little more firmly. Teana's face peaked out at last. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks stained with tears. "I'm sorry, Tea. I didn't know. I should have realized how you felt all this time, I'm so stupid."

"I . . . I . . . ." As Teana started to crack even more, Subaru wrapped her arms around her.

"Thank you for caring about me, you're a good friend. We can talk about this later, but first . . . ."

Subaru looked at me, a few tears appeared in her eyes as well as she smiled. "Nanoha-san, tell me, are you really going out with Testarossa-san?"

I nodded. "We've been going out since Christmas, I love her. I'm sorry, Subaru-chan." She shook her head.

"All along, it was just a stupid crush. But still, I really admire you, I'm sorry that things became like this."

Teana looked out at me as well, her tears finally stopped. She looked a bit calmer now, perhaps a side effect of having been embraced. "I-I'm sorry too. You didn't deserve what I did to you, I'm sorry . . . ."

"Its all right, I guess love makes us kind of silly, nyahahaha." She nodded, and then buried her head into Subaru's chest. Everything seemed all right now. It was going to be a little awkward, but there was still something I had left to say. "You know, it might sound strange, but I was wondering . . . ." I scratched my cheek. "It might be weird considering, but I really want us to be friends, is that all right with you, Subaru-chan, Teana-chan?"

The two of them nodded. Teana released herself from Subaru, and got back to her feet. The two of them held hands, but there was nothing strange about it at all.

"Takamachi-san," Teana said, "I really am sorry I did this to you. What are you going to do now? Now that the rumors are around school, they wont leave you alone." That was the one thing I didn't really want to think about. I've been avoiding it for a while, but it was time to stop running. Knowing that, I finally had an answer.

"I'm going to come out. I can't hide my relationship forever, this is the last path left." The two of them looked concerned.

"If you do that, things might get crazy."

"Tea's right," Subaru looked the most worried. "There are a lot of girls that admire you more than me. They aren't very nice, so I'm not sure what will happen."

I knew that much. In the worst case scenario, some of those girls might start bullying Fate. Knowing her, she wouldn't tell me about it, and would keep the pain to herself. But I wouldn't allow that, I wont let anyone hurt my precious person.

"Its okay, everything will be fine; because, I'll protect Fate-chan, I wont let anyone get in our way."

With that I ended this terrible event.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go, she's waiting for me. Will you two be alright?" They nodded, smiling, though the both of them were still in pain, and would no doubt have a lot to talk about.

I nodded back at them. "Sorry, but I'll be going now, see you tomorrow." I waved at them and made a dash away from the track, toward the front gates of the school.

I was half expecting Fate to still be waiting for me when I got to the gates, but I wasn't prepared for this.

"Yo." Natsume gave me a grin. Everyone was there, even though school ended a while ago.

"What are you all still doing here?" Alisa sighed, shaking her head and pointing to Fate.

"She said she was worried about you, so we decided to wait for ya. So, what's happening?"

"A lot happened I guess, but its all over now." I grabbed Fate's hand and pulled her along. "Come on, I'll tell you guys on the way, lets go back to my house for some cake!" They were surprised, but just shrugged it off and started walking.

Along the way I told them everything; about the sad encounter with Teana and Subaru, and about my decision. Even though Fate looked worried, she agreed with me.

Tomorrow, I would destroy all the things holding me back from fully enjoying my relationship with Fate. Tomorrow, it was all going to end.

"You ready, Fate-chan?"


I held Fate's hand tightly, our fingers interlaced into a loving embrace. We all stood outside the school gates, watching students walk by.

"Honestly," Alisa said with a huff, "this is only going to make things more noisy."

"True." Natsume added, grinning. "But doesn't that makes things more interesting? Right, Hayate?"

"That's correct, my dear." Alisa didn't look too happy about that, but a giggle from Suzuka broke through her grumpy mood.

"Fine, lets just get this over with."

"Right. Lets go, Fate-chan."

"Okay, Nanoha."

We entered the gates, and instantly, a group of girls rushed us, asking questions, bombarding us with more of their somewhat irritating interest in our personal lives. I spotted Subaru and Teana looking this way. They seemed a little awkward together, but smiled and shrugged their shoulders at us. I smiled back, and prepared myself for what I was about to do.

"Everyone!" I said, proud, confident. With strong hands I took Fate's shoulders, and pulled her toward me. Our blushing faces came close, and our lips collided. The cries from around us only became louder. I didn't care, because all that mattered was this kiss, this single moment with the person I loved. Nothing else mattered at all, because, right now, there was no school, no crowd of screaming girls. Right now, right here, the only thing that existed was Fate and I, and this kiss. And that's all that mattered, because right now, and from now on, Fate was with me.

And I was happy.

Lyrical Girls
