
Jasper's Journal

December 27th 2097

It's been almost a century that Bella and I have been together. Honestly, I don't believe that I could ever love her more yet some days when the sun comes up and I watch the first rays of sunshine hit her skin I find myself amazed that I can love her more.

As expected, all of Alice's initial visions came true. A few weeks after Bella was changed we got word of Maria's demise, Bella was so relieved mostly because she knew my past, and how Maria was one of the few things in this world that scared me. I don't know what I'd do without my Bella. As it were, Bella did turn out to be extremely self-controlled and had helped me keep my bloodlust under control more times than I can count. She really must be made for me.

Soon after Bella was changed she arranged a brief meeting with Jacob Black. To my astonishment he took the surprise very well, and even gave us his blessing, which I didn't need particularly but it made Bella feel so much better. She's still in contact with him, though we rarely see him anymore as he is traveling with his wife, Alyssa.

Bella and I married shortly after we moved in with Esme and Carlisle. We spent a year traveling across Europe for our honeymoon, though we rarely ever made it out of our hotel rooms. When we returned Bella got her GED so she could apply to a local community college. Eventually I convinced her to move out and we lived in various cities in Alaska, and even spent a few years living in Canada.

Also, as Alice predicted, Bella did see Charlie again. It was late one summer when Jacob called Bella to tell her Charlie was on his deathbed and that if she ever wanted to see him again, she'd better hurry. When she arrived at the hospital Charlie was confused, but she explained everything to him. I could feel his initial anger as he realized that she'd been alive all this time, but that faded quickly and they spent the entire night talking and comforting each other. She spent three days with him in the hospital and then one night he slipped away, her hand wrapped around his gently. It was a bittersweet moment but Bella felt so relieved and comforted knowing Chief Swan left this world knowing how much she loved him.

Now, it just past Christmas and Bella is anxiously awaiting the Christmas present that I've kept from her for a few days. I can't wait until she sees it, the cabin she dreamed about at the pond where we found each other so many years ago. It was a big decision to move back to Forks Washington, but she's been talking about it for months, dropping subtle hints here and there like "Don't you miss how the rain used to hit the windows in Forks?" and "There hasn't been a thunderstorm here in years, do you remember how it used to thunderstorm in Forks almost every other day?" she knows I love thunderstorms.

I wish I could give her more than just a simple cabin but I know that deep down it's the simplest things that make her happy. She never ceases to amaze me, but I love every minute I spend with her. Amazingly enough she feels the same way about me, I'm so in tune to her emotions that I could probably read them four states away. I'm not sure what's in store for our future, though Alice is only a phone call away, but who cares? As long as Bella and I have each other, I'll always be alright. I'm forever in love with my Isabella.

Author's Note: Well, this is the end guys. I'm really sorry if it didn't end the way you hopes, or if there were any disappointments but I was pretty happy with it. I liked the idea of having a journal entry as an epilogue, I feel like it's pretty unique anyway. I just want to thank everyone for reading my first story and being so nice and understanding, you guys really are the sh**! I'll definitely be writing more stories so check in every now and then =)