So, this would be my first Harry Potter story, and I am quite excited about it. I can't say I'm pleased with the way that the first chapter came out though. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, and let me know what, if anything, needs to be improved in the chapters to come!
Green_Serpent80: Hey there.
Golden_Griffin: Hey! How was your day?
Green_Serpent80: Crappy. Yours?
Golden_Griffin: Not quite so bad. I've just pretty much spent it with friends. I missed talking to you though.
Green_Serpent80: Meh. I guess I missed talking to you too.
Harry was used to hearing that from his online buddy. He had been talking to Green_Serpent80 for about three months now. They had randomly met in a chatroom a little while ago for wizards. When Harry saw the description that said: Wizards, not muggles, he knew that it was genuine. He had actually been hoping to catch Ron or Hermione on there, but neither of them had heard of it at the time. It was apparently still a new site.
Ever since, Harry talked to Green_Serpent80 every night. He liked his friends, and he enjoyed their company, but for some reason he just felt like he could be himself when it came to him. They had never given their real names, which Harry didn't mind, but he knew that Green_Serpent80 was about his age, that he was also a wizard who attended Hogwarts, and that he didn't really have many friends, and not ones like Harry's.
Golden_Griffin: You guess, huh? Why do you always say you guess?
Green_Serpent80: Maybe to see if you can figure out on your own whether or not I'm being sincere.
Golden_Griffin: I know that you're being sincere. You wouldn't say something unless you meant it.
Green_Serpent80: Well, someone has been paying attention to his lessons, lol.
Golden_Griffin: Lol, yes I have.
Laptops were a fairly new thing for Harry. He'd never had one before, and the one that he had now was big and bulky. Still, it went online and did for him pretty much what he needed it to do, so he didn't really mind. Hermione and Ron used to borrow it every now and again, but recently Hermione had gotten her own, and they had a tendency to share that one now.
Both of them knew about Harry's little crush on his online friend, and both of them were against it. Internet dating seemed too dangerous, and they didn't want their best friend getting caught up in it and having something horrible happen to him. He often reminded them, though, that they had something terrible happen to them at least once a year. He also told them that he didn't know exactly, but he trusted his online friend.
Hermione had sighed and shook her head. She knew Harry was going to be stubborn about it. She couldn't understand why he couldn't just like a girl or boy that he had met face to face. The fact that Harry was attracted to men didn't really bother her. What bothered her was he was taking a risk by developing a relationship with someone online. It hadn't turned into anything yet, but she knew that it was going to escalate.
"Then we'll meet. Besides, he attends Hogwarts, which means we might have met already."
"Yes, but think about how many enemies you already have at Hogwarts! It's bloody mad," was Ron's reasoning. Harry had taken that into consideration as well, but he had decided that green stood for someone's favorite color and serpent, for their favorite animal. He already knew that Ron was getting at it being someone in the Slytherin House, but Harry refused to believe that, especially now, as he talked to Green_Serpent80.
Green_Serpent80: So, what did your friends end up saying?
Golden_Griffin: They think that I'm being ridiculous.
Green_Serpent80: And? What do you think?
Golden_Griffin: That I care about them, but they're wrong.
Green_Serpent80: How do you know that?
Golden_ Griffin: Just a feeling I get when I talk to you.
The feeling is mutual, Draco Malfoy thought to himself as he scrolled over the short conversation he was having with the online buddy he had dubbed his griffin. About a month ago he had come out to his parents about being gay. They didn't take it as well as he would have liked, but they were slowly growing used to the idea of their son being with another boy. Still, it was like a living hell for Draco. He found it difficult to get along with his father, although his mother seemed more than happy to take him out and go 'boy-watching', which just sounded weird to him. Narcissa didn't mind quite so much. Her only thought was of her son's happiness. His father was the only problem really.
Draco wasn't sure if it was because he was old fashioned, he just wanted grandkids, or maybe even both, but Lucius Malfoy saw his sons homosexuality as a major flaw. They had talked and his father had tried to set him up with an arranged marriage, but Draco threatened that he would do one of two things: 1) Off himself and do the whole world a favor or 2) Disown his family and never speak to them again. Even with his father's stubbornness and foul temper he just couldn't bring himself to force marriage upon his only child. For that reason alone, the elder Malfoy finally forfeited to his son, knowing that this was a losing battle.
Green_Serpent80: That doesn't mean anything you know.
Golden_Griffin: It means enough to me. Hey, you're in my year at Hogwart's right?
Green_Serpent80: Yes I am.
Golden_Griffin: Then... maybe we could meet?
Draco wasn't really sure that he was comfortable with that. Honestly, he felt close to this boy, but he was afraid that a meeting would result in himself being rejected or that some other chaos would ensue. He thought for a few minutes before giving his answer.
Green_Serpent80: I'm not so sure that it's a good idea, but we will see as the school year starts. Will you still be online to talk to me though?
The thought of his griffin not being there saddened Draco greatly.
Golden_Griffin: You bet I will! ;)