Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers

Rating: K

Warning: OOC, pre-war AU

Universe: 2007 movie, but with added Generation One Prowl

This was inspired by a review from supergirlprime.

I Didn't Do It!

A certain black and white sparkling peeked around the corner. The coast was clear. Prowl rushed into the kitchen, and looked around again. No one. Prowl quickly pushed a chair over to the counter, and climbed up.

The energon cookie jar.

Prowl opened the lid, and reached in. He grabbed three cookies- all his little sparkling hands could hold- and closed the lid. Prowl climbed down, and pushed the chair back to the way it was. When he was sure the coast was clear, he ran to his room.


Prowl looked up when the door to his room opened. His creator stood there, looking disapproving.

"Did you eat any energon cookies, Prowl?" his creator asked.

"Me? I think it was 'Cade," Prowl blinked his azure optics innocently.

"Hmm," Prowl's creator walked out. Once he was gone, Prowl relaxed.

'That was a close one!' Prowl thought. Hopefully his twin wouldn't rat him out...


Barricade looked up as his door opened.

"Barricade, you are in a lot of trouble. You know you're not allowed to eat any sweets until after dinner!" his creator scolded. Barricade's mouth opened and closed a few times.

"I didn't do it!" he cried, red optics wide.

"You're in even more trouble for lying, now!" Barricade's creator announced. Barricade's tiny hand was grabbed.

"Come, extra chores," Barricade's creator pulled him out of his room. On the way to their destination, they passed Prowl. Barricade sent his best death glare at his twin, who merely smiled innocently.

'Ooh, one day I'll get him!' Barricade vowed.

End notes: So yeah. The idea was that poor Barricade was blamed for something Prowl did. And my mind immediately thought of stealing cookies, so this was spawned.

I thank you, supergirlprime!

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