" the internet killed the video star "


an aph facebook fanfiction


They're not just for Units, you know.

If you see something like this: [Kiku Honda: Is going to the bookstore downtown] that means its a status post. Anything underneath that are all response.

If you see something like this: [Kiku Honda || Arthur Kirkland: Konnichiwa, Arthur-san.] then it's a PM.

Friend requests and photo tagging will be stated directly.

And now, since this is set in an AU Gakuen setting with genderbent! characters - I have a feeling it's time to make a quick character directory.

Quick. Hn, I'm a liar.

And yeah, I probably forgot a few people, but I'll make sure I add them in later.



America (F) :: Amelia F. Jones

Canada (F) :: Mathilde "Matilda" Williams

England (M) :: Arthur Kirkland

Russia (M) :: Ivan Braginski

France (F) :: Jeanette Bonnefoy

Seychelles (M) :: Jacques Espin

Vietnam (F) :: Vinh "Gloria" Quy

China (M) :: Yao Wang

Hong Kong (M) :: Xiang Wang

Taiwan (Formosa) (F) :: Mei "Mei-Mei" Wang

South Korea (M) :: Im Yong-Soo

Japan (M) :: Kiku Honda

Germany (M) :: Ludwig Beilschmidt

North Italy (M) :: Feliciano Vargas

South Italy (M) :: Lovino Vargas

Spain (M) :: Antonio Hernandez Carriedo

Cuba (F) :: Maxima "Imelda" Imelda Guadarrama Suarez

Belgium (F) :: Anri van der Meer

Netherlands (Holland) (M) :: Hendrik van der Meer

Luxembourg (M) :: Maximilian "Max" van der Meer

Prussia (M) :: Gilbert Beilschmidt

Austria (F) :: Renate "Ren" Edelstein

Hungary (F) :: Elizabeta Hedervary

Romania (M) :: Remus Anghelescu

Switzerland (F) :: Chantal Zwingli

Liechtenstein (F) :: Liane Zwingli

Greece (F) :: Hera Karpusi

Egypt (F) :: Omorose Hassan

Turkey (F) :: Lule Adnan

Ukraine (M) :: Chernenko Braginski

Belarus (M) :: Nikita Arvolskaya

Lithuania (F) :: Laima Laurinaitis

Poland (M) :: Feliks Łukasiewicz

Estonia (M) :: Eduard von Bock

Latvia (F) :: Madara Galante

Denmark (M) :: Andersen Densen

Norway (F) :: Maiken Bondevik

Iceland (F) :: Brynja "Bryn" Stilesson

Finland (M) :: Tino Väinämöinen

Sweden (M) :: Berwald Oxenstierna

Sealand (M) :: Peter Kirkland

Scotland (M) :: Adrian Kirkland

Ireland (F) :: Alannah Kirkland

Wales (M) :: Aeden Kirkland

session one :: let's get it started [black eyed peas]

- august 2nd

Amelia F. Jones is now friends with Gilbert Beilschmidt.

Arthur Kirkland: I'd ask why you're associating yourself with that fatuous git, but then I remembered your "perfect" judgment of character.

[Yao Wang likes this]

Amelia F. Jones: I'd ask what's up with the big words, then I remembered you're a cocky little wanker who likes to make himself feel like he's all big and mighty. XP

[Jeanette Bonnefoy and 2 other friends like this]

Gilbert Beilschmidt || Amelia F. Jones: Yo, Ame. Ready for summer to end?

Amelia F. Jones: Hell no! XP You should know the answer to that!

Gilbert Beilschmidt: So, let's one-up autumn and throw a beach bash. :] Can't deny that it's an awesome idea~

Amelia F. Jones: You're right, I certainly can't. Wanna throw the invitations around through FB?

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Ah - but first come over so we can get the party details down, ja?

Amelia F. Jones: Oh no problem, BTS. ACTIVATE SUPER SPEED!

Amelia Jones: Is over at Gil's place.

[Gilbert Beilschmidt likes this]

Antonio Carriedo: Today would be the perfect day to grab my guitar and just relax...

Lovino Vargas: Che. Of course you'd want to lie your lazy ass around and not do anything, tomato bastard.

Feliciano Vargas: So mean, Lovi, so mean~ What did Fratello Antonio ever do to you~?

Lovino Vargas: HE EXISTS, DAMMIT. DX

[Arthur Kirkland likes this]

Antonio Carriedo: :( I'm hurt, Lovi! Are you just having a bad day again or something?

Ludwig Beilschmidt: When is he not having a bad day...

[Antonio Carriedo and 12 other friends like this]


Elizabeth Hedevary: [/giggles] That's the best invitation you're ever going to get Ludwig!

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Is wondering what Bruder is doing upstairs.

Antonio Carriedo: Actually, Lud, I don't think you want to know... :]

[Jeanette Bonnefoy and 3 others like this]

(Mobile) Gilbert Beilschmidt: Is making it rain - invites, of course! XD

[Andersen Densen and 17 other friends likes this]

Andersen Densen: AWW YEAH, PARTY~

Maiken Bondevik: ... Oh no.

[Berwald Oxenstierna and 2 others like this]

Antonio Carriedo: I got the invitation too~!

Arthur Kirkland: No WAY in the name of Elizabeth the First am I going to this...

Gilbert Beilschmidt: You don't exactly have a say in whether you're going or not. Because you are.

Arthur Kirkland: I'd like to see you make me, twit.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Kesesese~ alright, but the awesome me isn't going to show you any mercy~

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Is plotting. Is plotting AWESOMELY.

[Jeanette Bonnefoy likes this]

Gilbert Beilschmidt || Adrian Kirkland: Think you help me wrangle a certain bushy-eyebrowed person into going to my beach bash?

Adrian Kirkland: Oy, you WANT the buzzkill to go?

Gilbert Beilschmidt: I just want to see him get drunk and do something stupid.

Adrian Kirkland: Oh, lookie here~ I've found duct tape!

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Kesese! I'll bring the unmarked white van!

Adrian Kirkland: And the video camera!

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Ja. Can't forget that. 8D

Adrian Kirkland: Think we can throw him off a cliff while we're at it?

Gilbert Beilschmidt: ... XD

Gilbert Beilschmidt: We'll plan THAT later. XD

Adrian Kirkland: Is feeling evil~

[Gilbert Beilschmidt likes this]

Arthur Kirkland: I really wish Facebook would add a Dislike button... :\

Pairing ideas, anyone? I don't feel like deciding them myself and I don't have any ideas at the moment. Whether it be pairings or pairings that lead up to other pairings... I have a few in mind but I like my stories to be interactive. XD

And this story has officially be disclaimed. =D TTFN.

[dalca has logged off]

[dalca has logged on]

... You know, reading through of my earlier author's notes just shows me how completely obnoxious and un-funny I was. Which makes me love you even more, but you put up with me regardless. :D

And Goddamn, do I abuse smilies like its not tomorrow! I need to work on that...