A/N: This one goes out to Bella Paige, because she allowed me to steal (yes, I know you said I can borrow it, but stealing sounds SO much better) this idea. I made sure it was a little longer than my average chapters, but sorry I couldn't make it longer than this. =D

Beckett decided to get a taxi to Castle's apartment. She didn't worry that Alexis and Martha might be there, she knew them well enough that they would side with her instead of castle anyway. When she reached the door, her hands were shaking, more from anger than anything else.

She pounded on the door.

She could hear the footsteps inside, making their way to the door. They didn't sound like Castle's footsteps, which she had heard for the last two years of her life, whenever he stalked across the bullpen in his heavy boots.

The door swung open and there Alexis stood.

"Hello, Detective Beckett," she smiled warmly.

Still shaking, Beckett made a reply. "How many times have I got to tell you, Alexis? Call me, Kate!"

She blushed. "Sorry. Dad's in his Study," she gestured, widening the door for Beckett to walk through. She stepped in, glancing around as if she expected to see him elsewhere. "Whatever he did, I'm sure he's sorry. He's been eating A LOT of chocolate ice-cream."

Beckett frowned. She didn't know what that meant, and at the moment she couldn't bring herself to change the subject, she had one thing on her mind – to yell at Richard Castle! "He's not sorry," she stated as she crossed the room to where Alexis had indicated he was.

Instead on knocking on the door, she pushed it open and stepped inside, slamming it behind her.

Behind the desk, Castle jumped with fright at the sudden interruption and loud noise. His eyes narrowed in on her when he saw that it was Beckett. He did not rise from the chair. He felt the need to use anything he could so that she didn't notice him trembling.

"What are you-" he began.

"NO! I'm talking!" she snapped.

Castle leaned back in the black swivel chair and cupped his ear with his hand, in mockery. "I'm listening."

Beckett pressed her lips into a thin line before answering. "Is there ever a time when you don't screw things up, Castle?"

Castle raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"You ruined it for me. Again!" she yelled. "I was with this great guy and you come along and do something stupid, like you always do and you leave me to clean up the mess!"

"I never left you to clean up anything," he said defensively.

"Oh, really?" she challenged.

"Yeah, really! I didn't see you pulling away, Kate!" he barked.

"I had it made," she spat. "I had this great guy who got me, who understand what type of person I am, and he doesn't get all up in my space like you do."

"That's why you love me so much?" he smirked.

Beckett reached out and slapped his arm.

"Oww," he moaned rubbing the spot where he had been striked.

"You turned my life upside down, Castle." Beckett was struggling with her tears. "Do you know how hard it was after you left… when you went to the Hamptons with her? I hated watching you get on the elevator and disappearing for months. It hurt… and then you just waltz back in like nothing happened. I was in love with you, Rick."

His eyes widened at her words. He hadn't realized there was such a strong reaction. He knew that she felt something, but he had no idea it was something this strong. He felt torn, he wanted to reach out to her then, but he was afraid that she'd slap him again.

"Everything was going fine… my head was above water. Josh was a good guy."

"If he's so good, what are you doing here?' he asked coldly, the mere mention of Josh being a good guy, made castle squirm, he couldn't stand to hear how good he was, or how much he made Beckett happy. He wanted to be the one to do all those things.

"I broke it off with Josh, you idiot!" she screamed. "That's twice now!"

"Twice what?" he snapped back.

"I try to change my situation… FOR YOU!"

"When did you do it before?" he asked completely clueless, and unwilling to read between the lines.

Beckett shook her head, and contained the urge to slap him upside the head. "Do you try to mess things up, or does it just happen naturally?"

"It's a skill," he responded.

"I don't understand. Everything was going fine, and then the interrogation room… why did you do it?" she needed to understand that.

"Because I couldn't stop myself," he said quietly. "You asked me what else I wanted from you, and I told you… just not in so many words," he admitted.

"What is it you want exactly, Rick?" she wanted a clear answer. "A kiss every now and then in the interrogation room or-"

He slipped his arms around her waist, drawing her forward, and Beckett seemed to be too weak to refrain. "The woman threw a hair dryer at my head," Castle admitted. "It was like something out of Parent Trap!"

Beckett suppressed a smile.

"I did before I kissed you. I knew when we were at the hospital. I knew when you hugged me, when I was holding you… I knew- I knew that I didn't ever want to hold anyone else but you, and then I kissed you and you can't tell me that it wasn't like heaven," he teased.

"It wasn't like heaven," she said quickly. She didn't sound convincing.

Castle leaned over slightly and grazed her cheek with his lips. Her eyes automatically closed, burning the memory into her mind.

Beckett opened her eyes and looked at him. "What happens now, Rick?"

"What happens?"

"Yeah, you tell me, because I have this ache," Beckett admitted. "Whenever you and I are apart, and I can't seem to fight it anymore. I try really hard."

"Me too," he said softly. "I eat chocolate ice-cream."

"I cry," she blushed.

Castle reached out a finger and traced it gently down her cheek. "Don't cry anymore, Kate. I won't hurt you again. I promise," and he looked sincere.

"Good," she nodded believing him.

"I love you, too, you know?" he smiled.

"I know," she smiled knowingly.


He kissed her then, and if they thought the kiss in the interrogation room was like heaven, then this was a whole other ball game. Beckett tangled her fingers in his hair, as she attempted to get as close to him as humanly possible. Castle tightened his grip around her waist, as his tongue explored her mouth.

Time seemed endless.

Thanks for sticking with it guys… you're amazing!

I'm sure this won't be the last one… casket is too cute to pass up!
