LoveShinobi A/N: Well, this is the final chapter of Lost and Found. I hope you all enjoyed this little Akito x Natsumi tid bit and I assure you there is more to come! But thank you for reading and please review!

Angelv A/N: Here it is, the final chapter. We had a lot of fun writing it, and we hope that you guys had just as much fun reading it. Don't worry, we have TONS of Akito x Natsumi stories in the works for ya'll, so keep an eye out! And don't forget to review!

Lost and Found

Chapter Fifteen


Akito opened his eyes and came face to face with a head of pink hair. He smiled to himself and looked down to see Natsumi sleeping peacefully in his arms. They had stayed up pretty late the night before, and had completely worn each other out. But it was totally worth it. He shifted a bit and brushed some of her hair out of her face. "Natsumi," he said softly. "Wake up. We told your parents we'd make breakfast." He stroked her cheek tenderly then.

She groaned, moving into his warmth, seeming to fall back asleep due to his close proximity. He laughed and pat her face gently. "Come on now, we don't want to break our promise."

She huffed loudly and snuggled closer, "I don't want to get up. Besides my parents aren't even here." she said with a sigh. Then her eyes flashed open and she sat up, looking around the room. "Why aren't my parents here?" she asked, giving him a panicked look, she jumped out of bed and headed for the door, only stopping when she felt cold. She glanced down and let out a small yelp, trying to cover her naked body with her hands. She hurried over to her closet and pulled out one of her robes and quickly tied the black silk around her. Akito laughed and rose as well, pulling on his pants, which had been thrown to the other side of the room.

"Come on dearest," he teased. "Let's go see if Toshiro knows where they are."

She nodded and left the room with him close behind. When they reached Toshiro's room Natsumi banged on the door, and after a few moments the redhead answered. His hair was tousled and he had obviously hurried to pull some pants on and a black shirt. "What?" he asked, sounding tired.

"Mom and Dad are gone!" Natsumi yelled, sounding more panicked than before.

Toshiro went a bit wide eyed and then became silent, concentrating. "Yeah, they're gone." Minako came up behind the redhead wearing only his long black robe.

"Where would they have gone so early?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Akito's eyes widened slightly as he realized where they went. "They'll be back later." He said. When everyone looked at him quizzically, he shrugged. "They had some business to take care of in the Land of Rock." He looked to Natsumi then. "It seems that fat lard is finally going to get his just desserts."

The Daimyo, Ouzin, sat up from his luxurious bed, scratching his stomach. He looked over to the clock in the room and growled. "Kon! Why did you let me sleep so late?" Ouzin shouted, grumbling to himself as he stumbled out of bed. He trudged over towards his bathroom, hesitating when he heard nothing in reply to his angry yell. He glanced back to the door of his bedroom and made his way towards the double doors. He opened them and looked out into the hall, seeing no one. The entire house was oddly silent. "Where are those useless guards?" he growled, shutting his door and continuing his morning routine. He went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to the sink, running his hands under the hot water.

He looked into the mirror on the wall and rubbed his face, examining what work needed to be done for the day. He reached forward and pulled open the mirror, looking into his cabinet. He took down some of his pills and some after shave and then closed it, jumping in alarm when he saw that he was no longer alone. There in the reflection, standing behind him was the Kazekage of Suna. Cold fear washed through him at that moment.

"Hello Daimyo Ouzin." Gaara said darkly, a sadistic smirk making its way to his face.

Ouzin turned around then, pressing back against the counter. "L-Lord Kazekage-sama! W-What are you doing here?" he asked, stuttering terribly. The fear seemed to make Gaara's smirk grow. The plump man slid along the wall, trying to make his way to the door, and only grew more alarmed when the Kazekage remained still, following him with only his eyes.

"I thought I would pay a visit to the man who 'took care' of my daughter for the past eighteen years." He said, facing the Daimyo once more.

"Wh-what are you talking about K-Kazekage-sama? Your missing child? I have no idea where she could be. As you can tell she's not here." He tried to play it off, but his worst nightmare was standing in his bathroom.

"Oh I know she's not here." Gaara said simply, walking towards him, tracing his finger along the countertop's edge. "She's in Suna right now, probably sleeping with the one who saved her from this disgusting hole in the ground." He said, finally focusing back on his target.

The pig of a man glared. "That infuriating Uchiha boy!"

"Silence!" The redhead snapped, finally glaring hatefully. "You are nowhere near deserving enough to speak a word about my new son-in-law."

Ouzin went wide eyed, turning pale. This was bad, very, very bad. It was then that he saw the sand snaking its way towards him. He turned around and grabbed the handle of the door, throwing it open only to come face to face with the Kazekage's pink haired wife. "S-Sabaku no Sakura!"

Sakura smiled humorlessly at the man. She looked him up and down, a contemplative look coming to her eyes. "Hm. Akito was right, you are a fat lard." Then she shrugged. "Oh well, my muscles could use a workout. Perhaps after we rough you up a bit Gaara and I could play catch." She said with a sadistic smile, slowly cracking each of her knuckles as she gave him a dark look.

"B-but I d-didn't do anything! I took care of Sumi like she was my own!" he said, his head whipping back and forth between the two.

Sakura's emerald gaze hardened. "Do not, call my daughter by that name." she threatened, taking a step towards him.

He paled and then felt the sand wrapping around him tightly. Gaara stopped behind him and grabbed the back of his neck, forcing him to look back. "You will never, ever get to see my daughter again. After we're done torturing you…I'm going to take you back to Suna. Where you will be imprisoned for the next eighteen years and then executed." He said darkly.

Ouzin went wide eyed. "Pl-please no!"

Sakura grabbed the front of his neck and turned his head back towards her. "And it's not going to be a humane execution either. I think I might just rip your head off myself." Ouzin began to tremble at the vision he was getting from the pink haired woman's words. "Although, since I have eighteen years to think about it, I might come up with something worse." She sneered at him. And he couldn't even say anything to try and defend himself, because in that moment, Sakura tightened her grip, not wanting to hear any more of his pathetic excuses.

Gaara stepped closer, towering over the pudgy man. "I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer." he smirked, and the sand around him tightened painfully, making it even more difficult for him to breathe. " for thought...if you give us the name of the one who actually stole her we may possibly think about being inclined to let you live."

Ouzin made a choking noise, and Sakura loosened her grip enough for him to take a few deep breaths. "I don't know his name!" he said hurriedly. "She was being sold on the black market, so to speak. It was all very hush hush. But, I heard a rumor that he's long dead now…I think."

"Shame, you could have taken tons of pain away from your death if you were useful." Sakura said, not sounding sorry in the least that she wouldn't get to torture him. She looked at Gaara then. "Shall we?" she asked with a raised brow.

He nodded, grabbing Ouzin by the hair roughly and dragging him out into the room. "Well, we'll see just how much you can remember after I have Akito deal with you using Tsukuyomi. Who knows, he may even be more ruthless than us." The redhead smirked, wrapping his arm around Sakura's waist. He looked down at her and gave her a tender look. "It's been a while since we've had some time to bond like this." he smirked.

She chuckled and pat his stomach. "Let's make the most of it then."

The sand around them picked up then and took them away, back to Suna, where the daimyo's torture for the next eighteen years would begin.

Gaara walked into the front of his home, followed closely by Sakura. "Mom! Dad! You're back! Where did you go? I was so worried." Natsumi yelled, attacking her father with a hug. She held onto him tightly, peeking over his shoulder at her mother.

"Nothing to worry about Natsumi. We just had to take care of something. Sorry to have worried you." Gaara said, actually sounding kind. He glanced up to see Akito walking in, most likely because his daughter had just gone into a mad panic. "Oh Akito. I'm sure you will want to join in, I've brought back a fattened pig." he smirked.

Akito returned the smirk in kind. "Of course. I never miss out on a good roast."

"I think I'm going to like having him as a son in law." Sakura remarked, wrapping her arm around her husband's waist and looking over at Natsumi. "I hope we didn't worry you too much dear, with our absence."

"She was totally flipping out." Toshiro laughed, scooping another spoon full of ice cream into his mouth as he walked in. "She would have started crying if Akito hadn't comforted her."

"That's not true!" Natsumi glared back at her brother, but had a small blush dusting across her cheeks. Gaara frowned at his son and then looked down at his sweet little girl.

"Well at least I was right about Akito. Good thing I talked you into forgiving him honey." the elder Kazekage said, patting Natsumi's head, who happened to look very confused.

"Excuse me?" Sakura glared, crossing her arms.

Gaara looked back at his wife and smiled. "I said it's a good thing I talked you into letting Akito have a second chance. Seems he really knows how to take care of this little cherry blossom."

"I believe Toshiro and I were the ones who talked her into it, while you were doing the exact opposite." The elder pink haired woman said, giving her husband a pointed look.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Tomato, tomato." He said looking back at Natsumi. "Sorry we frightened you sweetheart. Are you ok?"

Natsumi nodded and looked back at Akito. "I do have a little stability." She laughed.

Akito smiled down at her. "You make me stable too." He said, ruffling her hair affectionately.

Sakura laughed and headed to the kitchen. "Come on, I'll make everyone some tea."

"Sweet." Toshiro said, following after her. Natsumi took Akito's hand and walked with him into the living room, sitting next to him on one of the small couches. Toshiro sat in the one across from them, since his mother and father always sat on the center love seat. Natsumi leaned against Akito, resting her head on his shoulder and pulled her legs up, snuggling against him.

Gaara took his spot as Sakura disappeared into the kitchen. "So," he began. "I better be getting some grandchildren from you, cause' Toshiro has been dropping the ball in the whole marriage area."

"Tell me about it." Minako said, sitting next to Toshiro. "We've been seeing each other way longer than Natsumi-chan and Akito-kun, and they're already engaged. And it isn't like I haven't hinted or anything." She elbowed him in the ribs and smiled to show she was joking. But everyone knew deep down she was dead serious.

Toshiro frowned, looking a bit irritated. "You know what. I've been kind of busy for the past ten years ok, so just get off my back about that."

Natsumi blinked, sitting up a bit. "Looking for me?"

"That's been Toshiro's main priority his entire life. He's never put anything above that. Which includes furthering his romantic relationship." Gaara said simply.

Sensing an argument coming on, Akito cut Minako off before things could go south. "You can probably expect your first grandchild within the first year of our marriage. Unless Natsumi wants to wait." He said, looking down at her.

Everyone looked at her then, making her go a dark red. "Wait, what? I have to have a baby?" she asked, looking very confused.

Toshiro nodded, "Yup. It's what married couples do. Have sex and get a baby."

"But I've had sex tons of times with Akito and I never had to have a baby before." She protested, placing her hands against her stomach. Both Gaara and Toshiro were wide eyed and then turned their glares to the Uchiha.

"What?" he said innocently, looking between the two. "She starts it just about every time, and she got little outfits. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm weak." He held his hands up in the air.

Gaara just gave him an angry look. "Yeah but who bought them for her."

"My friends." Natsumi said simply, smiling.

Both redheads just looked to one another and then back at Natsumi and then to Akito. "Akito I can't believe you slept with my sister." Toshiro groaned, leaning his head back and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well you slept with Minako, and she's like a sister to me." Akito crossed his arms. Minako turned beet red from embarrassment then, and her eyes widened.

"Like being the key word in that sentence my friend." He countered, just getting an approving nod from his father.

The young Uchiha shrugged. "Still. Can't change the past now." He looked down at Natsumi. "But we don't have to have kids if you don't want to. I just…kinda thought we would. Eventually." She looked back at him and then down.

"Do you want me to have a baby?" she asked.

"Well," he began, thinking of how best to explain it to her so that she wouldn't get angry. "It is ideal in prestigious families, such as yours, and in clans, such as mine, to have kids. It continues the lineage, and family name, you see. And, since my father and I are the last Uchihas, it would make sense for us to have kids. But I don't want you to do something you don't want to do." He told her.

"But I'm only nineteen. Do people really have babies that early?" she paled, wrapping her arms around her stomach and leaning forward.

Sakura came in then, carrying a tray with tea and cakes on it. "Well, I wasn't pregnant with Toshiro until I was twenty-one, but it was within your father's and mine first year of marriage. But," she said, setting down the tray on the table and pouring everyone glasses, "if you think about it, you and Akito will probably be engaged for at least six months, in order to plan a proper wedding, and by then you will be twenty." She handed her daughter a cup of tea then. "But honey, don't feel like you're being pressured into children." She sat down next to Gaara then and leaned against him slightly.

She sipped at her tea and sighed, "But I don't even know how to take care of myself, nonetheless a baby."

Gaara snorted. "No one knows how to take care of a baby."

"It's a learning process. And Akito will be there for you. And Sasuke, and Minako and her family, and Tsunade-shishou can teach you all you need to know." Sakura said.

"But we can wait a while until you feel comfortable enough about the idea to have kids Natsumi. I am content to just have you." Akito told her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and rubbing her arm in a comforting manner.

She sighed, not really finding comfort in his words but tried to ignore it. "I just want to get married."

"Speaking of which," Gaara began, leaning back against the couch, keeping an arm wrapped around Sakura's waist. "What exactly is going to happen?"

A contemplative look came to Akito's face then. "Well, I figured Natsumi will stay here for a while, because I want her to have some time with her family, since I did get to have her for two months." He said, looking a bit guilty. "And during that time, I will come visit every so often. Then we can begin wedding preparations and the like, get married, and live in my home." He looked at Natsumi. "How does that sound?"

"You're not going to stay with me?" she asked, looking a bit helpless.

He blinked. "Well, I can, I just didn't want to take away time from your family."

"That's very sweet Akito, but you can stay here with us for a while. I'm sure Naruto will allow it. And then you two can go to Konoha to begin planning your wedding." Sakura said, smiling at him.

Gaara frowned, glancing off a bit. Natsumi shook her head. "No, I don't mind having it there, but I want to plan it here. Since you can't come to Konoha for that long right? So I want to spend as much time here with you as possible." She told her mother, smiling brightly.

"I've got an idea." Toshiro perked up. "How about we plan it here, and then we can all go to Konoha together for the wedding, and then after you guys get married, Natsumi can come and stay in Suna one week of every month until she gets tired of it. That way we can both have her fair enough." Natsumi nodded excitedly and looked back at Akito, awaiting his approval of the plan.

Akito thought about it for a minute. He supposed the week of every month she stayed in Suna he could go on longer missions to keep his mind off the fact that she wasn't with him. Yes, that sounded good. He nodded. "Sounds good to me. Whatever makes Natsumi happy is the best course of action."

"Perfect, I can come get you and we can travel together." Toshiro smiled.

Natsumi huffed, "I can go by myself. I'm learning how to use my sand and other sorts."

"I would feel better about it if for the first couple of months or so Toshiro got you. Just to be safe." Akito said, looking down at her. "At least until you've been trained well enough in taijutsu, healing, and your sand."

She crossed her arms and leaned back in aggravation. "Whatever."

Gaara just gave her a small smile. "As you said small one. You hardly know how to take care of yourself."

"But by then I'll have trained a lot and gotten better!"

"Yes, but there are other ninja out there that have been training their whole lives. Until we're completely comfortable with you travelling by yourself, you should just let Toshiro come and get you." Akito said.

Minako, understanding where her pink haired friend was coming from, decided to speak up. "I can always travel with Natsumi-chan and meet Shiro-kun halfway. You know, for some girl time." She suggested, sending Natsumi a meaningful look. Because if they traveled together, she wouldn't coddle her friend like she knew the younger redhead would. It was just something that had to do with feeling independent and like you aren't a burden.

"I want to go by myself." She said again, crossing her arms stubbornly. "I don't want to go if it's not by myself. And then I'll just be miserable for the rest of my life because I wasn't fully fulfilled to a normal life." She stated, making sure she included something that would make Akito allow her as well to leave. Since, if she didn't go he would be fine with having her in Konoha.

"Would you consider allowing Toshiro and Minako to take you the first time? Just so you know the route." Sakura asked. She didn't care how old or how capable her daughter was at the moment. She had just gotten her baby back, and she would not risk her safety.

She shook her head. "No. You send twelve year old kids out to do missions. No matter how stupid they might be they still get to go out there. I'm nineteen and you said so yourself I would be twenty soon. And I saw the route to get here. I did travel with Toshiro, I wasn't unconscious."

Akito let out a small sigh. "Alright, I'm fine with it." He said. When Sakura gave him a surprised look, he decided to explain something. "On our way to Konoha she took out four men on her own, and that was on the taijutsu I was able to teach her and what I could tell her about controlling her sand based off my spars with Toshiro. I believe she can do it."

Both Toshiro and Gaara looked over in shock, simply amazed. "Really? You've actually killed someone?"

Natsumi frowned. "Yes I have. It wasn't like I wanted to, but they hurt Akito, and they were bad people trying to take me away."

"Well then I see no reason why she can't go alone." Sakura said. If her daughter could kill four men when an Uchiha couldn't, then she had to be skilled enough by now to travel on her own.

Gaara shrugged, "I'm fine with it."

Natsumi cheered and clapped her hands together excitedly. "I'm so happy." She told them all, giving them appreciative glances. Everything she wanted was coming true and she would get to be with both her families. Her mother, father, and brother and her new family with Akito and Sasuke.

"Well, it's almost time for lunch. Anyone hungry?" Sakura asked.

"I am!" Natsumi smiled.

Gaara stood, leaning down and kissing Sakura's cheek. "I have to run to the office real fast. But I'll be back by the time lunch is ready. See you then." He waved and disappeared in a swirl of sand. Toshiro just sat back and nodded.

"I'm going to go change." Natsumi said, standing. "I need to wash up anyways. Come on Akito." She called over her shoulder heading out of the room. Toshiro and Sakura gave him a look.

"What? She needs my opinion." He said with a devious smile, following her up the stairs. As soon as they were both in the room he pulled her into his arms, making her gasp as he kissed her deeply. "You make me happy." He said against her lips.

She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You make me happy too, but what's with the suddenness?" she asked, pressing against him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you." He said, stroking her cheek. "Our lives are going to be different from now on." She stared at him oddly, looking confused.

"How come?

"We don't have to hide the fact that we're together. I can be totally and completely honest with you. And I'll get to be with you forever." He explained, cradling her face in his hands.

She smiled up at him. "And I can go out whenever I want." She said, though it was obvious she was waiting for affirmation.

He nodded and kissed her forehead. "And you can see whoever you want. Unless they're dangerous, but I'm sure in Konoha you'll be fine." He said, smiling slightly as his thumbs traced beneath her eyes.

"And go shopping by myself?" she arched a brow with a smile.

"If you want."

She frowned, sensing his dislike of the idea. "Akito…it won't be a surprise if I go underwear shopping and you are there to see what I buy. Your best reactions were from the ones my friends got me." She smirked, placing her hand on the nape of his neck and rubbing it soothingly.

He smiled down at her. "True." He said, relaxing into her touch. She pressed against him once more and took in his scent, glad she had him back where he belonged.

"I love you Akito."

"I love you too Natsumi. I always will." He placed his forehead against hers.

She lifted her hands and held his face, "I will always love you as well. Thank you for saving me…you are my hero."

"And you are my beautiful flower." He murmured. She kissed him once more and then went over to her closet, changing quickly. When she was done, they heard Sakura call for them saying that lunch was ready. She looked up at her husband to be and took his hand, giving it a tight squeeze. She couldn't believe just how much her life had changed. She had gone from hell to heaven. She was free from her incarceration, she had a family that loved her and wanted her, and she had Akito, who was the cause of it all and would be with her until she died.

"Come on." she pulled him back out of the room and led him down the steps, ready to begin her new life.