They had been best friends for as long as anyone could remember. The five of them. The four boys had even had a crush on her at one point. She was their "Rock", hence the nickname Rocky that everyone knew her by.

She was spunky and spontaneous, you could never tell what her next move would be. Yet she was also intelligent and sharp witted, clever and even mysterious to those who didn't know her. But the boys knew her, inside and out. They knew that she had never shed a tear once in her life. And that when her blue eyes shined, she had worked up a fool proof plan. That when she was happy she had a bounce in her step causing her straight light brown hair to bounce. And they knew that when she was angry she blew her sideswept bangs out of her face to distract herself.

One day though, she went out of town for a "family emergency" as she told them. "It's fine guys, just something small" she had told them over the phone. "I'll be back before you even know I'm gone. Now I have to get heading out, love you guys." And with that, the phone clicked off. None of the guys had believed it was something small, they knew that Rocky always had her phone with her. So when they called her and got no answer, they knew something was wrong. But these worries subsided when they heard about the audition for Gustavo Rocque. These worries were completely forgotten when they moved out to California and became Big Time Rush.

Rocky had known that something was going on that her parents weren't telling her. She knew that her great grandmother was believed to have "powers" and that these "powers" were passed on through family. But she never knew that she would be the one to get them. "Sweetheart, it is not the first born" her great grandma told her "It is the Chosen One".

Rocky stayed with her great grandma for two months and learned to control these "powers". She still couldn't believe that she was the "Chosen One" and thought to herself that she never would. Yet some how, when she practiced these "powers" unbelievable things happened.

At the end of her visit, Rocky's great grandma gave her what seemed to be just a plain mood ring. "It is just a mood ring to anyone else. But without this ring, you have no power." The old woman glided the ring on to Rocky's finger and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Always remember, you're powers are for healing and must never be used against anyone or for your own pleasure." And with that, Rocky returned home to Minnesota with a secret to last a life time.

At arriving home Rocky rushed to Kendall's house, knowing that the boys had been worrying, but when she got there. The boys were gone. Later that day Kendall's next door neighbor informed her that the guys had moved to California.