Hey guys! Yep, another chapter! Hope you guys enjoy this one!

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Resident Evil 5 or it's characters.

Chris was walking towards a boat, ignoring Sheva's cries to him. "Chris! Wait!" She yelled.

Chris finally responded, "I don't have much time. I have to find her." Candy, Crazy Chick and Poke were walking behind Sheva, just watching the ordeal happen before them. "I'm going with you!"

This had both Chris and Sheva stop in their tracks, stopping the ones behind them as well. Sheva took the opportunity to walk closer to Chris.

"These are my people that are dying here."

"Are you sure about this?" Chris asked her,a disbelieving look on his face, "A second ago you were ready to cut and run."

"I can't just turn my back and walk away." Sheva retorted.

"There are no more orders from here on in, it's just you and me."

Candy walked up to them, "Don't you mean 'it's just us'?" She said, gesturing to all of them.

"No, you three are heading back to base."

"What?!" Candy, Crazy Chick and Poke said as the two other girls ran up to Chris and Sheva.

"It's too dangerous for you guys out here. I'm not risking your lives for my personal mission." Chris said, Sheva nodded in agreement.

"He's right you know."

"But Sheva!" Crazy Chick whined.

"No buts, I'm going to call for an extraction to pick you girls up and me and She-"

"Sheva and I." Poke corrected him. She received a punch from Candy, "Not not Poke!"

"As I was saying, I'm going to call an extraction, you girls go home and live your lives, you really shouldn't even being working as an agent. Sheva and I will continue this, but you girls are going home."

Chris turned and put his hand to his ear piece, trying to see if he had a signal. Candy, Crazy Chick, and Poke looked scared and worried. What about their other friends? They got sucked in too, so they had to be somewhere in the game, right? "Chris." Candy tried, but he put his hand up, silencing her.

"That's it." Poke growled, shoving her arm out of Sheva's hand, who was trying to calm her down. She stomped over to Chris, her tan face red. "Poke!" Candy yelled, but she was late. Poke had already turned Chris around and gave a right hook to his jaw. All was silent for a few moments, Poke took it to her advantage.

"You're not the only one out here on a personal mission you know!" She said as Chris put a hand to his swelling face. Chris looked confused but thankfully Candy stepped in, placing a careful hand on her friend's arm, who shrugged it away, walking down the rest of the shoreline, trying to calm down.

"She has slight anger issues."

"Gee, I didn't know." Chris replied sarcastically.

"But she's right you know. We're here on a personal stake too." Candy said quietly. Chris motioned for her to continue while rubbing at his jaw.

"Our friends went missing one day. We don't know how," Candy started, coming up with things as she went, "We looked everywhere, the police couldn't find them, even the BSAA couldn't find them. They were just...gone."

"And you think this relates to the mission at hand."

"Yeah, there were no leads to who took them. We didn't even think this mission was a lead at first. That changed when we came across the files from Delta Team. You thought your old partner was dead, but now she might still be alive. Who's to say our friends won't be around her too? It's not the most logical thing, I know, but there may just be a tiny chance that we're willing to take."

Although her speech was slightly muffled behind her hood, Chris understood every single word.

"So please." Candy begged, "Don't send us home, not until we know they aren't here."

Crazy Chick walked up uneasily, stopping next to Candy. She had the same begging look in her eyes. He heard footsteps behind him, and he turned to see Poke holding out a damp rag out to him, her anger had subsided. "This should probably reduce the swelling a little. Ice would help more, but we don't have any at the moment."

"It's her way of saying sorry." Candy said. Chris nodded and took the rag, placing it on his cheek.

"Anger issues." Poke said with a smile, "Gotta love them."

"Are you still sending us home?" Crazy Chick asked wearily.

Chris looked between each girl surrounding him, before sighing in defeat. "No, I'm not." Crazy Chick jumped high into the air, her arms up in victory. "WOOHOO!" She cheered. Poke giggled at her friend while Candy merely roller her eyes. Sheva joined the group, smiling softly.

"Now then," Chris said, removing the cloth, "There are no orders from here on in, it's just us."

"We're partners." Sheva said, looking at all of them, "To the end. Now let's get moving."

"Copy that."

"Aye aye captain."

"Yes ma'am."

"Can we just go?!"

The group chuckled as they climbed onto the boat. Chris was at the wheel, Sheva was seated on the bench under him, Candy sitting next to her. Crazy Chick and Poke were sitting on the floor of the small boat. The engine roared to life, and Chris puled away from the dock, driving away into the night.

Hour Later

The girls were asleep on the boat, Chris and Sheva being the only ones awake. Apparently Poke gets motion sickness easily, so the rest of their night was dealt with her whining and groans of nausea and pain. She fell asleep two or three hours ago, Candy and Crazy Chick following soon after. Sheva seemed bothered by something, and she turned to Chris, asking, "What happened to your partner?"

Chris was silent for a moment before he started his story, "Jill and I were pursuing a man named Albert Wesker." His mind took him back to the memories of that dreadful night.

"Wesker...He was the top official with Umbrella, and the leader of our S.T.A.R.S. unit. I met him again after the Racoon City incident on Rockfort Island. Since then we'd been trying to track him down. Then a few years ago we got a tip from a reliable source. The whereabouts of Umbrella's founder Oswell E. Spencer. So we paid him s visit hoping he'd lead us to Wesker.

In Chris's Mind

Chris and his partner Jill Valentine busted through the door to Spencer's office, guns raised, only to find said man lying on the floor, dead, Wesker standing above him. Wesker turned slowly to face his attackers, the lightning of the storm causing his eyes to show beneath his glasses.

"Wesker!" Chris yelled as he opened fire on said man, Jill joining him. Wesker dodged each bullet with ease, flashing quickly from one side to the other, getting closer and closer to Chris and Jill. He punched Chris's gun from his hand, attacking him once the weapon flew out of his hands. He 'ran' towards Jill, who tried shooting him again, but to no avail. He grabbed her throat and pushed her against one of the wooden pillars in the office.

Jill grabbed his arm, trying to pry him off, but she was too weak. Chris came in, having recovered, fighting Wesker physically now, but this did nothing as well. Wesker easily dodged the punches, grabbing Chris's fist, twisting it slightly and punching Chris, causing him to turn from the attack, Chris's leg coming around to try to kick him, but the attack was easily blocked.

Jill, now recovered, began shooting at Wesker. Said man kicked Chris away, dodging bullets, moving fro one area of the room to the other. After a flip through the air, Jill's gun ran out of ammo. She charged towards Wesker. Chris tried punching him, but, like very other attempt, failed and he got punched himself.

Jill pulled out her knife, swinging at him, but Wesker grabbed her wrist and hit her, causing her fly backwards towards the bookcases, knocking into one of them. The impact took the wind from her lungs.

Chris continued fighting Wesker physically, but his attempts were useless. Wesker blocked each attack, eventually grabbing Chris by the throat, lifting him up into the air. Wesker threw Chris down onto a table near him, sliding his body across, tossing him towards the windows.

Jill was now recovering, taking deep breaths and looking up, watching the scene unfold in front of her. Wesker walked slowly towards Chris, lifting him back up into the air. Jill's eyes widened, "NO!" She cried as she began running towards them.

Wesker held Chris up with one hand, he curled the fingers of his other hand, forming somewhat of a claw. "Let's finish this." Jill ran up to Wesker, grabbing him and at the same time pushing him, causing the two of them to crash through the windows. The two of them fell down the cliff, Jill holding onto Wesker, who struggled against her hold.

Chris ran up to the window, one arm extending towards the cliff's edge, as if Jill would still be there to grab on.

"JIIILL!" Chris screamed.

Back to Reality

Chris sat there, still steering the boat. "Jill's body was never found and she was presumed dead. The person I saw in the data looked like her. I...have to know if she's still alive."

"You two were close." Sheva presumed.

"We were partners." Chris replied.

"What about you?" Chris asked her, "Why'd you join the BSAA?"

"My parents were involved in an accident caused by a pharmaceutical company when I was young."

"Umbrella?" Chris asked.

"Yes, I only found out later that the accident was to cover up the manufacturing of biological weapons for terrorists." Chris was silent as she spoke.

"They were using Africa as a test bed for their experiments. Bioweapons were responsible for the deaths of my parents. And someone has to pay for that!"

"So you joined the BSAA." Chris said.

"There's only so much one person can do.." Sheva said, "Even a superhero like you, Chris." She joked.

Chris shook his head, even though Sheva wasn't looking at him, "I'm no superhero. But together, we can do this."

Sheva turned to look at him, "Then let's make a stand for our fallen brothers!"

"Preach it girl!" Chris and Sheva both looked down to see the others had woken up, well, all except Poke.

"How long have you two been up?" Chris asked.

"Long enough to hear your story." Candy replied, sleepiness masked in her voice.

"Well-" Sheva was cut off by Chris. "Hang on." He said. They looked forward to see a ramp. They did as they were told, holding on to whatever they could hold onto as Chris made the jump. "Continue." He said once they passed the ramp.

"As I was saying, good morning." Sheva said.



"Morning every one." They turned to see Poke rubbing her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Sheva asked.

"Meh." Was her reply.

The rest of the boat trip was ridden in silence.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Nothing much happened in this one, just Chris being depressed and whatnot. Anyways, the next chapter will be more eventful than this one, I can promise you that. So in the meantime, why don't you leave a little review? Or if that doesn't tickle your fancy, favorite? Follow?