Please review,no flames.I don't own Resident Evil 5.

It was just a normal day, 5 girls were sitting around bored out of their minds. One of the girls suggested "Let's play a game." The other 4 girls looked at her before one of them said "Which game Poke?" The girl smiled at her nickname before asking "Resident Evil 5 anyone?" Everyone exchanged glances before agreeing, as Poke set up the game she asked who wanted to use the controller she was holding and one of the girls yelled "ME! I WANNA I WANNA I WANNA!" Poke winced at how loud the girl was yelling before saying "Okay, just calm down Ash-" "IT'S CRAZY CHICK!" Poke just rolled her eyes before saying "Okay Crazy Chick." She handed the controller to Crazy Chick before picking up an extra controller and starting the game.

As Poke was about to start the game she asked Crazy Chick "Do you want to start from the beginning?" Crazy Chick just nodded with a big smile that wasn't necessary, the other 3 girls just watched them play. After a little while Poke and Crazy Chick were at the public assembly fighting some majini and finding some ammo, as the majini with the big axe broke down the wall Crazy Chick started to make her character shoot him like crazy and missing every shot. Poke tried to help her but the majini with the axe had killed her.

Poke turned to face the girl with a glare, Crazy Chick only grinned before handing the controller to the girl next to her. "Here Candy, you play." She said as Candy took the controller from her hands. Poke clicked "yes" to continue but it didn't take them back to their checkpoint, instead there was a blinding flash and the girls found themselves outside in the blazing sun, they appeared to be in a small village. Poke looked around and could have sworn her heart stopped as she saw something that was all too familiar to her. A group of African boys were beating a sack with sticks and the sack was moving like something was in it.

Poke turned to the other two girls that were with her and said "Guys, I-I think we're in the game."

The girls looked around before they realized what Poke was saying is true. Crazy Chick just smiled and jumped up while screaming "WOOHOO! WE'RE IN THE GAME! THIS IS AWESOME!" She started running around screaming and caught attention from some of the citizens. Poke managed to grab her and put her hand over the girl's mouth to shut her up. The small girl struggled in Poke's hold but it was no use, Poke was taller and stronger than her. Candy looked around for the other 2 girls that were with them earlier and saw that they were nowhere to be found.

Candy to Poke and Crazy Chick and told them that the other girls were no where to be found ,Poke was so shocked that she dropped Crazy Chick on the floor. Poke then said "We have to find them, I don't know how but we will." Candy only looked up at the girl since she was also shorter then Poke, she then asked "But how will we get out of the game?" Poke answered "I've read a fanfic about this kind of thing, you have to survive the whole game to get out." Candy only nodded before she turned to help Crazy Chick, who was still on the floor, up to her feet. Candy then turned to look back at Poke and asked "What do we do now?"

Poke answered "We wait for Chris and Sheva of course." She walked to the gate that Chris and Sheva would walk through at any moment, Candy walked after her and Crazy Chick only ran after both girls. After a few minutes Candy started to get impatient and said "What's taking them so long?" Poke said "Chris is probably thinking about Jill." Candy only nodded and sighed in annoyance. After a few more minutes the gate opened and Chris and Sheva walked through. Crazy Chick only screamed in joy and ran over to them. Poke and Candy ran after her, when they caught up to Chris and Sheva, Poke only smiled at them and held out her hand while saying "Hello, we're from the BSAA Mexico branch, we were sent here to assist you on your mission."

Chris shook her hand and smiled before saying "Hi, I'm Chris, and this is my partner Sheva. But, aren't you guys a little too young to be agents?" Poke said "We're interns in our branch, we were sent here for training to become agents. They thought a mission with BSAA agents would be perfect training for us." Chris and Sheva nodded, Sheva decided to actually say something and asked "What are your names?"Poke said "We're not allowed to say but you can call us by our nicknames, mine is Poke," She then pointed to Candy "This is Candy," Finally she pointed to Crazy Chick "And this is Crazy Chick." Chris and Sheva seemed confused with their nicknames, Chris then pointed to Crazy Chick and asked "Why is she called Crazy Chick?"

Crazy Chick only screamed again and started running around like crazy, after a short while Candy caught her and held her in place. Sheva then said "Your clothes make you look like ordinary citizens. Poke, you have on a shirt that has one sleeve ripped off and the design is blood,some fishnets with black shorts over. Candy, the hood on your jacket covers half of your face, and you seem to have a dragon tattoo on your ankle. And Crazy Chick, you shirt says 'Zombie Killer' in red bloody letters and torn jeans."

Candy said "Well in our branch, we can wear pretty much anything." Chris and Sheva nodded, after a few glances between everyone Chris and Sheva agreed to having the 3 girls come on their mission. As the group made their way to the butcher shop Sheva looked behind only to see that they were the only people in the area, other then the radio that was on the floor it was quiet. Chris turned and saw that the place was deserted, they both turned back around and saw the the 3 girls were waiting for them. They walked up to them and went to the side of the butcher shop and walked in.

It took a while for the butcher to trust all of them. After they went in Chris and Sheva got their weapons and only had 2 guns left for the 3 girls, this was going to be hard. Poke was thinking about who would get the gun when an idea came up. She said "Why don't we play Rock Paper Scissors for the guns?" The other 2 girls looked at her before nodding.

Poke walked over to Chris and Sheva and took one of the extra guns and placed it on the table. She then said "Whoever wins the first round gets this gun." The other girls nodded and played, after 1 minute Candy was the winner of the first gun. She picked it up and checked it before standing next to Chris and Sheva to wait for the next round. After a few seconds Poke won, Crazy Chick frowned, she really had to stop using paper all the time. After Poke finished checking her gun, she nodded for them to leave. The group walked out of the building to start their mission.