Chasing Fox-Tails
Ch.1 – Stumbled Upon
Youko couldn't believe his luck. He just happened to be running south after a heist to lose his attackers when he stumbled upon the most inviting scene. There, lounging on a smooth stone in the middle of a hot spring was a demoness he had never come across in his life. And he'd remember if he did. She had long black hair to her waist with almost unnoticeable dark blue streams in it that shined in the moonlight emitting from the open canopy. The clothing she wore was strange to him, only covering her assets, but its revealing nature was not lost on him. She had delicious curves and a lithe, but toned figure. A soft pair of ears adorned her head tipped in dark blue along with a matching handful of tails. Oh how he would love to count those tails that so innocently danced back and forth at the female's obvious pleasure. But the sound of a twig snapping merely a few feet away signaled the continued trailing of his pursuers. And this certainly wasn't a scene he wanted to share with them.