X Three years later X

"..this place hasn't change a bit..." I say, smiling happily that I will see my sister again. I have not seen my dear younger sister Naru in five months, as well as the others.

"Its still quit glorious" Sukie says beside me, she smiles at me. All of us are visiting our siblings, for a whole month this time. This is what we have been doing for the past years, we visit almost every five month. Seeing as how we come all the way here, all of us decides to stay for a month. Our last visit was very funny, since every time we come back, someones pregnant again. Last time it was my dear sister who was with child for the second time and Aka was as well with child for the first time though. "I can't wait to see my beautiful nephew again"

"I wonder if Kaoru's kids remember me, man I hope they do" Sho says, smiling to himself. He dose enjoy being an uncle, but there is still one who doesn't like it. "...Dai...please don't tell me ya still upset about our sister getting pregnant"

"That fucking pervert" Dai mutters, glaring as we finally made it to the door. He should really get over it already, Kaoru-chan is growing up and must be treated as so. I was about to say some thing but the front door opened and I was jumped on.

"NAKA NAKA NAKA She is back hahahahahaha" my sister says as she hugged my arms to my side. Well I guess I cant judge her since we are very late, its almost 10 at night so she must have been waiting for a while. I just can't believe we got stuck in traffic, because we simply did not arrive so late last time.

"Sister, please calm down. Don't you remember you are with child" I say smiling at my sister, she will never change. My sister who is now 6th months pregnant, and mother of an adorable almost three years old.

"...NOOOOOOOOOOO..., I will not calm down" Naru says laughing, we all moved into the house and the door closing behind us. "...not when the aliens are attacking,...we must prepare"

"There's aliens here, what the fuck" Sho says, he should already know what to expect with my sister around. It seems when my dear sister is with child, she becomes more crazy.

"SUKIE..your finally here" Tokie says, her long white hair flowing behind her. Her two year old girl besides her, and her younger daughter in her arms.

"Auntie Su-Su" the girl says, rushing over to her aunt.

The PPGZ and the RRBZ have been busy, it has been something to expect when we come back here. Now Momoko, Miyako, and my dear sister had been the first ones pregnant. Now they have to have a cover name since they could still be in danger and to give their children the simple life. Since their children will live like normal people (as normal as this family can get), the kids have a choice in becoming super-heroes (or doing something else) which will give them enemies so they must do what their mothers have done.

My sister gave birth to her son who is named Bandit, Naru really wanted a b-name and nobody could get her out of it. Bandit looks just like his mother, and he is already showing signs of becoming just like his mother. Now Bandit's cover name is Haruto, my sister choose it because it reminds her of Naruto. I still do not know what she will name her second child yet.

Momoko gave birth to her daughter a month after Naru, the reds named her Blaze (the boys wished for b-names) and she looks just like Brick. Now Blaze's cover name is Tomoko, which means child of wisdom. Momoko got pregnant almost right after and gave birth to another girl, Bloom. Her cover name is Misaki, the reason they choose this name is because it means beautiful blossom. Bloom looks just like her mother. Blaze is around Bandits age, Bloom is a year younger.

Miyako and Boomer first child is 3 months younger then Bandit and Blaze, they named her Breeze. This girls cover name is Mami, Miyako loves the way its sounds. Breeze looks just like her dad. Miyako also gave birth to twins 8 months ago, both are boys named Blast and Bomb. Blast's cover name is Sora, Boomer likes that name because it means blue, he looks like Miyako. Bomb is a combination of his parents, his cover name is Shin.

The green couple was bless with twin boys, Blade has a darker and lighter shade of greens eyes then his parents and Break looks like his father. Blade's cover name is Katsumi while Break is Kazuki. The twin boys is almost five months younger then Bandit and Blaze. Not even four month went by when Kaoru was pregnant again with twins. The girl is named Beatrix, who looks like her dad, and a boy name Bruise, who looks like his uncle Dai. Beatrix's cover name is Midori and Bruise cover name is Masaru.

Bliss and Tokie brought a girl into the world, her name is Beauty, looking just like her mother, she is few months younger then the green twins. Beauty's cover name is Yumi, which has something to do with beauty for some reason. After a whole year went by, Tokie gave birth to another girl named Believe, Bliss choose it this time. Believe looks like her father and her cover name is Aoi. Their third child was born 7 month ago, a boy named Bless. He has much lighter eyes then his father but much darker eyes then his mother. Bless cover name is Takumi, again Bliss liked how is sounded.

Bitten and Blink also had children as well, their first child is named Scythe who has black hair and pale purple eyes (almost looks like Bitten). This boy is 6 month younger then Bandit and Blaze. Their second child looks like his twin sister, so they named her Bolt. Now these kids do not need cover names yet.

These are the pregnancy that I know of, we will be told someone else is with child again. Oh dear, I hope it isn't Kaoru, I really don't think Dai can handle it.

"..oh no the aliens have gotten to my sister" Naru says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at her, she starts pacing. "this will not go unpunished, I will send reinforcements to destroy those two eyed creatures..., that walk on two legs,...have two ears,...weird shaped butts"

"You crazy freaking nut, you are talking about fucking humans" Kaoru says while holding Bruise, Sho instantly rushes to her. "hey little bro"

"Kaoru, you must not be so trusting to those vile aliens" Naru says while hiding behind me, laughing like the mad person she is. Kaoru hands her son to her little brother while crossing her arms, looking right at my sister.

"I'm really going to kill Blake for letting Bunny watch those aliens movies" Kaoru says while signing. I giggle at this, I miss this place a lot. "Dai will ya stop sulking already, Butch and me are a couple, so we are allowed to ha-"

"Don't say it, sis I really don't want to know anything about that" Dai says while shaking his head back and forth, holding his hands on his ears.

"your such a fucking baby" Kaoru says while glaring at her brother. "hear I was going to tell ya, I'm pregnant again"

"Really, I wonder if its twins again" Sho says happily. Well at least one of Kaoru brothers don't mind being an uncle.

"I'm going to kill Butch" Dai says while stomping away from us. "BUTCH WHERE ARE YA"

"Leave Butch alone, stop putting the blame on him" Bitten says walking to us, I smile at her. "jeez, when will he let it go"

"I think big bro doesn't want to believe that Kaoru had …...you know with Butch yet" Sho says, as he continues to play with his nephew. My sister starts to drag me away, laughing like always.

"now come sister, we must dissect your brain and get rid of the aliens brain washing" my sister says as she drags me away, jumping up and down as she dose.

"sister please be careful, you are with child" I say while trying to stop her.

"you are mistaken sister, I don't have a baby in here" Naru says, I stare at her. Kaoru comes up and flicks Naru on the head.

"ya god damn nut" Kaoru says then jumps as my sister screams at her.

"Oh no, it is the evil green leprechaun,...She wants my gold" Naru says while hiding behind me. Kaoru stalks towards her.

"you little-"Kaoru tries to say but is interrupted by Momoko shouting at her.

"Buttercup, go stop your brother and mate" Momoko says while walking to us with her girls following her. "they are fighting again"

"What, those fucking morons" Kaoru mumbles as she stomps upstairs, Sho and Bitten follow her. My sister grabs me, and runs ahead of Kaoru, which she grabs onto Kaoru as well. "hey, what are ya freaking doing"

"we must join our brethren in battle, we must not allow the aliens to win" Naru says, Kaoru holds out her fist. Tokie and Sukie walk calmly behind us.

"you better be so glad your pregnant with triplets" Kaoru says while shaking as Naka drags us away. My little sister is going to be a mother to not just one child but four, oh I can not wait. I smile at this, it toke a few minutes with Naka making us run to the so called battle. Kaoru's oldest twins were watching from the sidelines with Miyako and Ken. Butch and Dai have not only destroyed the main living room, but also angered Brick, Bliss, and Blink. Blink and Boomer were holding Dai, keeping him from Butch who was simply standing behind Brick and Bliss. "What happened"

"Cupcake, your back" Butch says, waving slowly at her. Dai must of angered him, which allow a fight to happen that must of brought everyone else to their location. "Now this is not my damn fault"

"Jeez, I know that already" Kaoru says while getting my sister to finally let her go. "Dai will you please stop picking a fight with Butch, ya really need to get it through your thick skull that we are together"

"Lil sis, I just cant get past that he is a pervert, a big one too" Dai says while pointing at Butch.

"I think everyone else knows that already and that cannot be the reason you hate Butch" Momoko says, Brick walking over to her. "now please spill what ever your holding in"

"look...okay I know you love Butch, but I still cant forgive him for taking you away from us" Dai says crossing his arms over his chest. "it wasn't the greatest time for us, and then you fall in love with him"

"Dai, you must not be angry at the Boys" I say, as Naru holds onto my arm as Blake appears with my nephew in his arms. Oh he's getting so big already. "yes, I was not happy about Naru's disappearance but I realized my sister was happy with it so I did not mind"

"yes, our sibling don't have any grudges against the boy for kidnapping them so I forgave them years ago" Sukie says, agreeing with me as well. "besides they proved it many times that they would do anything for girls"

"yeah, and we're still able to see them even after the kidnapping" Sho says, while walking over to the other kids.

"and we all became aunts and uncles" Kuriko, hugging her sister around her stomach. "and I'm going to be an aunt to another one"

"Dai, if it makes ya feel better we didn't give into the boys at first" Kaoru says while picking up her daughter, who crawled over to her.

"but with time we all did fall for the boys, of course they proved themselves worthy first" Momoko says smiling towards Brick.

"so can you try to get over it and be freaking happy about being an uncle" Kaoru says while walking towards her brother, holding Beatrix out to him, he held her and looks at Kaoru.

"I'll try to get over it but Butch is still a damn pervert" Dai says, then flinches when he looks at Kaoru. "sis, a-are you okay"

"now, through out your entire stay here, you must clean this whole room up. I want it to look just it did before" Kaoru says while Dai gives her daughter back. "ya can start now"

"w-what but I cant do this alone" Dai says while looking around the room. "and I wasn't the only one who did this, Butch help"

"but you were the damn idiot that started it, and Butch was simply watching our kids like he was suppose to" Kaoru says while she turns to Butch. "and you should not give in so easily"

"Cupcake" Butch says while kissing her cheeks, smirking as he saw Dai get pissed off. "you really do love me"

"now that the battle is done, we still must undo the brain washing those aliens have done to my sister" Naru says as she tried to drag me away again. Blake wrapped his arms around my sisters shoulders and softly brought her to his chest. "hel-lo"

"Bun, how about both you and Bandit go join the rest of the kids for a nap" Blake says while Bandit shakes his head with my sisters.

"no, must undo aliens brainwashing" Bandit says childishly, his mother joining him.

"alright who allowed Bunny to watch those movies, I totally said not to allow her to watch the aliens movie" Tokie says while looking around, she lands on Blake. "I warned you what would happen, especially if she's pregnant"

"so its your fault that Naru jumped me the other day" Miyako says with her twins, they are playing with her hair.

"um what did she do that for" Sho asked.

"well, I was simply cleaning up the children toys after coming back from the store when Naru jumps onto me and rushed me to the bathroom. Well she said I was contaminated with aliens germs and must be clean" Miyako says. "after I was clean she then grabbed the hose and sprayed the whole play room down"

"then she freaking got me and Momoko all wet when we walked in" Kaoru says while glaring at my sister.

"and Kaoru left her twins with me as she chased Naru around the house" Momoko says while laughing a little. "which turn into a big water fight"

"then I force them all to clean the house after their little game" Lizzy says with her hands on her hips. Aka was walking behind her with Scythe in her arms and Black following her. "and you call your selves normal"

"um, Bitten Scythe found his way out of the room and to ours...again" Aka says while Bitten walks to her, grabbing Scythe from her.

"you really do love your uncle Black huh" Bitten says, her son has always favored Black, that it isn't unusually to see Scythe following him. "well I'm going to try to get Scythe back to bed, so I will see you all in the morning"

"I think that's a wonderful idea, all the kids should be in bed already, and so should we" Momoko says.

"I'm so sorry about coming here so late" I say to them all. "we got stuck in traffic and couldn't really do anything about it"

"its fine, there has been weirder days" Brick says, sees Dai trying to clean up the mess he started. "Dai just start that tomorrow"

"oh yes, we have a big day tomorrow, beauty sleep is very much need" Tokie says, as we all slowly leave the room and head to our rooms. Naru dose not move, still holding onto me and Blake behind her.

"Naru, please get some rest you have been up for the whole day already" Momoko says while Naru looks at her.

"Yes General Pinky, we should not let the aliens get ahead of us" my sisters says then rushes off ahead. "OFF TO BED MY BRETHREN"

"damn crazy nut" Kaoru mumbles out as she walks with Butch right behind her. Dai, Sukie, and me both stick behind a little, stopping near a wall that was filled with family photos.

"...a lot of things have happen...these past 5 years" Sukie says while looking at over them. "I still can't believe all of it sometimes"

"to much has happen" Dai mumbles, shaking his head.

"yeah and their adventure is still not over with" I say smiling. I know for sure the PPG and RRB, along with their friends, have much more to come. Their journey is still going, and soon the next generation will come, taking the world by surprise.


I cant believe its over, I loved doing this story a lot even if I left it in the dust for a while. I hope you all enjoy this because I know many of you have wished for the last chapter. I really hope this last chapter is good enough for you all, I was having a little writers block about a good enough way to end this story.

Please enjoy this epilogue, hope it satisfies you all. I also hope you check out my new little story I've been working on. Its called Never Alone, and yes there is characters death (Bubbles and Blossom) but it also has their children (PPGxRRB). Never Alone is a little sad but more about family and maybe I'll make chapter about when the kids are older (romance will begin).

Now its finally time to make this story complete, for so long this story and the first part of it (Bad Love) have been with me. I don't think I'll make a sequel, but might in the future make a few short chapters about their lives after.

Thank all of you for reviewing and favoring this story, it was fun and I will always remember this story fondly.