He smiled, flipping the gold band in his fingers once more, as he remembered the day she went into remission. They celebrated with her favorite Chinese food, courtesy of Mandarin Cuisine, and a rented movie, and began to think more seriously about children.


"I just don't see why it has to now!" he said, frustrated. "You're just in remission, we're not even completely out of the woods yet!"

"Percy." She begged, looking up at him with those big, gray eyes. "Please, I need to do this now! Don't you want kids?"

"Of course I do!" He exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair. "It's just that—I…almost lost you." He whispered, voice cracking. "That's not going to happen again."

"No. I won't let you be alone." She said, rising from the couch and grabbing his hand.

With their fingers intertwined, they shared a passionate embrace, neither one wishing to let go of the other.

He smiled once more, chuckling to himself as he remembered all the passionate times they had spent in the bedroom, trying for that baby. Then, the day she had snuck the positive pregnancy test into his lunch bag. Oh, he was so grossed out, having a used pee stick in with his turkey sandwich, but also ecstatic to become a father. He had immediately called Annabeth, and the two exchanged a tearful moment over the phone. That night, they celebrated with a classic movie marathon and some sparkling apple cider. They were thrilled.

His eyebrows furrowed as he recalled the repeated pain of losing the baby, and two more following it. They had almost given up when Annabeth got pregnant once more. "Too stubborn," he called it, jokingly; "fate" she said, in all sincerity.

He had dealt with all her mood swings and cravings in stride, but, as a demigod, there were some strange requests. He recalled leaving the house once, at one in the morning to retrieve some fried twinkies with tartar sauce for her. He gagged remembering her scarf them down and ask for more. He also remembered the frequent visits to Mandarin Cuisine. She loved the food there more than anything. Louis, the waiter, had even gotten to know them by name. Percy chuckled, remembering all the sympathy weight he had put on.

He smiled, albeit the smile was tinged with sadness, as he remembered all that had happened in their short life together. The childless years that ticked by slowly; the sickness years that seemed immortal; but still the happier years, when life was easy and they had their lives ahead of them.

"Not anymore." He thought, with a sigh. "It's never gonna be the same."

Suddenly, a weary nurse called for him, saying that it was urgent he come quickly. He bolted from the waiting room, sprinting down the hospital corridor to room 7522, out of breath. His eyes searched the room madly, looking for any sign that anything had happened.

Instead, he saw his wife, Annabeth, and their newborn son, just as he had left them.

"Wh-what's going on?" He asked. "The nurse said it was urgent!"

"It is, seaweed brain! I woke up—gods, I must've been so tired—and they said you had gone for a walk so I could sleep. Well, when I woke up, I realized we still have to name the baby!" She replied animatedly.

"She put up quite the fuss." Confirmed the nurse.

Percy walked over to the basinet holding his new son, and smiled down at the sleeping infant. The baby squirmed in its sleep and the new father grinned, turning back to Annabeth.

"How about 'Robert Louis'?" He asked.

"Hmm…Robert Louis Jackson….It sounds nice! Just like Robert Louis Stevenson, the writer!"

"Well, I was thinking more Robert Kennedy. You know, his ancestors came from a couple generations of Athena, like you. Louis, well, for our favorite waiter over at Mandarin Cuisine. We're there so much, it's like they're family!" He explained. "But, you know, I guess he could be named for all three."

Annabeth smiled at this, repeating the name a few times. She reached out towards the newborn's crib, and Percy carefully lifted the infant out and placed him in her arms. He began to stir, peacefully.

"Robert Louis Jackson, welcome to our world!" She whispered, smiling. Percy looked on, proud, with an arm around his wife and a hand softly caressing his son's face.

The baby's eyes opened at this, revealing eyes that could only be described as grayish green, and the couple exchanged a grin, one that could only be so cliché that it worked perfectly for this very moment. Just like their life together; they had made this child unique, and perfect in his own way; they had made him their own.