James and I had been arguing over whether or not we should go to Sirius' lately. It wasn't much of an argument he would suggest it at breakfast or dinner and I'd say 'but we don't need to. You just want to get out.' Admittedly, I did want to go, rather badly to but for my families protection I refused to allow any of us. I just wanted to be safe and face it; we can get Sirius to come here when he has the time.

Turns out we didn't need to go to Sirius' as he came here though. 'Hey guys, I just thought of something' he said lazily walking in our house nearly giving me heart failure. 'Hey Padfoot. What is it you just thought off?' James asked as Sirius slouched down in one of our seats taking Harry from me as he did so. 'Well, Death Eaters have been coming after me recently. You know the usual 'get Black,' 'he is their best friend,' 'he must be the Secret Keeper' right? So I was thinking let's make Pete the Secret Keeper!' he said excitedly and I got lost in confusion.

'But Sirius, Pete wouldn't be any better against those Death Eaters than you are. Hell he might even be worse!' I said a ghost of a smile teasing my lips. 'Oh ha-ha Flower. Seriously though think about it. They wouldn't suspect you to trust him with something like this would they? They would think he'd be too cowardice wouldn't they?' he asked proudly. 'I get where you're going Padfoot' James said looking at me with an expression I didn't recognise. It was a mix between, worry, confusion and hope.

'Well where is he?' I asked something stirring inside me. 'I've sent him a patronus to meet us here' Sirius grinned and I rolled my eyes. 'But why don't you want to do it?' James asked confusion and worry in his voice. 'Oh well. I just thought it was about time Pete got something big. I mean he's been our best mate for years and he isn't about to sell you out. You gotta trust me with this' Sirius begged and I groaned in defeat.

Peter walked in looking as worried and tired as ever. 'Hey Pete how are you?' I asked as he sat down. 'Good, how are you?' he asked politely looking around a little twitchily. 'We're good. Actually we were just talking about you' James said and I shrank into James' shadow. 'Really? W-Why?' Peter squeaked looking around worriedly. 'Well I told them about the Death Eaters mate and I told them my solution' Sirius grinned slapping Peter on the back. Pete fell face first onto the ground. I giggled a little but took Harry form Sirius.

'W-What solution?' Peter asked as I smiled warmly at him. 'We want you to be Secret Keeper for us Peter' I said and he looked horrified. 'Unless you don't want to mate. We would completely understand-'James began but was cut off. 'I want to. I want to be the Secret Keeper' Pete said loudly looking at us right in the eye. 'Excellent. Sirius if you will' James smiled as his best friend stood up with Peter. 'Alright Pete. You're the new Secret Keeper, just keep a clear mind and you'll be fine alright?' Sirius asked nervously but his friend nodded and hurriedly left the room. 'Bye!' I called a few moments after the front door slammed and Sirius and James laughed at me.

A few days had drifted by from this sudden arrangement. I was supposed to write a letter, or Pete or Sirius were meant to mention it to Dumbledore but I had already told them I was writing a letter. Oh well, I will tonight I guess. At least, that's what I say every day. Pathetic I know, but I just wasn't in the mood and it probably wasn't that important.

I woke up on Halloween bright and early with my husband and my son. We had spent the last few months sending letters to and fro with our friends. We also spent the previous days playing soccer and planning the day of Halloween. It was going to be fun, I was determined for it to be a blast. I dressed Elvendork up as a feral cat, not that much needed to be changed he was feral enough already. Harry was dressed all in black and white. James and I just wore normal clothes though, my creativeness ran out by time it was our turn.

We played a quick game of soccer before breakfast at James' demand. But Harry was soon crying out and I sat him in his chair and gave him some food to eat. I made James and I some pancakes with edible spiders on top. Even I amazed myself with my obsessive muggle-ism when it came to traditional festivities. James would laugh at me and the way I dressed the cat but I didn't care it was fun at the time. I really wished we could sneak some ghosts out of Hogwarts though. That would have been so cool, and to see Harry's reaction as well...

We sat in the garden for a while around ten that morning. Listening to the neighbours as they fed their children chocolate or talked to each other about the bills and how expensive everything was getting. 'Too true that' James couldn't help but agree with them and I nodded sadly. Hopefully we'd grow to see a better world. 'I can't wait til this damn war is over. We'll be able to take Harry trick-or-treating; we'll be able to take him for a game of Quidditch on that damn broom too. Oh I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait!' I sighed excitedly as though expecting a mid-war miracle.

'Life is going to be good Lil's. We've just gotta wait here and before we know it we'll be out again all thanks to the Marauders and Aurors and whoever else our family hero is' James said kissing my forehead. 'I know. But I want to be there to see Harry in Hogsmeade, or when we first take him to Diagon Ally. Damn it, I wanna take him now' I sighed watching to birds fly around above us. 'Patience is a virtue' he said and I elbowed him. 'Not if you're me. I want out and I want it now' I cried out causing the birds to fly away.

I turned my head to James and saw him watching me with a kind of fascination on his face. 'What?' I asked nervously and he shook his head grinning. 'Just never thought I'd see you yelling at a grey sky before' he smiled kissing me again. 'Yeah well, war's change people' I said and he laughed happily. 'All for the good I hope' he whispered. 'But there are some that go bad' I mumbled and looked away from him as tears teased my eyes.

'It's alright Lily. We're alive, everyone's still fighting' James said solemnly but I just, I guess I don't know what I was feeling. Depressed, shell-shocked, angry, envious and all round pissed off. I guess those are a few words I could use, Depressed from the lack of freedom, shell-shocked by the amount of emotion, angry at the fact I was unable in the fight the never ending war, envious of the people who can fight this war and pissed off by the fact I was to remain locked up safely away while people died.

James understood because he stood up took Harry and left. He knew I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes. I started screaming. I cast the muffliato spell around me and screamed and screamed and screamed. I kicked stuff, smashed garden decorations and started crying. I curled up in a ball and sobbed for a while. I could hear tiny footsteps and soon my baby was hugging me and kissing me his tiny hands poking me in the eye by accident. 'Oh Harry' I sobbed holding him closer.

I heard James in the house, walking around talking to himself or the cat. I wasn't sure. Eventually I got up, repaired the broken garden ornaments, dried off my face and walked back in the house, Harry firmly in my hands. James hugged me and kissed us both muttering apologizes and confessing that everything was his fault. I shut him up with a big, long kiss. 'Nothing is your fault unless I say so Potter' I whispered before kissing him again.

'Here eat a chocolate' James smiled popping one into my open mouth as I turned to reply to him. I smiled and tried to swallow it. 'I love you and I'm sorry for being such a party pooper' I said kissing him passionately. 'I love you too, I'm sorry for being the party pooper as well' he murmured against my lips before kissing me back. 'I won't ever scream or act like that ever again. I will dedicate the rest of my life to providing a good mother to my son and the best wife I can be for you' I promised and he laughed. 'Ditto' he whispered.

We had a quiet lunch, just the three of us, happy together in the mid day sun. I wanted to sneak out and James suggested we do so multiple times. 'Just sneak out to Sirius' for dinner! It couldn't hurt' he would laugh but I would frown and shake my head. 'James as much as I want to and believe me I do... But Dumbledore said we were safer here. I just, I guess I'm going by Dumbledore's words. Please just trust me' I would reply so he would shut up kiss me and then ten minutes later we'd go through the whole thing again.

'Alright enough. Sorry, I don't want to start a huger argument but James we are not leaving this house until the damn war is over okay?' I said. 'I know. I'm sorry just haven't seen him in a while' James muttered looking down ashamedly. 'Its fine and I know what you mean. It's been a year since I've seen Alice...' I whispered wiping a stray tear from my eye. 'I forgot. I'm sorry. I've had the Marauders over plenty of times but you haven't seen Alice once since we've been locked up' he whispered stroking the back of my head as I turned around.

'Why don't you go see her now? C'mon Lily, I know you said not to start a huge fight but... I think you should just floo right over there. I'll send a Patronus in advance and I swear I will not go anywhere with Harry. If it would make you happier to go see her then go' he said kissing me as I looked up. 'But James... I can't just go' I said worriedly stroking my son's hair. 'Sure you can look-'he cast the patronus spell and I watched his stag soar out through the window, '-They're expecting you now' he grinned cheekily and I slapped his arm sobbing with joy.

'Oh James!' I cried kissing his face. 'You swear you won't leave this house?' I asked pulling back and looking him firmly in the eyes. 'Of course!' he said and I kissed him again before sprinting upstairs. I pulled of my old tattered clothes and scrounged through my wardrobe desperately for something nicer. And I did find something. A light dress with beautiful patterns some sparkly shoes and a nice light cloak to go on top. I laughed in relief and pulled it on. I then did my hair fancy and sprinted back down to James who said 'your fireplace awaits my lady' and bowed. I laughed kissed him again and kissed Harry still laughing with joy.

'I love you James, I love you Harry. Be good, write to Sirius if you want, please don't leave the house. I'll send a patronus before I head back okay?' I said hugging them both. James laughed and said it should be fine. The last thing I saw as I spun out of the cottage was James holding harry and the pair of them waving at me laughing at the same time.

'Lily!'Alice yelled running over to me and tripping over her feet but jumping back up again. 'Oh Lily!' she yelled bounding into my arms. 'Alice, it really is you!' I laughed hugging her back equally as hard. Frank stood to the side watching us with something in his arms. We were crying before we knew it. It had been so long, since we hugged or saw each other face to face.

'I missed you, I missed you both' I sobbed still hugging her and looking at Frank who grinned back. 'We missed you too!' she cried gripping me tightly. 'Is that Neville?' I asked choking up as I nodded to the baby in Frank's arms. 'Yeah. We celebrated his birthday, sorry you couldn't come' Frank said walking forward and I let go of Alice to peak at their baby. 'Oh he is an angel. He's grown so much and still has your face Alice' I smiled kissing her cheek as she laughed like wind chimes.

'Oh I should have brought Harry!' I exclaimed suddenly. 'Oh well, I'm just glad you're here, did you ask Dumbledore or was it just the 'screw him I'm here' type plan that the Marauders are so famous for?' Frank asked politely. 'I would just like to clarify Marauders are not rubbing off on me, but yes it was that type of plan' I mumbled and he laughed loudly hugging me briefly. 'Good to have you back Lily' he chuckled kissing my cheek swiftly.

Neville was much bigger than when I last saw him, his hair was longer and thicker and he seemed to have the most beautiful eyes. Alice and Frank had also changed quite a lot since I had last seen them. Alice was thinner and had bags under her soft eyes, her hair was also lighter, it seemed as though there was less of it. Frank was taller and more masculine. He was still strong and brave looking but his hair was also lighter and he had bags under his eyes.

'We've been so worried' he sighed handing Neville to Alice. 'So have we. At least you two are allowed out your house though' I smiled sadly. 'Oh Lily, you're jealous! It isn't that great. We aren't allowed in other people's houses, we're only allowed a certain distance from our house... It really isn't that great' Alice said humbly but I shook my head. 'No but you get fresh air, we get to sit outside in our backyard. We watch as people walk in and out our front door but never doing ourselves. I've been going crazy' I whispered and Frank whispered something to Alice, took Neville out her hands and left.

'Lily, sweetie, I'm not going to say you have nothing to be jealous off, but I am going to say toughen up. You want to leave your house fine go ahead but remember You-Know-Who is waiting for you and your family. It is fine to go straight from your house to ours as we have protection also but Diagon Alley would be far too dangerous and so would your neighbourhood. Death Eaters are everywhere and it's not worth risking the lives of you and your family just to see the streets again' she said and I cried harder and harder into her arms.

'Come on, we're going to sit outside' she said helping me up off the floor. I walked outside with her and she whispered 'you look great by the way' in my ear. I burst into a fit of giggles at this. I could imagine what I looked like easily. One moment clean and rather pretty in the dress with my hair done up and then suddenly in a blubbering mess sobbing my heart out with makeup running down my face. She probably though I was pathetic. 'Thank you' I giggled back and she grinned.

We made a detour to the bathroom so I could get cleaned up and refreshed before walking outside where Frank and Neville were waiting for us. Neville, it turned out, was wearing a cute little suit but had already started trying to eat the tie of it. I laughed as Alice chased him around the garden trying to fix it back up. 'I miss coming here' I grinned at frank who chuckled in response.

I looked back at the house and at the window of the study and recalled the fond memories of sitting up there arguing over names, what colour the table cloths should be for the wedding and other nonsense with a pang. I remembered Rose nearly falling out the window walking in ridiculously high heels, I remembered Frank serenading Alice from that window, and I recalled Mrs. Longbottom yelling at her son and daughter in law as they made out in the bush from that widow. Good times, best memories.

'Are you staying for tea Lily?' Alice asked hours later as they began preparing food. 'Oh Merlin, no. Sorry I should get going' I laughed pecking her cheek and Franks and little Neville's forehead. 'It was great seeing you flower!' Frank called from the kitchen as I scurried down the corridor. 'You too!' I called back and spun around to see Alice hurrying behind me I sent a patronus before hugging her. 'Be safe' she said hugging me tightly. 'You too. I love you' I sighed hugging her back. 'Love you too sister' she waved as I stepped back. I spun out of her house and landed in the kitchen of my cottage.

'James?' I called and heard his hurrying feet. 'Hey!' he grinned cheekily, Harry at his feet. 'Hey baby!' I said crouching down as Harry tripped into my arms. He squealed in delight as I spun him around in circles in the air. I hugged him close to me before setting him down again. 'Dinner's ready, I just finished putting it on the table' James grinned and I smiled back. 'Thank you so much' I sighed as he led the way into the dining room. It was set out beautifully and I placed harry in his seat before collapsing in my own.

'So how were they?' James asked as we ate slowly through the magnificent roast. 'They were good, Neville has grown so much and they've changed a lot as well. It is amazing' I said sipping the wine. 'I'm glad you had fun' he smiled and blew me a kiss. 'Thanks for talking me into going James, thank you so much' I said and he nodded silently. 'So what did you two get up to huh?' I asked tickling Harry lightly and he squealed with delight. 'We wrote to Sirius like you suggested, your muggle friend came round looking for you and said she'd be back in the morning then we spent the rest of the evening preparing dinner, muggle style' James said and I laughed.

I was left with cleaning the dishes as they had prepared the meal. James washed and dressed Harry for bed and played with him in the sitting room. I placed the last dish away and went to collect Harry for bed. 'C'mon Harry time for bed' I said walking into the lounge and James handed him to me. 'Night, night Harry see you in the morning' James said. 'I'm going to bed too okay? Love you' I called walking out the room. 'Love you too' he said yawning. I was halfway up the stairs when there was a tremendous bang.

I saw James sprint into the hallway as I ran up the stairs. 'Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off-' he screamed but was cut off by high cold laughter and a flash of green light as a voice yelled 'Avada Kedavra!' Harry was buried amidst my arms as I staggered up the stairs and into his room. He held onto me as I stacked box after box against the wall cursing myself for leaving my wand in the kitchen. I sobbed listening to footsteps draw nearer to the door.

I ran to the cot praying it was just some cruel, cruel joke from the Marauders. I refused to believe James was actually dead. 'Please, please be a prank. Please let it just be a horrible and cruel joke' I begged but no such luck. Another loud bang echoed around me and I could see without looking the neighbours lights flick on. 'Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!' I screamed as I dropped Harry in the cot behind me before spinning back around to face the pale, noseless man leering in front of me.

'Stand aside you silly girl... stand aside, now...' Lord Voldemort hissed. My heart tightened painfully as the cold voice penetrated me, as I recognised the voice I knew so well after our many battles. 'Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead-' I whispered. My hair was jumbled and my heart was racing. James was dead. It was only me and Harry. I knew it would be like this. Ever since Dumbledore told us it was Harry Voldemort wanted I knew Alice and Frank weren't in that much trouble, that Lord Voldemort actually wouldn't stop until he got my son and killed him even me and James if he has to.

'This is my last warning-' His voice was, clear, cold and pierced my heart. It forced back memories of James and I as together we fought the man before me now to save Hogwarts, to save my sister and to save each other. And now James was dead and I was alone fighting our enemy. I knew I wouldn't come out of this alive, I knew I had seen my son for the last time when I dropped him in the cot behind me. 'Not Harry! Please... Have mercy... Have mercy... Not Harry! Not Harry! Please- I'll do anything-' I begged, I couldn't believe it yet I was. I was begging with the enemy.

I was crying, I noticed with little interest as tears dripping from my chin to my neck and clothes. My heart was going faster and faster and Harry had remained silent all this time. I was... so proud of my little boy. Even if he didn't know how close he was to death. Even if he didn't know this would be the last time he will see his mother as she begged with her murderer.

'Stand aside- Stand aside girl-' his final warning fell upon deaf ears though. I wasn't listening, I was remembering all my last moments with Harry and James. I was revisiting my treasured time spent with my friends, my family. And as he said those deadly words, the two words that killed me I remembered the moment I first held Harry and finally I remembered the first time James kissed me. How a fire had lit up inside me and I felt as though I could fly but I was gone as my body hit the floor. I was gone as the wand that killed his parents was turned upon my son.

Suddenly I was in a green land, so beautiful. There was a fountain and my family and my friends were all around me. I saw Rose, Mary, Mum, Dad, Mr Potter and Mrs Potter. Then finally I saw James. He stepped forward with a hand held out, still wearing the clothes from which he died in. I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. I kissed him sadly as our family congregated around us. 'Hello my flower' my daddy said and I ran forward and hugged him and my mummy.

A few years later I think, I couldn't be sure as we didn't grow here, we didn't age at all. But a few years later James and I along with the rest of some of our family were behind a glass wall and on the other side was a small boy with achingly familiar hair and eyes behind dorky round glasses. 'It's Harry' I whispered as he came closer to us. James held my hand as our son stopped right in front of us and I raised my arm to rest on his shoulder.

Tears flew from both James' and mine eyes as our son felt behind him for us. Slowly realisation dawned on his face and he whispered 'Mum? Dad?' James and the others nodded in unison with me. He stepped forward pressing his hands against the glass a though wanting to get through, to come over to the dead. I smiled sadly with even more tears leaking out as he looked up into our faces disappointed. A bang brought him back to his world eventually and he whispered 'I'll be back' before wrapping himself up in James' cloak and disappearing.

Harry Potter did come back, a few times after that and once with a red haired boy. 'A Weasley' James laughed and I smiled holding his hand tightly. But little Ronald Weasley didn't see us when he stood up we disappeared until our son came back. Eventually Harry stopped visiting us and James and I were left with our family undisturbed until summoned again.

I was pushing myself through a tiny hole, fighting to get out to the other side. Soon I was crumpling to the floor and then jumping back up again. I saw an old man, Bertha Jolkins, a young boy, from Hufflepuff I decided from what he was wearing and eventually I saw Harry and Voldemort. They were in an enchanted cage, in a graveyard surrounded by Death Eaters. Well Great.

'Your father is coming... He wants to see you... It will be alright... Hold on' I tried to tell him and I think he heard it. We both watched as James clambered through and looked into Harry's eyes. I saw his pain and sorrow as he straightened up and I saw his shock when he saw our old murderer. Back in the flesh and attempting to slaughter our son.

'When the connection is broken we will linger for only moments... But we will give you time... you must get back to the portkey, it will return you back to Hogwarts... do you understand Harry?' James said his voice strong even though it echoed as mine had. 'Yes' our son gasped and I was crying again. I was desperate to tell him how much I loved him and that he would be fine but his friend from Hufflepuff spoke before me, I didn't listen I was too busy trying to scare Voldemort.

'Do it now... Be ready to run... Do it now' James whispered. 'NOW' Harry yelled and it pierced my heart to walk away from my son as he made his desperate bid for freedom. Instead I walked with James and the others to Lord Voldemort to hide Harry from his sight. We were shouting at Lord Voldemort while we could and he waved his wand at us trying to move us away and eventually we disappeared, again.

Sirius joined us in the land of the dead. James was so sad to see him, so was I. He blamed himself for our death but I wouldn't have it and soon talked him to sense. He told us every little thing that had happened to Harry, to him, to Remus, to Peter, to everyone since we died and I was grateful for the news, not matter how bad it was. It kept me on alert of how my son was going and it warmed my heart to know he was alive.

Peter was soon dead and we banished him from our land. We did not want a betrayer among us, no matter how well we thought we knew him. Soon though, probably a few months after Peter's disgraced arrival, Remus arrived and shortly after that James, Sirius, Remus and I visited a forest. The forbidden forest to be exact. We stood together, in normal bodies and clothes around a seventeen year old Harry Potter. I didn't know how to react as the joy erupted inside me.

I was proud to see he still had my eyes and James' face. He was tall, the exact same height as James and had a few scratches and scars. I saw a lightning bolt one on his forehead and knew that was where the curse was fired so many years ago. Harry's hair was a complete mess, just like his fathers and I smiled at him. He smiled back and I knew he knew we were here, but not forever.

'You've been so brave' I whispered still looking him up and down. 'You are nearly there. Very close. We are... so proud of you' James choked out walking over to his son who seemed unable to talk. 'Does it hurt?' Harry asked and I smiled inside as he asked the question that must have seemed childish but she knew if it were her she would have asked long before then.

'Dying? Not at all, quicker and easier than falling asleep' Sirius grinned at his godson clearly proud of what he was seeing and talking to. 'And he will want it to be quick. He wants it over' Remus whispered. 'I didn't want you to die. Any of you. I'm sorry-' I knew the words weren't directed to me or James and I understood that. He knew his father's friends better than his own parents all to the fault of Voldemort.

'You'll stay with me?' he asked directing a question to us all but it was James who replied. 'Until the very end' he said as strongly as he could. 'They won't be able to see you?' Harry asked and I saw the worry in his eyes and smiled. 'We are a part of you. Invisible to anyone else' Sirius said. So the dog did know something I giggled in my head. Harry looked directly into my emerald eyes and said so very quietly 'stay close to me.' My intentions exactly.

We walked through the forest until running into Death Eaters. Harry followed them with us right behind him. It was hard for me to believe the last time I saw him and talked and hugged him he was only one and now he stood next to me, our arm occasionally brushing he was seventeen and able to stand without my help. And soon we came to a clearing, we hung back with Harry and watched the Death Eater's for a while. 'My Lord' Bellatrix LeStrange spoke. I recognised the lady who tortured my best friends to insanity, the lady who killed one of the men beside me. She fell silent as her master raised his white hand.

'I thought her would come. I expected him to come. I was... It seems, mistaken' Lord Voldemort spoke I glanced at my son mournfully. He placed his wand and his father's invisibility cloak beneath his robes in a pocket and stepped forth. 'You weren't' was the last thing I heard him say before he dropped a stone and we disappeared. Dumbledore was the last one who heard from Harry. He explained their conversation and I grabbed at every piece of information I could. It was the last time I'd be hearing of my son for many years after all.

So we all stayed together, our family and our friends in the land of Dead patiently awaiting our son, his friends and his family. When he did arrive we spent family time with him. It was many years until then though. I was patient and so was James. We were proud of our son, with his dad's hair and my eyes. He was ours and we were proud of him and his choices.

AC- My last chapter! I really did not want it to end and I will be updating with another story later on this year. Maybe after I see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. I was really sad writing this but I'm glad I got a decent length out of it I want to thank all those who read and I want to thank even more the people who reviewed. You've all been great. Don't give up hope there is a chance I will put another chapter up before Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2. I'm currently thinking it through you know, deciding who it would be about and what would happen. If you guys would like to request a story from me then I'd be more than happy to write one for you. Thanks again for reading and reviewing SS x