A/N- This is my first ever FanFic and I am so excited to be publishing it! :D I know there aren't a lot of SoulxKid fics out there so I took it upon my self to write my first fic on them! :3 (They were just to cute to resist!)

Rating: T

Genre: Romance/Angst


Chapter 1

~Soul's Point of View~

"Ah school is so not cool," he mumbled as he trudged up the steps of the DWMA and headed to his classroom. 'Huh I wonder why Maka isn't with me…we always walk to school together…And now that I think about it I don't even remember waking up and arriving at the school.' These suspicious thoughts wandered through his mind making him completely oblivious to anything around him. Right on cue he tripped on the last step and collided with some solid object causing both to topple to the floor. "That was not cool," the albino groaned shaking his head while pushing himself up off the ground. 'What the hell is this squishy thing underneath me' he pondered.

Hastily looking down Soul realized that that "squishy object" was none other than Death the Kid. Observing the boy closer he realized that the young reaper had a light blush dusted across his face. Soul couldn't help but be somewhat mesmerized by the shinigama below him. 'Hey, since when did Kid start to look so…cute? Hold on wait a second I did NOT just think that kid was cute. Oh no…no no no! I cannot be gay, cool guys aren't gay…or are they?' Another problem hit Soul like a ton of bricks. 'Shit…am I getting turned on by this?' Taking a nervous glance down Soul confirmed his fear. Heat was pooling down low in his abdomen and he had an obvious bulge in his pants.

'Shit shit shit shit SHIT! What if he notices! I'm so dead if Kid notices this!" While caught up in his mental battle of "If I am getting a boner from this does that make me gay?" the young reaper beneath him coughed gently to grab the scythe's attention. "What?" he replied quickly, slightly ticked do to the fact that Kid had interrupted his train of thought.

"Um…well Soul could you…oh; I don't know…STOP STRADDLING ME AND GET THE HELL OFF! I mean really you are throwing off all of my symmetry! I'm going to be asymmetrical, and if I'm asymmetrical then that makes me- wait a second! What is that?" Soul knew exactly what he was referring to as "that". He just realized that his erection was prodding at Kid's inner thigh. 'Shit' Soul had no idea as to what to say so he settled with the most likely un-cool thing to say "What's what? I have noooo idea what you are talking about." His eyes quickly shifted to the left so that he could avoid Kid's piercing intricate, yellow eyes. To make matters worse a heavy blush quickly manifested his face, making it as bright as a tomato. He thought about just making a run for it, but shot the idea down when he realized that Kid would defiantly notice his hard on. He figured it would just be best to stay as still as possible and hope that Kid didn't further investigate the situation. 'I at least have a slight chance this way, but man he is going to flip if he finds out!' Soul thought, panicking as seconds of awkward silence ticked by.

To his disdain Kid began to prop himself up onto his elbows so that he could get a better view of whatever was digging into his upper left thigh. Soul grimly waited for his reaction when the meister located the prodding object. Kid's golden eyes widened then bulged out of his head slightly as his gaze locked onto the "problem." A slight gasp escaped Kid's throat and the only thought to come to Soul's mind was 'Yep, he totally saw it…I am no longer going to be a cool guy.' The weapon noticed the deep crimson blush that was covering all of Death's face as he just continued to stare at that one spot on Soul.

Kid managed to stutter one sentence "A-are you getting hard from t-this?" If possible Soul's face turned an even deeper shade of red than before. Coughing into his fist Soul desperately tried to come up with an excuse. 'What do I do? What do I do? Think Soul think how are you going to get out of this? Wait what if-'Before he could finish his thought, though, Kid hooked his arms around his neck and pulled his head down towards his so that Soul's right ear was right by Kid's mouth. The blush on Soul began to spread from his face down his neck and suddenly it felt like he was suffocating in all his clothes it was so hot.

"Because I think it's kind of sexy," Kid whispered sensually into his ear before pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss that was all tongue. After recovering from the initial shock of being kissed by kid Soul started to kiss back. Their tongues seemed to do a sort of tango as they danced around each other in a fight for dominance. Soul one and smirked slightly into the kiss as he thought to himself 'Of course.' When the need for oxygen became too great they both pulled apart with flushed faces. He could feel Kid's light pants against his lips and leaned in again to place a gentle kiss on Kid's lips. This time there was no tongue. Pulling away for the second time he gazed at the boy pinned beneath him. Kid had a beautiful blush staining his pale cheeks and was continuously panting. His eyes were half lidded and filled with love and lust as he gazed at Soul through half lidded eyes. Soul couldn't tare his eyes away from the sight before him, and just seeing Kid like this sent perverted thoughts through his mind. With those thoughts in mind his erection seemed to harden even more, and for the first time he noticed the bulge that was pocking into his leg.

Natural instinct took over and Soul began grinding his hips against the young reaper's causing friction for both of them. A moan escaped Kid's lips as he rubbed their erections together. "Oh Soul faster~" Kid moaned making Soul increase his speed and thrust harder. Soul was loving the noises that were coming out of Kid's mouth and leaned down to kiss Kid's neck. The boy beneath him shuddered slightly at the unexpected contact. Tracing of lines up and down Kid's neck he finally settled on Kid's collarbone, and started lightly sucking and nipping at it. He pulled away to admire his work and was satisfied with the bright red hickey that now marked that Kid was his. Kid's panting became harder as Soul rubbed against him even harder. The weapon pulled the meister into another deep kiss. His lips gently traced Kid's lower lip asking for entrance. Kid willingly parted his mouth to let the tongue enter his mouth. Soul explored the wet cavern and began playing with Kid's tongue.

After a while Kid pulled back to fill his lungs with air again. After getting enough oxygen in his lungs Kid opened his mouth to say something. All that Soul heard though was "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Soul Get Your Ass Out Of Bed And Turn Off That Damned Alarm!"

All that he could manage to say after that was "Huh? Wait what?" before he opened his eyes only to realize that it was all just a dream. Rubbing his eyes Soul slowly adjusted to the bright light that filled his bedroom from he window. When his vision cleared he noticed Maka glaring at him while standing over him in her pajamas...holding a book. "Fuck me" was all he Soul managed to say before he hear her yell "MAKA-CHOP!" as the book collided with his head. "Damn Maka what was that for?" he grumbled as he rubbed the newfound bump on his head, courtesy of Maka.

"We're going to be late if you don't get up NOW and get ready!" And with that she stalked out of the room slamming the door shut behind her. Falling back onto his bed the dream he previously had began to swarm his mind and everything came back to him. He looked down and saw that the hard on he had in his dream happened to be real. "Ah Shit…" the weapon growled before dragging himself out of the bed to go take a shower and prepare for school.

Soul quietly laughed to himself as he realized that he had already learned three things already today. One he was most likely gay, do to the dream he just had and his reaction to it. Two he was totally going to hook up with Death the Kid. And three when he does hook up with Kid he would totally be the seme.

A/N- So I hope you enjoyed it! This is my first fic as I said before so you know it probably isn't my best writing, but comments and critic are welcomed with open arms. :D So I basically have the layout for the plot, but if you have any ideas or suggestions for random little scenes that you would like to see in the story (that wouldn't really conflict with the plot) I am totally open for suggestions. Just send me a message or just leave a comment with the suggestion. Thanks for reading and the next chapter should be up in like one or two days!~ Hope you enjoy it!:3
