Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, SM does, nor do I own Suicide Solution, the epic musical genius known as Ozzy Osborne does.

To anyone who reads this, I am so so sorry for the delay and if anybody has been waiting for this, Thank You for hanging in there with me. I know this is way overdo!

My excuse (even though such a long delay is inexcuseable.): I hate this ending. I hate all endings. Honestly, to me, endings feel like character deaths. I hate closing a story. I wrote this ending a long time ago, and it was ready to be posted a long time ago, but I just didn't (and still don't) like it. I kept trying to edit it and lenghten it, but couldn't without ruining the parts I do like. So it stays as is. I know its short, and lacking, but I felt you guys deserved some kind of ending, no matter how short it is.

So this brings me to my second point, Suicide Solution by Ozzy Osborne, is a song I feel perfectally represents Alice throught out this story, and I think it deserves a mention.

So without further babble,



Suicide Solution by Ozzy Osborne

Wine is fine, but whiskey's quicker

Suicide is slow with liqueur

Take a bottle, drown your sorrows

Then it floods away tomorrows

Away tomorrows

Evil thoughts and evil doings

Cold, alone you hang in ruins

Thought that you'd escape the reaper

You can't escape the master keeper

'Cos you feel life's unreal, and you're living a lie

Such a shame, who's to blame, and you're wondering why

Then you ask from your cask, is there life after birth

What you saw can mean hell on this earth

Hell on this earth

Now you live inside a bottle

The reaper's travelling at full throttle

It's catching you, but you don't see

The reaper's you, and the reaper is me

Breaking laws, knocking doors

But there's no one at home

Made your bed, rest your head

But you lie there and moan

Where to hide, suicide is the only way out

Don't you know what it's really about

Wine is fine, but whiskey's quicker

Suicide is slow with liqueur

Take a bottle, drown your sorrows

Then it floods away tomorrows.

One year later…


Jasper and I were wed in July, after he got his acceptance letter from the university of Seattle and showed it to my father, for his permission.

We had a midnight wedding on the day of a lunar eclipse. Bella thought I was crazy, she said it defeated the propose of having a summer wedding, but I knew better.

It was beautiful, the night air was warm and dry for the first time in a long time. The ceremony was set up in the park were Jasper and I had spent our first night.

I couldn't choose between Bella or Rosalie to be my maid of honour, so they both were, just like both Emmett and Edward were Jasper's best man. My father reluctantly gave me away at the wedding, and looking into his eyes, I remember the wish I'd made on my fifth birthday. "Daddy, remember my fifth birthday in the meadow." I whispered as we walked down the isle, he nodded, but didn't say anything, "I wished I could find someone to love me the way you and mom loved each other."

When we got to the alter, my father gave me a peck on the cheek, tears of enjoy in his eyes, as he gave me to Jasper.

If I was the moon, Jasper was the Sun, and once in while, our paths would cross and we could coexist together in either day or night, making magic happen.

When we said our vows, it was as if the cosmos knew. As the Minster pronounced us man and wife, the sun had totally swallowed the moon, staying in perfect alignment until our first kiss as man and wife ended.

A few days after we'd returned from Seattle, I told Emmett and Edward my story, and Rose told everyone but mainly Bella, hers. To say the tension, tears and anger wasn't completely overwhelming would be a lie. Nobody got off easy, everyone became immersed in the secrets and tragic events that had become of us, no one's innocence was spared.

Among the heavy, I told them about my visions of the past and the future, which had been happening more and more often, however the visions of the past seemed to all but disappear.

The small glimpses of the future I get, seem light and uncomplicated. I saw the baby I will conceive in a little more then a year. I've already started to pick out names, but I haven't told Jasper yet, he prefers the surprise. Bella and Rose on the other hand, they prefer the heads up route, Emmett has no preference, except for when I see answers for a test, then he said he wants to know. Edward, just like Jasper, prefers a surprise for the small things, but wants to know if its important. So along with the stress of seeing what's about to happen, I am also responsible for alerting the right person or persons.

I told Rose and Bella about the daughter I will have a year after the wedding, and they secretly started their 'auntie' duties, without alerting Emmett or Edward.

After the honeymoon, I had one vision that changed everything.

My father lay in a hospital bed at the age of eighty-nine, Sue still loyally by his side, while their kids, my siblings waited anxiously in the waiting-room. My father dismissed this lady, Sue, so he could speak to me alone.

"Alice, there is one thing I regret never telling you but I hope it comes better late than never." He breathed out, no louder than a whisper. I didn't interrupt, but waited for his proclamation, "Before your mother and I were married, I was with Elizabeth Cullen, well you would know her as Elizabeth Masen. Alice, we had a child together."

"Edward…" I mumbled, not questioning but knowing.

"Yes, Edward is my son."

I wasn't sure what this all meant. I understood the Edward part, but who was Sue and why was she at my father's death bed?

Instead of waiting for the time, I decided to take this one into my own hands.

"Hey Dad?" He mumbled something unintelligible as both he and Billy focused on the football game. His lack of response gave me mischievous ideas to toy with his mind. "I had an affair with Edward Masen, and I'm pregnant." and just like that, the football game didn't exist anymore as both men gaped, slack-jawed at me. "Just kidding.-" I chuckled and added as an after thought, my first thought, "-Hey, do I have a brother?"

Both my father and Billy stared at me with wide eyes and mouths fallen open so much that their jaws almost dragged on the floor.

"W-Wh-What?" My father stuttered, staring at me as if I had just sprouted a second head.

"Is Edward Masen my brother?" I asked causally as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"H-How did you know?"

I plopped down on the couch beside him, chuckling at his shock, "Sometimes I have dreams of shit that's going to happen."

Suddenly everything faded for a moment, then it was back and I knew to go get some beers from the fridge for my dad and Billy.

"Uh, Thanks?" My dad said, as if he was about to ask if I was sick or something.

"You're gonna need'em, your team is going to lose."

Fifteen years later...

Jasmine Rose-Belle Whitlock was born exactly one year after our wedding, much to my father's dismay but he quickly grew to adore my child. My father, as excepted, kept Jasmine's picture in his wallet, flashing it around Forks whenever he could, boring Billy half to death.

Over the years, our family may have almost doubled in size, but its never been closer. At Christmases, almost half of Forks all crowds into the home I used to share with my dad.

Once upon a time, it was me and my father but now, my family network has grown so large, I can hardly keep track.

I tried to do the family math in my mind, but quickly gave up and focused on the party.

Today was my father's fifty-fourth birthday, even though he insisted I only put fifty-one candles on the cake, and our whole family was there. Sue Clearwater-Brandon, my father's now wife and my now step mother, helped me in the kitchen, baking a cake large enough for this crowd. Before my Dad's wedding a couple years ago to Sue, I considered Bella, Rose, Emmett and Ed my siblings but now, I can officially say I am not an only child anymore. Sue had two kids, which made Seth my step brother, Jacob's wife Leah my step sister and Jacob a brother through marriage, even though I considered him my brother before and Edward, my half brother.

Every year though, the gang seemed to increase, this year was no exception. This time it was Seth and Emily's turn to make the addition, whereas the glory usually belonged to Rosalie and Emmett, who now had four, and we still haven't stopped counting. Knowing those two, we're still expecting another kid or two.

So far, the gang is at eleven kids, of all ages.

Jasmine being the oldest at fifteen.

Lea-cob had two sons and a daughter, William, Joshua and Samantha. William just turned fifteen, Joshua is about to have his eleventh birthday next month and Samantha who had her fourteenth birthday a few months ago.

Then there is Belly-ward's twins, Marie and Jonathan who turned fourteen as well.

One of Emm-alie's four daughter's is also fourteen, Kate. Her sisters, Natasha, Kristin and Julie are twelve, ten and seven.

Then the newest addition Amanda, Seth-ily's newborn of only ten months.

After putting the cake in the oven, I went to join Jasper in the backyard, but before I could make it out the backdoor, everything faded away and I entered the other world I'd become so accustom too.

Everyone was gathered around on big picnic table, the sun was shining and no clouds threatened to break this perfect day.

My father sat at the head of the table, Sue to his left and I sat to his right. Adults and kids alike, were seated where they desired as Jasmine placed a cake with fifty-one cakes in front of her grandfather, before taking the seat between Jasper and myself.

My Dad closed his eyes, and blew out all the candles in a single breath, smiling at his triumph, he cut the cake and passed around the slices.

All the children were playing now as the adults sat together with their respective drinks and looked on.

"Edward?" My father asked, with a pained and guilty expression that gave all his secrets away.

Edward didn't reply but looked to my dad with a smile and waited for him to continue, "There's something I should have told you years ago, but I just couldn't find the words.-" He sighed and held his head in his hands, "-Your mother and I where together before I met Alice's mom. We had a child."

Edward stared at him in disbelief, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. "I'm sorry Edward. We shouldn't have kept this from you."

"Dad?" Edward whispered softly, I suspect we were not supposed to hear it.

"Yes, Son."

"Okay, Everyone take a seat." Sue shouted just as I came back to the present. Absentmindedly, I found myself wondering towards the picnic table, trying to place my vision on a timeline.

Everything fell into place when my eyes found the empty chair between Jasper and I.

The End.

Thank you to all who have come this far with me, I couldn't have gone on with this had it not been for the support of all of you who read and reviewed. You really made writing this worth while. Again, Thank you.
