Title: Poison

Universe: G1

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Megatron/Bumblebee

Music: Groove Coverage - Poison

Notes: This one was half way written the first time and just edited and more added for the second draft. I think it's my favorite so far. This is written for the TF_Rare_Pairing_February_2011_Challenge.

I sat in my quarters alone thinking over all that had happened to me recently. I had been taken as a prisoner of war, but what I saw of Megatron wasn't what I was use to. Yes, he was still the only mech alive that could kill with one look, but behind that I could see love. He was thrilled to see the pain he caused me, but I enjoyed it. Soon my body and mind were wanting to hold him, but all my senses were telling me not to. I wanted to taste him, but him lips were venomous poison. Poison that would run through my cables and taint my energon. Soon it felt like Megatron had spun a web like a spider and I was caught in it even though he wasn't holding me as a prisoner anymore. But that didn't last long. Soon the Autobots came and saved me.

But now, as I sit here, I hear him calling, but it hurts to think of going back to him. It would be like needles and pins to the soft human flesh. But part of me wants to go back. Part of me says that he really does care for me. If it takes me hurting Megatron just to hear him scream my name, I think it's worth it.

I finally stand up and quickly sneak off the Ark. Megatron may want to destroy the Earth and all the humans, but I think that will change with time. His lips may be venomous poison, but it was that poison that I need. It was my addiction and I was craving it.

As I neared the Deceptiocon base, I begin to speed up. I was so close to the one I needed. And it didn't take long for the Decepticons to capture me.

"You just escaped with your friends and yet you come back here alone. How stupid," Starscream exclaimed.

"I came back to speak to Megatron. It's of important business," I reply calmly.

"But Lord Megatron isn't seeing anyone at the moment," Starscream grinned.

"Starscream, the prisoner may speak to me. Who are you to tell anyone if I may see them," Megatron said appearing at the scene. "Now go before you end up a prisoner as well."

Starscream and the other 'cons left the scene before another word could be said.

"And what business do you have with me?"

"Megatron, I came back. You are my poison, my energon, my life. I need you. I want you. I came to stay with you, but only if I can have your poison."

"As you wish," Megatron said sealing his venomous lips to mine in a kiss that would begin my time with the Decepticons.

Hope you enjoy it.