Getting to know the koopalings

"Alright class, everyone hold hands now" Said Mrs. Manning as she walking into the middle of us. Mrs. Manning is my drama teacher if you wanted to know. Want to know who I am? I am that chick you always see in class but never really notice. The one who is always quiet? Ya that's basically the story of my entire existence.

We are all in a circle. Basically in drama class we play games. Its suppose to make us comfortable with the others. That's kind of the reason I took this class, was to try and get rid of my fear of people. Dumbest idea ever since most people in the class took it for laughs, high grades, or to mess around.

I glance at the two people beside me. On one is my acquaintance Samantha, a girl who I usually partner with since I am not really friends with anyone in my class, or grade. On the other side is Regan, a nice exchange student. I had successfully managed to avoid the more outspoken, teasing kids in my class.

We were playing the game in which we get knotted up around each other and a kid tries to unknot us. It's as fun as you could imagine. Being close to this many kids sort of make me uncomfortable.

Soon we are unknotted and back in the circle, sitting while Mrs. Banning is talking to one of the students. I could hear a few of the other students talking about me on the other side. All these kids do is gossip about each other. They are talking about my bisexuality. I think that's the only thing these kids even have on me anyway, and it doesn't matter and it's not a bad thing. They're not homophobes but feel like its big news.

Soon we are playing another game. We have to walk around and pretend were robots. I feel so silly! As I look around at the other kids most seem to be in my position, while others are taking this time to go nuts. As I step down I feel a pain on my foot.

"OW!" I hiss looking up. A kid in my class named Quincy was walking by, or rather on my foot. It looked like he didn't even notice me. I looked around, no one did.

Soon class is over and the bell rings. Everyone is scurrying around to their lockers to go home or whatever plans they have made with their friends. I get to my locker and see my bff, Megan.

Megan was like that type of friend you always wanted to have but never thought you would. I don't think I would have made it this far without her. Around her I am actually happy. Yes I can be happy, I have my bad days and my good.

"Hey Cass" She says as I reach my locker. I manage a simple hello as I struggle with my locker.

"How was class?" I ask, grabbing my coat from my locker.

"Fine, yours?"


We talk until we reach the outdoors. She sees her taxi and says goodbye. I wait around for the next 15 minutes for my cab. Nothing to special except falling snow. What else to expect in Canada?

I reach my house and go in. the first thing that happens is that I get bombarded by my dog, buddy. We are an animal family. I try to calm him down while I put my book bag away. I have about an hour until anyone even comes home. I go to my little hideout downstairs.

After about a half an hour on the computer I go to my wii. Looking through my games I pull out my new Mario game. It's like the old Mario, except they made a few adjustments to it. I pop in the game and grab my pink wii mote.

I am on Roy's level. Actually the first few. I might love this game but it does not love me. After a few failed attempts I get frustrated and turn off the game.

'Lousy piece of-"I start to say, sitting back on my couch. I grab my iPod touch and shuffle through my playlists. Normally I would pick one of the upbeat ones to match my mood and slowly calm me down, but I sort of feel relaxed and go to my Celtic playlist. Slowly I lay down. It's been only a few minutes but I slowly drift into slumber, the last thing I remember seeing was a glowing blue light taking up most of the room. But that must have been my imagination, right?