Chasing Dreamers by Redefinem

PROLOGUE: Aftermath of the battle between Portgas D. Ace and Marshall D. Teach

Confusion. Emptiness. And the unsettling feeling of impulsive anger, overwhelmed him.

"C-Captain! Ace is waking up!" He a heard faint sound in the background.

Ace. That's my name? He could only presume that from the clamors his surroundings made. There was a brief earthquake of footstep had all gathered around his tied down body. Talk about rude awakening… He began to think sarcastically. For some reason, he didn't seem at all threaten by his current dilemma.

His head then started to wrap around the fact that he was tied to the railing of a pirate ship. He was sitting upright, legs crossed casually. What tied him to the railing were metal chains, that that encircled his entire body and arm. But there was also the thick ropes that tied his wrists together, behind his back. He was trapped… yet he didn't understand why?

"Yo, Ace! Nice of you to finally join us." Amongst the small crowd of criminals, appeared one grizzly-looking man with long curly black hair and unkempt black beard. Ace deduced from the high-and-mighty style of clothing that the man was wearing, that he was the captain the first man was referring to. "Just in time to-"

From instinct, Ace snarled at the other man. "Shut up! Who the hell are you? And where am I?"

"Eh?" The man gave Ace a black stare, with additional innocent blinks. "What'd you say?"

Not only was the grizzly man puzzled, but his crewmates were somewhat baffled by Ace's response.

"The fuck, man! Why am I tied up? And who do you think you are, SHITHEAD?" As Ace continued to cuss out with every once of colorful vocabulary he could think of, his capturers merely gawked at him.

But after a few minutes of recollecting his thoughts, the black bearded man smiled. A venomous smile, as if he'd just conjured up the most devious plan he's ever had. "Calm down, Portgas D. Ace."

Ace glared up at the grizzly man who started to close in the distance between them. He didn't respond this time, since his mind was too preoccupied with being precautious to say much of anything.

"It's me," when they were only a few inches away from each other, the black bearded man bent down on one knee. Then, a right hand stretched forward and opened up in front of Ace. "Blackbeard. You're my nakama!"

"Nakama?" Ace repeated.

"Yeah. Our nakama!" Cheered some of the crewmates. "Ace is conscious, everyone!"

With that, the men that had crowded around Ace was dispersing to their roles onboard the ship. The only person who remained near Ace, was Blackbeard. Who still had one of his giant, somewhat hairy hand outstretched towards Ace. As if beckoning Ace to take his hand.

The tied man continued to gaze at the hand being offered to him. There was a faint memory that invaded his mind, of a hand being extended towards him. The face of the hand's owner, was very vague. He couldn't make out the image at all. And yet Blackbeard, oddly enough, fit the image.

It was from that little piece of memory, that made him smile confidently. "How am I supposed to take your hand when I'm tied up like this?"

"Zehahahaha! Good point!" Blackbeard then straighten his back, and pointed to one of the nearest crewmates. "Hey! Come help our buddy out, will ya?"

Without meaning to, Ace burst up into flames. Melting all that shackled him. And while noticing that he didn't feel the slight bit of inferno, he grinned even more. "So… Mind filling me up to date?"

"Gladly." Blackbeard didn't look back. For he admitted a sinister expression that should best be hidden from someone with amnesia.

Author's Note: Well, okay then. I finally got the chance to post my very first OP story on fan-fiction. Although I started out with just the prologue, cause I was too impatient and lazy to start working on the first chapter… Or at least, not before I figure out how I want to go about developing the first chapter up. I mean, I'll admit it. I'm one of those fan-writers who're trying to figure out a way to prevent Ace's death. :D I do not feel any shame or regret! Now putting that aside…

The concept of this story is very simple, during the fight between Ace and Blackbeard, Ace lost his memories. Therefore, instead of giving Ace to the World Government, Ace will be used for Blackbeard's gains. What are his specific intentions, you ask? I refuse to tell! Because that will be spoiling you readers~!

In any case, I will greatly appreciate all those who reads/reviews/favorites/views etc., this story. But what I would really like is to read some of your comments, concerns, or intakes on this multi-chapter story.