Annime: I decided to write an epilogue!
Ash: Annime doesn't own SRMTHFG or anything belonging to someone else!
"We all know Team Rocket," Chris said. "They want us one minute and drop us another."
The whole group was sitting together in the professor's lab. On TV, the news channel showed the city of Jubilife and its flooded form.
"It looks like it will take a long time to get all of the water out, Bill," the woman on TV spoke as she stood on the scene. "No one knows how, why, or what caused this disaster to happen. But eye witnesses state that there were once what seemed to be two machines that resembled air crafts. One could obviously go under the water while another one sank. The eye witnesses ALSO said that there was a third air ship that came to pick up those who were in the one that was sinking. That is all we know at the moment."
Ash was watching this as the others talked about what Team Rocket could be planning next. He was zoned them out, trying not to hear what was being said.
"Ash," Selena spoke. The female looked over at the brown eyed boy and sighed once she found out that he wasn't paying attention. "ASH, ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?"
The boy in question jumped and his head snapped over to Selena. "What-what did I miss?"
Chris mimicked Selena's sigh. "We were discussing what Team Rocket may want with that girl."
"I think she has powers," Nic said as he crossed his arms and leant back against the wall. "It isn't like Team Rocket to hold someone prisoner like that."
"But what if they are holding her for ransom?" Selena questioned.
Ash shrugged. "She might be up for ransom, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have powers. Actually, I'm SURE she has powers."
Blake huffed. "I'm going to have to talk to my mom and dad. They will probably be able to figure it out."
Silence filled the room.
"There's no point in you guys staying here," Blake told them. "Go home and continue your regular lives. I don't know how long it will take for my parents to get the information we need."
Silence fell over the room again as everyone thought about what Blake had said.
"Ok," Chris said. "I need to get home anyway. Who knows what could have happened there."
"Same here," Selena added. Nic only nodded.
Ash stayed silent and turned to the TV. The news was still talking about the flood in Jubilife City. Luckily no one was hurt, but next time they might not be so lucky…
And Ash was positive that there would be a next time.
Annime: I hope you liked it and that this ends it better.
Ash: Please review!