Hello guys! I'm sorry it's been long, y'know. I get soooo easily distracted. This may not be that good considering I'm losing a lot of my creativity... I really wanna update more, I really do, but aaah internet, you never cease to suck me in with your craziness... Anyways, uh, here ya go. Continued from the 6th chapter. I'm hoping this won't be too short.

I was pretty used to this scene, considering my mom was a nurse here I had obviously been in here a lot. But still, as I was finally waking up, the dimly lit hospital room was a blur to me, a confusing, unfamiliar world that took me a few minutes to put together in my mind. My droopy eyes were opened only slightly, and I couldn't remember what I was doing here. After a minute of scanning the room unnoticed, the pain finally started to hit me. The lower half of my face was THROBBING. Hell no, I didn't let it get to me. I'm the toughest bitch in La Push, some pussy little pain won't stop me! I wasn't even wondering where the pain came from, I was too sleepy to try to piece anything together. Of course just as I closed as my eyes and put my head back down, a familiar yet sweet voice called out "SOPHIA!". The voice belonged to Mommy. I guess she had seen my slight movement. She was literally over to me faster than I could open my eyes, hugging me really tightly and asking if I felt alright. Daddy followed her just as quickly. They had both been talking to one of the doctors about what had happened, which I at the time still had no recollection or knowledge of.

Daddy and Mommy stared down at me, waiting for my response. Both of them were very close to me now, Mommy still hugging me and Daddy standing right behind her, his hand on her shoulder. All I could do was look up at them and smile, because I honestly wasn't sure whether or not I was alright. But I had to be SOME form of okay considering they were here. The two of them were the one true thing that me happy, in my eyes I might have been staring up at God and Jesus, because that's how important and amazing they were to me. Never would there ever be greater people than them, and what I did to deserve the honor of being cared for by them I don't know, but the fact that I was lucky enough to even be in their pressence made me feel good enough to cry of happiness.

Finally I was able to muster up some words. "What happened?" I asked, looking each of them right in their eyes, very slowly going back and forth from Daddy's to Mommy's. What with my mouth in pain and being half asleep and all, "What happened?" came out more as "Wha-what haaappen?". I swear I sounded like a little fucking kid. I mean yeah I also spoke like a two year old until I was 6 or 7, but that's not the point. Mommy spoke first, replying with "You were trying to ride on the fan, I think, using some weird home-made contraption..." "Sophia, I know you're a daredevil and I'm not going to try to stop you from that, that's always been who you were... but please, PLEASE, be careful, you scared us all shitless." Said Daddy after her. "Ahm sorry, daddy..." I went, frowning. Just as Mommy was about to start talking again, I went into one of those breakdowns I always have when I think they're upset or mad at me, curling my head HARD into Mommy's chest, shaking my head wildly. Whenever one of these things happened... well, it was kind of like how a house elf in Harry Potter acts when he knows that he has done wrong or failed, that uncontrolable self destruction mode.

"I'm a bad girl... I don't deserve Mommy and Daddy's love... I scared them, I scared them it's all my fault and now they're mad at me... They don't deserve a worthless piece of shit like Sophia, Sophia is a nuisance, a shameful representative to the Clearwater name, and is not lovable..." I mumbled to myself, my voice completely back to normal now, into Mommy's chest, then screamed "I'M NOT LOVABLE!". Immediately after this, Mommy and Daddy both pulled my head up lightly by the back of my shirt at the same time, looking at each other, then at me. They were very used to it, considering every time they seemed upset or mad I automatically assumed it was because of me and acted like this, but it still concered them very much. It was just an effect of one of my multiple mental disorders. "Sophia, please calm down, we aren't mad at you, and even if we were that would be no reason..." Daddy started, but Mommy interrupted him with "You are NOT a bad girl, and you do too deserve our love, please don't say any of these things about yourself, they aren't true! They aren't true at all! You're one of the most lovable people in the universe, stop it! And your father's right, we aren't mad at you, calm down honey." and stared into my eyes with obvious concern. Daddy nodded his head in agreement. It was impossible for me to believe them.

"You're lying." I said to the two of them, "Lying to make me feel like I'm worth anything when I know damn well I'm not." Again, Daddy started to speak, and again Mommy cut him off. "Sophia." She said, holding my shoulders firmly, "If we truly are the greatest people ever like you always say, do you think we would lie? Especially to you. Do you really think we would do that...?" Mommy was right. They wouldn't lie to me, they were too good of people to do anything like that. With a deep breath, I shook my head. Daddy and Mommy both smiled, then Daddy said "We love you Sophia. We really do. Don't doubt that.", and Mommy grinned and nodded in agreement, stating "Your father's right, again. We really do." One of the biggest smiles ever crossed my face, and I think my face pain was fading away. "I LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!" I screamed much louder than intended, and hugged them both with arms wide open. Leah then spoke up from a chair near the bed "Really, stop doubting yourself, you're a better kid than you realize".

...LEAH! I hadn't even realized her and Seth were here! It's like I forgot they even existed... (Not that I'd ever tell them that, of course, but it doesn't make it any less true.) A compliment coming from Leah was kind of a rare thing for me, and I smiled at her big. Leah smiled back, and Seth proceeded to walk over to me and pat me on the back, asking "I guess you're okay now, then?". "I think I'm fi-... Wait? Why am I here again? Mommy said something about me riding the fan..." I replied. "Oh yes!" Went Mommy. "Allow me to continue explaining, we kind of got side-tracked there..." "..Kind of?" Asked Daddy. Mommy elbowed him playfully before continuing "Anyways, you were trying to ride in circles on a blade of your room's ceiling fan with whatever that thingymabobber-" I couldn't help but giggle at that word, or the mere fact that it was her saying it. She ignored my giggle and went on. "-you made out of pants and a crayon bank we're assuming, and, well, fan blades aren't exactly as strong as people... It couldn't hold your weight and fell, not the enitre thing, thank god, or it might have fell on you. And you went with it, and hit your head on the bedframe, causing you to have a concussion. Plus it knocked out a tooth or two..." I nodded. That wasn't too bad, I mean I've done more dangerous thing. ...With lesser consequences, of course...

"C-can we go home now...?" I asked, staring up into my parents' eyes. "I think the doctor said it was okay to leave whenever we wanted, considering there was no permanent damage..." Replied Daddy. Speaking of the doctor, where was that bastard? Hadn't seen him the whole time... oh well. Mommy nodded and said "I think you're right, we just need to check out in the lobby and that should be it for now, if you wanna leave." "I doooo..." I said. After I turned to Daddy and asked him with a very innocent voice "Daddy, since you obviously have more strength than a fan blade, could you carry me? Please? I mean, after all this..." "Sure, Sophia..." He said, and picked me up. And just like that, we were off~!

Okay guys, I hope you enjoyed, like I said I'll try to update more. You don't know HOW long it took to type this damn thing... I was just making shit up off the top of my head...