This is set after Breaking Dawn. Nessie is still young but she's not completely a child either. Mentally she's twelve but she looks sixteen.

From the moment Nessie was born she was given love from her whole family. She had dazzled me since the minute I saw her. It was hard to believe that she looked older than she really was. Just last night I had another talk with Edward about her. For some stupid reason he wanted me to spend less time with her, like I could do that. I couldn't believe he had really told me to stay away from her for a while. I hoped that his definition of 'a while' was no more than a day or two. How was I supposed to survive? It's not like I was with Nessie or was even considering being with her, she was still just a child. I had still been outraged at Edward for even suggesting that I stop seeing Nessie for a while and if it wouldn't have been for Bella I'm sure it would have gone past an argument. But that was what brought me here. I was sitting at home flipping through the channels finding nothing that caught my interest. I wasn't paying attention actually; all I could do was think of the days I'd spent with Nessie since the day she was born. Each and every moment made me smile until sadness and reality would set in. I sighed, turning the television off and decided to go over to see Sam. I could hear the laughter coming from inside as I walked up, the moment I walked in Quil looked over and waved at me.

"Hey dude!" He said.

"What's up?" I responded as I sat down.

"Nothing really, just wondering why you're here when the sun is still up," He laughed.

"Ha. Ha." I said, I knew that I didn't come around often enough because I was always too busy hanging out with Nessie so I usually only came around at night when Nessie was in bed.

"Seriously, did you finally get kicked out or what?" Quil asked jokingly

I glared a little but said nothing. I didn't want to think about it; in fact I wanted to forget it. Oh, if only I could forget it for one second.

Sam looked over at me then, "They kicked you out?" he asked incredulously.

"Not exactly," I mumbled.

Sam looked angry for a moment before Emily walked over and put her hand on his shoulder gently, making his anger fade instantly.

"What happened?" Sam asked as the entire pack waited for me to talk.

"Uh, well Edward told me that I needed to stay away from Nessie for a while. He doesn't want her to depend on me so much, to expect me to always be there. I'm only supposed to stay away for a little while until they can figure something out. Something is going on but they refuse to tell me, I honestly wish I knew what it was so I could help. From what Edward told me it's nothing dangerous I think it's a family thing." Even though I thought I was family I added in my head.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine," Emily said.

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. I just haven't been able to do anything, I keep thinking of her."

I didn't tell them that I feared the Cullen's were thinking about moving, they weren't aging and people would start to notice soon enough. I knew that Charlie was one of the reasons they couldn't just leave, the other reason was me. I wondered how long it would be before I could see Nessie; whether she had been told that I was not coming over for a while.

"Hello, earth to Jacob!" Quil yelled.

I looked at him, "Oh, sorry. What?" I asked.

Quil shook his head at me, "I said do you want to go to the beach with us? I think there's some party tonight."

"Sure," I said as we all got up and headed out of the house. I waved goodbye to Emily and Sam as they watched Quil, Embry, Seth and I leave.

The sky was starting to darken, the sun would soon set and only one day would have passed by since I had been allowed to see Nessie.

The walk to the beach was full of laughter from Quil and Embry who were talking about nothing at all. The only thing that registered in my head was that they were constantly yelling at each other back and forth for minutes before they would start laughing. Seth walked next to me, watching Quil and Embry completely amused. I found myself laughing at their idiocy; they had no worries to weight them down. I promised myself that I wouldn't ruin this night and instead I would try to enjoy it despite the bad feeling I had at the pit of my stomach. When we got to the beach I noticed many familiar faces, kids that went to school on the reservation. There where kids who I had been friends with long before I had begun to phase, seeing them here made me feel a little better. Familiarity, it relaxed me. That's exactly what I needed and exactly what I had found.

"This is going to be awesome!" Quil said

"It better be, I'm ready to have a good time," Embry added.

I looked around at many familiar faces and stopped when I found an old buddy of mine. He was tall, with light hair and tan skin like me. I walked over to him and his friends.

"Hey Noah," I said

"Jake, dude. Where have you been?" He asked

"Just around," I responded, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great. Guys you remember Jake?" He said talking to the people around him.

They all nodded and mumbled their hellos. I waved to everyone and was about to ask Noah something when Quil and Embry joined me. They greeted everyone around me and started conversations with people they didn't even know.

Noah laughed and looked at me, "They haven't changed at all, have they?" he asked.

I laughed along with him, "Not at all." I said.

As I looked around me I saw the calm faces of everyone around me, they were all laughing and seemed to be care free. Just for a moment I felt that too, like I was one of them. I wasn't Jacob Black the Beta, the grandson of Ephraim Black. Tonight, here, I was just Jacob Black.

"Jake?" I heard Noah say

I looked at him, "Yeah?"

"You okay dude?"

"I'm doing just great," I grinned.

I spent the rest of the night catching up with people that I hadn't seen in a long time. I laughed like I had years back when I had been just a kid. At the end of the night Quil and Embry walked back to Sam's together. Seth was supposed to go on patrol but I told him I'd take his shift since I would most likely have time to sleep in the morning. We didn't run patrol everyday but we had to keep phasing and we still had a duty to fulfill. I phased quickly wanting to be in my wolf form more than anything else at the moment so that I could come back to reality.

Why are you here? Where's Seth? Leah asked

Sent him home, you go home too Leah

You didn't answer my question. She pointed out

Leah, just go home.

A few seconds later I felt Leah phase out. She had become less bitter now, I couldn't exactly say she was happy but she didn't get pissed off over everything. I was free to think whatever I wanted; only one of us would run patrol at a time every so often. There hadn't been any vampires, well any dangerous vampires in a long time. Running in my wolf form I could let my thoughts run free, thoughts of Nessie. She was the most beautiful child I had ever seen, the brightest too. I remembered that just last week I had been standing outside of the Cullen house with Nessie. We had decided we were going to race each other. She thought she could win. She had gotten faster now that she was older but she was still not faster than me.

"Nessie, there's no way you can beat me," I chuckled.

She stared at me, "I can too," She had said in her soft voice.

"Prove it," I grinned.

I phased quickly before looking at Nessie.

"Go," she said

The minute the words escaped her lips we were running at full speed. We were darting through the forest effortlessly, I kept pushing myself more and more yet she was still right next to me. In the end I slowed down just a little as we came to a stop in a small area in the woods Nessie and I came to all the time.

"I told you I'd win," She smiled at me.

Her smile was the last thing I thought about before I remembered again that I was not going to be able to see her. I sighed as I ran alone; this was the part I hated. As much as I used to hate having everyone in my head, this was one moment I wished they were all here to distract me. Nessie. It was all I could think about now as I was running. Part of me wanted to run to the Cullen house right now and check on her even if she didn't see me but the other part of me was afraid of what I'd see. Or what I wouldn't see. That thought had me running towards the Cullen's at full speed; they wouldn't take Nessie and leave without saying anything…would they?

Renesmee POV

I was stuck at home all day; I wasn't allowed to see Jacob today, and dad had said that he wouldn't be coming over. I found that odd, Jacob never missed a day of coming to hang out with me but I figured something must have come up. I hoped it was nothing too serious. I was sitting on the couch of our living room when Aunt Alice came over and sat with me. She wasn't her normal energetic self today; I could see in her eyes that something was bothering her.

"Aunt Alice?" I asked.

She looked over at me, "Yes?" She asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yes Nessie." She smiled at me.

I didn't really believe her, she was acting strange. In fact the whole family had been acting strange all day long.

"I need everyone in the living room," I heard grandpa Carlisle say.

Only a few seconds had passed before the entire family was sitting in the living room. Aunt Alice was sitting on my left and mom was on my right. I looked around at everyone; they were all looking at grandpa Carlisle.

"You all know that we have been in Forks for a long time and as sad as it might be it is time for us to leave," grandpa Carlisle said.

I saw everyone nodding and then their eyes were all on me. I looked back at them, taking each of their expressions in. Dad, Emmett, and Jasper seemed to have no expression at all but I could see mom and Esme's worried expression.

"What?" I asked, confused as they watched me.

My mom grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, "Nessie, you understand why we have to leave right?"

I nodded, "Yes. I understand, what's the big deal?" I asked.

My dad got up and walked over to my mom and I, "Nessie if we leave you won't be able to see Grandpa Charlie, Billy, Sam, Embry, Emily, Quil, Seth," he hesitated a little, "or Jacob," he added last. I stared at him, what was he saying? Why wouldn't I be able to see them?

Dad answered my question, "They can't come with us Nessie."

"Why not?" I asked

"Nessie, they have a duty here. And this is your Grandpa Charlie's home," mom said.

I nodded, "But…I can still talk to them right? Or Visit?" I asked.

They all looked at each other then back at me without saying a word. They didn't have to, the silence said it all. No, I couldn't talk or visit them. I stared back at them hoping that this was just some cruel joke uncle Emmett had come up with but I could see in their faces that this was not a joke.

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