Chapter 30

I slipped out of Gryffindor Tower quietly, the only sound was my light footsteps against the cold stone floor.

It was the last day of term – the last day of my fifth year. At least my OWL's were finally over with. Though I didn't think there was any point in me taking them at all. After all, just a week ago I had discovered that it was Harry and I who had to kill Voldemort. And I didn't think I would live to see the next two or three years so I wouldn't worry about my NEWT's or what job I would get.

Everyone was currently boarding the boats to get to the Hogwarts Express in Hogsmeade, and I was the last to leave the tower. I wanted to put off leaving as much as possible as I would be going home to an empty building. Grimmauld Place. I hated the fact that I had to live there, knowing that it would be silent due to the absence of my dad's barking laughter.

I was lost in my musings, and just as I rounded the corner I bumped into a cold wall.

The cold wall was Alice Cullen.

"Hey," she said, her musical voice hesitant.

I looked up at her, my eyes dead just as they have been for the past week. "Hey," I said in a deadpan tone.

She bit her lip. "I'm sorry about your father. I didn't see him dying. The spells were just flying too quickly—"

"I know," I said tiredly, pushing a curly lock behind my ear. "It would be almost impossible for you to foresee the outcome of a duel. They're too fast. I know that. I don't blame you."

My eyes flickered behind her, noticing for the first time that all the Cullens were present. Including a vampire whom I have not seen before. She was gorgeous of course, just as any other vampire. She had straight light brown hair falling to her shoulders, and had a full fringe. She was petite; shorter than me. She was about 5"3, and the fact that Edward was next to her made her seem even smaller. Her wide eyes were red, but I could see a tiny hint of amber where she'd obviously recently adopted the animal diet.

"Bella..." Edward said rather nervously. I blinked at him, not even correcting my name.

"This is Mary. She's my mate."

My eyebrows flew up at the revelation, and I was half-expecting myself to feel slightly jealous and bitter. But I didn't. I felt genuine happiness radiate through me for the first time since my dad's passing.

"Congratulations," I said sincerely. The Cullens looked surprised that I took it so well.

Edward nodded. "Thank you." He turned to his mate, and I was shocked to see the utter love and devotion that shown from Edward's eyes as he looked at her. He was clearly besotted.

Mary's wide red eyes looked at me, assessing. I held her gaze, not wanting her to think of me as weak by looking away uncomfortably.

"You must be Bella." Her eyes flickered to Edward before falling on me again. "Or rather, Rosie. I've heard a lot about you."

It didn't take a genius to detect the slight jealousy in her tone, and I didn't blame her. She was talking to her soul mate's ex-girlfriend after all.

"Yes," I said, not calling her out on the slight bitterness in her tone. "It's nice to meet you, Mary. I hope you have a happy eternity with Edward."

She hesitated, obviously trying to see if I was being sarcastic or not. She must have seen the sincerity in my eyes because her own softened slightly. She shook my hand and gave me a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you too," she said softly. "The Cullens speak highly of you."

I smiled at the Cullens, although there was still deep sadness in my eyes. It was weird to think of them leaving now. I had gotten used to their presence around the castle in the past few months.

Esme burst into a dry sob and gathered me into her arms, the other Cullens following her lead. When Edward gave me a hug, I whispered into his ear.

"I have forgiven you, you know," I whispered. "For leaving, I mean. And I'm happy that you found Mary." I leaned away from his arms and looked at the rest of the family.

"Thank you," I said quietly, looking at each of their beautiful faces. "I guess this is goodbye, then."

Emmett looked confused and upset. "We're not going to keep in touch?"

I gave them all a sad smile, shaking my head. "We can't. Voldemort has made it quite clear that he's returned, which has just marked the start of a war. I can't be in any contact with either of you if I want you to be safe."

"But their spells don't harm us," said Rosalie. "We'll be fine."

"Dumbledore isn't the only one who's recruited vampires," I said. "Voldemort is known to have an army on his side too. The quicker we break contact, the safer you'll be. And I'm pretty sure that Voldemort has the Volturi on his side as well, and you don't want to mess with them."

They all glanced at each other, knowing I was right. The Volturi were powerful, and if they discovered that the Cullens were playing part in the war more than they already have, they would most definitely be taken care of.

"But—" Alice began to protest, venom tears in her eyes. I raised a hand to stop her.

"No, Alice," I said. "You left me a few months ago for my own safety, right? Well, let me do the same. It's only fair."

They all gave watery smiles. Even Mary was looking emotional despite only knowing me for five minutes.

"I better go," I sighed. "The boats leave in about five minutes." I looked at them one last time, memorising their faces. "Goodbye."

I left before I could look back at them. I didn't want to start crying now. The last time I cried was when I had a breakdown in Dumbledore's office, and I was scared that if I let a tear fall I would subject myself to another emotional meltdown.

I saw the back of Harry's head as he waited for me with the other beside the boat.

"What took you so long?" complained Ron.

"I was talking to the Cullens," I shrugged. Harry's eyes hardened. I knew he still didn't really like them for leaving me, but he was grateful that they came to our aid in the Department of Mysteries.

"Did they say anything?" he asked suspiciously, seeing my slightly devastated expression.

"No," I reassured. "I just had to say goodbye, that's all."

He nodded in acceptance and we all sat down in the boat. I watched the icy water ripple as we went through it, and I dipped my fingers in the lake before retracting them quickly, remembering all too well the scary merpeople from when I swam in it in my fourth year.

Instead, I laid my head on Harry's shoulder which prompted him to lay his on top of mine.

"I'm scared, Harry," I whispered, feeling grateful that Ron and Hermione were too busy arguing to detect the tremor in my voice.

"Me too," he whispered in reply. "But you know what? We're going to get through it. Together. Because that's just what we do."

I laughed teasingly. "Cheesy."

He blushed lightly and poked me in the ribs. "Oh, shut up."

And despite everything that's happened in the past few weeks... the Dementor fiasco, the Hearing, seeing the Cullens, the torture sessions with Umbridge, the newborn army, the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, seeing my own father getting murdered, discovering that Harry and I were the only one who could defeat Voldemort...

I smiled.

Author's Note - MERLIN'S BEARD! IT'S OVER! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Thank you so so much to my reviewers, even though I haven't read half of them because it's still being weird. Thank you so much to everyone who's favourited and followed this story, and most of all, thank you to everyone who actually bothered to read it in the first place. I love you all3