I had a writer's block with the main story so I started this. And now it is the promised extra Christmas special chapter! (That has nothing to do with Christmas except for the fact that Santa Clause is officially a Canadian citizen.) (And this stuff actually happens around summer break I realized…)

Wow I realized the time they need for travel is total and complete TRASH! Google tells me you need around 13 hours to travel from Madrid to Paris but since I don't want my characters to be traveling their whole life… Just live with it! I won't change the times…

To everybody who dislikes PruCan: Don't read this! It's this things happening to Gil und Francis after they left Spain!

Warnings: I would say definitely T-Rated(but nowhere near M I think) not for smut but rather for Gil's language and innuendos, OOC Prussia, sometimes OOC Canada, randomness, some German and French (translation in brackets behind the phrase except for stuff like oui…) and I don't know French so I am not sure about the stuff I write, …

Disclaimer: I own nothing except a half full bottle of Original Canadian Maple Syrup and a fail!Prussia flag.

After we left Antonio's I drove us to Paris. The drive took us some hours and we didn't talk most of the time. It left me too much time to think about unawesome things. The closer we got to Paris the more insecure I got.
What if Francis would still oppose our relationship?
Did Mattie still love me even after all the time we didn't see each other?
Would Mattie show he loved me in front of Francis?
Did Francis just invite me to torture me?
Would he torture me with the closeness?

Every time I tried to shake of those unawesome thoughts they came back worse. I wanted to hit myself for being this unawesome. Everything would end well. I am awesome! Nothing in my life would be bad for a long time. Someone as awesome as me couldn't have too many bad things in their life!

We arrived in Paris around noon and it took another 30 minutes to arrive at Francis house. Stupid traffic in Paris! I just wanted to get over with it, but I was still struck in my small car with my worst enemy and best friend.

Why didn't West allow me to buy a bigger car like a Mercedes? After my Trabbi died some years ago he just allowed me to buy a small Volkswagen. Stingy bastard. He and his boss were driving Mercedes but the awesome me is just allowed to buy a Volkswagen.

My thoughts were distracting me from my discomfort but not that much. They made me even more aggressive than I already was. The cars were just driving that damn slowly! And there are so many of them!

Finally we arrived in the right street and I was relieved when I parked my car right in front of Francis house. Hopefully Mattie was home and awake, but still I had to be careful. As much as I wanted to race inside and kiss him and tell him how awesome he was even if he wasn't as awesome as me I couldn't, Francis was still there.
We got out of the car and after I locked the car I wanted to go inside but Francis stopped me.

Did he want to send me away now that I had had my hopes up?
Was the promise just a façade in front of 'Tonio?
It couldn't be! Please! I prayed to every god that could hear me, even if I normally wasn't a religious person.

When I turned around to face Francis he smiled at me. "I have to get some things… Here but nothing naughty!" with these words he thrust his keys into my hand and left to the opposite direction we had come from by car.

I didn't know what to think!
The very person that didn't even let me be near my boyfriend for a whole year suddenly let me be alone with him in his own house…
Did he trick me and Mattie was already on his way home?
Why was the awesome me this damn insecure.
Thinking wouldn't get me anywhere. It never did when I was still a country. I would still be standing here when stupid Francis came back. I could only find out if I went inside.

So I went to the door and inserted the key getting the right key first try. When I stepped inside I heard some movement in the living room but nothing more. Francis had no pets so Mattie was still here. Francis didn't lie to me I was happy.
When I didn't move from the door after I had closed it I heard more movement and approaching footsteps.
Even though Francis didn't lie to the awesome me I still was unawesomely insecure about how to explain me being here without him. With him I wouldn't have been able to kiss Mattie but he could have explained. Now…

While I was in my thoughts the footsteps had been steadily approaching. "Francis? What's wrong?" I heard Mattie's voice. It really was him. I couldn't believe to hear him without miles, oceans, borders and devices between us. So I didn't answer even if I knew it was unawesome.
Mattie came out of the living room doorway. "Eh? GIL? What are you doing here? Where is Francis?" he said in a loud voice and I could hear in his voice he wanted to hug me and was almost crying but I knew he wouldn't do anything without an explanation.

"Hey Mattie long time no see… He said he had something to do I should go inside first. This is a trial"
"Trial? What are you talking about?"
"Yesterday I managed to get him to believe my true intentions with you a little but he still won't let us date freely until he is convinced I love you. But I am allowed to meet you here. At least today…"
"You are really telling the truth? Or did you kidnap him and hide him in your car?"
I had to laugh a little he really had a cute overactive imagination "Would the awesome me really lie to somebody as awesomely cute as you?"
"GIL!" With these words Mattie leapt into my arms almost throwing me backwards into the door. I caught him and held him as close as I could.

If I wasn't as awesome as I am I would have cried but I could hear and feel Mattie cry in my arms. They were hopefully happy tears but I still didn't know what to do so I kept on hugging him for some time.
"Mattie… I really like hugging you but could we move from here?"
He let go reluctantly "Yeah…" he then grabbed my hand and let me into the living room. I walked a little faster than him when I found out where he was headed.
When we were in the living room I went straight to the couch and pulled Mattie onto my lap.
He flailed his arms and blushed.
He was so awesomely cute. It was funny how he still could be this cute and easily embarrassed after all those years.

I steadied him on my lap with one arm around his waist and ruffled his hair with the other. "Calm down Mattie! This isn't a dream" The last part was more to assure myself.
"What if Francis comes home?" He said blushing a little more
"It's going to be okay. Or did you think I would take you right here? You naughty little…" I said pulling him closer to me if that was possible and now keeping both of my hands on his waist and taking in his scent that I loved so much. Pancakes and maple, snow and wind, just Mattie.
"Eh? I-I didn't think th-that!"
"Well if you say so…" I leant towards his ear and whispered "But if you want to do something we can't do when he comes back the awesome me can think of something awesome and fast…"
"Wh-What are you thinking about now Gil?" he asked a little wary
I loved teasing him a little so I would have continued to tease him but Francis could be home any minute so we had no time to waste. "Well…" I paused a little looking into his eyes the best I could with him sitting sideways on my lap "A kiss would be nice…"
He surprised me by turning on my lap to straddle me and put his arms around my neck while mine stayed on his hips. "And you're sure it'll just be a kiss?"

He could be so seductive if he wanted to. If we had been somewhere safe he would have been pinned under me faster than he could say 'maple' but in this situation I had use my self-control. If everything went well I could do that a lot in the future.

"Mattie, don't tempt me or we won't be able to do anything for a long time until we can get Francis to give us another chance! Instead of talking use your lips for something else and kiss me!"
That he did.
At first his lips touched mine as soft as his voice but then we both used more pressure.
Oh how I wanted nothing more than to feel more of Mattie, taste more of him.
When I moved my hands around to his back and maybe a little lower he gasped and I couldn't resist the chance to taste him so I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue into his mouth. He tasted awesome and I growled low in my throat, he moaned into my mouth and battled my tongue that had invaded his mouth.
Our tongues kept on battling for a few moments without a real winner, but then I pulled away for air and to help me keep in check so I wouldn't do anything I would regret.
Even though most of my mind was filled with thoughts about Mattie, his taste, his smell, I still remembered where we were. I couldn't let my needs and desires overtake when I was here on the accusation of being a sex-driven pervert.

We were still both breathing a little harder than normal when Mattie moved from my lap to my side and sat down right beside me as close as he could. I was disappointed to lose his warmth on me but I knew why he did it. We were a couple for 20 years already but always just behind closed doors and in the safe borders of Canada, now we would be out in the open, at least with the last person we wanted to know about us.
The person whose judgment we feared the most. So I grabbed his hand to assure him I would be there and started a conversation to distract him. The awesome me would always try to make things as easy as possible for the one I love.

"So what were you up to those last few days you didn't call the awesome me?"
"Francis dragged me around France and to see Arthur. He was not amused to see us this suddenly but it was funny. I don't get to see him much… He never let me rest. When we came home I just went to sleep. When you got him yesterday I was happy to have some time alone but…" he squeezed my hand and left the end unspoken but I understood. He wanted to be the one I had taken away.
I squeezed back "I hope you had a good time despite the dragging. Maybe if you're allowed to go you could visit my house and I could show you a good time"
He hit me with his free hand "Stop turning everything sexual Gil!"
"How can I not with somebody this awesomely cute glued to my side? And may I remind you who was it that turned my perfectly innocent request into something sexual?"
He giggled a little but also blushed again

We just sat there for the next few minutes leaning against each other and holding hands forgetting the world around us until the front door opened. Either somebody else had a key to this house or Francis was home. I sat up a little straighter and waited for Francis to come into the living room. I could feel Mattie's nervousness and tied to assure him by readjusting my hand in his and gripping it a little tighter.

And then he entered the room carrying grocery bags.
His face was unreadable. I couldn't tell, was he angry, happy, would he approve, would we have to break up?

"W-welcome home, Francis!" Mattie said shyly I just nodded.
"I'm home! How was your day Mathieu? "
"Ok... T-thank you for inviting Gil over!" He said smiling a little. Even though the smile was small he looked truly happy in my eyes.
Francis kept silent for a while, his poker face still in place and sat down on an armchair across from us. "So am I right to assume Gilbert told you about why he is here?" Francis said still just talking to Mattie
"I-I think… He told me you would test if he loves me!"
"Oui, that's one side. But it doesn't matter if he loves you if it is one sided!"
"I am way too awesome to force Mattie or anybody else to date me!"
"Well… Mathieu?"
"I-I l-love G-Gil! And I want to see him more often!" Poor Mattie was forced to admit his feelings but I was very happy to hear those words. I was every time he spoke them so I squeezed his hand again. Francis watchful eyes took in our interaction but still nothing showed on his face.
"Not enough to satisfy me but a good start. It is lunch time. Mathieu will you help me with the preparations?"
"The awesome me can help too!" I didn't want Mattie to be alone with Francis. He is my best friends and knows about my many faults. I told Mattie about most of them but there were some I didn't want anybody to know and they could lead to Mattie hating me. My greatest fear!
"No! Mathieu?"
"O-Ok!" Mattie said slowly standing up to follow Francis who was already standing in the doorway with his grocery bags, but I kept holding his hand as long as I could and Mattie looked into my eyes. It now was his turn to assure me everything would be alright. In his eyes all I could see was love and a certainty you normally couldn't see with him. He was absolutely sure things would work out. He then looked away and I let go of his hand and watched him walking after Francis leaving me alone in the room.

How long would it take to prepare lunch?
What would they talk about?
How could they leave the awesome me alone with my worried thoughts?
Would we be allowed to date?
Why was I this worried?
Francis lived for l'amour and we love each other. But still Francis was wearing a poker face the whole time. But at least he was calm and gave us a chance. It was a good sign wasn't it? But with rage the awesome me would know where I stood but it would also be the worst possible outcome. Never seeing Mattie again would be a lot worse than dating him under the watchful eyes of Francis like some 13 year old trying to impress his girlfriend's parents.

I was deep in my thoughts when I felt something on my knee. I looked down and saw Mattie's polar bear looking up to me with his paw on my knee. "So you were here the whole time?"
"Do you want us to be together?"
"I thought so! I'm sorry Gilbird stayed at home maybe you can come visit him… Just tell Francis about Mattie and the awesome me!"
"I thought you had heard… Did you already forget Kuma?" I said lifting the white bear onto my lap. I shortened his name to the part which was always the same because I never got which of the many names Mattie gave him was the right but the bear seemed to be content with that arrangement.
"Stupid Franny. Ignoring you! But good work!" I began to pet him. He seemed to like it and laid down on my lap turning to his side.
"You missed me didn't you?"
"Yeah, the awesome me missed you too."

It was nice sitting there doing familiar things when I was so unsure of where I stood before.

Like I said before love fucks you up. Before I met Mattie I would never have acted that way. Every time things got complicated with girls or boys I would be out and away as fast as possible. There always was some war or fighting I could use as an excuse, most of them thought I was some high ranked solider anyway.
But with Mattie things were different. Not only does he know my real 'job' but I even went here to get the approval of the bride's father. It had fucked up my usual awesome ways a lot but in turn I got an awesome, cute boyfriend who makes awesome pancakes and has a place called New Prussia.

Thinking about these things raised my mood a lot and I began smiling a little.
"Just thinking about how awesome Mattie is"
"You two are really hopeless…" I could smell dinner and got a little hungry "I wonder what Francis will say!"
"Yeah! You are right everything will end well."

We sat in silence for a minute or two when Mattie into the room wearing an apron. It wasn't frilly or anything like that but it still had some kind of flower print and combined with his tied back hair he was unbelievably cute.
"Hey Cutie!"
"Gil! Stop that!" He said blushing "Dinner is ready! Oh, Kumamaru there you are!"
"Stop what?" I answered standing up and taking the bear with me I went over to Mattie
"Flirting with me!"
"How could the awesome me pass up any chance to flirt with somebody this cute? Also it's just flirting… You'd rather I do something else?"
"Gil! No! Now come with me" He blushed harder, turning and walking away.
How did he get this resistant to my flirting? But he still blushed that was a good sign.

I followed him through the house to a dining room. The table set with plates, silverware and glasses. Francis wasn't in the room but I could see him through a door leading to the kitchen. On the table two plates were placed on the side facing the door and one on the opposite side.

Mattie took Kuma from my arms and sat him down on the floor next to a filled bowl "Here you go Kumakichi!"
I slowly approached the table and Mattie also walked there taking off the apron on the way hanging it over the back of a chair and sat down on that chair I sat down next to him.
His hair was still tied back but one strand had loosened and fell in his face. Mattie didn't seem to mind it which gave me the perfect opportunity to do something other than sitting around and thinking about unawesome things. I reached out and brushed it back behind his ear.
Mattie turned from looking down on his empty plate and looked at me blushing. "W-what are you doing?"
"I wanted to see your awesomely cute face!"
"I am n-not c-cute!"
"You don't believe the awesome me?" I said stroking his cheek with my thumb while my hand stayed on the side of his face.
His blush darkened and he looked me into the eyes for the second time that day. His eyes told me he liked the compliments I gave him and showed love but also reluctance to show those things openly. I really wanted to kiss him but I opted to kiss his forehead instead.

Right when I pulled back to look at him again we heard the clatter of dishes from the kitchen and we straightened up. My hand that had been on his cheek just moments before found his hand under the table and I held it for a few moments until he pulled away as soon as Francis came in carrying our dinner and put his hands on the table preventing me from doing things like that again.
He took away my only chance to touch him since I wouldn't risk doing something that could be considered inappropriate while Francis watched us.

Francis set down a plate of steaming food in front of both of us with the grace of an experienced high class waiter and sat down with his own plate on the opposite of us. He wasn't wearing his poker face anymore but I still couldn't tell what he thought.

Mattie was blushing and looking down "Thank you Francis!"
"This smells awesome!"
"Don't flatter me mon amis~ Let's eat before it gets cold, non? Enjoy your meal!"
"Yeah, let's dig in"
"Enjoy your meal!"
We started eating in silence. No one tried to speak.

I was wondering what the two of them could have spoken about while they had been preparing the meal, it really was delicious like everything Francis cooked, except frogs and snails, they are just slimy. It also tasted like the things Mattie would cook although the meal was obviously French.
Had they spoken about our relationship? About me?
If they did could Mattie convince Francis?
Was Francis still set on breaking us up or had he freed himself of the prejudices?
Shaking of prejudices was a hard thing especially if they had been proven correct for centuries. I had slept around a lot and I am egoistical most of the time but with Mattie things really were different.

We finished our meal without a word but as soon as we had finished Francis started speaking "I'll meet you in the living room after I have cleaned up" With that he stood up and collected dishes.
"Should I help?" I asked but I was ignored.

When Francis was out of the room with the first load of tableware Mattie spoke up his voice more like a whisper "Maybe we should go to the living room"
I agreed with him and stood up making a move to help him like a gentleman would but he ignored my help.

What the hell is up with all those French people ignoring my awesome attempts to help?

I silently followed Mattie walking beside him. As soon as we were out of the dining room Mattie reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. His hand was sweaty, so he was just as nervous as me.
I squeezed his hand for the umpteenth time that day to assure him "You are really shy around others aren't you?" I quietly asked
"I can't drop my act of feeling nothing special that fast. You knew of this since yesterday, I just heard of it when you walked through the front door two hours ago. You could have called to tell me!" He accused me
"Well I was kinda drunk yesterday and also Francis was with me the whole time!"
"You really have to stop drinking so much…"
Somehow we had reached the living room and had sat down on the same spots as before
"What did the two of you talk about in the kitchen?"
"Well… he asked me some stuff but nothing too embarrassing. Mostly if the things you told him were true"
"Wow he still remembers that after getting drunk in Spain? But that's a good thing right? You told him those things are true, didn't you?"
"Yeah… But you didn't tell him something embarrassing, did you Gil?"
"I don't think I have told him much more than the stuff he asked. But I sure as hell didn't tell him about our sexlife or anything!"
"GIL! Stop saying those things so loud!"
I leant down and whispered in his ear "So you like it when I whisper those things to you?"
He blushed and pulled back a little staring into my eyes.
"Was wäre wenn ich es auf Deutsch sage?" (What if I said it in German?)

I had taught Mattie some German and it was really sexy when he spoke it but he thought it was sexy if I did it.

He blushed darker and hit me. "Gil stop it! Remember where we are!"
"Then you have to stop it, too" I said in a low voice
"Stop what?" he asked confused
"Being sexy!"
I was hit again and Mattie looked really sexy with his dark blush and trying to glare at me. Only he could look that awesome while blushing. I leant forward the few inches that separated our lips and kissed him. Just lightly and for a short time but even so I could still feel Mattie applying pressure also. I leant my forehead against his. "Mattie you are awesome and I love you. I really hope this ends well."
"Yeah… I love you, too." I could feel Mattie's face heat up but he still looked me straight in the eyes.
I sneaked my arms around him and hugged him. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a while. Looking into each other's eyes and hugging. Just being close. Feeling each other's heartbeat and warmth.

Our awesome, romantic moment was interrupted when somebody, or better Francis, cleared his throat close to us. We jumped and sat up straight again letting go of each other immediately. We or at least I had forgotten that we were still in Francis house and waiting for Francis for just a moment.
But maybe it would be a bolt and carefree action that would convince Francis.
I realized threading on thin ice around him was not a good course of action if we wanted to prove our love, but I wouldn't try something else as long as Mattie was this tense around others.
I relaxed a little when Francis said nothing and just sat down on the armchair he had sat on before. Everything was the same as earlier. The seating, my unsure feelings, Francis staring, Mattie and my unawesome tenseness. But now I was surer about Mattie's feelings and that Francis wasn't that set on breaking us up.

"I have a meeting with my boss today. I'm not going to leave you alone in here since I don't know when I'll be back. You have to come with me and can enjoy the city for a bit. That is if you don't want to go home right away, Gilbert."
"No way the awesome me will pass up the chance of an awesome date with Mattie! What about you Mattie do you wanna have a date?"
"Yes!" he answered on impulse looking into my eyes but straight after that he looked down again and blushed deep red.
I looked away from my cute blushing Canadian and to Francis who was looking at us seemingly a little amused at our interaction but when he realized I was looking at him he wore his poker face again "So it's decided. We should get ready! Gilbert would you like to have a change of clothes or do you want to run around in Paris in the same clothes as yesterday?"
"Ah… I always have a change of clothes in my car when we go drinking I'll just go and get them!"
"Oui. Do that. You can use the downstairs bathroom. It's the second door on the left side."
So I stood up and left the living room to get my stuff but not before I squeezed Mattie's hand again and whispered to him "I'll be right back!"

The trip to my car was quite uneventful and when I got back into the house the living room was empty but I could hear some noises from upstairs so the other two were already getting ready. I went to the bathroom Francis had told me of and went inside changing my clothes and freshening up.
When I was ready I went outside where I met Francis and Mattie, who were finished already and waiting for me.

I now wore clothes a lot more suitable for a date, instead of a pair of old jeans and a rumpled T-shirt I now wore dark blue jeans ripped in some places the way it was hip right now and a white button-up shirt and a red hooded sweater over that. Mattie had exchanged his slightly oversized red hoodie and loose jeans for a red and white long-sleeved T-Shirt with a Canadian flag design and tight jeans, they weren't really skinny-jeans but they hugged him in all the right places. Francis was dressed the most formal with dress pants a white button-up and a suit-coat his hair tied back with a ribbon.

"You look awesome Mattie!"
"Gil stop flattering me!" then he started to mumble so I almost missed what he said "you look very good yourself"
I refrained from commenting on that and was just happy to have heard it.
Francis cleared his throat "We really have to go now or I'll be late!"
We agreed and followed him out of the house and to his car. Francis motioned us to sit on the backseat so we did and he got in on the driver's side and drove of after we all had buckled our seatbelts.
On the ride nobody really talked and I just looked at Mattie or out of the window. The ride also wasn't very long. Francis dropped us off somewhere close to the Champ de Elysee on his way to the meeting with the words "I'll call you later about when I'll get you"

So we were alone, on our first real date after Francis had found out about us, in a city we would never have dared to have a date in, alone for at least an hour or two. Mattie grabbed my hand as soon as Francis was out of sight and started to pull me somewhere. I just followed him since he knew this city a lot better than me but not without asking "Where are we going and what are we going to do now?"
"Eh…" he began turning so he was now walking backwards facing me. "It's too late to visit tourist spots since they are packed with tourists around this time but I thought we could go shopping for a while…"
I chuckled about his sudden eagerness "Aren't we kind of tourists too?"
"Do you really want do really want to spent the limited time we have somewhere queuing and pushed around by people with cameras and stuff?"
"No! But that would give me a reason to hold you close, kesesese!"
"You are really stupid you know that!" he huffed turning away
"Hey… That was a joke! I was never against the shopping idea!"
I heard giggling from Mattie. He had done that on purpose.
I stopped walking "That wasn't awesome!"
"But you look cute when I do that!"
"There is no way the awesome me is cute!"

I started paying attention to my surroundings and saw that we were standing the Champ de Elysee already. We stopped out argument there and started walking down the street side by side holding hands. "So now where do you want to go shopping here?"
"I don't know… Let's just walk around a bit it's not like I need anything…" So after Mattie's suggestion we started window shopping along the street. We laughed at stupid displays and stuff, acting like a true couple. We even went into one or two shops trying on clothes that didn't match at all or just looking at all the things they sold. It was a very nice day the only thing reminding us of where we were and why was that Mattie had to do all the talking in French and sometimes people looked at him weird because of his accent.

After we had walked down the street for at least an hour we decided to settle down in a café and both ordered a cup of coffee.
"It's really nice here"
"Yeah… Gil?"
"Hm?" I turned to face him and looked into his eyes.
When I had turned Mattie pecked me on the lips, in a public place "Ich liebe dich! I am really happy you are doing all of this just for me!" (I love you)
"Why wouldn't I fight for someone this awesome? Je t'aime! Are you still doubting the awesome me?" (I love you) I hated talking French I always sound stupid when I do but I felt it was necessary after he kissed me and spoke German.
"Everything is still very new to me. To have somebody who doesn't forget me, who sees me as myself and not my brother and who is even willing to go this far just for me."
"I still can't see why somebody would mistake you for that brat America. But it's also new for me to feel this unawesome sometimes, especially now and also to be in situations where I don't really know what to do but somehow it all feels right when you smile!"
"How often do I have to tell you not to badmouth my brother? Even if he is loud, annoying and stupid he is still my brother! I am really happy you admit all of this! You are right we should just see what will happen and everything will work out!" he smiled.
"Ja..." I kissed him a little harder than he had done before but still gentle, careful and short. When I pulled back the waitress was standing next to our table serving our drinks without a word and leaving straight after.
We laughed "Do you think she was freaked out to see us kiss? She was trying to flirt with me before after all"
"No and you shouldn't be that full of yourself all the time she was probably just wondering why you didn't say a word when I clearly spoke French fluently. It's not that frequent that two foreigners eat together that aren't from the same country after all."
"So you aren't jealous that I'm popular?"
"You aren't popular you just stand out with your white hair and red eyes!"
"Aww… Mattie, you are too serious!"
"No I am not" he laughed.

We drank our coffee in silence until Mattie's phone rang. It startled us and ripped us out of our little harmony bubble. We both knew who would be calling him and looked at each other before he reached into his pants pocket and took the call. "Yes?"
The rest of the conversation was in French all I understood was Toyota. What did cars have to do with the whole situation?
The call ended after less than a minute and I looked at Mattie questioningly.
"So you still don't know a word of French?"
"I do know some things but most of them don't really help outside the bedroom!"
"You are a pervert Gil. But well…" he started explaining "Francis meeting ended and after a short private talk with his boss he will drive over here and meet us at that corner!" He pointed to the next street corner and now I realized why there was Toyota in the conversation, there was a Toyota shop at the corner.
"Stop saying those things you and Francis were the one who taught me all that stuff and I never needed to learn it every time there are people talking French around me there is either you or him around."
"I don't remember teaching you dirty French…" he teased
"Well then you'll have to teach me again"
"Maybe I should, but this time I'll teach you proper French"
"Sounds good. Will you demonstrate it? Or do I have to learn by words alone?"
"Gil! Not outside, stop acting so immature and turning every conversation sexual." He blushed
"What did the awesome me say now? And by the way you started it."
He blushed a little harder "You know full well what you said so shut up" he said leaning over to kiss me, as soon as I kissed back he pulled back and called the waitress for the bill.
Little tease.

I paid for both of us even when Mattie protested.

I changed the topic of our conversation while we were standing up and leaving the café "So when will Francis be here?"
He looked at his watch "It can't be too long if he already called us…"
We started slowly walking down the street to the meeting point. When we got there we had to wait a few minutes. While we waited Mattie stood close to me and leant his head on my shoulder, when he did that I put my hand on his waist and pulled him against me slowly rubbing up and down his side never moving my hand very far up or down.

Then Francis car pulled up next to us, I let go of Mattie and we went to the car. I held the door open for Mattie to get in and as soon as he was seated I went over to the other side to get in as well.

"So how was your meeting?" I tried to start a conversation when we were driving back to Francis house
"Tiring but at least more productive than I anticipated. What about your date?"
Mattie cut me off "Great" Had he finally gathered the courage to talk more openly about our relationship?
"Good to hear. Do you mind if we go out for dinner? I don't feel like cooking"
"No not at all"

After Francis got our approval he sharply turned on a corner instead of driving down the street and back home. After a minute or two he pulled into the parking lot of a small restaurant that was obviously French. But even from the outside it looked quite cozy. We got out of the car and went into the restaurant the staff seemed to know Francis quite well as they greeted him with his human name but I couldn't understand the rest because they spoke French. They looked at us for some time before speaking to Francis some time and it seemed like he introduced us because our names were said. And they also said something that had Mattie blushing a lot. Whatever he said must have been embarrassing.
We were seated on a corner table of the restaurant and when I tried to read the menu I groaned. It was entirely in French. "Mattie… Can you help me? I can't understand a word!"
"Ok…" He started to quietly read the entire menu to me when he had finished I had decided on what I would order and Mattie also closed his menu.
The waitress came over to our table as soon as we all had closed our menus and took our orders. I quietly whispered to Mattie what I wanted and he ordered it. I felt really stupid then but Mattie must have felt the same the one time he had been in Germany with me.

A few minutes after we had ordered Francis stood up to go to the bathroom and I took the opportunity to ask why Mattie had blushed when Francis had introduced us.
"He told them you are my boyfriend…"
"Really? You are not shitting me?"
Was that a good sign? Or had it just been a way to justify any unnatural behavior or the way we had held hands when we had come in?
"You think that was a good sign?"
"I don't know. We'll have to wait"
That didn't help at all but I had no time to talk to him longer since Francis came back. The rest of our stay we talked about unimportant stuff like economics or other things happening around the world. The conversation was very stiff at the beginning because neither Mattie nor I wanted slip up and talk about things that could upset Francis but it got more casual after some time when Francis moved into more comfortable topics himself. Around dessert he even asked about our date again and we told him a little more about what we did. He just listened and didn't comment at all.

We finished eating and Francis paid before we left the restaurant and went back to Francis house. On the way back Francis spoke up again "You both are going to stay at my house tonight"
I didn't think Mattie had much of a choice. To get home he would have to get on a plane but I had my car I could just drive back home and escape the awkwardness but there were some things keeping me from just doing that. I didn't feel like driving the long drive back to Berlin this late and also Francis had ordered me to stay and the whole point of my stay in France was to get his approval so I should follow the things he said.
"Ok I don't feel like driving anyway" I said trying to sound nonchalant

We arrived back at his house in the blink of an eye and got inside where Francis showed me a guestroom to sleep in. The room just across from Mattie's but also right next to Francis'.
"I am tired so I'll retire for the night you can stay up a little longer but please be quiet. Also if I see you in sleeping each other's bedroom…" He trailed of while turning around and going into his room.

"So are we going to stay up longer?"
"If you want to…"
"Hell yes! Who knows when I'll get another chance to see you for this long!"
"Ok let's go downstairs and watch some TV, ok?"
"That is probably the best choice… But nothing French it's unawesome if I don't understand a word." So we began walking down the stairs again
"I'll see what I can do. Maybe there is a DVD or something, I doubt Francis has any English TV channels…"
"Thanks Mattie!"
He didn't say anything to this statement and we went into the living room where Mattie moved over to the DVD shelf in search of a movie that had English dub or subtitles. He was making faces at the choice. So I assumed there weren't any good movies…
"So we have Mr. Bean, Harry Potter part one, East is East and The Chronicles of Narnia…"
"Why are all of those movies British? I thought he hated England"
"Yeah that's a good question. Anything you want to watch?"
"Not really. You?"
So we had nothing to do…
"What now?"
I turned him so he was facing me and leant down to kiss him longer and harder than all the times on our date combined, he kissed back and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I pulled back after a few seconds and looked into his eyes "We could just do awesome things like this"
"Ok…" he breathed "but can we sit down?"
"Ja" I answered pulling him with me over to the couch and pulling him on my lap. Just like this morning he turned himself on my lap so he was straddling me and even initiated a kiss.

I can't say how long we just sat there kissing -not just on the lips- and hugging between the kisses but after a long time we both were out of breath and I also began to get tired. When I tried to look at Mattie whose head was lying on my shoulder I saw that I had managed to give him a hickey on the side of his neck. I had to grin. "Mattie?" I asked after we both were breathing normal again
"Should we go to sleep?"
"Don't wanna too nice hugging you" he slurred sleepily
"But we have to! It's unawesomely uncomfortable to sleep sitting up"
"Idiot!" but he still tried to get up swaying a little because he was half asleep already.
"You know I could carry you up the stairs if you like hugging me that much"
"Yeah do that…" He was awesomely compliant when he was sleepy
I stood up and moved one arm around his shoulders and the other one around the back of his knees to lift him up bridal style. Instead of protesting like he normally would he just wound his arms around my neck and snuggled into my chest closing his eyes. I got him up the stairs and into his room as fast as possible before he fell asleep completely.
"Mattie you still have to change your clothes"
"Yes mom." He said taking of his shirt as soon as I had set him down, then his pants followed and he grabbed a large shirt that was lying on his bed to pull it over his head. That shirt reminded me a lot of the gown he had worn as a kid and I had never seen him wearing something like that after growing up. When I slept with him he always just wore his boxers or a shirt and pajama pants. It was very cute. As soon as he had finished changing I kissed him one last time that day "Gute Nacht, Schatz!" (Good night darling)
"Good Night, Love"

I left his bed room and went into mine as fast as I could before he would continue to act this cute. I really wanted to hold him while we slept but I couldn't do that here, at least not now. Maybe another time, sometime in the future.
I undressed and went to bed in just my boxers since I had nothing else to wear and fell asleep unexpectedly fast dreaming about Mattie like I often would but the dream was happier than most of the dreams I had over the last year.

"GIL!" I woke up from my sleep. What had happened for Mattie to be this loud? The moment this thought ended he came running through my bedroom door a piece of paper in one hand and a giant smile on his face. I couldn't even ask what was up when he already jumped onto the bed and held the paper in front of my face. "Gil! Read this!"
I took the paper from his hands to be able to read it properly. It was a letter.

Mathieu, Gilbert.
I thought about everything a lot and came to the conclusion breaking you up is impossible. Mathieu is a grown-up and can make his own decisions and Gilbert seems to have learned to be responsible.
I have work the whole day, if you leave tell me where you are going.


P.S. Mattie I changed your ticket from Paris to Berlin.

So he approved of us. Our goal was accomplished. I felt relieved and happy. My first outward reaction was to pull Mattie into a hug and kissing him full on the mouth. He kissed back after a moment of surprise and initiated the deepening of that kiss I was happy to comply and my tongue invaded his mouth but his fought mine with equal vigor.
We broke the kiss when we needed air "Mattie you are awesome!"
"I didn't do anything…"
"You are wrong you did a lot. Without you we would never have gotten the permission"
"But… you were the one who initiated this…"
"The awesome me can initiate a lot of things but we reached our goal because you also fought"
"Still thank you!" he hugged me closer and kissed me again but the kiss didn't get as far as the last before he pulled back.
"No! Thank you!" I told him "Do you want to come back to Germany with me today?"
"I'd love to"
"By the way when do you have to go back to Canada?"
"On Tuesday…"
"That's still some time… "
"But not that much. Do you want to come to Canada with me when I go back?"
"Yes if I can still get a ticket for that plane!"
"If Francis could change the ticket that easily I don't think that will be a problem" he laughed
"Hey… Can we tell Ludwig about us? If Francis knows we don't really have to hide it and I live with him so he deserves to know…"
"Ok… but then we have to tell Arthur and Alfred also the next time we see them…"
"I don't really like the idea of America knowing because if he knows the whole world will know but if you wish to…"
"You really have to stop thinking this lowly of my brother"
"I am trying!" I said pecking him on the lips
"Hey no distracting! But if we want to go to Germany today we should get ready. I still have to pack all my stuff"
"I'll help you. But before that can I use a shower in this house?"
"Yeah! I'll show you…"
"Will you take a shower with me?"
"No! Not here." So he would do it at my home? I have to get back to that when we are in Germany…

I grabbed my clothes from the ground and followed Mattie out of the room. I realized he was still wearing his nightgown like shirt.
"You know that shirt is really cute" I would really like to get you out of that… of course I left the last part unsaid
"Why aren't you wearing this when I visit you?"
"I thought you would think it's stupid for a guy to wear something like that…"
"No it's really cute!"
"Well then… maybe…" Mattie stopped walking "Here is the bathroom" He opened the door "Towels are on that shelf just call if you need anything else"
"You know I could need someone to wash my back…"
"Not a chance Gil. I am not going into that shower with you."
"That's so not awesome!" but I still went into the bathroom closing the door behind me but not locking it in case Mattie changed his mind.

I quickly took a shower and dressed leaving my hair to air dry. When I stepped out of the bathroom I could smell pancakes so I went down and to the kitchen where I found Mattie baking some of his famous pancakes unfortunately already dressed in his usual red hoodie and loose jeans. I slowly moved towards him while he was too concentrated to realize I was behind him.
I hugged him from behind "This smells awesome!"
He almost dropped the spatula he used to turn his pancakes "EH! GIL! The pancakes will be ready in a second can you let go of me?"
I did as he asked and sat down on the table.

"Oh hey there good morning! We'll go and see Gilbird today!"
The bear trotted away without answering when he heard Mattie setting something on the ground I assumed it was Kuma's breakfast.
He then came over to the table placing two plates both with a huge stack of pancakes and drowning in maple syrup on the table sat down beside me and started to eat. I also ate my pancakes and did the dishes after we had finished while Mattie went upstairs to start packing.
When I had finished the dishes I send a text message to Francis telling him that I would be taking Mattie with me to Germany and made my way up the stairs.

We finished packing and getting everything into my car relatively fast we even had packed Kuma but we would almost have forgotten him if he hadn't moved to lay in our way while we were packing the car. Sometime while we were packing I got an answer from Francis in which he told me he was alright with it but that I should tell Mattie to call him in the evening. I told Mattie just that and he nodded.
Soon we were on our way back to Germany and into a new life without hiding.

It's OVER 9000! Not really but almost... (With A/N it is) My neck and back hurt from sitting all day on the pc and typing half of this and it's around 3AM… But it's still Christmas so I for once kept my deadline \(^.^)/
Because I rushed this I couldn't proofread all the stuff I wrote today. Please tell me if there is something I phrased weird or if I used wrong words!

Now I have to start working on my literature class project for the rest of my winter break… So still more writing… and also reading…
And then there is my math project…
So don't expect the next chapter too fast just because I finished this on time…

I'll leave it up to you to decide if Gilbert is just imagining Kumajiro is talking or if he is really talking and Gil understands him. If something in the dialogue is unclear or simply not understandable please tell me and I will tell you what should be there instead of who, or just tell me I should add a whole translation…

By the way… A Trabbi is a Trabant, a small car from East Germany it was build when they were still their own country and you had to wait for about 20 years to get one. Most of the cars parts are made from plastic or so I am told by my mother…

Please review^^
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anything that lets me know you like my story is fine^_^