This was originally written for a kinkme prompt but I thought I'd put it up on ff (along with the sequel/prequel? To it).

I hope you enjoy :)



Common ground




"I hope you understand that this doesn't change anything between us?" Will panted as he lay exhausted on the wooden floor next to his bed. His shirt was in ruins somewhere near the door and he wasn't all that inclined to go and see if it was salvageable. It was just a shirt afterall.

"I wouldn't expect it to Doctor Expendable." Nikola drawled sarcastically as he propped himself up on the bed-frame next to the young protégé. "God help me if Helen ever caught onto this little understanding of ours."

"God help you." Will raised an eyebrow. "You do realise that she'll have both our heads if she hears about this? I'd be out of a job."

Nikola chuckled in dry amusement. "Quite right... I don't know what she sees in you really... you're just 'the protégé'." He laughed outright as Will aimed a half-hearted kick at his exposed shin.

"Shut up." Will huffed as he dragged himself upright and slumped against the bed-frame next to the far-older man.

Nikola smiled softly, a more genuine smile than any Will had ever seen adorn his face in the time he'd known him. "This is quite something though isn't it William?"

"What? You mean us getting along?" Will asked, as his bare shoulder came into contact with Nikola's own allowing him to feel the constant thrum of electricity. "Yeah... it's definitely... something."

Nikola turned his head to look at Will as he said with a smile on his face. "This is our common ground. Mine and yours. Yours and mine. And Helen can't take that from us."

"Common ground... my room is our common ground? How romantic." Will quipped, smiling warmly at the other man. "Just remember, I like lie-ins on Sundays and no blood-sucking before midday."


