Hello! I wrote this a long time ago. I was super proud of it, my first story. I read it later on and mentally screamed at all the mistakes and weird ways I wrote things. I felt like I needed to rewrite it.

So I did! Or a least, I began to. The plot will remain the same I hope (I don't want to change the story, just the way I wrote things)

I noticed I'm going for a more mature main character. Perhaps because I've matured. Anyways...Try not to read until I've finished modifying it. I think it could still flow at this point but patience, it will be better once everything is reviewed (I hope).

I'll post the summary in the Summary section once I'm done modifying the whole story.


A girl is attending class. Without meaning to, she falls asleep and dreams of a classroom with Edward Cullen. Running into a wall, she hopes to wake up from her sweet dream before she gets in trouble. But it hurts too much to be a dream!

Disclaimer: Characters and Twilight references belong to S.M.

I blinked. Blinking was an everyday activity. In fact, humans blink up to 17 000 times each day. In my 19 years of existence, not once had blinking changed my surroundings. But I'd just blinked and quite honestly, I was concerned because my surroundings had changed.

I'd been at school staring at some slides projected on a white screen at the front of my physics class. And suddenly, after one plain blink among others, I was faced with a green board and words of chalk that had nothing to do with the material we'd just been reviewing.

I blinked again, thinking the motion would clear the picture and bring me back to the present. It didn't work. The green board stayed. I looked to where the teacher's desk was supposed to be. I found the furniture at its place but it was different. The desk had gone from dark brown to light beige. I looked for the teacher and caught my breath when my eyes laid on her. The woman who'd been speaking of gravity had lost her breasts and gained extra hair on her suddenly toned arms. She had turned into a man!

Feeling the need to share my extreme confusion, I turned to my friend expecting to find her at my side but instead of her kind blue eyes I found pools of molten gold. A complex gold like Edward's fed eyes would have held, if he existed. I cared a great deal for the Twilight Saga but my life wasn't ruled by its content. In other words, I did fantasize about a life with a vampire like Edward Cullen but not enough to associate just anything gold with his eyes. But this gold wasn't just any gold. It was special and perfect, like Edward was supposed to be.

I looked closer and realized my Brazilian friend had lost more than just her eyes. Somehow she had lost her permanent tan. No, in fact, she had lost everything. I tried blinking again but the picture didn't change. When my eyes reopened, I was faced with the image of god.

This golden-eyed god had copper tousled hair, a chiseled jaw, a straight fine nose and smooth ivory skin. His lips were a pale pink and probably tasted divine. I wanted to touch the god's skin and see if it would be cold like Edward's but I couldn't bring myself to. I just stared at his features and memorized them. When I woke up from this dream, I would want to draw my memories of this heavenly creature and I would convince people that Edward Cullen had been meant to look like him.

It was a perfect dream.

A dream…

"Oh no!" I suddenly shouted, standing up in the middle of the class.

I was asleep! In class!

The teacher, who'd been blabbering at the front, interrupted his lecture and turned his gaze in my direction. He wore a look of shock and I guessed it was uncommon for him to have a student randomly shout and stand during his class.

"Is there something wrong, Miss Swan?" he asked me.

I frowned. My name wasn't Swan. I studied the teacher's face; his scrawny eyes were pointing at me. I gave a quick glance behind my back only to find several pair of eyes on me. The teacher really was speaking to me.

I sat back down and hesitated before answering.

"I'm not sure…"

Silence dominated the classroom. The teacher sighed heavily and shook his head. Deciding to ignore by peculiar behavior, he turned back to the green board and resumed his lecture.

My dream was turning dull so I sought the eyes of the god-like man sitting to my left. He was frowning and I found that even with the creases of confusion in his face, he looked perfect. It was a wonderful feeling to know I had his attention, even if his expression clearly indicated he thought I was mental.

"Why are you here?" The question passed my lips before I could evaluate whether or not my words made sense. This wasn't real. He wasn't real. Something so flawless couldn't exist. Thus I was necessarily dreaming and what did it matter if this Edward-alike was here in my dream? He could stay as long as he so desired.

The pale god I had decided to name Edward looked to me in surprise, his golden eyes wide and beautiful.

"I wish I could have you" I told him with painful longing. If only this could be real.

I heard many students gasp at my words and Edward's eyes grew even wider. It was almost amusing. I could understand their surprise though. I would never have let those words pass my lips if this had been real. I liked to keep my desires to myself.

I ignored the class's outrage and scanned the room, seeking other pale beings.

"I wonder what the others look like" I said out loud as I searched for additional pairs of golden eyes. I wondered if I would find the other Cullens in my dream.

"Oh, but this is biology class" I assumed, noticing for the first time the Petri dishes on our tables and the drawings of bacteria on the board. "They wouldn't be here" I murmured to myself.

Then, quite randomly I remembered what name the teacher had used to call me and I realized something interesting.

"I'm Bella?" I asked to no one in particular. "Is that why he called me Swan?"

I chuckled. This dream was definitely amusing. To dream of the Cullens was unexpected. To dream and put myself in the shoes of Bella was just odd. I had decided long ago that Bella's life was not to be envied. Sure, she had eternity with a prefect man but she had suffered immensely to gain that. I wasn't brave enough to be her.

"That's enough! Stop disturbing my class with senseless words" the biology teacher suddenly demanded.

The teacher…

"Oh damn it! I'm still asleep! I'm probably drooling on my desk!" I moaned as panic grew in me. My physics teacher would kill me. I had failing grades and I had promised to pay extra attention in class if she gave me a chance to compensate for my poor results with some extra work.

I looked to Edward and spoke in a hurry.

"Please hit me awake! I need to wake up" I pleaded with him.

The pale god didn't move. He stared at me as if I were a severe nutcase.

"Please?" I tried again. "I'll be in trouble if you don't."

Edward frowned.

"What do you mean?" And there it was; a guarded voice; his. The most shockingly beautiful sound I'd ever heard. It blew my mind away. How in the world had my brain been able to produce such a heavenly sound? I stared in wonder at the amazing creature, baffled by its impossible existence.

"Thank you" I whispered, grateful that I had been blessed with his speech.

His expression changed from dismay to curious surprise and a flicker of an emotion I couldn't read traveled the golden pools. It disappeared when I reminded him of my request.

"So…will you hit me?" I asked again. This time, he answered.

"No" was his harsh response.

I sighed and got up.

"Miss Swan, if you will not settle in your chair right away and keep quiet, I would ask that you leave my class at once!" the teacher roared but I paid him no mind. He was just a piece of my imagination.

I turned to Edward and slowly, I lifted my hand to his cheek. Before my fingers could graze his skin, he shifted away and the message was clear. I wasn't to touch him. I looked to him with sadness. His rejection hurt but it was understandable. I was a stranger and saying goodbye with an affectionate touch wouldn't be comfortable to him, even if he was a piece of my imagination. Instead, I whispered my goodbye. I studied Edward's features one last time before I walked towards the nearest wall in the classroom. My intention was to run to the wall and scare myself awake with the fear of the impact to come. This fear would be my ticket back to reality.

As I gathered the courage to run, the students watched me and gossiped in hushed tones while the teacher yelled for me to get out of the classroom. To me it sounded like annoying background noise and it encouraged me to wake up sooner. So I began running and all hell broke loose when my head hit the wall. I heard screams of horror and curses. They slowly faded away as dizziness took over me. I felt something wet trickle down my forehead. It was thicker than water and I had a feeling it was my own blood. My vision slowly faltered and darkness engulfed me as I dropped to the ground. I felt pain much too intense for a dream. The last thing I registered before passing out was Edward running out of the classroom as if his life depended on it.

I had a headache. A ten on ten one. Why did it hurt so bad? I sighed in contentment as a soothing coolness suddenly dropped over my skin and distracted me from the pain I felt in the center of my forehead. The bag of ice was oddly shaped like a hand but I didn't care much for that unusual fact. All that mattered was that it felt good and I wanted that coolness on my sore skin.

"She's waking up" someone murmured softly. The voice belonged to a man and it was as smooth as melted chocolate. I wanted to stay as I was, my eyes closed, listening to this man speak forever.

"Oh, y-yes! I will go get Dr. Cullen then" a different voice said. It sounded like a shy and flustered woman. I groaned in annoyance. As soon as the sound left my throat, the ice was removed from my forehead and I whined. What foolish person had removed the remedy to my headache?

I opened my eyes with the intention of finding the culprit but I found no one in the room. I studied my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was so I could dismiss some of the confusion I felt. Right away, I noticed the air carried a smell of disinfectant. Coupled with the medical tools in the room, the green plaster walls and the thin sheets covering my single metal-armed bed, the place appeared to be a hospital room. I was a patient…why?

Maybe this was a continuation of my dream. After all, the beautiful voice had mentioned Dr. Cullen...

"You're awake" another dreamy voice said. I looked in its direction and gasped as my eyes set on a pale man in a white lab coat. He was what Carlisle had to look like. He was perfect too, with golden eyes just like Edward.

"I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen" he said with a blinding white diamond smile. His teeth looked sharper than knives

"How are we doing? Had quite the adventure, didn't we?" he continued as I stared in wonder.

"Do you remember what happened?" Carlisle asked.

I shook my head.

"Remember hitting your head against a wall?"

My eyes widened as I recalled the event and the beautiful doctor smiled.

"I ran into a wall to wake up…" I muttered as I remembered the previous dream. It had felt pretty real once the pain had reached me. My hand unconsciously rose to touch my forehead. My fingertips slid across my skin and detected a mean bump covered in gauze.

"Ow!" I hissed as the touch elicited pain.

"Yes, well I'm afraid you weren't dreaming, Isabella. Someone put psilocybin in your food" Dr. Cullen explained.

I frowned, a bit because I'd been called Isabella, more because the wound felt real and definitely because… "There were magic mushrooms in my food?" I said quite disbelieving his words. This dream was getting sillier by the minute.

The blond doctor nodded.

"Well, if that's true, I think I'm still under their influence" I said, grimacing.

Dr Cullen's expression changed from mild amusement to worry. "Why do you say that?" he asked.

Somehow, even if this was a dream, I didn't think telling the truth would be a good idea. No one, including the beings of my imagination, wanted to hear that they didn't exist. Instead, I said "I mean; why would someone poison me? Seems like something that would only happen in a dream."

The worry left the doctor's features. "I'm sorry to say Miss Stanley's reserve accidentally found itself in your salad. She has confessed to it. She says she meant well. Apparently, it's a tradition to drug new students."

From the way he delivered this information, Dr Cullen didn't sound convinced about Miss Stanley, Jessica's motives. The girl, which oddly enough was now also part of my dream, had probably just poisoned me out of jealousy. But that was strange. There wasn't anything like that it the book. My imagination was pretty wild.

"If you don't mind, I need to do a routine check-up. The dose you ingested was incredibly small; it's surprising that you had such a strong reaction to it. Just to be sure, I'd like to test your responsiveness" Dr Cullen said.

"Sure" I replied absentmindedly. My mind had begun focusing on the details of my past and current dreams, picking out evidence that I was dreaming but also gathering indications that my dreams could in fact be my reality.

As the handsome god made sure I wasn't going to die, I pondered over the mystery with worry growing inside of me.

"Dr. Cullen?" I said with hesitation, uncertain if I should be distracting him in his work or not.

"Yes?" he answered as he prepared the device that would measure my blood pressure.

I took a deep breath. "Is there any way to clearly distinguish dreams from reality?" I asked with a certain apprehension. My question could potentially sentence me to a life in a mental institute. I'd already banged my head against a wall…they didn't need much more to send me to one. Oh…right; I'd been drugged so my mental reputation was relatively safe. This dream was ridiculous.

The healing god frowned and I guessed he didn't quite understand the nature of my question.

"Is it really that hard to believe teenagers carry drugs around?" he in turn asked.

"…I guess not" I said slowly as I hid my disappointment from him. It looked like I wouldn't be getting the information I needed.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Isabella?" the kind doctor asked with concern in his golden eyes.

I almost chuckled. Honestly, what were the chances that a handsome doctor named Carlisle Cullen would wear golden eye contacts and mistakenly call me Isabella? This had to be a dream. Or maybe I was on one of those hidden camera shows…

"I'm fine" I answered.

The blond god gave me a dazzling smile. "Chief Swan has been notified of your awaking. He'll be here soon and we can look at your scans then" he informed me. "See you soon" he finished with a smile meant to comfort.

I smiled back awkwardly. Chief Swan? More Twilight characters? I was either dreaming or this was a cruel sadistic reality show that hit young women on their heads, brought them to the hospital and tried to convince them that their souls had been teleported to the Twilight world. None of these options seemed likely to me but how else was I to explain the situation?

The nurse saved me from a nervous breakdown by placing a phone in my lap and kindly informing me that I could make a call if I wanted to. As soon as she left my room, I dialed my best friend's cellphone number. She would never join in on a scam like this one. If I could speak to her; she'd tell me the truth and help me figure out the shit that was going on. If I could have her input, her opinion, then perhaps my nervous heart would slow down to a healthy pace.

The line never got through. The number didn't exist. I hung up with a trembling hand and tried to keep the content of my stomach in.

"You don't look well" a silky voice commented and it startled me. I looked to the right of the bed and nearly succumbed to a heart attack.

"Hello" pale lips spoke. They smiled, brightening the pale carved face of the god I had met in my previous dream.


The god smiled.

"Bella" he greeted.

I almost lost myself in his charms but I remembered who I was supposed to be. I was supposedly Bella. I needed a mirror to verify this.

"I need a mirror" I said and attempted to leave my bed to get one but the god gently pushed me back down. I would have been in heaven in any other circumstance but not in this one. All I could think about was my appearance; what I would look like. Maybe it would help me understand my current disposition.

"You shouldn't get up so fast" the exquisite voice said. "Wait here, I'll get a mirror for you."

And with unmatched grace, the vampire left the room, his steps barely audible. I took deep breaths to calm my poor heart down. If it kept beating this fast, I would pass out before I figured anything out.

As I waited for the mirror, I looked at my arms, my fingers, my nails. I lifted the sheets to see my legs and my efforts to stay calm were wasted. Nothing and I meant nothing was the same. I could tell with just a glance. I wasn't myself. I didn't feel different thought. Was it possible to even stick silicon pieces on my skin to temporarily change my appearance? I tried scratching my arms and pinching my legs but nothing came off. While I was stretching my cheek to see if I'd have any luck there, Edward entered the room.

"Still think you're dreaming?" he asked in a teasing tone, handing me a medium-sized mirror.

Embarrassed, I blushed and tried to ignore his attractive smirk. I took the mirror and looked into it. Despite my previous assessment, I couldn't believe what the mirror reflected. It wasn't me; not in the physical sense. This had to be a dream. Where was my short dark hair? Where was my nose, my mouth; where were my eyes? It wasn't me in the mirror. It was Bella.

I had to be dreaming.

"It's not that bad, really" I heard Edward comment in a calm tone. "It'll be gone in a couple of weeks."

It took me a moment to understand what he was referring too. He though my look of terror was related to the bruise on my forehead. I almost breathed out a cynical laugh. To think I was this worried about an injury seemed rather ridiculous. My emotions had transcended those of simple horror.

Edward took a stool and sat next to my bed. He gently tugged the mirror out of my hands and placed it out of my reach. I watched him move and then it occurred to me that it wasn't exactly normal that Edward was at Bella's bedside, taking care of her. At what point of their relationship had I entered the story? Could I still ignore him? I had to. I had no interest in being bitten by a sadistic vampire, having my bones crushed, being hunted down by a psycho bitch and baring a three days transformation prescribed by the Volturi. Not even in my dreams.

"Why are you here?" I asked the pale god. His reply began with a smug grin.

"Those words sound familiar" he told me.

I frowned. "How so?" I asked, not quite understanding what he meant.

"No. I believe your next words were: I wish I could have you" he said.

I remained confused for a moment but my memories of my previous dream returned and I suddenly understood. I groaned miserably and hid my blush of embarrassment behind my hands. Everything I had said before I had knocked myself unconscious was going to hunt me down in this world, dream, whatever it was.

"So you remember" Edward noted with glee before reaching out for my arms and tugging them away. His hands were cold but not unpleasantly so.

"Don't hide your face" he said with curiously penetrating eyes and I blushed even more.

Edward had mercy on me. He let go of my arms and kept his smooth hands to himself.

I force myself to concentrate and I repeated the question that had led to my embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him again.

Edward's smile faltered. His gaze dropped to his lap and he remained quiet for a moment. His next words upset me in ways I couldn't describe.

"You're right, I shouldn't be here" he said in a miserable tone.

"That doesn't answer my question" I continued calmly, thought I felt an unexplained pang of hurt. "And I didn't mean it that way" I told him. "You can be here. I just don't understand why you are."

"Bella…" his eyes rose to meet mine and I discovered shards of pain in them.

"It's better if we're not friends" he said.

At that moment, I felt my pupils dilate and my eyeballs stretch. That was Edward's infamous dilemma. The I-Want-to-Be-Together-But-We-Can't thing. Then Bella was not supposed to know about vampires yet. I was safe. I could distance myself from him.

But I didn't feel better.

It took a lot of effort for my next words to come out.

"You're right…" I said casually but my heart was being squeezed by an invisible force. I couldn't look him in the eyes when I finally said: "We shouldn't be friends."

An awkward silence spread between us. For no respectable reason, tears gathered up at the corner of my eyes and I tried to contain them. I hid my expression of misery from him by dropping my head and staring into my lap.

I heard Edward get up. From the corner of my teary eyes, I saw him leave the room.

I waited a minute before I let a couple of tears trickled down my cheeks.