I just felt like writing this little bonus chapter since nobody had any questions. I think you'll find this, um…interesting. O_O
9. Wake up, Zechs
Zechs Marquise turned gently in his sleep. The morning sunlight pouring in through the window illuminated his silken threads of platinum blonde hair. It was actually rather late in the morning, 9:00 to be precise. He hadn't been sleeping well lately. This was the most he had slept in weeks but it wasn't refreshing or soothing, despite how at peace he seemed curled up under his OZ-colored blankets. He was indeed having a terrible nightmare but he was unable to wake himself. Visions of that boy…that beautiful boy… a gundam pilot, yes, but deserving of such a cruel death? No, he hadn't deserved that, not in the least. Why, then, had he killed him in such a manner? Why had he ended that boy's life? War…that was the reason. War was war and he was in a war. That boy had been his enemy. This was the only reasoning that had kept him sane since then. But now that reason didn't seem to be enough. Now that reason just didn't seem good enough, strong enough to be a reason for his actions at all. He exited his dream without warning. His eyes snapped open and shifted nervously almost as though he expected some invisible enemy to leap forth and steal his soul. The sight of his neat and orderly quarters comforted him and he felt the corners of his mouth pull into a tiny smile. Breathing a sigh of relief, he let his eyes close again for a last moment of blissful quiet before he would absolutely have to get up and get dressed. He rolled over onto his back as a timid knock sounded at his door.
"Lieutenant Zechs, sir? Are you awake, sir?" Zechs chuckled at the wary voice of his dear friend Noin.
"You sound different today, Noin." he mumbled sleepily. "I almost mistook you for a new recruit – I'm not used to hearing you sound so… unsure of yourself." Though Zechs' eyes were still closed, he knew Noin had begun to smile.
"Oh, you think I sound unsure, huh?" The door squeaked lightly as Noin entered. "Well – huh? Oh my…"
"What's the matter?" Zechs asked.
"You didn't tell me you weren't…decent…" Zechs laughed again.
"Oh Noin. You act as though I'm naked. And besides, I'm sill covered by the blankets." Noin began informing him of matters he needed to attend to that day. Zechs dozed off again, despite himself. He faintly heard Noin stop talking and drop the arm holding the list she had been reading from. He listened to her soft footsteps on the carpet moving closer to him. She called out to him in a quiet, mysterious sing-song voice.
"Ze-echs…" she cooed. "Wake up, Zechs…" Zechs stirred slightly but continued to feign sleep. "Ze-echs…Ze-echs…wakkie, wakkie..." Zechs' eyebrows furrowed. Noin's voice had changed but it was still very familiar.
"Wake up, Zechs…" Zechs strained to recognize the voice. Then suddenly it dawned on him. 'That voice! It can't be-!' his mind screamed. His eyes opened like lightning. Violet orbs glinted from beneath the wide brim of a jet black baseball cap. A wide grin spread across the madman's face. A glare from the knife he held over his head caught Zechs' eye.
"It's time to go to sleep…forever…"
*Okay but the eighth chapter was the real ending. Please don't get mad – I love Zechs just as much as the rest of you.*