Disclaimer: I own nothing except my characters; Piper, Brook, Christina, and Melanie.

A/N I know this plot is over used but it is one of my favorites so I decided to bring some of my own ideals into my story on how things will turn out.


Chapter 1 Remembering

(Flash back) Christina, Brook, Melanie, and me where all in my room together going other strategies for our next week's hokey tournament. The boys where majorly late which wasn't strange for them. They probably were just held back from practice, yet I didn't even see them there. Detention; no they weren't even noticeably standing out in school. Now that I think about it where they even in school or practice? "Hey Mel, was James, Kendall, Carlos, or Logan even in school today because I think they ditched after third period," I explained.

"Piper let's be logical right now, they wouldn't ditch with the tournament next Friday just relax they probably got caught up after practice. Yeah, Know? And if they did ditch they would still show up since me and Kendall are co-captains. Now that is a reasonable statement that is making me sound like Brook," Melanie replied.

After that we made some small talk about are day. A couple hours past and none of them showed. I texted James twice trying not to be a demanding girlfriend, but I still got no response. I know Melanie also tried for Kendall. Brook and Christina didn't even bother due to leaving their phones behind.

Soon I started to worry could they have died in a car crash? Not likely unless Carlos was driving and then where would they get the car? I looked up from my gaze at the flour trying not to make eye contact with them. "You think something bad happened to them. They may be late a lot but they are never miss out on our Friday night sleepovers, or none the less when our team depends on this hokey planning. Don't we all have a saying on how we always put our friends and dreams first in life? Isn't this our dream besides for James, and even he cares deeply about hokey this is like his childhood dream; fame is his adult dream. Logan too I guess is in the same scenario with hokey and being a doctor, but Kendall and Carlos should be here even if the other too don't come," Brook said shacking as she had to have been thinking about her parents death, and how the boys might be in a similar scenario. I shrugged off her poignant expression if I started to get the sadness in me it might cause wrinkles and I'm already fighting off helmet hair.

Eventually I got board and turned on Melanie's flat screen t.v. Christina almost instantly grabbed it from my hand and decided to watch her cartoons. Thankfully after the show was over I could watch the local news. Nothing was really happening so far until I realized four of my best friends signed on for a record deal so one of them could peruse his dreams of fame. I wanted to cry because not only would three of my best friends be going but also my boyfriend, but me and Melanie had to put on the strong faces as Christina, and Brook cried. Melanie started tearing up to. I think I would have too if it weren't do to my fashion magazine saying how crying makes you look weak, and when your weak you'll never end up on top.

One of the things about me is that I love to end up on top in anything I do. I plan to bring my fashion into the sports world, politics, and the field of science when I get older. I think I want to become a large animal veterinarian who wins Nobel Peace Prizes from inventing animal friendly sports gear I guess legally Blond can really can change your life after watching it. It inspired me to do more in my life like going hokey with my seven best friends that is now three best friends. The point being I decided to do something with my gorgeous looks. So for right now that will be helping my best friends, and forgetting about the other ones no matter how depressed I am.

(present) "C come on let's just face it, it's been a year why would they come home? Let's just enjoy the time we have together, and maybe try something new this year like going math counts, art club, science explorers, student government, and national j. honors society," Brook said as she was trying to get her honey blonde hair out of her emerald green eyes way.

"No Bee, We have hockey and that's enough. If you want to do something different let's go for the cheer team, or the talent show this year. Not some nerd club," Christina mentioned, then continued, " I also couldn't help but whished they came back it's like yesterday they got up and left with out responding, might I mention still not responding, but we haven't really tried the only form of communication we got was when Pipes, sent James her were done text message."

"Okay I'm all for a talent show, but what would we do?" Melanie asked.

"We could sing, I mean we have a couple of songs written. We could dance to; well most of us can… Sorry Brook," I replied evening out the conversation as I secretly thought of James now that C mentioned them. I think Mels got sad to. I took in a deep breath because me, and Melanie both made a promise not to think of our ex-boyfriends ever again.

"It is okay then. We are really doing the talent show? Thank girls, I'll be right back I just have to fill out the online application to enter it and stuff. Oh and then I have to find what song to do and choreograph it. Brook is coming with me too. So, I think I'll see you tomorrow at our lockers first thing. Bye!" Christina said hyperly while her and Bee made there way out the door; Leaving me and Mel.

We sat in silence for a while thinking of the last time we saw both of our guys'. I decided to do what was scorned against breaking a promise, an oath to keep us sain, but it is an anniversary. "You know Kenny was just trying to do the right thing right? He was helping a friend in need for his dream of fame. James he did the one thing he always does that day; he thought of himself. You know he texted me once right after I broke up with him, he wrote 'good because I don't kneed some wanabee girl who thinks she knows fashion clinging on to me every five minuets.' That hurt because it was a complete lie. I know fashion, and I will always be a kinder and more real person than he'll ever be. At least Kendall just left with out saying anything, but yet again he did pick up a new girl within about three weeks. I also heard she hates hockey." I menaced trying to control my sorrow and anger, but somehow I let it all slip. The tears came slowly as I thought about how simple life was then, and how complex it is now, or the fact the guy I loved got out of my life a year ago.